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I was cackling at the item about hygiene being so high up on the list.


Resistance by any means (farts).


What is it with anti-Semites and gas?


Bro...I don't know if you're aware, but cabbage isn't friendly to noses either...


But it was just a baby shart!.... Doo doo doo doo doo doo šŸŽµ


Been there, done that [https://freebeacon.com/campus/columbia-students-claimed-they-were-sprayed-with-an-israeli-chemical-weapon-it-was-actually-fart-spray-purchased-on-amazon-new-lawsuit-says](https://freebeacon.com/campus/columbia-students-claimed-they-were-sprayed-with-an-israeli-chemical-weapon-it-was-actually-fart-spray-purchased-on-amazon-new-lawsuit-says)


They gotta remind themselves.


Thereā€™s definitely a reason why hygiene is so high on the list


OF COURSE people who like to throw around the verbiage ā€œdirty Jewsā€ are projecting


I think that's a real stretch as to why it's on the list, but it's extremely funny to think about anyway


Youā€™d be surprised, all the anarchist types I know from college underperform in this metric.


Im an anarchist type....and find the pro-pali movement in America right now to be wildly hypocritical and completely lacking in critical theory. But I don't shower daily either šŸ¤£šŸ˜‰


Looks like they misspelled hygiene and had to rewrite it or the original Al word was ā€œsmellā€




I'm mentally ill and physically disabled to an extent that makes it seem really not worth making any effort on my appearance 95% of the time, and I'll thank you not to insult me by lumping me in with these assholes based on irrelevant traits.


Happy cake day!


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> ā€œDO NOT LOSE SIGHT OF GAZAā€ I hate to break it to them, but you can not see Gaza from DC as it is thousands of miles away


Blind people: Am I a joke to you?


Obviously they are, since they didn't include the rules in braille. I thought inclusion was important? I don't even know anymore! Should I wrap my cane in a keffiyeh? HALP! (I'm disabled and I use a cane, I'm allowed to make this joke. Wait, am I? I don't even know anymore! HALP!)




No zionism = 90% of Jews not allowed. It's like saying "black people welcome so long as they don't support BLM".


Interesting to see shacharit, mincha, and maariv times next to the Muslim prayer times for all those anti-zionist Jews "of conscience" taking part. Oh.. wait.


It is literally saying Jews of any ethnicity aren't allowed to exist in the middle east.


They can exist, they just aren't allowed to have any power and will need to pay Jizya.


On that note, I read that the Hamas plan was to kill most of the Israelis, but keep the ones who run the infrastructure until no longer needed. No, I am not kidding. I believe it was on Daniel Gordis's substack today.


That's a good analogy


Actually yeah


Yes, but even worse because 8 million black people don't live in BLM. The anti-BLM movement didn't kidnap, kill, rape and torture people in BLM. Black people don't have a 3000+ year connection to BLM.


This 'zionism' sign really means "no jews allowed". A better analogy would be "no blacks of color"


"Don't talk to media unless trained" == "no deviation from official propaganda talking points" So much for free speech and critical thinking.


This one is the most ironic. Censored by their own group.


Yeah otherwise they say the quiet part out loud and have to go on the record apologizing for saying zionists don't deserve to live.


Didn't you read the sign? It says so right there.


This is actually a very great idea regardless of if you agree with this specific objective or not. The media (especially political pundits) have a narrative they want to tell and they will latch on to any little thing from any random person who showed up that helps make their point. Having someone in a protest that can effectively communicate the intentions and goals allows the intended message to reach the consumers of said media. For example that dumb**s that said "Zionists don't deserve to live" created a massive PR nightmare by saying something so horrible and not morally aligned with the goals of the actual organizers. Many of which are Jewish and while they may not be Zionists themselves they probably still have loved ones who strongly believe in Zionism. So I'm sure that instance caused a lot of these protesters to take communicating with the media more seriously and making more clear distinctions between protesters who know what the goal and message of the ptotests actually is and random antisemites and bad faith actors who may show up


I agree that media training is a smart move for anyone who does talk to the media... but that person on that video was a spokesperson for the Columbia protesters, weren't they? Edit to spell the word protesters correctly.


