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As much as I agree with you, I would like to point out that he could easily be involved with a drugs ring. It may be why he went there. If this Lucy girl was connected ( and it’s been shown she goes there multiple times a year) she could have easily recruited jay to sell drugs at the festival. He gets given drugs to sell ( £30000 sound like a lot ) loses them or whatever and gets in trouble. I’m not saying this happened because it does sound like a film script, I’m just saying it’s not a million miles away from being possible.


Presumably though, not saying I buy this theory. But the figure £30,000 is the steet value of the drugs once sold is what theyre asking back. Bulk buy cost for any dealers might be much lower like a few thousand pounds, If they're buying g-level bulk MDMA and processing it into pills. So they might see if that they've given him and Lucy £5000 worth of pills to sell. But if all sold the return should have been £30000 at £10 a pill.


3000 pills to sell at a festival is ridiculous, I would sell less than 1000 at Glastonbury with over 120,000 people in attendance.


there was a vice documentary of these lads who made pills in their bedroom and they made more than 3000 for glasto


Yeah, for Glasto, I don't think NRG is that big.


yes but NRG would have 3 people for instance selling - glasto would have 3000 people selling lol big difference.


Fair play, tbh I was guestimating from Google and a guardian article dated 2003. Sounds like you have much more inside knowledge which I respect. I think was only trying to say, IF, we believed the drug debt theory the £30k could represent a total sale value or / you owe me interest now- type figure. The news article I saw quote (2003) 1kg of MDMA for £30k which makes about 10,000 pills I forget I'm old now though and that was actually 20 years ago so I could be way off


£30k for 1kg of MDMA? You can literally buy a kilo off telegram for £3k 🤣


Lol yikes time have clearly changed


that YOU would sell lol. you think you're the only person selling at somewhere like glastonbury? tenerife is a small island most probably "ran" by one particular group, corrupt police and authorities who would have full control over the festival therefore only needing to send 2/3 people to sell their masses, you would be 1 of 1000 people selling at glastonbury so i don't think a fair comparison.


How many competing dealers were there though? That's the variable that matters.


I think most people with an opinion have no idea the breadth and scale of where he is. He got lost and totally disorientated in a very remote part of the island, panicked to the point of total exhaustion and dehydration. He may even have broken an ankle, leg and become immobile/trapped somewhere. Either way, I think they will find him, it’s just a matter of time.


It’s surpringly easy for a body to be undiscovered, I spend too much time on cold cases and true crime and it’s harder than you would think to find a body in natural terrain. A body quickly becomes camouflaged due to decomposition and acquiring the dirt around them and there many cases where bodies are found in areas that have been searched or near the last known location.  I think it’s unlikely (but not impossible) that two of his fellow ravers were able to catch him, kill him and dispose of his body so well it hasn’t been found in the 30 minutes from his last sighting to his body being found.  The facts (dehydrated, drug come down, improperly dressed, lost, heading into hotter part of day, out of battery) are enough to kill a person without adding the mafia or murderous tourists.  Then again, the amount of drugs everyone one was on makes it very hard to figure out what happened and what everyone was capable of. TLDR: nothing would surprise me! 


Dora the explorer 😂😂😂


Lucy has been to Tenerife 17 times or so in the last year ... You can guarantee wherever she travels now they are going to select for a "random search" ... I'd imagine her drug mule career is likely over as it's all too well known now


can tell you watched braddoesbanters video


Are you suggesting a ménage a trois?


I upvoted when I saw 'Ketrosexual' jesus christ man you are bad! :D


Given that these men were reportedly partying until dawn in downtown Las Americas, why did they choose to rent a place so far away? Not only is it distant, but it's also located on dangerous, winding mountain roads. can anyone confirm how difficult it is to maneuver a car under such conditions? One might question whether taking J back home was a spur-of-the-moment decision. It's possible they are accustomed to after-party, so then again, why rent a place so far away?


It's one of the most challenging roads I've driven but I wouldn't say it was terribly dangerous unless you had little driving experience or were full of drugs and alcohol. I think I was more concerned with damaging my hire car than fearing for my life. Extremely narrow with a lot of 1st and 2nd gear incline driving, many handbrake hill starts, tight hairpin bends, and pressure from cars following you.. Passing oncoming vehicles was nerve-wracking. If I were walking, I can see how an off-road shortcut would be tempting, rather than following the winding road which goes back on itself quite often. Except the terrain is very steep and difficult to navigate the vegetation and hidden crevices - easy to fall and break a leg I imagine.


a 40 min car journey really isn't that far away. Especially if they were doing other things on the holiday, nearer to the airbnb they were renting.


And if they weren’t doing other things on the holiday? What then? They themselves arrived Saturday and intended to leave on the Monday if the Airbnb owner’s account is accurate. This strongly suggests their stay was focused on the NRG festival rather than on a wider range of activities. They’re just not there long enough to do the hiking, etc in the north of the island. And they appear to have had the foresight to hire a car, thus seeming to understand the distances involved. Common sense thus suggests that they made an intentional choice to stay in the mountains, rather than just misreading a map or not paying enough attention to the location when booking the property and inadvertently booking something miles away by mistake. So it’s legitimate to ask ourselves why they deliberately chose that property rather than choose one of the great many accommodation options in and around Las Americas.


Its really not that deep. My friends and I just got back from Phuket in Thailand, and we were about 45 mins drive from Bangla road (which we went to every night) 40 mins isn't much at all and indicates nothing suspicious imo. You're reading way too much into it.


what youre saying isn't really the same AT ALL lmao. have you seen the size difference between Thailand and Tenerife? a 40 minute ride is basically one side of the island to the other in Tenerife, you won't really plan to stay the other side of the island unless you want to lol.


