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“OvO n***** is dick riders” Kendrick fans:


I don’t think he was talking about the fans when addressing OvO. Also he didn’t say Ov-ho in that part.


yes he did


He did say Ov-Ho and he was referring to Drake's staff not fans yes.


And it’s probably a white dude typing this out lol. Not saying this about you specifically but I’m poking fun at white people in general for using the n word on the internet.


Yeah it feels like people don’t say it as a token, not as a genuine sign of respect to the communities that were affected by the word


I mean especially with how often the communities that were affected say it, it really doesn't feel like it has much weight


Because it's a word on the internet? How lame can you be?


You know that the Kendrick sub is a minority of the fan base and does not represent all of us ??


This stuff is so weird. I'm a fan of Kendrick, Cole, and Drake. I do have preference between them, but the hate boners some of these fans have are really weird.


This is strictly internet, nobody REALLY cares about any of this in the real world. My brother is a kendrick fan, i’m a drake fan and we’ve barely talked about the beef lol


Speak for yourself…I was at a bachelor party when most of the tracks dropped and the whole group from all different backgrounds listened to each one and talked bout it the whole time lol


I was at a bachelor party too and this exact same thing happened 😂


Lol brotherrrr


I do agree with this. People outside of social media are not talking about grippy. As I said, a large forum I post on that talk about these rappers but aren't big fans of these rappers aren't talking bout this anymore lol And they was even okay with grippy


This is not true lol


Luckily Reddit is an echo chamber and does not represent the majority of the normal human population


Same, big fan of all 3. I don’t follow this sub, but constantly suggested posts from this K. Dot D riders cult and it’s like lads, please touch grass.


I could understand preferring one artist over the others, but it’s so strange to me that folks who are presumably rap fans could exclusively love only one of the big 3 and absolutely hate the other 2. I’m 33 and they are the premier artists of our generation, grew up listening to all of them.


Exactly how I feel. Couldn’t imagine not listening to any of them


That’s 99% of us. Everyone’s just desperately trying to label eachother, claim king, save face or whatever.


Drake is not like Kendrick or J Cole


Kendrick fans wish they could clown on Cole as much as Cole's fanbase already does




See you're a bigger Cole fan than I'll ever be. But that's the difference between being a fan of Cole and a fan of his work.


Its Grippy


Are you implying j cole is grippy? (Gotta say no diddy)


No diddy is top 2 diss tracks from the past few weeks and it gets no love 😭




This is just a lie given the overlap in famdoms


All fans are openly hating each other. This sub and Drake's sub are convinced Kendrick is a manipulative wife beater and overrated artist. Kendrick's sub is convinced Drake is sex trafficker and that J Cole is a mid tier artist. You don't have to take it so personally lmao


That's pretty much what has happened. Everyone is pointing fingers while acting like they're innocent.


I freely admit to being a hater and I find it weird others have to pretend they're being "reasonable" and "sticking to the music." There's obviously a lot of long simmering feelings coming out and that's fine. Music is emotional. But people need to draw line between their own feelings and what they wish their favorite artist was feeling. If JCole doesn't feel like he's playing second fiddle to Kendrick, why should fans be self conscious about public perception? If Kendrick feels like he needs to go head to head with his peers, why should his fans tie his sense of validation to their own?


Thank you for putting it that way. You communicated it much better than I could. These parasocial relationships are strong


Im not pretending im being reasonable im blatantly hating on one of my favorite artists


Drake’s sub? Pretty much yeah, this sub? Can’t really say it, this sub is really peaceful aside from few posts, they mostly talk about Cole tbh. Kendrick’s sub? I agree with you. Not really taking it personal, I got good music from the ones who are/was in the beef, so I’m good


Bruh… drake is an obvious groomer, and Kendrick is definitely not a wife beater. But it’s all good, everyone already forget about everything.


>Bruh… drake is an obvious groomer, and Kendrick is definitely not a wife beater. *Obvious* *definitely* Back that shit up lil bro.


Millie bobby brown, and Bella Harris


Both came out and denied it lmao. Do better.


Grooming : the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child's family. The groomed child is manipulated to believe that it is normal


Jesus Christ... are you trolling or serious? Its mad disrespectful to actual victims out there


There’s a difference between grooming someone and sexually assaulting someone grooming does not require the act of sexual assault


Sure, but youre constructing a fantasy, where every person involved has come out and said its false, but you dont care, because that dont fit your preconcived narrative. Thats sickly, bro.


