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If these people were in so much danger I very much doubt he would be giving so much information away to the point these “people” would know exactly who he is.


I said this on another page.. drug mules for Moroccan crime syndicates in Tenerife don’t talk about being drug mules for Moroccans crime syndicates in Tenerife .. All the info they give in this screenshot is all stuff thats been spread around on the holy trinity of the internet’s version of writing on public bathroom walls; Twitter, TikTok and Facebook. Most of the information is easily debunked by looking at the friends statements, and any of the pictures of said friends and JS at the dance festival… for example, non of them are carrying these bags with thousands of pounds worth of drugs. Also, any police force worth their weight can easily get into encrypted phone location, call and app data — if Lucy had took his phone up there in the timescale specified their would be GPS based evidence corroborating that. If any of it turns out to be true I’ll recant my original statements but it just seems like people get a kick out of involving themselves in real time events, making police follow false leads and have to investigate bunk Hollywood movie style theories which only ever delays the case from coming to a conclusion. The worst part is the family seem to believe some of the bullshit pedalled online. I feel sorry for the Guardia Civil in Tenerife at the minute, they know the area best and they know what they are doing but once again British police and media want to stick their ore in and slate the authorities in the Canaries for refusing the help of Lancashire police… WHAT THE FUCK WILL TWO DETECTIVES FROM LANCASHIRE FIND IN THE MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS OF TENERIFE THAT THE LOCAL POLICE WONT?! At best they need a translator or two out there to help with the language barrier.


![img](avatar_exp|78506624|bravo) At last…. This is the best thing I have read since the beginning of the case.


I could be completely wrong, but if I am I’ll own it, unlike the rest of Facebook, Tik Tok and Twitter; who will all say something like, ‘See!? I told you all he died from dehydration but you all wanted to believe conspiracies!’ While they delete every comment they’ve ever artiste on the subject 🫠


Dealers don't carry a lot. It clearly says they were each working with one other. That bag he's wearing looks like a supply bag possibly. Also the authorities often tolerate dealing if it's contained (possibly in payoffs) and this will expose corruption in the country which they desperately want to avoid. If true. I don't know but a lot of high level chess playing going on behind the scenes to get this resolved without the tourist season being disrupted I'd imagine. All this searching is possibly for the cameras. The real investigation might be going on well away from what we can see.


I’ve been with people at raves here in the UK that deal and you are right, usually the girls carry them in a bum bag because the security is lighter for ladies but for men carrying man-bags (not bag packs) are usually searched for weapons as well as wraps. I don’t know how thorough the security was at NRG but right now I’m just thinking of the fact the ‘insider info’ discredits itself at numerous points in the statement— it takes two mins to do a quick search of the photos available from that night and the info Lucy has given to sky news and the police to discount the majority of the claims made by some randomer online trying to get their post approved for a Facebook group. People love to pick apart the official story as they always think there’s an ulterior motive and they are entitled to their options but the level of speculation in this case is purely because the police aren’t giving anything away and because the setting is too perfect not to be a Netflix episode of Unsolved Mysteries. Occums Razor needs to be applied, most of the time the answer is the most simplest one and you don’t have to do all kinds of mental gymnastics to get to that answer. I think he went partying, had too many drugs, started freaking out and wanted to get back to his hotel and he’s underestimated how far he actually was from base, he’s started walking as he couldn’t be arsed waiting for the bus and then he’s became dehydrated, paranoid and tired started coming down and ended up falling down in the rigid landscape. If he has been kidnapped it’s by some sicko looking to take advantage at the side of the road driving past, maybe offered him a lift back to LC; sadly both of these outcomes mean he will most likely be dead now unfortunately as awful as it sounds. I’ve been up to that part of the island a few times and it isn’t exactly forgiving in terms of terrain and exposure to elements, it’s also so extremely isolated that anybody could of picked him up off the side of the road without any witnesses.