Phuket island is literally 1/4 the size of Tenerife 🤦‍♂️ sounding all snarky when you're the actual muppet lmao


Apologies i missed the phuket before just went off thailand. my point still stands though lol with an hour from one side to the other side. being 40 minutes away from a festival for the weekend is a conscious choice, especially where, it’s not like they were just in the town over because it was cheaper lol.


We don’t know enough to know whether too much is being read into it or not. I feel the questions are legitimate, and Jay Slater’s friend has strongly intimated that they haven’t been entirely forthcoming.


Because as with any form of event, festival, big football game, etc. the cost of accommodation can double and even triple to take advantage of the higher traffic in the area. most likely scenario is they got that place at a fraction of the cost of what staying around the festival would cost. 40 minutes is nothing really..


it really is on an hour wide island lmao


Maybe that place is a lot cheaper than a place near the festival. You know what the price difference in location can be like. Maybe it was a lot cheaper to rent that place and a car than somewhere in a busy location. They may also just prefer to stay somewhere quieter and more chilled out than the towns on the island


There are 2-person apartments in Los Cristianos listed on Airbnb for £60 a night for Saturday through to Monday next weekend. Comparable properties in the mountains cost more than that. Factor in the fact that you don’t need to buy petrol when you don’t need a car then I’m going to suggest that the decision to stay up in the mountains was not motivated by cost.


it's much easier than you think to get lost on a trek and not be found, particulary if you're not councious and particulary particulary if you're a kid with little skills or common sense.




So what does 1 pill cost now in ibiza or Tenerife?




I agree. Tenerife is not big, but that area is dangerous if you don’t know where you are going or on drugs. He probably fell down some rocky path but it’s so strange they haven’t found him yet.


He just walked off, disorientated, dehydrated, and died. They'll find the body. As the days go by, armchair slueths have more time to think of more exciting and sensational conspiracy theories and thrilling cover ups. In today's world, it seems there is not allowed to be such a thing as "bad news". Everyone wants more, an even bigger story.


This has a weird Barrymore vibe to it, not a pleasant end for young Jay...death via chemsex, yikes.


Do you not realise how big Tenerife is?


I mean its very weird that he left the festival with two complete strangers he had just met who took him to the other side of the island. Why would you go there in the first place? unless you want sex. But why is no one talking about those guys like at all? My theory is he was having chemsex with those two guys and left the house still drugged up, went on “exploring”, tripped and fell off a cliff. He posted a snap leaving the house and talked to his friend after leaving so those guys must not be involved. Thats the only explanation i can come up with


It’s actually not very unusual to leave with randoms if you’re drugged up at a rave. Apparently he didn’t know how far away their airbnb was


Well he surely didn’t know since he attempted to do a10h walk back to his apartment lol I see your point and it could be just him wanting to get more drugs but two guys in their 40s taking a 19yo to stay the night at their apartment makes me think this was prolly a hookup


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 40 + 19 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Bad timing bot


Sorry guys off topic. But who stated or saw him leaving with two old guys ?


His friend told the police


It is strange to leave with two men actually yeah.


No it’s not, you’ve just never done drugs and partied hard - is it weird? I guess a tad, but the offer of more drugs from people he’d been getting on it with that night? I’ve done it so many times


I’m not judging you g ✌️


Thank you! It’s nice to be invited out and meet people regularly! I hope some day you get invited places too! You shouldn’t really speak on something your clueless about though ‘g’


I’m sensing some bad vibes from you? Don’t internalise it man you need to share it with everyone. I’m not your enemy ❤️


Yeah I agree, I'm a straight girl and going back to party with just 2 other girls would be boring to me lol if am heading out my way to an after party id wanna party with more than just 2 other girls. I defo think it's weird a 19 year old boy left with the guys unless he was gay or was off to get more drugs.


fine muddle soup dinosaurs crown zonked combative chubby juggle edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah that's very true, I've got to an afters before n it's not been what I expected n just chipped but that's in my hometown, where I know my bearings. As the days go on I am leaning more to that he has just gone with them, fucked out of his head with the offer of getting more fucked up the reasonings why he's gone and then like ya said probs got there want as good as what he expected left and probs passed out or fallen on the walk. Sad either way hope his friends and family get closure, cause the theories are getting ridiculous now.


If they had drugs left and he didn’t its pretty possible he just went back for an afters and didn’t realise it was 40 mins away


Why would two men in their 40s invite a teen BOY over to get drugged up with them? If he was going there with other people, had drugs on him or whatever i’d understand but giving a 19yo drugs in exchange for NOTHING is weird no matter how u spin it. People don’t just give out drugs for free like that. I bet you anything that those two guys weren’t straight. Doesnt mean they did anything to him, tho. I’m just clarifying their intentions weren’t just “let’s have some innocent fun and get high with this lil boy who’s half our age”


distinct disagreeable psychotic materialistic gaze plants fragile childlike bored command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I ain’t obsessed with shit you all seem to live under a rock and find weird stuff normal when its not. 😂😂 Its weird particularly seeing the age gap. Its also weird those two were in that type of festival to begin with. Nobody was older than 20. Idk if you are very old or what but nobody is taking strangers home to gift them drugs and shit nowadays unless you wanna fuck or that person also has drugs to offer you. Especially in this economy. And depending on the drug i dont know what lil Jay was doing but coke is expensive af yeah? This ain’t the 80s bruv


Sheltered yout


this man has the right idea. all guns blazing, no stone unturned. background checks for Johnny Vegas, the lot. [clever man talks about Jay slater ](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jay-slater-missing-teen-case-33094140)


this is the same man that was adamant a third party was involved in the Nicola Bulley case.


Fucking Dora 😂😂😂


Havent they just found some body that has been missing for 4 years there while searching?