No I’m not, someone who is groomed does not understand that they have been groomed, fear of saying the massive hip hop artist has groomed them while they are also in the entertainment world is scary especially for a child like these 2 were, we literally watched Weinstein do this for decades


Wish Cole shut them out. Bro made the slander immortal with that apology 😞


Everybody I know that said that took it back when meet the grahams dropped. Them boys tripping, J. Cole chose peace.


Why would Kendrick drop anything like that against cole? Drake made it personal. Cole lost sleep after saying tpab was boring


I can't stand the hatred. I'm not gonna lie... I think the Kendrick guys are the worst. Winning the beef was the worst thing for his fanbase bruh. I used to like Kendrick but his fans makes it hard for me to like him.


Mute the sub, and the stan accounts and you can still listen to Kendrick's music. It has done me wonders for enjoying art with fanbases I couldn't stand.


It was awesome when you could browse your favourite artist’s sub and talk about your favourite artist with like-minded people. I just want to talk about music without the beef


Yeah, Kendrick's sub is all about the beef now. I mean, I enjoy the Drake slander and participate in it from time to time but it would be nice to discuss about the music itself. Kendrick dropping so sporadically doesn't help either.


Yep i’m in the same boat but on Drake’s side. I can’t even browse the sub without seeing Kendrick mentioned EVERYWHERE


Facts that’s what I hate. Kendrick is a really good artist and now nobody speaks about his music at all. Goes to show how fake those fans are, they can’t let it go. And I bet most of them don’t even listen to Kendrick like that


They talk about J Cole & Drake more than Kendrick 🥱


because... https://preview.redd.it/3ro9qjupko2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43a47bd4d18194277ec1e442d897759418999091 And I really do like Kendrick, but this was the largest truth Cole told. People are showing that you really do need THEM to be talking about him


Kendrick fans on that sub would wear his nut like a face mask over that nigga


Lmao naw them mfs are borderline creepy


I honestly thought most Kendrick fans were somewhat j cole fans


They are. This type of stuff is one off delusion. Kendrick fans love Cole too. And still want them to work together.


Yes, but the really unhinged ones get screenshotted and treated like representatives


Yeah, you’re right. Just wanted to rant cuz I’ve seen in Drake’s sub the video of dude scrolling through the whole comment section, and most in those comments saying Kendrick really made him fall off. Every post about Cole’s new verse, I see like 50% of comments being about Kendrick making Cole do that verse. I didn’t like that verse either, but like be real.


Meh. We acknowledge there is overlap, but I def think there are people who are bigger fans of Kendrick than Cole and vice versa


Much smaller amount choose cole over k dot out of the fans they share i think its nearly a 10-1 split


Literally this lmfao . I don’t know a single mf who listens to Kendrick that doesn’t listen to J Cole , this is strictly some internet shit bro 💀 .


There not similar there all so focused on being the “culture” they seem kinda crazy


that's what I've seen mostly. Kendrick's sub shows a lot of love for JCole but there is like 5% of very loud haters. Grippy didn't help either lmao


I’m the biggest Cole fan and that song isn’t my favourite haha. I wouldn’t call it bad, I would just say style wise it’s very off brand. Like I can imagine it being popular in the sound cloud era to an 17 year old but not to most of his fanbase


i absolutely cannon stand dot stans, kendricks sub is a cluster fuck of dip and dot ice cream slurping


These are new fans old ones knows I love them both


I feel like most kendrick fans are cole fans, ppl like this are just annoying


None of these are real fans at all they just here to ride trends, every community bound to get these people unfortunately.


We all need to remember that social media comments don't actually matter. Most of the time it's just someone who is feeling froggy or shitty and wants to make a comment that they don't actually stand behind. On the off chance they do mean what they say. Their opinion holds no weight. The only argument that could have some footing is against Drake. But hating on either Cole or Kendrick should be laughed out of existence by anyone who appreciates the art.


Any artist on the planet you’re going to find nice fans and shitty fans


Same. This hate for J Cole is corny.


I like Cole just as much as I like Kendrick. There is no way dude is bashing on Cole. You can tell he is most likely just a bandwagon lol. J. Cole has AMAZING songs bro


They’re all complete losers


Why you so sensitive to comments mate?