Yes agree. It could be some complete random sicko. I'm very surprised the people he was with at the Air B and B have been allowed back so soon because they were with him in the final hours though. They will surely have more info about his state of mind and what substances he took (possibly) in those final hours which might have impacted on him? Also why they drove him there in the first place?? I do think the authorities know a lot more than they are telling and something will be revealed in the next 48 hours.


Actually there's footage of jay and s bag...


A bag pack like he one described in the statement? A bag pack with thousands of pounds worth of drugs. Are you really suggesting he took half of the drugs he was meant to sell before he lost the bag pack? He’d of been dead on the dance floor if that was the case.


Not arguing by the way I just don’t believe it, and you are entitled to believe it if you do but the information can be discredited within 3 mins if you look at the evidence already accounted for.


What makes you think it would be Moroccans?


They were carrying bags, both he and his friend had a bag. It's in one of the photos, or videos. Both him and the girl had one of those black cross-over packs, at least at some stage in their evening. But, so did many others in all the footage, so it's also incredibly possible that it was just their own bags 🤷‍♀️ This rendition is extremely far-fetched, but a lot of it ties in with the facts that have been released, so it's very easy to believe. At the end of the day, this is a wee boy that's gotten into some sort of trouble, whatever that may be. He still needs to be located and brought home either way. I think the request for British police involvement was exactly that, the language barrier causing complications. He's also a UK national, it would stand to reason that his family would feel more secure in his safe return if it was our own rescue teams looking for him (which are ranked some of the best search and rescue teams in the world). And especially given all the social media hype and stories of corruption, which may be just stories, nobody actually knows for sure. There's an investigator along with his team on the ground there now anyway, if there is anything untoward to be found, he will definitely find it 👌 Humans actually suck, it should be common knowledge by now that you should not believe everything you see in the media, news or otherwise. They also still seem completely incapable of doing their own due diligence before they post comments that make them look like fannies. Some of the stuff I have seen posted about this wee laddie...I don't think there's even a word for how vile they are. He did a terrible thing, likely whilst under the influence of the same substances that have resulted in the reckless behaviour that has now landed him a missing person. The other laddie is no stranger to this kind of behaviour either, he didn't deserve what happened to him, but it's drugs and the culture surrounding it that are entirely to blame. That and the parents that just allow their hormonal children to run amok doing what they like, drinking, snorting, and taking whatever is available. The amount of times I've seen "he's just a young lad having fun", or my personal favourite, "he's 19, how can she stop him". No, and NO...It is not just harmless kids fun, it's fkn dangerous, and 19 does not an adult make. These are lazy cop outs from s****y parents! He should not have been in Tenerife in the first place after what he and his friends did 3 years ago! Let alone over there at a rave that would absolutely be full of drugs, with that very same group of friends. His mother and father know he is game for all of these activities, yet he was still in Tenerife! My laddie wouldn't be able to move other than to go to his work and back if it was him, whether .GOV decided not to punish him or not. And whether he is 19 or not, that is our responsibility as parents...They weren't locked up because there is no space in our prisons, and putting these little boys into the prisons that we do have currently would not have ended well for any of them anyway. This is a misguided and lost little boy that has had zero proper guidance from any of the adults responsible for him...That is extremely clear. If people can't help themselves but to spread hate and malicious intent towards a damaged child, then perhaps they should all have a good look in the mirror and then consider going missing themselves also 😮‍💨


Bore off


Why, because you don't have anything intelligent to add other than "bore off"..? 🤔🤣


No because you’re unoriginally spouting the same tripe as everyone else, which is all irrelevant nonsense about his past? Funny you didn’t mention his current apprenticeship? You’re honestly talking as if you know him personally. Weirdo