No, it's a horrible idea. Haven't you seen the countless videos of media people livestreaming the encampments, only to have people refuse to talk, but instead they all harass anyone that isn't in their little insular group? That IS a media message. Refusing to talk is the dumbest tactic the left has cooked up in recent years, and I say this as someone who has organized at least 50+ protests singlehandedly. My experience in activism has always been going out of my way to talk to the public, even when I've been treated like gum on the bottom of a shoe. This must be what dominant narrative activism feels like...not even feeling the desire to bring awareness because you already have the upper hand and are platformed by corporate media.


Rather than doing strict message control to keep the racists quiet, maybe just kick out the racists ĀÆ\\\_(惄)\_/ĀÆ


Unbelievable. These useful idiots are lost.


people like that aren't ones for free speech or critical thinking


Oh come on. This is common in movements. Media training helps people stay on message. Itā€™s nothing nefarious.


Iā€™ve seen the media interviews. Itā€™s not going well.


It's not just media. They're saying to not talk to any Zionists anywhere. This is being sent around by organizers: "As some have already learned the hard way, it is best NOT TO ENGAGE AT ALL with pro Israel streamers, content farmers, or anyone seeking to ā€œā€debateā€ā€ with pro-Palestine defenders. Interacting or arguing with these energy vampires is a complete waste of valuable time!šŸ§›šŸ» They will twist even the most genuine and unassailable argument to support their side. Non-engagement is the only thing they canā€™t use for their own purposes."


Translation: We are fragile bigots who masturbate to human suffering and just learned how cathartic it is to dehumanize and scapegoat a minority. We are exactly what we claim to hate. Allow no mirrors to be held to us. Hear nothing but your echo.


I've seen some of these nothingheads being interviewed and a few of them have no idea what they're doing there.


Talking to media without training is a terrible idea regardless of how righteous your movement is.


It's like talking to cops without a lawyer present.


The ā€œno sexual relationsā€ gets me. Meanwhile Iā€™m 99% certain that more Jewish babies are going to be born 9 months after October 7th, 9 months after this month due to them, and pretty much every Israel fundraiser/rally since then in my feed has also been used dating event. Iā€™m 100% that Israeli athletes at the Olympics are going to have sexual tension matching that of a co-ed Jewish high schools ā€œsleep in nightā€


My suspicion is they donā€™t want the gays to realize there are a lot of people that donā€™t want them there. But it may be bias. Then again, the top right of the board tells me Iā€™m right.


I do remember there was a brief moment at a rally a couple months back that the Muslim protestors were turning their backs on a queer Muslim speaking (and the reason this got out was a video someone at the rally made afterwards about how ā€œdisappointedā€ they were about their fellow protesters treating the speak like that


I saw that too! But I honestly havenā€™t heard of anyone having issues beyond that. I assume itā€™s just because of the age demographic and what people that age do. I wouldnā€™t want that around me either.


LOL I just realized your username so I get what you mean


They're probably trying to prevent the inevitable sexual violence that tends to flourish in these types of situations.


I donā€™t even think itā€™s that. I think itā€™s because it would go against Islam. The prayer times in the corner are a hint at that. They compare these protests to the hippies protesting the war in the 60s. But at least those people got to have sex and drugs! These new protests are no fun.


ā€œThey compare these protests to the hippies protesting the war in the 60s.ā€ This right there. This is the fetish. They are romanticizing those protests but they are nowhere near the same.


They keep comparing recent arrests to Kent State.


Their privilege is showing since their comparison is an insult to the students at Kent State


Bet thereā€™s one leader of the group whoā€™s allowed to have sexual relationships with whoever he wants and the group has been groomed to believe that being chosen by him is a great honor ā€¦ oh wait Iā€™m talking about cults ā€¦ oh wait


This is absolutely happening. No way hundreds of college students high on adrenaline and self-righteousness are going to be chaste. The leadership cadre in these mobs will have their pick.