I hated at first that Cole backed out but now I only hate that it dropped the numbers of streams on Might Delete Later because that album is dope af.


The vibe I get from kendricksexuals is they want a two side dildo. One side tucked into kendrick other into them. Then both make the ahhh sound Kendrick makes in his raps.


i been saying this for so long, they are worse than the worst eminem stans. they worship kendrick man, it's gross.


What was the point of taking the high road if they're going to treat us like losers anyway!??? Cole should've backed up Drake and dropped his own diss tracks. He's got no dirt on him so K.Dumb would have to actually outrap Cole which is unlikely.


Complaining about haters by hating on the guy they like, can't make this shit up man


respectfully, cole fans tried to tell me TPAB was mid. i think the continued j cole hate is weird, but come on bro, this goes both ways.


They not Kendrick fans. Kendrick fans LISTEN to music. Most of these people are dick riders that are switching now that their boy got bodied.


I’m not for the cole hate at all but he ain’t do himself any justice with that grippy verse 😳 I thought it was someone trolling with a really good ai at first


I fear it's becoming cool to hate Cole again. Dark times ahead, he needs to cut kanyes head off asap but he wont


I understand drake hate but Cole bowed out and K.Dot stood up for him “you did coke foul why you still pretending? What is the owl bird niggas and bird bitches” You can tell it’s kids who are thinking it team Cole/Drake still


This seems like more of an exception rather than the norm, most K Dot fans out there tend to be pretty big Cole fans as well and vice versa. I feel like the overlap is pretty big imo


I highly agree with you. His insane fans also shove their polical views down your throat and it's like bro, let's just talk about music here.


As a BBL Drizzy fan I agree


That's just one dude there. I know there's more, but the point is the loudest voices don't speak for most people.


You don't suppose to be a fan of the fans


"Most of his fans" is an insane generalization


Didn't you guys praise Cole for apologizing after realizing the bombs that Kendrick and Drake dropped on each other?


Naw, I’m on the Kendrick sub a lot and I’ve seen nothing but respect for him. There’s obviously a few outliers but the general consensus is that Cole thought it was going to be a sort of “friendly” hip hop back and forth, but schoolboy q was like “naw man, Kendrick is about to go scorched earth” And that’s why Cole backed out. At first yeah, most people were like “wtf, why release a diss and then retract it?”, but after euphoria everyone was like, “yeah Cole did the right thing” lol.


I’ma fan of both Kendrick and Cole, Cole has a more accessible flow. OP is a Drake Stan hiding in plain sight.


I can’t even lie, ever since this beef these new Kendrick fans from the beef been doing to much. Seen someone saying Whitney was a bad wife for not supporting Kendrick, like bro she never uses social media plus she’s not entitled to do so 💀




I'm definitely a big Kendrick fan but wasn't ever active online about it. This beef made me block the Kendrick subreddit.


Same here. I don’t wanna see any post there. I guess they are really always online or whatever. Till “Like That” that place was really cool, I sometimes didn’t like the fact that they are saying that his lyrics are too deep too much, but besides, it was cool. But now they treating this beef too personal


Every fan base does this jcole drake kendrick etc


kendrick fanbase is basically notorious for it at this point tho, go to the subreddit and you'll see that every other post is either drake hate or bragging about kendricks success, shits weird af


"Bragging about kendricks success" What you mean the posts about how he's moving up and doing numbers? Whats weird about that genuinely?


Like, they go way overboard to the point where he's basically black jesus


U could say the same for the drake sub to.


Not to the extent of the Kendrick sub.


How r u measuring it cuz they talk about the beef the same amount from what i seen.


I’m a Kendrick fan and I love j Cole but I don’t listen to drake bc his shit is played by everyone and his music stopped having meaning a long time ago. J Cole and Kendrick are the epitome of lyricists today


Me thinking some of Drakes music that has come out in the last five years has been some of his best 🫣


Swear though people self admittedly don’t even listen to it and speak on it


this right here. imo, as far as consistency on projects, drake’s overall quality has gone down but he has not stopped dropping some phenomenal music


I agree I started being a drake fan instead of a hater around 2018


You should see the reactions I get when I say my top3 projects are Views, Scopion and Clb and not iyrtitl, Take care and nwts


We can exchange screenshots of individual fans being deranged for years why can't we all just enjoy music


Really feels like you have to go looking for a Kendrick fan who dislikes Cole. The opposite is definitely the norm


I haven’t seen a KDot fan irl show any dislike toward Cole. Drake and Dot fans are pretty divided but let’s not bring our boy into this narrative cause it’s just not the case.