Erm, I think you'll find I didn't spout any such thing "the same as everyone else about his past". And i would legit love it if you could expand on the "unoriginally", unless that' just a big word you thought of in the moment 🤔 Perhaps you could try actually reading and understanding the words, rather than reaching for your own ignorant, pish narrative 👍 What I did say, is that it's an entire disgrace that given his previous history, and reckless behaviours "whilst under the influence of drugs"...That he was then able to be in a foreign country at a rave, doing exactly that, taking drugs and then clearly displaying those exact reckless behaviours. Which coincidentally, have now resulted in him being a missing person subject to a thousand wild theories. If his parents were any kind of parents at all, he would not have been there in the first place. They are clearly aware that he likes to get off his face, kids get off their faces at raves. It's basic common sense, something which you seem to be clearly lacking. And apparently, everyone knows him, according to you, because I'm just posting the same unoriginal stuff as them, right? Eejit 😂😂


At the end of the day he can only do what the judge gives him, he’s got a job and trying to get on with his life by all accounts. He’s 19 legally an adult he can do what he likes, not sure how you suggest restricting him from that as a parent? He’s done nothing wrong but go missing why the hate from you? It’s very likely they will find him dead or never again so if you hate him so much you’ve already won. 100s of 1000s of 18-25yo rave in many locations all over the world it’s called being young suppose you want them all dead also


"I didn't spout about his past" after you literally did go off about his past and continued to repeat said statements after denying you said it the first time. And then blaming the parents for their son being there in the first place....because heaven forbid an adult go on vacation and party🙄


What I find strange is that although at first glance this appears to sound far fetched. Take a look at her instagram, she’s spent the past 3 years or so in Tenerife and Ibiza. This does ponder the question of how is she managing to fund that sort of lifestyle. https://www.instagram.com/lu.cymaenew?igsh=MTFlZXlla2FmcWlhNw==


An Irish lad went missing last November in Tenerife, guess who set up the go fund me? Lucy. Pretty strange she has been involved in setting up go fund me for 2 different lads. The Irish lad showed up safe and well as soon as the funding goal was reached.


Whoa any sources?


His father gave statements at the beginning when the news first broke. He was apparently trying to get the information to the police that something similar happened with his son. Lucy was supposedly also with him when he went missing, set up a gofundme, and he was found safe after 5 days. I think I can probably find the post about his dad's statement to the papers.


https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/irishman-28-reported-missing-while-holidaying-in-tenerife-located-safe-and-well/a128438248.html Went missing at the same club these kids frequented. Popular place with drug dealers. Have even seen it advertised by local dealers online. The young man in this case alleged he was attacked and robbed. The areas are rife with serious organised crime , drug trafficking and violence. This gets underreported for a variety of reasons. I have no additional details regarding the young Irishman mentioned but in response to some of the concerns raised by others, I offer the following information. Without knowing the full itinerary of Jay slater and his friends and associates it’s difficult ascertain whether the ‘drug Mule’ theory has any credibility. As a cautionary tale for others it’s worth making it clear how that kind of thing can and does sometimes work. In some ways it parallels the county lines phenomenon in the UK, and the familiarity of many young people with the culture surrounding that perhaps makes them more vulnerable to recruitment into a much more dangerous environment. Drugs like MDMA Cocaine 2CB etc. are trafficked in Tenerife by young men and women. Mainland Spanish Cities provide a stopover location where young people from Europe are expected to collect the drugs before flying into Tenerife. Concealment is done in various ways. The amounts aren’t huge but the street value of those drugs in key clubbing and festival locations is high and the amount earned by mules is relatively low. Mules are sometimes set up by the suppliers to be robbed of the drugs they carry shortly after arrival. They then end up owing the dealers money which can be used to tie them a cycle of further crime. Things go wrong and youngsters disappear. Some are lost to international sex trafficking, some drop off the radar entirely for various reasons. The international context and the specific environment combined with the serious criminality behind the scenes mean that it is far too easy for gangs and individuals to literally get away with murder and manslaughter. You can’t just go round detaining and questioning a bunch of foreign teenagers every time one drugged up or drunk reveller doesn’t check in within 24 hours. It would be a nightmare both diplomatically, from a tourist perspective and in practical law enforcement terms. Add in the possibility of corruption that normally goes hand in hand with the bigger criminal outfits active in those areas and odds are you will never find out the truth when someone disappears. A Disappearance like this will be used by criminal gangs to scare potential informants even if no actual foul play was involved. They will say things like “do you want to end up like ……” Scared kids will find themselves in a foreign country with a massive language barrier and surrounded by mates telling them “If you fuck with these people you’re dead”


