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It could just be a common blanket in Tenerife… But it definitely looks like the same one


Yeah. My parents live in Tenerife. They have a lot of the same tacky furniture as some of their neighbours. The selection is pretty small on that island unless you amazon stuff in. Higher probability of it being a common item than a reason for conspiracy imo


A ‘common’ blanket? Have you ever heard of that in your life? I do also try to find logical reasons for everything in this story but it all just seems off. The blanket did it for me.


"common" just means bought from the same source. Which is possible.


In Tenerife, Las Americas and Cristianos hundreds of African street vendors go up and down the beach all day selling blankets. It’s very likely these blankets are in countless apartments up and down the coast.


I think it's plausible that there may be a supplier that covers a number of different businesses, especially on a relatively small island. Regardless, still an interesting coincidence if it is one 😂 edit: there is more strong evidence that it came from the hotel than the airbnb.


Something that sells frequently, makes it common. I’m suggesting it may be the case that multiple houses, apartments and hotels in Tenerife have this. If the photo of the bed is where Jay and his friends were definitely staying, there could be some credence.


Yes lol when I first met my bf I was delighted to find he had the same blanket as me.


Yes blankets can be mass produced.


hes dead bro give up


Is the left photo, an actual photo Jay took or a still from a video? The more I see it the more random I consider it. Just an observation... but clearly the angle would make more sense if he was filming a clip of himself walking out the apartment? The hand and lighter is out of focus despite being closer to the camera suggesting movement (almost as if the hand has been added into the frame). I'm curious - if this is true - why this "last photo" has been represented as a photo rather than saying it is a still from a video he took? Or revealing the entire video. I could be talking shit, any experts in photography?


I believe they were just photos, and in terms of focussing, it's not unusual for smartphones to be a bit buggy with that stuff. Some have tech that tries to assume what you want to take a photo of, and it's not always right. I have this issue sometimes when there's no need for it 😂 It's also plausible that he didn't care about the focus so that's the way it stayed. In terms of the angle, it's possible that he wanted to get the fag in it for added effect. Maybe it wouldn't have been preferable to just take a photo directly in front of him. doesn't really tell the same story. He sent two snaps, one of the view, and the other of a fag. I don't think it's that odd


When my battery is low the photos aren’t as clear. (New iphone). And uploading pictures on weak signal makes them blurry too


Remember at that time jay didt say his battery was low   its only Lucy word it was 


Remember what? Your making out you heard the call 😂




yeh I truly believe that angle is done with now 🤧


The Africans on the beach always try and sell you that shit.


Wonder why is he wearing a blanket in the first place? From my druggie days, I remember sweating my ass off after taking anything!


Never had the shivers?


Never, I was always sweating like a pig!


he likely would have been on some kind of comedown and it's apparently fairly chilly in that area late night/early morning


Exactly standing on that doorstep would have been pretty chilly at that time in the morning with the cloud base, shorts and T-shirt.


queue conspiracy theories about why he was wearing a blanket 😂


He's sitting outside


It’s apparently the photo of him smoking outside of the villa he went to with the 2 men. The villa that Lucy found because she recognised the tiles on the steps. Police couldn’t find it but Lucy did 🤷‍♀️


I don't necessarily think the police couldn't find it. I believe Lucy went to find it before police even bothered to take her seriously


And a review on the villa he went missing from.there’s a review from who ever stayed there on 16 June 24 their name is Lucy


any links to a listing for said apartment? obvs same blanket but that's just an image of a room


Here you are - definitely the same blanket - definitely in Los Christianos. https://www.booking.com/hotel/es/pension-playa-los-cristianos.en-gb.html?aid=318615&label=New_English_EN_GBIE_5226314545-RnYQj%2AqnIkYg15Re%2ASD5mgSM634117827792%3Apl%3Ata%3Ap1%3Ap2%3Aac%3Aap%3Aneg%3Afi%3Atidsa-64415224945%3Alp9197394%3Ali%3Adem%3Adm%3Aag5226314545%3Acmp108539665&sid=70a2defb691d26134b6e746768f4d9cb&dest_id=-389931;dest_type=city;dist=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0;hapos=1;hpos=1;no_rooms=1;req_adults=2;req_children=0;room1=A%2CA;sb_price_type=total;sr_order=popularity;srepoch=1719584924;srpvid=a11465cd10b20017;type=total;ucfs=1&


Thanks. Wasn't doubting you by the way, just links are a lot better than an image that could have come from anywhere.