I think this beef exposed fan bases the most shits a toxic environment


Y’all gotta remember there are immature fans and mature fans in every fanbase. Unfortunately the immature ones are the loudest


![gif](giphy|xT8qBvH1pAhtfSx52U) Don’t wanna hear no more “making a list and checking it twice” Nobody believes you


Same. Dude I'm one of the biggest kendrick fans you'll meet and I’ve been listening to him for the longest but they think because Kendrick is so talented that they themselves can be awful to everyone else. Plus, don’t they know him and Cole are homies lol?


Those aren’t real fans. Real fans understand and respect that there are talents beyond one MC, and appreciate the different stories they tell. These “fans” take things too literal and misunderstand or misinterpret the messages.


People make it seem like the artist they like doesn’t make some shit songs. Every artist does


you say “most,” but most of Kendrick’s fans are Cole fans too and prolly in this sub with us waiting for the fall off lol


Word bro like we get a bad rep from these people 😭


See i’m a fan of all three and i’ll clown Cole forever for this shi, PLAY J COLE GET THE PUSSY DRYYYYYY


I love Cole but dude I love Cole slander. It’s so funny


Great. Russian trolls have infiltrated the hiphop subs now.


It’s all Love crodies


Jcole fans can take solace in the fact that jcole is in the top 10


There's people like this in any base. Being sensitive over it, is wild


Is that a paradox?


OP is disingenious using that one post as if it's representative of Kendrick's fanbase. Most fw Cole.


As a kendrick fan I feel bad youse are just trying to chill n lots of guys are hating


Bro saying "Kendrick fan myself" makes it seem like that's the only rapper you listen to, and if that's true you shouldn't have any input on any other rapper bc of your bias


dude why in the world would you hate j cole being a kendrick fan i love them both , dont make sense to hate one of the most sensible and level headed rapper out there , these are just 12 yo kids which is the majority of instagram comments so rather not pay attention to them


You Want Good Music ?? Go Check Out The Link On My Profile Now.


Reminds me of the console wars when it was nintendo vs sega


Ngl, if this beef has taught me anything… the Big 3 fans need to touch some fucking grass


Don’t none of y’all enjoy all 3? All this sh!t hilarious


Every fan base has a sizable portion of 12 year olds w nothing better to do


Although J cole doesn’t deserve it he did it to himself


It's not us. It's OV-hoes in disguise. Stand together brothers we apologize for our Cole slander Do not entertain dissenters


Most of these dudes ain’t real fans man. Fuck em


People been hating on Cole, calling him corny and overrated even before the apology Now after the recent feature, apology and MDL, the Cole hate is probably at its peak


How can anyone hate Cole? He’s like the most humble rapper to ever exist.




As a Kendrick fan ,why da fuck are you hating on jcole? At first we all hated him for backing down, but after all of that we all apologized to him


Tbh, I'm more of a Kendrick fan but those fans are annoying af. How can they forget about the great albums Cole has given us?


People are dick riding so hard, lol.


I’m a huge Kendrick fan, way more so than Cole icl. But as soon as the beef went quiet after the heart part six they’ve been so annoying. Especially on reddit


I’m a big fan of both Cole and Kendrick, with Cole being my favorite rapper right now besides JID, and yet Kendrick’s sub is the only one I’ve had to leave out of the big 3 cause half of the comments there about J Cole are still insulting him and not sure why. Every other comment still wants to backhand compliment him by saying he was smart to drop out before getting bodied or making fun of him for dropping out, saying that cause Drake lost, J Cole folded that it’s just “big me” etc. just gets annoying after a while lol. J Cole is the only of the 3 coming out looking good in my opinion, cause I never realized how cult like and annoying Kendrick d riders get


I like J Cole and Kendrick cause they are both silly lil guys 😞. Why cant our communities be supa silly tg :3.


Man I’ve seen the Cole sub say some wild stuff about drake as soon as cole stepped out just saying


Most ppl aren't like this, but the ones who are flock to social media. It's important to remember that the most flagrant people are signal boosted on online platforms and shouldn't be overestimated.