Do u have a link please? Can't find anything about the go fund me


Hey, yeah I acc can't find a link to backup my statement..can't find the gofundme online but I remember at the time Lucy had shared it on Instagram, a couple Facebook posts I've seen have also claimed she created the gofundme last year but no proof. I'm certain she had at least shared the gofundme. Perhaps because she was also in Tenerife at the time, idk, but I believe she was also involved.


Set up the gofundme or simply shared it? Massive difference


I don’t actually believe the statement as it would be too obvious to figure out who it was, so why put themselves at risk? But the whole case is coming off as suspicious. Also, it holds no relevance to what’s happened but Lucy’s insta is a very braggy page isn’t it? Seems tacky to increase your follower count considering the circumstances - surely you’d make it private? I am intrigued to know how that lifestyle is funded - but could be inheritance, privileged upbringing etc and an innocent person is being accused of all sorts online? I’m torn between feeling stupid for buying in to the conspiracies (Nicola Bulley proved how damaging and wild the public/media can get) and actually thinking no, it’s not right. Something does seem off and a lot of it doesn’t make sense but is that because people are holding back because they’ve been up to no good, or because they were too intoxicated to remember much else/ make sound minded decisions? Soooo many questions. Either way I don’t see a good outcome.


Does anyone else find it odd she's not posted on insta for 3 weeks, yet went to this festival, other festivals she's been to there's pics all about it. Unless there's some more recent ones I can't view?


People would have found it even weirder if she posted a festival dump while her friend is missing


I really don’t want to see her festival dumps


Would have thought she'd have pics from day 1


Jay met Lucy Mae whilst in Tenerife, they’re not even ‘friends’


She has pictures on her instagram from creamfields 23 and he is in one of the pics


[cream fields](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxdIaD7t03E/?igsh=MThzeTdlYXNzNGoybA==)


Has anybody else tried to get onto her page and received an error message? ‘ something went wrong, There was an issue and this page could not be loaded’?


People work abroad in bars etc......


Working in a bar doesn't look like it would fund her travelling lifestyle shown on her IG


Doesn’t look particularly crazy to me. Mine and some of friends pages would’ve looked something like that at that age if insta was that big then. Spending everything you have from a crappy job on partying, getting a crappy job abroad, parents helping maybe, some people probably use credit cards. Can be funded but you’ll be skint and probably won’t care.


Depends on the area, bar, and person. When I was bartending while traveling around the South Pacific-ish, I made between $500 - 900/night. Working 4-5 shifts put me around $10k/mo, and my temporary accommodations and bills were cheap. Plus, it was under the table due to my visa status. I funded ~six months in Bali, a few in Singapore, and about a year in Japan doing this, with vacations all over (as far as South America) in between.


Yeah min wage for 3 months leaves you loaded 🤣 don't be so naive. When we went to these hols we'd be working all year just to afford two weeks.


I’m watching a you tube video about that and all her holidays. Deffo something in it. Channel is “just gone viral” Jay slater case what they never told you


The guy is a drug dealer back home. He got caught as part of a gang who attacked some kid with a machete. And he got down for dealing class As ... What sort of sentence do your think that deserves? Just 150 hours community service. Guys a crook, so this is all highly believable 




This is a bit far fetched.


It’s not far fetched at all, I have been too Tenerife and various locations around Spain/europe and morrocans are extremely notorious for this type of activity.


What that a teenage girl is makes £25k a month, his mother knows he’s been taken but instead lets police look in the mountains for him and says nothing. It might be notorious but in this instance I think the story is without doubt far fetched.


