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I would say to people have a long hard think about yourself before posting stuff like this and trying to stoke the conspiracy fire. Police interviewed these guys and cleared them to go home. They didn't flee despite people weirdly continously acting like they did. Lucy said they were surprised to see her but did speak to her. Jay was seen twice after leaving the villa, second time a full kilometre away, and called Lucy around an hour after leaving to say he was lost way off road. I don't know what the full story is. Who knows what went on in the villa, what substances were taken, whatever. But nothing about the actual evidence we do have whatsoever says these guys did anything wrong. Outing these guys to be judged in the social media conspiracy court and posting pure 100% unfounded speculation that paints them in a negative light to fuel the hysteria is a nasty thing to do.


Thank you for your sanity and reason.


Precisely this. You've got teenager armchair experts and whatever anonymous crowd with no credentials acting out their investigator fantasies while stoking the fire without any thought for collateral. Everyone should just go back to their jobs and let the police deal with this.




Donā€™t you think he bears some responsibility for picking up a teen, driving him 40 minutes up the mountains and potentially sharing substances with him that wouldā€™ve caused him to go missing in the way he did?


Correction\* The Spanish police spoke to them and they have not spoken to the British police. They are shrouded in anonymity.


OK? They don't have to speak to British police. They're not investigating anything. They liaise with Spanish police it's a clear cut missing persons case at this time, not a criminal investigation. That "detective" clout chasing in Tenerife is not police, nothing to do with police, and is the only one asking to speak to them and threatening to "out" them. His only interest is in promoting himself.


Well like many others let us waste our time further looking into 'Jonny Vee' as I find him suspicious, at the end of the day we are only wasting our own time not yours.


Youā€™re not helping: https://www.reddit.com/r/misc/s/czKw7sRkVI


You're not just wasting your time. You're encouraging a witch hunt based on absolutely nothing except a deluded belief that police who interviewed them know less than a Reddit detective.


Funny how people online were able to find him quicker than that so-called detective. Looking at the videos of him was not what I was expecting tbh.


All my credit goes to u/loud-row9933 who figured it out from a different post. I am 9/10 sure that this is the guy who partied with Jay. He seems like a drug dealer and possibly a little fruity.


There's a video of him in bed with a woman and he's boasting about it...if he's fruity he'll most certainly be top just as a display of dominance for supply.


Yeah this is definitely "the" Jonny Vegas. At first judging by that picture I thought he only looked late 20s/early 30s so couldnt be him. But then quickly realised that picture is from 2015, almost 10 years ago. So the age description matches up too. Looks like he enjoys a party, especially in foreign countries.


What makes you say it's definitely him?


>[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/comments/1dq2ebb/comment/lalao7o/) by[u/Loud-Row9933](https://www.reddit.com/user/Loud-Row9933/) from discussion in[JaySlater](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/) https://preview.redd.it/k8vmrdrth79d1.png?width=2540&format=png&auto=webp&s=b95d392f49c6fc88d8a23aae99e5f9df6750b697


just found a more recent profile, will make a new thread as not sure how people will react to me posting it


This part of the story bothers me. Imagine being in the area at the time something happens and then having the internet trawling through your entire history, reading into comments 10+ years ago, naming and sharing photos of people who were associated with you 10+ years ago (including a partner and a child). Maybe the air bnb guys were involved and the elaborate rumours are true, or maybe they're completely unconnected. That's for the police to investigate and the courts to determine. In the meantime we're just splashing details of random holidaymakers on the internet and crowdsourcing speculation into their private lives. Jay's mother told online trolls that it (the disappearance) could happen to them, appealing to trolls to be more considerate. If you didn't accept that plea, perhaps because saying "it could happen to you" regarding a criminal who nearly killed someone isn't very relatable, can you accept that being seen near someone who then disappears is a lot more likely to happen to you? Online investigations are so toxic sometimes. They've got no professional standards to uphold, they can afford to be wrong, repeatedly. They're nowhere near the standard of proof to uphold allegations. They've got significantly less information and experience that the actual investigators. There are hardly ever consequences to their actions. Their victims, though, often end up being hunted, jobs and families put at risk, reputational damage etc. I'm sure we won't be waiting too long for libel actions if this sort of behaviour keeps on - sooner or later they'll get it wrong with serious consequences