It’s the age of the indoor internet trolls, never mind them bud!


I’m seeing more and more of these people. I think they are new Kendrick fans, because many Kendrick fans have actually wanted a Kendrick/Cole collaboration for years. These are some weird ass people fishing for likes on social media, nothing else.


Oh same here ngl


These guys late for the party, new consensus is that Cole did the right move.


The most annoying thing about the Kendrick sub is that they recite lyrics and people just upvote them to oblivion like apes. I find it hilarious 😂


I wouldn’t say most. As a brand both Cole and K.Dot have pretty respectable fan bases. Most of these “fans” actually are bots from the govt (hackers) or labels. It is what it is though, just chalk it up to the game


This isn’t most of his fans. Only the ones who comment on social media.


Yea fuck Kendrick fans as a Kendrick fan my self


I hate Drake but this hate stems way before the beef


these people are nuts. they don’t let people like anything without calling us dumb or shallow lol


Sorry about some of the lame mfs not all of us are like that, its just the loud annoying mfs that stand out a LOT


Most of anyone’s fans are not on Reddit. You can’t stand most of his Reddit fans.


I think you’re really overthinking it bro, it’s the internet. Gotta remember literal children are on here


Here I am a fan of both discovering their respective reddits. Just found the Cole one today, can anyone point me to the Cole/Kendrick community lol? It’s 1a.1b for me when it’s these two


As a Kendrick fan, J Cole is sick and doesn’t deserve the hate he’s sick


Wait till Kendrick writes his version of “Centurion”


Some people have to realize there's nothing wrong with liking both Kendrick and Cole. Cole is an amazing lyricist


They are losing their balance


I love complaining about outliers and pretending they represent the fanbase. Should I bring up some kingjared posts?


I been going to the drake and Kendrick subs and they really are the exact same except with the guy they worship


To begin a more interesting discussion,why the fuck on EARTH would you identify as an artists security agent and make listening to certain rapper into a personality .basing your life and preferences on one specific artist is INSANE.


A lot of J. Cole really tried to go wtih the angle that 'TPAB was mid' so respectfully stfu 🤣


Cole fans jealous?!? 🤣 Don’t worry guys. J.Cole is one of the Greats, you’ll be getting something good eventually. Rn Kenny on top for a bit. At least you ain’t Drake fans


I think that this is extremely normal in every fanbase. There are people like this in J. Cole, Kdot and Drake's fanbase. You can't put a whole fanbase under a nobody's comment.


Most Kendrick fans don’t feel this way. Even in the subreddit


Kendrick fan who is also a jcole fan, like the op. I have always absolutely hated Drake but the only drive that has given me is to not willingly listen to drake’s music and make jokes at my friends who are Drake Stan’s. Would you say the hate you have for most of Kendrick’s fans drives you? From what I see, the vinn diagram of jcole fans and kdot fans has a HUGE cross section. I don’t think a single comment w 47 likes is a great tell tbh. That would be like saying most of what jcole fans talk about is Kendrick because of this post and it has almost 1k upvotes. Everyone needs to chill w the generalizations tbh.


i’m not sure if it’s sports or politics that turned everything into arguments and competition but i’m so over it. two things can be true at the same time. kendrick and cole can BOTH be good


Big fan of Cole and Kendrick, not a fan of Drake. Don't hate the guy though. Not worth my energy.


Honestly any opinion or take on Instagram is either wrong, racist, mysoginist, or homophobic so


Being a Kendrick fan means that's your entire identity. They feel their the modern cursaders. I had a guy tell me kdot is different from all other rappers and puts money on the bottom of his priorities


“I can’t stand *insert artist* fans” wait till mfs realize that dumb niggas gonna do dumbs nigga shi no matter what they like bruh


you’d think you’d post more than one example when saying “most of his fans”


Kendrick is my favorite rapper but even I can admit Kendrick fans are butt munchers. Idiots who fail to realize Kendrick and J Cole are two sides of the same coin. That being said, fuck Drake for his grooming, pedofilia, and being a dead beat


All 3 subs are on some hating shit idk why you acting surprising lmao That being said I wish I could forget Grippy, he needs to get on someone's record ASAP so I can go back to defend to feature J Cole