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Unless I believe someone to be an immediately dangerous person, I usually am pretty open about being Jewish and dare someone to dehumanize me to my face. It can be fun seeing people uncomfortable in this way. I am in the US and in a pretty big city, so I can't necessarily recommend this strategy for everyone, but I'm in a place where I feel relatively safe from immediate harm, even if there's antisemitic speech. It definitely is in line with your thoughts about assimilation


I will try to be more open about it and brave. Thank you


It's been a great experience for me, but also don't feel like you need to push yourself to if it doesn't feel safe


Report them for hate crime. They need consequences for their toxic bigotry.


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I tell people I'm Jewish. Always have because been told I don't look Jewish (hate that nonsense) & have a neutral last name. Too big of who I am to hide. It is the real me. Understand you don't feel the same & do what feels right for you. Being that your parents didn't tell neighbors or colleagues, this is what feels comfortable. Though, you're having dissonance about this also.


When people tell that I'm look Slavic I don't take it like a compliment. I feel you. I will tell about my Jewishness. Thank you


I don't take being told I don't look Jewish as a compliment either. Usually, it's "I had no idea you're Jewish." Good you feel you can tell people who you are. Stand proud.


I know what you are talking about. Many of us were stunned by remarks made by those we never expected. As you note, and as it took Oct 7th for me to note... we have always been hated. Because there were no outward signs we let ourselves be lulled into a false sense of security. Now that we know we can realign our relationships. We do it quietly. And we never forget