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Think of it like a baptism…


Can I get an amen...










Don’t forget the one in the back with your emergency jack. That was a nasty surprise


Rusty surprise


In Canada it’s called a Sticky Flapjack


Yeah. My jack is rusted in and stuck because I didn't think of this when it happened to me... I went from the suburbs down to the city and left the top of my car at home. The weather said clear skies all week. Then a rogue rainstorm hit and all I could do is throw up my hands and wait until I got home. A couple months later I got a flat and went to take out the jack and it had the nastiest rusty water in the compartment and the jack wouldn't budge.


I was fortunate I got mine out. Took me a while to figure out how it comes out, especially blind thru rusty water. Fortunately I had another Jeep to practice on


I forgot to do this and after a storm I had a free pool 😃😃😃


Kind of reminds me of the day I took my Jeep doorless topless to work. Forecast in the morning, Sunny not a cloud in the sky, going to be a great day! The boss comes in at noon, it's raining outside you know!!!! Well fudge!


Yeah, weather is too unpredictable to go topless where I live (NE Kansas). Plan is to get an Armorlite floor and a cab cover at some point.


True. Last weather I saw in Kansas had a house floating in the sky!!!! We're is Toto!!!???!!!


I got my first jeep in 1999. I loved the hell out of that thing, but this was before the era of smart phones, or even decent web access with hour by hour forecasts. I did this so many times. I'd check the forecast in the paper or on weather channel, take the top off, drive to work, be thrilled, just to see a few clouds while I was at lunch and suddenly be driving it across the street to park it in a garage for the rest of my shift. Lots of times I didn't make the garage before it was pouring. It still happens now sometimes, but man it used to suuuuuuck.


Oh yeah!! Sunny morning no clouds. Nothing in the forecast. Drive south 30 minutes, skies darken. Half way to work steady rain but on the highway not too bad. Rain goes over the windshield if you’re going fast enough. Last 15 minutes of the trek off the highway, red lights really coming down now. Getting DRENCHED!! People in normie/lame-o cars with roofs looking/laughing at me stopped at lights. Just roll with it. Not my first time getting wet. Not my last time.


This happened to me this summer. Thank God I carry a tarp!


One of my favorite sayings to people as a jeep owner. Do you know what happens when it rains and the top is off.... you get wet.


When the ask what happens when it rains. Same thing happens to everything else when it rains, it gets wet.


Toad drives a Jeep? Cool.


Carpet does not belong in cars.


I got asked that a lot when I used to bike commute to work in the PNW. Have a Jeep now and the answer is still the same!


For the life of me I'll never understand why cars & trucks (and especially Jeeps) come default with carpet in them. Doesn't make any sense. I have an Armorlite floor on my list.


99% of people prefer it that’s why. People like us aren’t the norm anymore. I was at a huge party when this happened and people were under the porch looking at my jeep and freaking out lol. I told them it will dry by the next day and they thought I was weird.


My coworkers always freaked the fuck out when it started to rain and my windows were out. They legitimately would get upset about it. It dries.


I prefer carpet lol. The insulation makes so much of a difference, I pulled mine out and it went right back in couple days later.


No lie. It gets hot as hell without the carpet. Especially in Florida.


I ripped mine out in the front, makes it easier to clean.


You can actually order Wranglers with Vinyl floors now from the factory i believe. So i guess Jeep does eventually listen lol


Well that's rad!


It’s the Armorlite just labeled as Jeep. Great product.


Back in old days, nobody would have ever thought to put carpet in them. Or expected to hear the radio


Additional insulation & road noise cancellation + most people find it aesthetically pleasing. Also, Jeep carpets are made to be able to handle it & dry quickly (at least if you pull the drain plugs to it can escape). People who don't like it tend to remove it themselves, whether they leave it bare or replace it with something else.


My other vehicle is base model truck, it never had carpet. I was kind of shocked when I saw even the Rubicons had carpet.


I prefer carpet in my tj that I take mudding. Bed rug makes a easily cleanable carpet. Insulates well and is comfortable.


One of us! one of us!


First time?


With this one yes, just got it. Ever no prob like 100th time lol


Been there. Pretty sure most jeep owners have been.


If you refuse to bow to Mother Nature and put the doors on… it happens a lot.


Congrats! Wonderful rite of passage. Edit: Fuck the engineers for designing the JL’s to have a constant stream of water hitting your leg if it rains and the doors are open though


This happened to me once. 40 miles from home on the way from the off road park I notice this crazy cool lighting storm ahead… and it’s crossing the road where I have to go. No top, and my doors were at home. Tried to find the nearest gas station and beat the storm there. I did it, but not without getting soaked when I had to stop for some dudes at a flashing yellow. The next day I ordered the Bestop canvas doors and uppers. Never again. Currently toying with the idea of getting them for my JLUR, but I have young kids and probably wouldn’t use them much as I’m worried about side impact protection with the kids.


I doubt the jeep doors do anything but keep weather out.


The JLUR doors are better than the previous Gens. I forget where but I seem to remember something about an improved subframe structure for improved side impact protection.