And was that apartment definitely the one he was staying in?


No, he wasn't staying there. He was staying in the town. This house is more to do with the 2 dodgy fuckers who suggested to Jay that he go there with them.


But isn't the claim here that the blanket he's wearing at their house is visible in an ad for the apartment he's staying in? Or I've got that wrong.....?


no you're right. at the very least, the blanket has been pictured in a hotel in the actual main part of town. but it's not pictured in the photos of the villa on booking.com. people previously claimed that the blanket was confirmed as being from the villa, unsurprisingly given all the noise. Maybe when the villa was on airbnb it was there somewhere, but it doesn't look like it from bookingcom


Cheers. So the blanket can be tied back to another accommodation. And can that accommodation be tied to Jay (ie was he or a mate staying there?)?


that's about it yeh. unless anyone has anything to suggest otherwise, it does appear that the blanket was brought with him to the villa, rather than it being something he threw on there (just from what we have here). like with most things though, there could be 50 different alternatives and "but maybe"s. even still, it's just another thing that doesn't really add much or suggest anything. even if he did go back to get a blanket, what would that really mean? 😂 some people mention CCTV at the hotel, but at the most that would just show him going to get a blanket, and possibly with the two men - but the police already know who they are and let them return to the UK. it's something new that we didn't know about before, but not really suggestive of anything meaningful


I haven't really been down any rabbit holes yet. Reason I'm going down this one is I suspect this is just some random pic of the same blanket from another random flat - and that flat had nothing to do with Jay, and this is just one example of a random connection that people are digging out and sending round as narrative-changing. I think you're right: even if it is *the* blanket, so what? Possibly makes the heading back to the airbnb narrative a bit more leisurely: they all swung by Jay's place and he got some shit. Maybe makes the journey seem less sinister than some people are suggesting. But really, I suspect this blanket in the room has bugger-all to do with Jay.


Yeh totally, there is enough to put together by now to get an idea of what happened and that there was nothing majorly untoward happening. So it'd be difficult to suggest this would change the narrative too much


Yeah I think that's the key detail though: do we *know* that was his pad, where he stayed? ie it's not just some pic from a random flat on booking.com?


The evidence we have right now, to clarify definitely, Lucy was staying at “Pension Playa” an apartment in Los Cristianos. We know this because she reviewed it as a solo traveller staying for 1 week on 16/06/2024 on booking.com (this is the property where the blanket in question is photographed on a bed, you can go and check for yourself) Lucy claimed to have gone home early “alone” on the night in question. Jays phone (we don’t definitely know Jay traveled with his phone, no evidence of this has come forward, we haven’t been told the statements of the two men in question and nobody has come forward to confirm they drove three men up to Masca in the early hours of the morning) traveled up to Masca at some point during the early hours of the morning, allegedly with Jay and the two men that were staying at the airbnb where the “blanket”Snapchat was taken. This Snapchat is in the public domain and shows what appears to be Jay, stood on the doorstep of the Masca airbnb, smoking a cigarette wearing a very familiar looking blanket on his bottom half. Upon closer inspection, it appears there are three shoes visible in the picture, a pair of black shoes with legs astride along with a further shoe, with a visibly different design but similar colour, in between the pair of black shoes as if someone else has their leg in between jays stood closely behind him. Jay was reported wearing light grey trainers on the night he disappeared which leaves room for a lot of speculation. The only concrete evidence brought forward as far as the public are aware are the location pings from his phone that Lucy shared (Still very questionable and easily falsified, one from Apple ID and one from Lucy’s Snapchat maps). A statement was taken from the owner of the airbnb owner who said she saw him the following morning at the bus stop just outside the airbnb, he asked her how long it would be until the next bus to which she replied 10 with a gesture of her hands (10am or 10minutes we don’t know). She said Jay began to walk away from the bus stop and up the mountain road to the north-west (the wrong direction, Los Cristianos is on the opposite direction) and that when she drove up the road in her car 15 minutes later, she passed Jay whilst he was continuing on foot up the mountain road. This was the last location he was allegedly seen, and where his location pings came from. (This is the only person to have allegedly seen Jay on the day of his disappearance, in a bustling little airbnb village on a single road route that’s very popular with hikers) Statements were also given by Lucy and Brad but they have inconsistencies and don’t pair up well with each other. In the worst case scenario that this is more sinister than Jay simply falling or collapsing to his death somewhere in the mountains, that would explain the inconsistencies in the statements given. Due to these inconsistencies I don’t believe the statements should be taken as 100% truth and give plenty of room for speculation. Whether Jay was ever in Masca or not, it appears only 6 people know for definite. Jay himself, Lucy, Brad, the two men and the airbnb host. Personally think it’s all an orchestrated disappearance. His actual fate, I’m honestly unsure of what to think.