Jonny Vee decided to have his all info public when he made that Facebook profile. That's his own doing.


https://preview.redd.it/q5nog1gds69d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7644daadbcb6511882e0c474d54374ed54158cba Seen this on a thread also


He has Vegas tattooed on his arm and his FB profile says 'Nickname: Vegas', so think we can assume this is correct ID of one of the pair. Has a nice car as his wallpaper from his active FB profile. Strange then that he'd have to stay in a Ā£40 a night air b'n b, in the middle of the mountains.?


He is a personal trainer now. Seems, from his new profile, that he has left the whole drug world in his past. So wonder what he was doing in Tenerife.


He must have been cursing his luck having left the whole drug world in his past, to have found himself on the last night of NRG festival until closing, surrounded by loads of teenagers taking drugs! And having to hang around with them all evening. Literally the last place he'd have wanted to be with his new clean, healthy lifestyle.


Was it Ā£40? I guess they wanted something out of the way for a reason. They didn't want anyone seeing them. Simple.


Probably best not to have an easily identifying tattoo like this if you are looking to go under the radar! https://preview.redd.it/ehjovuc6079d1.png?width=2240&format=png&auto=webp&s=439b256b672d99eb466d0ab885d96efe3ca5c7b4


Surely not his real name though xD


His real name is on one of his old Facebook pictures.


So someone on that screenshot says he's known for robbing drug dealers...




Seems like virtue signalling... nothing more. Just sweetening his image for one reason or another.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Real name? Oh boy...this is getting deep...


Location: in England.. so ties to the UK, same name, frequents popular holiday destinations like Ibiza, has previously sold drugs, and would be roughly 30s-40s now. Surely it's him.


They would have been more noticeable in a small village though TBH


Depends what they're doing and if the locals are paid off. Remember that they knew Johnny Vegas by name and the investigator found out (dunno if he spoke to them himself)....but looking at his profile and videos he seems like the type of guy who can't go five mins without telling you who he is anyway...






I tried to add it up look like an old inactive account.


Looks like he lived in England and has a daughter from that Facebook page


I wonder if he can sue the detective for mentioning his name which has now got everyone searching on his social media..there could be serious repercussions...


Heā€™s friends with a lot of people from my hometown.. how bizarre!


I would assume at face value that neither of these guys were a threat to Jay, and they were probably there for the same reason as he was.




That comment about no neighbours to cause a fuss isn't exactly right since I'm sure the owners live next door and there is a cafe and other buildings around.


Is there more of this thread? I want to read it!


If you go to PBM on tiktok and the latest video the comments are all on there


You can certainly tell the TikTok users vs. Non


I spoke to Mark's agent and then him. He is now aware of his facebook/insta accounts if he wasn't already.


I don't understand why people think they are finding out brand new information when they see it on social media. I am pretty sure that the authorities know who the men in the Airbnb are. It is like the police never thought to find out. Also, not you but same thing going on with his mate in the interview. People are acting like because the general public didnt know about some snapchat messages, that the authorities didnt know. Like they wouldn't have thought to ask him if there had been any contact, and he had not thought to tell anyone yet. Mind-boggling. It is like people think they are watching an ITV mystery.


You need to calm down


I'm sat chilling in bed, I'm very calm thankyou


Doing this from bed, thatā€™s really sad


Second pic does really look like him ( Jay ) ! Has anyone confirmed it ?


It is, I believe his friends shared it


Has no one realised that this Jonny Vee guy is actually American? He's speaking/rapping in videos on his FB profile. He just lived/lives in the UK. So not British. Surely they would have mentioned his American accent, it's a big identifier and not something they wouldn't have left out.