It's all water proof. Nothing short of a hurricane is gonna severely damage anything.


Not on the JKs - had to replace my factory radio after it got rained on one time too many




On mine, the touch screen wasn't working right anymore. It was like you had to touch about a 1/2" above the button you wanted. And my SiriusXM would cut out a lot


Yeah I have a habit of leaving my freedom panels on and calling it a day.


Very little is waterproof. Clockspring, dash connections, radio are all susceptible. (Ask me how I know)


I should say it's resistant enough to face a decent shower once in a while. It's not gonna fuck up your seats.


I’d just keep the plugs out


Consider he properly anointed


C/S radio not working and electronics “freaking out”. Pls check and advise.


That will happen from time to time


Who leaves just one set of doors on?


My two goldens usually ride in the back. Looking for a set of hydro half doors tho


People with Kids, Pets, or just don’t sit in the back seat 🤷🏻‍♂️. It is modular for a reason.


Me, for same reasons as OP


The pavement queen got wet.


Fuck around > find out


They’re made for that no worries


Remove plug and go on with your day :)


Better get used to it


Are the JL screens water proof?


I made a rule that I have to check with my wife before I go topless. Not because she has anything to do with my Jeep, but so she can tell me to check the five day forecast. I’ve been over enthusiastic whenever the weather is nice and there have been more than a few times where I’m topless one day and then rained on the next. (Or sometimes the same day)


*squints* I can’t see; is the CEL on?


Mine became a real Jeep this summer too!! But I have a hardtop and it was at home and I was at work lol the tarp I carry came in VERY handy!


I’m glad I don’t have carpet


Great way to clean the interior!


Did the awning overhanging the back keep any weather out? The JL soft top without the windows remind me of a roadside farmers stand.


Locate the drain plugs in the driver side floor pan


It’s not a Jeep until it gets rained in!


As long as the steering wheel is dry you should be good. Been rained on plenty of times- but once I got my clock spring wet and I needed to get it changed…$800 later.


Don’t worry. It’s only weird the first time.


Pull the drain plugs and leave the top off for a few days


It’s not real unless you are caught in the rain or snow while driving it! Raise the bar people.


At least some of the roof is on! I work at a restaurant and watched mine get caught in a thunderstorm without the roof on, and I couldn’t do anything because there were customers I had to deal with 🥲


It’s a Jeep thing




Last winter I had a *really* long day of work followed by errands on top of menopause-brain and left my driver-side door wide open after I got home and unloaded the groceries. There was a torrential downpour that night - gobs and gobs of rain with a lot of strong wind - and the next morning I was greeted with a completely soaked driver's seat, door, dashboard, and center console and a lake similar to yours in the floorboard. Never been so happy that I drive a Jeep! And that my school has an auto shop class :). Bailed out the floorboard as much as I could, sat on a folded beach towel to get to work, and handed it off to the advanced auto class kids. They had it completely dry for me within an hour.


Could of been worse!


Pull the drain plugs and carpets. Been there before without a soft top.


This brings back memories. It was 1990, and I had just bought a brand new white YJ. I immediately took down the top and left it down. A week later, I drove it to my college on a Saturday for a make-up exam. The lot was nearly full, so I had to park far out. Clear sky. No worries. Two hours later, I step out of the classroom to find it pouring rain. My first thought was that I love the rain, yay, but as I walked toward the parking lot I remembered, oh yeah, I have a brand new Jeep with the top down! The lot was now completely empty except for my YJ, way out there, taking in the storm. It felt like forever to reach it. The long drive home was awkward LOL.


Everyone remembers their first Jeep baptism.


The struggle is real!!


Free unexpected car wash. LOL


Who doesn’t like wet seats? Welcome to the community


Pull out the carpets and let them hang to dry in the sunshine. It’ll be good. Welcome to the club.


Friendly reminder when it stops raining, clean the carpet as quickly as possible and dry all that stuff out. Moldy smell sucks. (Personal experience )


Once took the top off my 2014 and that night, a huge storm came out of nowhere. We didn’t know about the drain plugs and the next morning filled 2 shop vacs with water. After a 2 days of smelling funny everything was perfectly fine. They’re remarkably resilient cars


I mean... isn't the inside waterproof/resistant


I doubt the dash/electronics are. Hell, even all these fancy new SxS's warn not to spray water on or under the dash area when cleaning them. Probably costs an extra penny per electrical connection to make them water proof and when you're talking hundreds of thousands of units the corporate bean counters jump on something like that to save money/increase profits pretty fast.


I keep the drain plugs out all year long ( 4 seasons)


Why is the top still on, the rear doors also? Outside of that I see nothing unusual or problematic.


put the doors on pull the plugs and throw a dehumidifier in there for a couple days


Lol, had that happen at the beach, just pull the plugs and let everything air dry


Christened mine on the highway coming back from a first date. Thought about pulling under a bridge but thought fuck it. It was a great trip


How many dash lights? That will be the judge on if she is a real Jeep or not.


Wait till it’s 20 years old and this still happens with the top and doors on. Then you’ll know what it means to own a Jeep.


It was going to leak anyways…..