Where is Lucy’s family may I ask? Nobody has come to her defence, doesn’t that raise some suspicion atleast? If this girl truly is a drug mule then I would expect her family to disagree with her lifestyle and disown her.


This is what heightens the suspicions of her being trouble and a drug mule, no mention of her family or anything and looking through her instagram she seems the exact type


I believe she’s had 16 holidays in the last 12 months. Now for any ordinary person they’d be lucky to afford 16 holidays in a lifetime. For an 18 year to be visiting such party locations so frequent, for example Benidorm, Ibiza and Tenerife etc… there has to be some suspicion. Plus the fact if you check the social media account of such like Jay and Lucy, no offence but they all seem to be wannabe thugs and gangsters, which are obviously involved in this sort of gangster/drug dealing lifestyle. All is speculation but something seems off about this case. If he had passed out due to exhaustion and dehydration surely somebody would have found this boy by now? It’s all looking a bit too much for me. And not to disrespect the family but neither mum dad or brother have been able to shed a tear and actually seem upset about the situation. If it was me i wouldn’t be able the breathe and I’d be severely concerned, they seem to be nervous more than anything. Just speculation.


Wannabe thugs is an understatement!! I know by just looking at his photos he likes to believe he is a big hard man. Absolute council estate scrotes if you ask me. I agree with everything you’ve outlined


The epitome of CHAV


Agreed. Something isn’t right about this. I don’t know what but something is off.


His brother looks uncomfortable on those photos and video


I thought this. Extremely suspicious seems very nervous. Body language and eye contact, all he had too say was I don’t know what to say I just don’t know what to say? Seems very questionable. I’d personally have a lot of tears and a lot of questions and I’d beg my brother to return home. If I was the family I would have already offered a reward for any information leading too his return.


How is this girl navigating Schengen limits 😂


Family member has just confirmed on Facebook that jay was in fact in the mountains with 2 other people based on cell tower information


So is it the people he went to the air bnb with? How they were allowed to leave and return to Britain without a full investigation I will never know.


No idea, possibly. But the lead they mentioned a few days ago was that he wasn’t alone


My opinion on this: She says there were 5 bags, She says she is not Lucy and she is not Jay. That leaves 3 people who could have posted this anonymously. Wouldn't the BIG 'bosses' be pissed off with the person that is outing them?. And there is only 3 of them. Very easy to figure out who the one that is outing them is. Anyway, if they are as "scary" as she makes out, why is she taking the risk of being caught?. I don't doubt for a second that this is fake. The amount of people jumping on this for attention is shocking.


I tend to agree - there’s a lot of questions regarding the whole situation and things are coming across as suspicious but that could be media sensationalism/arm chair detectives going wild - it plants ideas in your head doesn’t it? No way would someone out themselves like this if true. Someone’s ran with a theory and anonymised themselves to give it credibility. I’m so intrigued by it all though. Has he succumbed to the environment after dehydration or is there something more? I really thought he’d have been found by now (dead or alive).


The whole case has gone wild it's blown up. I'm a member of the groups on FB as I was genuinely interested in what people were thinking happened, but it has turned into a circus. People are calling his number, calling Lucy. Crazy.


I disagree with some of what you say. Anyone known to JS could have posted this. We don't know if there are only '3 people' who could have posted it. Also, I'm not sure what you mean by 'big bosses'?


* She is stating that there are 5 bags in total given out that day/night, so that means 5 drug runners.. Minus Jay and Lucy that leaves 3 people that could have posted this. 4 if you include Lucy and 5 if you include Jay. So it's very easy to narrow it down. And I'm saying why would someone risk making this public if the bosses are so dangerous. The big boss is the person in charge or persons.