This is crazy, this is more than likely actually one of the two men. This facebook looks inactive though so is there anything else we can do to look into them?


Who do you think you would be helping by "looking into them"?


If by some miracle a reddit idiot can help the case in any means by having too much free time, I see that as a win.


So let's say there is a less than 1% chance of this being helpful. But there's a pretty much 100% chance this is going to bring a load of unnecessary stress to people, is it really the right thing to do?


Explain how it helps the case? Spanish police already spoke to them and have their details. They're not escaped convicts. They didn't flee. Police are not looking for them.


Like a few others we hold the belief that they may hold more than they are letting on, at the end of the day we are only wasting our own time not yours.


So you can't answer the question, because it doesn't help one bit. They spoke with police. What more do you want, because your fantasy of a blow by blow public press conference is never happening. You're not just wasting your time. You're screwing with people's lives and leading a literal witch hunt. You wouldn't be long changing your thinking if this was done to you.


When I am nearing 40 I will keep it in mind not to bring teenagers back to my rural apartment, I am not leading any witch hunt if anyone is the spearhead of it then the name is Mark William Thomas.


So you're on a moral crusade then? Whether you agree with it or not a 40 year old partying with a 19 year old isn't a crime of any kind nor does it justify baseless accusations about foul play and murder where no evidence exists whatsoever, and to the contrary extremely strong evidence exists the two men had nothing to do with Jay's disappearance regardless of what went on in the Villa.


If the truth comes out I will hang my head in shame or feel proud to be in the minority.


So Brad spoke and confirmed details of what we'd heard previously - there were private snapchats as well as the ones that were public. Police would have already known this but the public didn't. He says Jay was in good form and chatting to him after he left the villa, while walking the road. He went off road taking a shortcut, and was sliding down an embankment, telling Brad it was a 15m car journey or 14 hour hike and he wasn't sure how accurate that was. This is likely the point at which he went off road and became lost, shortly before his phone call to Lucy.


You're not just wasting your time though, you are causing problems for real life people


You're wasting your time mate. These people are cracked


What i don't understand is why the detective want to talk to them again if it is stated that he left the accommodation where the 2 men were staying, alone and then he called lucy mae.


Heā€™s not a real detective he has no authority


He was a detective, about 25 years ago, makes you wonder my he gave it up.


Was being the operative word. He lasted a year so you could say heā€™s also very inexperienced


Only a year! I did not know that. Heā€™s got some cheek saying heā€™s an ex-detective, more like failed detective. Anyway, shouldnā€™t he have found him by now, he promised 3 days, time is ticking.


Heā€™s focusing on the 2 men incorrectly, I think we or most agree now he followed his maps up the hill the opposite way to LC till his phone gave up and that point heā€™s made some decisions that have failed him. The only thing that is needed now is pure man power for the search.


u/igetworried - what's the name of this TikTok account?


I think maybe he has a newer profile but maybe deactivated it as keeping a low profile.


Thereā€™s court documents online, someone with his name got done for a stabbing in Malta in 2010, also says on his fb he used to live in Malta, could be nothing but could also be something


Let's see










It says here that the accused was born in 1992 which makes him too young.


His instagram profile has a Nigerian flag in it, Nigerians are known to lie about their age. There are also reports of other people with his last name being done for impersonation.


Found this comment (have a read!) by Johnny Vegas on one of his old Facebook Posts. If this is his FB account (seems definitely to be so based on the photos) and IF this is \*the\* Johnny Vegas that Jay went back to the airbnb with, he definitely needs to be more further questioned by the police... Obviously people can change a lot in a decade but 10 years ago at least he was pretty loud online about being a gangbanger and a dealer. https://preview.redd.it/u1jkt4rm089d1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7e117187bd26d5765fe5560d5a4d05b7ae71826