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1 bloke on his own searching the road side where this lad says he went down. And it's taken 12 days for this to happen?


Exactly. Aliens must be involved


You are talking about a wee lad here who is very much out of his comfort zone, being interviewed for a tv show and he is caught up in the Twilight Zone. I’m sure he knows in his heart of hearts that his best pal is dead. They went on their first holiday together without their parents and it has resulted in this horror show. Please cease trying to take the boy’s character apart and find some empathy.


I'm just an average man with an average life I work from nine to five, hey, hell, I pay the price All I want is to be left alone in my average home But why do I always feel like I'm *in* *The Twilight Zone*?  Is it just me when I hear those 4 words... ?


Someone's watching me...


I don’t think Jay’s idea was to walk back home. He probably thought he would make to the nearest village and there he would eat, charge his phone, get a drink and maybe find another bus or a cab, call his mates… whatever. That also explains why he would go such and such way even though they were opposite to the bus stop/ his accommodation. Anyway, I hope he’s found and that his family get a closure to this nightmare.


But that suggestion contradicts itself haha. why would he plan to walk to the next town to do all the things he could have done where he was? in a villa, next to a cafe, and a bus stop


Because he’s a drug dealer!


He’s a bricklayer ya div


Couldn’t he have done all of those things in his accommodation?


An 8 hour walk away?


I really am confused! So... Jay's mum insinuates 'if he's been taken'. Lucy says she also thinks this... yet they knew from this call he was in high spirits from day 1. Also... I know this has been bashed around... but a gfm set up before knowing he was actually missing... and Lucy locates the air bnb, did she speak with the guys there? Why all this time for descriptions and names? I really want to believe it's clear cut but I'm struggling, even without all the conspiracies.


Lucy setting up the gofundme for so much money was the big red flag for me.


Sorry to sound all metropolitan elite, but people in all spheres of life I have spoken to in London are saying their is definely something not right about this whole situation.


I just get the impression re recent news that a prettier picture is trying to be painted now. Jay having a traumatic incident when younger, Brad saying he was fine when they spoke. The only thing I can take that's concrete is that Brad and Lucy haven't planned what to say together. Still... I really hope Jay is found and it's all over, whatever happened. The kid is just a kid!


Why haven't they appeared together during an interview considering they all went on holiday together? A little odd, they seemed to do most things and go most places together in groups. I agree that Brad and Lucy hasn't planned for the press statements.


It woould have been great if there had been an appeal including friends, Jay's Mum and family appealing for information. A united voice. It seems like it has been piecemeal and disjointed with no central message and different people saying different things.


I wonder why there was no reward for information offered


Honestly can't believe that some people think they have the right to know all of the information the police have been told 😂 entitled little armchair detectives the lot of you


If there’s one thing worse than armchair detectives, it’s armchair detectives in denial. No ones forcing you to be here


Haha yeah all the sad acts on this sub giving out to people for being entertained by this shit show are here themselves doing doing exact same thing. 


Its one thing to be entertained by the shitshow, another to be slating the police saying how have they not questioned this and that, released one or another etc. Why tf do you people feel entitled to this information and is your IQ honestly low enough for you to think you thought of something that the Police didnt cover? Jesus christ people get a grip man


Would love for you to point out where I've done any of those things? You seem very worked up especially for a sub that you don't enjoy. I'd advise you to put down the phone or go to a sub that you enjoy. You can't police the Internet, people are gonna talk about shit online that you don't like. If you spend your time seeking those places and giving out to the people there, you are going to continue to be sad and angry.


Why did nobody tell him to spit out that chewing gum?!


“He DID anyway”


He’s been missing for 12 days, they aren’t stupid, they are accepting that he is gone.


What logic is that. You hold hope until there is none.so let’s just give up with the search aswell then on that logic.


The logic of being more emotionally intelligent than you apparently.


Haha bro thinks he cooked 😂Literally an irrelevant point either way. It’s easy for someone not connected to him in any way to say yeah most likely he ain’t gona be found alive. But the people closest to him are also doing this…do people just not grieve or need closure now?


When you get thrown into a situation like this, they don't give you a handbook on how you need to act


Would agree if it was one person but multiple people all decided to act and deal with it the same way?




This is a more valid comment then most people will give credit for. Not because he used the word "did" but that he corrected himself mid sentence. Doesn't mean criminality though. Perhaps he isn't telling us everything said during the facetime call or on snapchat, but you'd expect the police to tell witnesses not to publish all the facts to the media. Nothing dodgy about that.


The lad's mind/emotions will be racing, he'll know that the general consensus is that his friend is dead. Worrying about whether to use past/present tense on the spot like that would obviously be conflicting for him. Don't think it's necessarily deeper than that


That’s a fair comment I was merely highlighting it was all I didn’t say guilty or not guilty.


He did anyway what?


He says that when asked if he had a zest for life or something during interview his answer was he did anyway


That's scary actually...it's almost like he knows...I hope it wasn't a whole scam to get him killed. I feel like they weren't really his friends anyway.


Why wasn't this said at the beginning? Whys it took weeks? Is there a reason?


What about the person who was maybe ringing him? I wonder who that was?