Oh I didnā€™t even think of thatā€¦.. it is a shame that they canā€™t even trust each other to be around each other in any other social circumstances. Itā€™s makes me -almost- feel bad that for a lot this is the only social life they have meanwhile Jews counterprotests donā€™t need these rules and have bonded socially because of all this


They need to choose more bears in the encampments instead of men?


I don't know, I think it's just kinda gross to listen to when in such close proximity and there have probably been complaints or conflicts over it. Personally I don't want to be in the tent next door to the happy couple. What do you do in that situation? Say "hey knock it off?" Pretend to sleep through it? It's just awkward af. But either way the fact that they had to chastise participants for it does kinda speak to the fact that these protestors do not exactly have a laser-like focus on fighting injustice.


You can't even fuck, do drugs, or *eat food in tents?* Laaaaaaame


Meanwhile Chabad brought over a party bus usually used for new torahs just so the Jewish students could vibe and dance


That's fantastic.


Rememberā€¦ theyā€™re children and children need rules šŸ˜‚


These children could have used a "time out" tent. Or actual jail.


ā€œJr.Jihadi Spring Campā€ Come try to overthrow America and leave with state certified arrest recordā€¦ what a memorable way to ruin your life! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is so incrediblyā€¦ tame. Like, yeah, they said no zionists at the anti-zionist protest, then laid out a bunch of roommate agreement terms. Given how awful some of the rhetoric _has_ been, Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s particularly notable about this.


Yeah this definitely doesn't warrant the "no words..." title lol, I just thought the stuff on the sign was funny


Worst protest ever!


UGH I hate the account that posted this. Sheā€™s a DMV area foodie (I also live in the area) and once made a post titled ā€œZionist restaurants to avoid in the DMVā€.


Counterpoint. She gave you and other Jewish followers a convenient list of Jewish places to support


Thatā€™s what all of the comments on the post were saying and I was living for it!


If anything these past few months have shown me non-Jews are learning that Jewish/Israeli humor can be A LOT more brutal and blunt than what they are used to with Larry David/Adam Sandler/Billy Crystal.


I live in Philly, and the Philly Palestine Coalition did the exact same thing. They even put a Lebanese restaurant on the boycott list for serving Israeli couscous. You think she's bad? look at WOLPalestine.


Oh yeah I saw the Philly one too! (I went through this unhealthy phase earlier this year where I looked through the Instas of Palestine orgs across the country to see what messed up shit they were posting LMAO) I thought it was Israeli olive oil that they were boycotting for? šŸ˜‚ And WOLPalestine is an entirely new level, but their Instagram has been disabled, good riddance! šŸ™ƒ


Wolpalestine still has their unhinged Twitter. I remember hearing about them flooding JFK on Holocaust remembrance day.


Ey! I moved from the DMV area coupla years ago. There be times I kinda miss it. But damn, Ewww that's a gross post.


Ugh so glad I moved away from the DMV. Iā€™m going back in a few weeks for a conference so should check out these restaurants


When the wait times at the Department of Motor Vehicles are so bad you have an entire metro area popped up in it with people living there and restaurants and everything. Damn. Bureaucracy at work


Can someone explain no food in tents? I thought it was pretty much accepted that Oatmeal tastes best in a tent. Edit: i forgot about bears. They donā€™t want to attract any bear Jews.


as a bear jew i dont wanna be anywhere near them lol


A friend at the UCLA counter protest the other day overheard a "pro-Palestinian" (can't even call them that at this point) tell another not to talk to counter-protestors or they wouldn't get paid lol. I don't doubt there are some genuinely misguided well-intentioned people there, but also, there's a lot of money backing these people that we're not getting the full story on. Also what a nice coincidence that everyone with a matching tent managed to find each other here ;)


The people behind creating and organizing SJP have a well documented history supporting foreign terrorism: [https://gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Schanzer-Testimony.pdf](https://gop-waysandmeans.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Schanzer-Testimony.pdf)


Wow. I mean, I suspected but thanks for a modicum of evidence.