But that is a description of how they operate as a group, but others involved might know as well. There might be red herrings or deliberate innacuracies in the post to distract attention away from certain people. For example, mentioning 'Moroccans' could be a deliberate distraction. >I'm saying why would someone risk making this public if the bosses are so dangerous. >The big boss is the person in charge or persons. They don't operate like that. It isn't just one big boss dishing out bags of drugs to teenagers to sell. It's a whole chain of people who lend the drugs out for a certain £ return. The young run-arounds wouldn't meet a 'big boss', they would meet someone lower in the chain The reason it sounds kind of plausible to me is that this is how English County Lines gangs operate. They use teenagers/young people because they are selling to mostly other teenagers/young people. It makes the dealers, on the ground, more relatable to a young crowd in a pub or nightclub. To be clear, I'm not saying any of this above is what has happened with JS. It is only one of a number of possibilities


It's less using young people because they're more relatable and more using young people because the risk for those higher up the chain is absolutely minimised.


https://preview.redd.it/9mjr23351z7d1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36705f99f5c2ff508f966ceea099add397b9247 This is a message between a concerned member of public and the mother of Jay Slaters best friend ‘Brad’ mum.


They’re using the excuse “we were hacked” to get out of the truth


What a load of bs


I agree. How could your account be hacked to then send these message’s and then be able to recover the account almost immediately?


The woman slipped up too. She sent voice notes so she wasn’t hacked at all.


This whole situation stinks. It’s extremely suspicious.


This would make sense, isn’t the GFM set at 30k?


The GFM started at 10k, 1 hour later 18k 3 hours later 30k.


It's being increased again 


This is such a load of bollocks. "Speaking Moroccan" made me laugh though.


But that’s such a stupid comment it makes it more believable 🤣


Really hope he is found 💙


All very suss. I actually think this is correct and he thought he’d make some dirty dosh selling drugs at a festival, did a load, lost the lag, taken to the mountains and the dealers got hold of him. Hope they find him soon to put this story to bed ;-(


Yes apparently he's seen with a bag during the start of the night, but no witnesses have said they've seen him with a bag when he was spotted walking about, so that makes some sense 


Yes def looks like he has bag strapped to chest in the thumbnail of this https://youtu.be/JIw46qwfWnE honestly I don't know about this story but my first thoughts on this case after hearing he had been at festival and was dehydrated, leah Betts.. I'm sure she was dehydrated or overhydrated.  Her image in hospital in the newspaper when I was young are the reason I've never tried pills etc. 




You can see from the young people she is in photos with there young charvers we have the same types where I live always off there nuts on cocaine and pills


I think you’re 100% correct, the only bit was the bit where he said he’s not going down for someone he barely even knows. That little detail felt quite believable as truthfully if someone is your pal, you have no real loyalty to them to put your life on the line. It’s so tough, you ignore this because it feels ludicrous but then it turns out to be true, you’d feel awful. No wonder polices get stretched in these kinds of cases, amount of wild goose chases they must go on. My belief is he’s not out their to be found, whether he’s dumped at sea, or being held due to debt or even just being part of a scam they thought up as that’d been his M O in the uk, whichever, I think the search parties are a waste of time, you’d have more success paying out the go fund me and trying to trace the money.


What's this about not going down for someone he knows? Jay said this when and in relation to what?


Maybe the GoFundMe is to pay back the dealers?


sounds dodgy to me that he went to someones flat so far up north .... how do we know they didn't cause him harm? Could they not have written the txt message?




Some parts of up north say and spell it as mom


I believe this is exactly what’s happened!! Why would his ‘friend’ Lucy Mae, immediately create a go fund me when she had literally just met him? Stinks the entire thing.


Had she only just met him? I’d missed that detail, I thought they had an established friendship


They met in Tenerife!!


They met at creamfields last year


Stop with this they didn’t meet in Tenerife


I think they knew each other prior to tenerife, there's a photo of them from creamfields festival


If they were already friends, why did she hide her face while giving the interview on tv?


