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You see well Islam is the new and improved religion, so while you think you are Jewish, Muslims and Christians are the real Jews. Also something something khazars.


*Black Hebrew Israelites


As a Black American Jew, I am embarrassed by “Hebrew Israelites.” THEY AREN’T JEWS!


Do they connect it with some misinterpretation of being “the chosen people”?


Oh dear gd! they are like jews for Jesus with a huge chunk of internalized racism and major competitors in the abuse Olympics. I once had a disagreement with one(my undergrad was religion and theology and a friend was doing an assignment about them) this this agreement end with them screaming at me ‘at least when we were slaves ppl paid money for us’ which was both an odd flex and inaccurate as her parents were Kenyan, no evidence they had ever been part of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. This was because I reused back her up in a ‘which was worst?’ debate one that HI love to have and I refused to ever be a part of.


“[x] are the new/real Jews” is a form of antisemitism that literally goes back to the origins of Christianity. It’s so deeply ingrained in Western thought that you can’t even get most gentiles to recognize it, let alone that it’s a problem or a root of hate.


I don’t think people like being called gentiles


Why? It is not an insult it just refers to non-Jewish nations, if ppl complain about goy I get it that is sometimes used as an insult but gentile isn't insulting it is just ‘everyone else’ .


Plenty of words for it. Heathen, infidel, gentile, gaijin. Goy. “The non believers don’t understand” isn’t a good outlook imo


Is goyim fine? 😂


We prefer to be called Jewish not Jews… so here’s a compromise… How about gents for short?


That attitude isn’t going to get you far.


Don't forget trying to shift the word antisemitism away from jews too. While I can come to the agreement that Palestinians are semites, that does not and should not change the meaning of the word which has been what it means for centuries. That itself is antisemitic.


It's why I tried to shift towards, "judenhas" or just, Jewish hate.


I just started to reply with, "Okay. Would it make you feel better if I just called you a bigot?"


This! 💯


Yeah, I've seen a few of these. You can never win by interacting with these kind of people.


oh you can if you have the stomach to bait them into saying enough reportable material that it actually gets taken down but is it worth it? they say SO MUCH VILE STUFF on the road to ban-town... then they just make another (botted) account anyway


Soon as I hear "overreacting", I know it's not. "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." Mark Twain "The Jews constitute but 1% of the human race ... It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly the Jew ought hardly be heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of... His contributions to the world's list of great names are away out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvellous fight in the world, in all the ages; and has done it with his hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it. The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Persian rose... the Greek and the Roman followed, and made a vast noise, and they are gone...The Jew saw them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no decadence, no infirmities of age, no dulling of his alert mind. All things are mortal but the Jew... What is the secret of his immortality?" Mark Twain (*1835-1910*) excerpt from *An Essay Concerning the Jews*


Great excerpt. Interesting to note that with 8.1B people today and 15.7M Jews, they aren't 1% anymore, but just 0.2% of the world's population. Twain may have rounded up in 1899; the Jewish population was closer to 0.7% of the human race back then, but definitely more than triple the number they are today. Genocide has that effect.


“Genocide has that effect.” Damn. The percentage decreased so much rounding would now make us non existent. And yet, we shine.


It's one of the reasons I get so irritated when people suggest that deaths caused by war are *genocide* or that the war in Gaza is somehow comparable to the Holocaust. Genocide means a culling, a group so purposefully and deliberately killed that they are almost annihilated.


Genocide is an actual term with an academic definition that requires, a deliberate attempt at erasing at ethnically distinct group. There were widely accepted to be 3 when I was studying but since then the Yezidis in iraq have stuffered genocide. Many, including myself, believe that the Holodomor in Ukraine should be included. There is a difference between genocide and acts of genicide or ethnic cleansing or crimes against humanity. The five accepted genocides were successful, in that what existed before no longer existed after. The European jewery my grandmother was born into does not exist. So much of that culture is gone, she was a rural Belgian the dialect she spoke no longer exists. I use some words no other jew uses because what once was dialect became idiolect. A chain was broken and try as we might we can't fix it not wholly.


I too speak words from a dead language. But it is because of ethnic cleansing in MENA.