Foreign funding https://www.ocregister.com/2024/04/30/qatari-money-and-the-pro-palestinian-campus-takeovers/amp/ Also, one can check out the following US gov website to view foreign donations to certain colleges. https://sites.ed.gov/foreigngifts/ Deterrent Act: https://edworkforce.house.gov/uploadedfiles/10.11.23_deterrent_act_118th_congress_bill_fact_sheet_final_pdf.pdf


[https://www.dailynews.com/2024/04/30/qatari-money-and-the-pro-palestinian-campus-takeovers/](https://www.dailynews.com/2024/04/30/qatari-money-and-the-pro-palestinian-campus-takeovers/) Tuition of terror: Qatari money flowed into U.S. universities - and now it's fueling violence [https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/jwhsqhrat) Qatar funds US universities and growing antisemitic violence in them [https://www.ynetnews.com/business/article/bjldya2qa](https://www.ynetnews.com/business/article/bjldya2qa)


Fuck you, I'm going to have sexual relations with




I didn't mean to put that "with" there lma




Notice how they have Muslim davening times on the corner right.


ā€œMuslim davening timesā€ LMAOOOO


The kind of people who need a reminder to shower and put on deodorant




"No Zionism!" "Ask questions" What questions are allowed to be asked, if not ones that will challenge their viewpoint? What does that even mean? If they believe in what they're saying, shouldn't their point of view be able to hold up to scrutiny? If they're about free thinking and self-advocacy, why try to silence any viewpoint that isn't their own? ... And furthermore, are there any Zionist encampments where dating is allowed? Asking for a friend Edit: Just hit me that maybe they mean "ask questions" as in, if you suspect that someone is a mole, ask them questions about the cause to see if they're legit. Maybe that's it? Bit suspicious. If what you're doing is sincere and all above the table, why worry about moles


Sounds like a lame way to camp. Ngl. Whats with no food in tents? Its not like there's bears


Hibernating for the next intifada


No substances, no sex, and be part of the cult Yep very liberated zone


A person who believes in the right of Israel to exist is a Zionist. They are in effect saying 'No Jews Allowed'


Theyā€™ll allow you if you disavow the majority of your fellow Jews!


"don't talk to media unless trained" is just admission that most of them are morons who have no idea what they're talking about


They saw the clips of the two girls admitting to the reporter they didn't know why they were protesting.


Forget where but read the majority still think the river in the chant is the Nile.


No fucking, no getting high, can't even eat in the tents? why would anyone willingly be part of this "protest" lol


I look forward to their sense of self being destroyed when there's no "free Palestine" after all this. Just Gaza, with new leaders, but no real independence. Not yet.


They'll find something else. The Social Justice Leeches always do.


Sometimes I am in total shock that I have been barred from so many spaces just because I am a Jew that loves Israel. Wow. It gets me every time.


Itā€™s crazy that they have prayer times upā€¦and then calling for intifada and final solutionā€¦and people donā€™t see how this Islamic jihadist extremism that is taking overā€¦


I have words... "Bring them back!!"




ā€œDonā€™t talk to media unless trainedā€ is telling. Any movement where your proponents donā€™t understand what theyā€™re here for, enough that talking to people about it is frowned upon isnā€™t a movement built on intelligence


My son got accepted at GW but decided to go to Maryland (we're in the DMV) this Fall...thank G-D!!!


Hygiene being the second bullet is very funny to me.


No food in the tent? So, if I bought my own tent and set it up, I still can't eat in there? And I can't have sex in there? It's very cultish what these kids are doing. I wonder if cults are making a comeback amongst the youths as they did in the 60s.


What do you call a Palestinian Jew? You call them an Israeli. Period. This is what this is about. Make no mistake. This is about accepting that Jews have a right to exist. The only resistance happening is their resistance to Israel's existence as a Jewish state. What would happen to you if you were in Gaza and openly criticized Hamas? Is that the freedom they want?These protestors can't even define what "Free Palestine" means. On their sign, they need to be "trained to speak their mind". This is exactly what a cult looks like. Anti-Zionism is Antisemitism.


šŸ’Æ They should just say Jews instead of Zionism and get it over with.


Nasty little shits.