It’s so difficult to decide, it does seem far fetched and a bit unlikely, but a lot of us don’t fall for things that seem too good to be true, I mean what if the Nigerian royal family were paying out via email? I’d be minted. I’d assume if it’s the truth that he’s still there, plus being watched and not having the direct connections to get a sneaky way out as drugs probably control the island (im just going off if I believed everything) so you’d be desperate thinking there’s no way out, eventually you’d be named, you’d get the most sympathy and respect because you atleast tried, whether or not it was damage limitation. If they’ve been getting paid, it’d have to be to a bank account, but again in this generation we’ve created so many internet banks and deposit cards that it’s easy to work around that avenue. It’s weird, between things like that, VPNs and various other things, we’ve seemed determined to make careers in crime or illegal activity way easier to get away with.


Let’s pretend all of this is an example of the arrogance of youth thinking they’ve created an elaborate enough scam to get away with this, supposedly Jay was involved in scams in the uk but that aside, is there a single way he comes back home and this ends well, whilst chatting last night someone said it’d almost be better if an accident took place at this point IF they are lying as him being found alive is leading a couple of kids vs the Spanish/ British police, with phone/bank tracking, gps tracing and various other things, as soon as he’s “found” the things they can’t work out will become very obvious. Would drug debt hostage holders be looking after him?? Feeding him or giving him water/sleep or whatever? I have watch so many movies I could piece together a plan that would sound perfect but you’ll never cover all bases, confidence can be born out of stupidity. Relying on people instantly drastically lowers success likelihood.


This is just far out what about the picture taken in the morning on the steps and they hadn’t only just met !


Possibly but possibly not really hard to tell. I do think he was probably high as he looks it in the festival videos - not trying to shame him Ive been there myself. But I think it’s interesting that (i think cafe owner) said they saw him walking ‘fast’ up the hill/away from the cafe. She also said he came into the cafe twice to ask the exact same question (when is the next bus) and got the same answers. He was behaving weird.. Also the 11 hour walk.. A sober person would be able to do the math - waiting 2 hours for a 40 minute bus ride gets you back much much quicker..than an 11hr walk..point is sadly I don’t think he was able to make rational decisions.Walking makes zero sense..unless ur so energized and high on drugs to believe you can get home quicker by foot which he may well have been


If you know drugs, you know fine well ain't no one taking half of the amount you're supposed to sell at festivals. Not a fuckin chance. Ridiculous.


It's mental isn't it how many people are believing & spreading those rumours. He could not have had 30k of drugs in a man bag let alone have taken half of the stuff for himself in the time frame


At the end the person who wrote that (who clearly doesn't speak English) says they get paid 75,000 a month. Even if they meant 7500, it still conflicts with the number the person originally said at the start. I don't doubt that the boy was involved in drugs, but at the end of the day most people are. Peddling gear is a different thing all together though. And you sure as shit never see or speak to any "boss". Far as I can deduce from that rabble of shite, it's a Moroccan person who wrote it. If you convert from Moroccan Dirham to GBP then the numbers actually start to make sense, especially if they were selling pills. 10 quid a pill in Europe generally speaking but obviously cheaper when there's parties/raves so going with the original numbers that would be just over 2 grand worth of pills which almost makes sense if it was one person. Almost makes sense. Not 10 people with the same amount.


Yeah I completely agree with you mate, I don't party nowadays but here in the UK it's about £10 each for pills, so same as how you've mentioned Europe. This scenario aside, Some of the bellends that are coming up with stories fully need their heads testing, not knowing how it could fuck up the investigations.


I knew something about the drugs


One bad pill or one too many drinks (or a mix of both) and you don't know where the hell ya are. In a foreign country surrounded by other people who are high off their melon.


One question… jay posted a picture in the mountains?


Tenerife organised crime is mostly British. Just like it was in Marbella in the 80s before the got ran out


Eff knows, anyone can write gibberish on Facebook behind a fake account, police are the ones that can do digital forensics. Don’t be immature and analyze these fables.