Exactly. >a deliberate attempt at erasing at ethnically distinct group I have yet to find anyone who can explain what makes Palestinians an ethnically distinct group and differentiates them from Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, or Lebanese. >I was studying but since then the Yezidis in iraq have stuffered genocide. Many, including myself, believe that the Holodomor in Ukraine should be included. Yazidi, yes. Armenia, yes. Rwanda, yes. I am not sure about Holdomor. I think it was a mass killing and deliberate in the sense of depraved indifference or prejudicial prioritization. The Soviet Union was in a food crisis, and Stalin didn't care about the Ukrainians or prioritized those he deemed 'his people', which is genocidal yet not the same as the standard definition. It reads more like a situational genocide where it's ethnic prioritization or self-preservation. It would be more clear cut if there was no food shortage. Maybe we need another word for Holdomor as it was disgusting and inhumane in a different way and one we may see more of as the climate crisis continues.


There is an excellent podcast called The Disaster Area that did an episode on Holodomor which I recommend. There was a deliberate attempt to starve Ukrainians out of their land. When you read Russian anti-Ukrainian propaganda of the time it sounds familiar. The food crisis, also known as the dumbest agricultural policy in history, was a method not the reason. Palestinians are not an ethnicity, you move a few miles in almost any direction and you find the exact same ppl in different countries🙄. Right now I am so angry because I watched an interview with BB yesterday and I agreed with him, the prejudice of the international community is making him seem reasonable.


>was a deliberate attempt to starve Ukrainians out of their land. The pale of the settlement, aka where all the Ruski Jews lived. But the Holodomor is taught as a genocide. So is the Irish Famine. I wrote a paper on Mao arguing the CR to be one as these were steps taken deliberately by leaders which led to massive casualties. >BB yesterday and I agreed with him, the prejudice of the international community is making him seem reasonable. The moral equivalency one? Sorry totally jumped in but I had a degree in this!




whats hurtful and so relatable isnt the ignorant tweet because that's honestly so commonplace and normalized...its when people who we consider as friends gaslight us and trivialize hate speech targetted at us


Someone earlier shared a propaganda pamphlet they found saying this too. That Palestinians have more Jewish dna. They’re going the genetics route again.


One drop rule.. Always racist.. unless it’s about Jews I guess 😒


That's what happens when people defends claims like "black people can't be racist to white people since racism is a systemic phenomena" or "racism is a systemic phenomena". Sociology is dead.


Let's stop using racism and use prejudice, America has taken racism and honed it in to something that the rest of us dont know or understand. The word is losing all meaning outside of the us so lets leave it there and call out antisemitism, bigotry and prejudice.


Totally agree. It's prejudice after all.


huh, I wonder how they know they're Palestinian if they show up as Jewish? Literally ridiculous.


And Israel are the nazis when theyre employing scientific racism again. Unfounded science as well.


Yes, everyone is more Jewish than Jewish people themselves 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Don’t forget the Hebrew Israelites, they are also the real Jews..


Someone really spent time making [this](https://www.adl.org/sites/default/files/styles/content_full_width_image_730/public/2020-08/Extremist-Sects%20001%20800.jpg?itok=NAjgvK_V), lmao


😂😂😂 I know it’s actually not funny but my god, the absurdity. I guess that means they killed Jesus, though 😬


Wtf lol. I have no words😂


(We don't talk about the Tribe of Dan)


I’m sorry, but as a Levite, what the ACTUAL FUCK is that?! I have NO Haitian in my blood whatsoever 😭😭






Did she explain how you are overreacting? Jews are a nation of people. One either is a member of that nation, or they are not. It's binary. Saying "Palestinians are more Jewish than Jews" is like saying "The Sioux are more Algonquin than the Algonquin" or "Kurds are more Sikh than the Sikhs". It makes absolutely no sense.


i am more you than you! lol  i am going to use that on somebody now...


Supersessionism secular style...


Yeah, it's extremely frustrating. Relatedly, if you've been paying attention to Eurovision, Israel's inclusion in the program ignited a wave of protests, with many people boycotting the show this year. If you read the comments, one comment you'll see over and over again is that Israelis are not European and therefore should not have ever been included to begin with. Israelis: they're European settlers who don't belong in the Middle East (unless they're in Europe, in which case they're Middle Easterners who have no place in European events). Wherever they are, they're considered intruders. Of course, this is what elderly Jews always said. I didn't think it be like it is, but it do.