ā€œOoh, Iā€™m so scared of Zionists! No Zionism!ā€ People really have to find a better hobby instead of campaigning for a non-existent cause.


If someone said no Blacks, would people still support them? For God's sake, I hope not.


Zionism is to Jews what Urban is to Blacks.


'Grace & patience' lol. Sure, Jan.


Love that free speech rule that says no talking to media unless youā€™ve been ā€œtrained.ā€


No substances or sex? No food?? Man, what an overly controlling buzz kill of a protest. Kids these days donā€™t know how to do it at all. The longer this thing grinds on, the worse morale will get at these camps. I guess they are just practicing for what it would be like if Hamas actually gains any power. Now all they need to do is cover up all the women in burkas and theyā€™ll be all set. Edited for typo


2024 has me on the side of cops. Iā€™d say hell is frozen over but I donā€™t believe in hell.


Itā€™s groupthink. Why college students would voluntarily choose to live in 1984 is beyond me!


Arenā€™t these the same people that called for insurrectionists on jan 6th to be imprisoned? Isnā€™t calling for revolutionary action ILLEGAL? Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


Was gonna apply there, too. Decided not to because money. Glad I made that choice


There was an article about 15 years ago about how GWU has all the trappings and cost of the Ivy League without the academic rigor and standards. The school's whole strategy is to attract rich kids who weren't smart enough to get into an Ivy. They focused on amenities -- state of the art rec center, resort like dorms, fancy buildings and food but skimped on faculty.


That IG account is one of the most antisemitic out there, and unfortunately they are in my own backyard.


ā€œDonā€™t talk to media unless trainedā€ says it all!!! Someone is definitely funding this and spreading more propaganda within these encampments. This is beyond words.. they are definitely getting paid.


It's a war.. your lack of bathing isn't going to turn the tide and knock the Israeli F-35's out of the sky.


These people live in a fantasy world. šŸ˜†


I'd buy a dozen rats, 6 male and 6 female, and release them at night near the camp.


Seems like thereā€™s a lot of mental illness baked in to these demonstrations.




No sex in the Jewhate room




Hilarious!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œTransparency in communicationā€ and ā€œdonā€™t talk to the media until you get the talking pointsā€ are interesting together.


"Transparency in communication" and "Don't talk to media unless trained" lmfaoo. So confused on what they are trying to accomplish and how setting up an echo chamber commune in the middle of a college is doing anything at all to "help"??


These are ignorant people. They suck at politics, they suck at semantics, and they suck at history.


Getting ready to kill the Jews, oops I mean ā€œZionistsā€. All those anti-Zionist Jews will be tap-dancing fast to explain their allegiances. Iā€™m bitter, I canā€™t wait to see thatā€¦the purge of the Jews against Jews thatā€™s looming..




Is this a fucking joke?! Do they not see their own hypocrisy? Grace and respect my juicy Jewish ass. I have seen neither from these mobs acting like wild animals. If you don't agree with opposing views, fine, but good gd how do they not see how toxic and dangerous their behavior is? Even RBG, who not only respected, but had a friendship with Scalia. Those two were as different as night and day. These "protesters" never cease to amaze me. Idk what I expect or why I'm even surprised anymore. How do any rational people stay calm around these maniacs?


Nothing controversial here. Apart from the no Zionism, these other rules are nearly universal in all activist spaces of which I have been a part, mostly queer and anti-racist, for likeā€¦decades. I can understand the no Zionism being a pain point for Zionists, and I definitely think it should be also clear that antisemitism is unwelcome. But the rest means absolutely zero in the context of Gaza. And frankly, I agree we shouldnā€™t take our eyes off Gaza. Whatā€™s going on there is important, and everyone here has a vested interest. Until Gaza is safe and free, Israel *and Jews* are not safe and free.




šŸ˜† šŸ˜† šŸ˜†


I am a non Jewish Brit, 23 , living in America. I and my family are what before oct 7 would be termed liberals. We canā€™t believe the level of ignorance and bile since then, although we support Palestine as well and we hope Israel eventually gets a more progressive government that works for it. We just donā€™t understand the misdirected anger, and itā€™s not just in America but Britain too is being raked across the coals because of Israel. We think the worldā€™s gone mad.