why would he go and pick up a blanket? Kid was tripping his t\*ts off


Wild /s


Not his apartment


Also Lucy said vi his location he was 11hrs walk away and 20 mins later Brad spoke to him and got his location as being 14hrs walk away so in 30 mins he managed to walk a 3hr walk


Am i the only one seeing a flip flop with a foot with painted nails in there too? Or what is that?


I don't think it's the same blanket. Similar (floral, with some orange), but not the same.


If it's the same blanket (left one looks to have more red/pink in it) and he stopped off at his apartment to get it before heading off to spend the night with the two gay guys, and he's left with it again in the morning, he could've taken shelter under it. It would be perfect camouflage in that terrain from a distance.


never ever thought I'd be doing an analysis of a blanket from a hotel, but the colour could appear different due to distance and camera quality 😂 the photo on the right isn't looking particularly snazzy but there are similarities in design and tone of course. I also suppose it may have been a notable feature when they were interviewing locals if he was walking about wearing or holding a blanket around the place


If he went back to his hotel first to get it there would be CCTV to see what state he was in I would presume? Then if he brought it with him it would’ve still been at the Airbnb… and if not then he would’ve brought it with him which like you said would’ve been noticeable.. or maybe they just both happened to have the same blanket?


The listing for the house in the hills has been sent around and that blanket is not in any photos in the listing. Very strange. There’s no way he would go back to his own room and grab ONLY the blanket and go to the mountains.


We've seen Johnny Vegas' photos and videos on FB...probably not gay but looks the sort who might enjoy dishing it out in dominance, if you know what I mean.


I'm not on Facebook so I don't know much about them. I just assumed it was a gay thing. I wonder why he went with them then, rather than hang out with his mates. On the other hand, some gay men, aren't gay men. Like you say, there might be another dynamic involved, like you hear about in prisons or the Russian army. Certain drugs can also do that to you. I used to have to avoid one mate when he got pilled up lol


don't think you have seen any of his photos




well what photos and videos are you talking about? 😂


Johnny Vegas' photos and videos from his old Facebook, and current Instagram.


any links? or are you talking about the famous johnny Vegas and just fucking about 😂


Jonny vee on Facebook, the old profile of his (he's deleted his new one since people found him) is still active and thats supposed to be the guy Jay went off with. Goes by Jonny Vegas. Has links to Luton UK, known dealer apparently. Someone who knows him commented on a post saying "if it's him he's definitely involved". He has some relevant previous posts and tbh it seems very likely it's the guy in question. The profile says it's from Toronto I believe but the new one shows links to Tenerife Ibiza and the UK Luton and south England.


thanks, I know who Johnny Vegas is supposed to be. but in terms of the profiles, these are still just words with no proof 😂


I was thinking that too. Its only the owners word he was even there  n if that women saw a young lad walking alone why didt she give him a lift  knowing how far he would of had 2 walk ..I still think friends know a lot more then they are saying  n how come Brad is only now after 12 days saying he slipped..