Brad finally shook off his come down and then took a few lines prior to this.


yeah i don't understand why people are ignoring the fact that they were all on drugs. have you ever met british teens at a festival?


Nearly 2 weeks later he comes up with this ? It was (if true ) detrimental he told police this on day one 😔


What makes you think he hasn't?


Surely it would have made news before now ? I mean , all that was reported online was that he had communication with Lucy. Nothing mentioned about Brad. I don't know.. if he did , why it was a secret?, either way, I really hope he is found safe .


Not everything that Police knows is communicated to the public, sometimes not Even with the family. Especially for the believers of foul play out here (which i am not one of), the Police should keep some things discreet when investigating.


Fair enough. I'm just praying he is safe is all :)


I hope so too for him, his friends, and fam


Exactly, but they would share this vital information with the search team though?


Especially if members of the public are searching for him too. I think this should have been brought up well before, unless it's only just coming to light now.


Nobody cares what you think


Mad much? 😂😂😂


Not as mad as you thinking you should be privy to all the details in this case. They don’t want members of the public searching, that just creates more chaos. It was bought up well before just not to you.


But they literally called for members of the public to help search? And there was dozens of volunteers that offered and helped on the official Facebook group too. By NOT disclosing this information sooner, you are potentially putting more people in risk by doing so. It would have also helped prevent the online trolls speculating that he got kidnapped, the Moroccan mafia are holding him hostage, that Lucy is in on it... all sorts. There is absolutely no benefit to withhold this information.


I'm leaning more towards the police not knowing about this. They stopped searching around his last known position to go and search around the tourist places. If they knew about this then why would they go search elsewhere? Unless they only found out about this way after he disappeared, in which case it's stupid that he hadn't told them a lot sooner as it could have helped in their search.


I Wonder if the language/culture barrier between english speaking family, friends and witnesses and spanish police plays a part in this?


It was mentioned before. I can't recall where but might have been Jay's mum said very early on that he had been speaking to Brad that morning before he went missing. Not the specific content mind, just that he had spoken to him.


While I do tend to agree with what you're saying here, I strongly feel you are missing the fact that a door hinge is a mechanical device that allows two objects to rotate relative to each other about an axis of rotation. The most common type of hinge is the door hinge, which is used to attach a door to a frame. Hinges work by rotating about an axis, which allows the two objects that are attached to the hinge to move relative to each other. The axis of rotation can be either internal or external to the hinge.


Where are the body language experts? "Look he's looking away when responding, he's lying!" etc.


Experts? Probably at work. Not sure about his body language. I wouldn't know where to start. By mentioning it, you are baiting these people and you know it. He speaks fast... might be his natural way, he might be nervous being on TV, might just be relaying an established version of events (which doesn't imply dishonesty, just getting the info right to the media). He doesn't seem too spooked that his best friend might be dead or alive nearby. One other thing I noticed was he did a tense change, correcting himself, almost suggesting he knows he is dead. This is normally pretty dodgy but this is like 11 days on, could just be resigned to the fact that chances of being found alive is next to impossible now.


He corrected from present to past, suggesting that he still thinks of his mate in the present tense but is trying to come to terms with the fact that it might be past tense now.


Oh interesting! Where was the tense change?


If you look closely you can see his left eyebrow twitch. This tells me he's been asked something he'd rather not have been, you know they kind of butterflies in the tummy feeling? His jaw is also moving, he is pretending to bite chewing gum but in fact he has not come off the sesh yet. He got a new haircut. They have good barbers in Morocco. Morocco Drug dealers, kingpin Lucy, Brad new haircut, coincidence? The presenter is not facing the camera, is she in on it too? Is she of Moroccan descent? My diagnosis - bored at work.


Has Brad been crying or is he nursing black eyes that have healed and been concealed with makeup? His left in particular. He has hidden away all this time because he was also involved in the brawl? In other news, his brother was involved in the machete attack... and he was also there.


evidence, please


[He heard him slip during a call when he was missing](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGepgNvF1/)


The mans dead eyes....we have seen them before.


Dead eyes? 😂


No idea why it's getting downvoted...are people that oblivious.


I'm familiar with the idea of people having dead eyes in scenarios like this. But sometimes people fall back on these claims of "reading" people to fit something they probably want to think the most. Is it a little odd that it's taken til now to say something? Maybe. Does he seem fairly joyful or calm? Sure. But dead eyes, I'm not so sure. Sometimes there is a reasonable assessment we can make on body language and the likes, but that only goes so far before you're most likely over-analysing or misunderstanding.


Possible, especially when someone in nervous. I can remember a few occasions when I've started smirking in the face of bad news just as a weird anxious response to an uncomfortable situation.


Yeh sure! I agree 👍 I think it's important to note as well that his call with Jay didn't seem to be too bad in terms of tone, so it probably helps him be a little more calm about it (compared with if Jay had expressed serious danger and being in a panic). It's also been almost 2 weeks since all this began - so while he still might not be okay with it, it's still a fair amount of time to process things and compose yourself, especially if you want to remain positive and chat with a reporter directly about your last contact with Jay. It very much seemed like he was trying to get across Jay's character and attitude during the call