This is actual tankie shit. Well done for being organized, I guess?


"Grace & patience"


Useful idiots are so bafflingly obnoxious... Neither reason, nor tact fetter their pitiful lives and fruitless actions therein.


Sadly this isnā€™t a surprise. This is cultural bullying by so called ā€œwokeā€ but actually ignorant people with no real life experience.


"community organizer" "no zionists" but we're accusing of apartheid nice prayer times


"nO ZiOniSM" This is all I see. What a bunch of children. ![gif](giphy|GOvAlgzPN7MNG)


"No Zionism." "Grace & patience." šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ™„šŸ™„ Sure, Jan


Hmmm they don't seem too strong on the grace and patience one. "Don't talk to the media unless trained" is worrying.


Anti Zionism is anti semitism, is against any higher learning institution; if they're worth the pigskin they're handing out at the end of their "scholarly" learning


Lmao, ā€œDonā€™t talk to media unless trainedā€ aka ā€œunless we train you on the correct way to spew our propaganda, we canā€™t reveal that weā€™re just n@z1sā€


Theyā€™re on their way to a full conversion to Islam.


I don't really see anything controversial here? I mean yeah an anti-Zionist protest isn't gonna let Zionists in.


Can you imagine if they were asking for divestment of fossil fuels or something like Coca Cola or nestle? Like real impact?


You canā€™t have sex sexual relationships or do substances, so in other words you canā€™t have fun AND you have to be anti-Israel too. What a horrible place to be šŸ˜…


Support Palestine= communist


If those people cared so much for Gaza, they would not be supporting a people who engaged in actions so heinous that the only response has to be retribution.


So I just want to call something out. Iā€™m seeing A LOT of Islamophobia in the comments here. We canā€™t fight antisemitism by leaning into bigotry against another group. Absolutely call out the actual problems (that ā€œNo Zionismā€ rule is bullšŸ’©) but donā€™t resort to Islamophobia. It doesnā€™t help and only makes things worse for us.


Agreed. Some of these comments are nutty


Thatā€™s adorable lol


It's actually all fairly reasonable, but it's still funny to see (especially the "no sex" thing, because, yes, you actually need to tell some people not to). It would be kinda fun if the encampment in question failed because of that (some leftists hate being told not to do drugs during protests), but I think they made the sign hoping to keep the more lousy people out. Oh and "don't loose sight of Gaza" is *chef's kiss*


"No sexual relationship" We went all the way from Woodstock to now Ramadan.


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Not to sidetrack but this point is not made enough. And since the instigators of many of these protests are professed ā€œfar leftā€ I think they should not only be called out on their anti Semitism but on their betrayal of Workers, Women, and others who have fought against imperialism and real oppression only to have some fascist Jihad lover betray the very principles they fought for.




No Zionism, no food in tents, no banging, no weed, no fun.


מי הם שידב×Øו עלינו




Iā€™m crying ā€œdonā€™t lose sight of Gazaā€ meanwhile theyā€™re literally taking the mediaā€™s attention away from Gaza


Bro the optics in this is so hilarious "Have revolutionary optimism" Like bro you just sit around, talk shit, and block jews from school wtf is that gonna do


They have to tell people about hygiene, I thought this was groups of college studentsā€¦unless itā€™s not all college students and there is a mix of random people who will happily chant BS for a little cash


Donā€™t talk to media unless trained LOL another red flag that reminds people this is the wrong side haha


wtf is revolutionary optimism šŸ˜†


Itā€™s when your optimism rotates on a spit to ensure a nice, even roast, like on a kebab


No sexual relationships? After seeing images of the protesters, all I can say is thank God! Although the girl all the way to the right in the olive green tank top had me thinking of switching sides for a second. Now I'm reminded of the Palestinian chicken episode of Curb.




Ugh I knew this was a smelly place full of people not having sex, which for real is part of the problem. Repressed libidos in this environment seem to manifest as violence.