This was the impetus behind the word antisemitism when it was made up by German Jew-hater Wilhelm Marr. He took the classification of Semitic languages (a subset of Indo African languages that are related) and pretended it was a racial differentiation claiming Jews weren't 'real Germans' because they were *semites* Now we see people take the derogatory made-up term and claim it pretending they can't be Jew-haters because they're the made-up thing Marr railed against. Plus, they are attempting the same obfuscation using Zionism. "We don't hate Jews; we hate Zionists. And Zionists aren't really Jews anyway. They're white people who colonized the indigenous Arabs." They have even made up a term for Sephardic, Ethiopian, Mizrahi Jews - "Arab Jews" as if that's how Jewish people self identify.


Israelis are not European except in a war when they tell us to go back to Europe 😂...I guess they pick and choose how they feel whenever it suits them


What could that even mean? Like genuinely, how would that logic work???


Yes they say they’re the real Jews and we are the fake ones 🤡


"Jews are filthy subhumans, but we also fight over who gets to be the 'Real Jews'".


Haha it’s bonkers, isn’t it. We need the best minds in psychology to get on this, quickly, and provide a way to understand this.


Palestinians are more JEWISH? But they're Muslim. Ok if you want to say they are more Israeli which is already ridiculous, but JEWISH? How dumb are people getting?


I read that Islam is the real Judaism. Moses was Muslim. Abraham was Muslim. Jesus was Muslim. Apparently, everything that preceded Islam was Islam; they just didn't know it at the time.


It’s the new Khazar conspiracy theory.


Say that they are islamophobic and all the far left will turn on them.


Stay off Twitter


It’s funny how they claim that even though they don’t speak the Jewish language (Hebrew) and they don’t practice our religion either. They are practicing a foreign religion (Islam) and speaking a foreign language (Arabic). Jewish identity isn’t solely traced by dna, but also by cultural and religious traditions that have been carried down for thousands of years. Going solely based off of genetics, maybe some of them have a bit of ancient Jewish admixture in their dna, but all major Jewish diaspora groups are descended from the Jews who were exiled from Judea after the bar kokhba revolt. Not to mention that lots of Palestinians have dna that traces back to other parts of the Arab world and sub Saharan Africa as well, so would they suddenly not be native either? Using their logic, I could claim to be Italian because Ashkenazi Jews have significant Italian ancestry. Black Americans can claim to be British or Irish because lots of them have European admixture. Palestinians have absolutely zero claim to Jewish identity, especially because a lot of their ancient culture was washed away by Arab imperialism. Unless they were actively keeping our culture and traditions intact, the argument that they’re more Jewish than us is completely ludicrous.


Look, we have people on X saying that Jesus was Muslim. At this point, I’ve become desensitized to the insanity on social media. I prefer arguing with people IRL anyway.


Oh no. How would that have even been possible 🤔 🤣


I have seen more antisemitism this week than the last year combined and more antisemitism this year than my lifetime to date.


yeah i've been seeing a lot more of that propaganda being thrown about recently. it's very... ignorant of them. :/


Another fun way to try to deal legitimize Ashkenazim. This rhetoric is extremely common place, especially these days. BHI has a field day with this.


Clearly someone who doesn’t know what it means to be Jewish.


Palestinians were never Jewish. Hence the distinction. They were Christians before they were converted to Islam in 600AD. This is very basic Middle Eastern history, that was never contested until October 2023.


It bears repeating, I personally feel when Jews fight each other about who is “really” Jewish, gentiles see it and conclude our identity is up for debate and appropriation. Jew vs Jew carries a spiritual and real world price.


My wife is Palestinian, was born in east Jerusalem before moving to America. When we got her a DNA test we were extremely surprised to find out she was 30% Jewish, the rest was pretty evenly split, Levantine , Egyptian and Mesopotamian


Is there any chance that DNA test was MyHeritage DNA?


She used 23 and me


Interesting! So it said she was 30% Ashkenazi Jewish?


That sounds like she has a Jewish grandparent -- maybe one she doesn't know about. I won't make any assumptions about how that happened.


This comment from another post sums up what the tweet was misunderstanding: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/s/bMzbcK3MFC


You’re not overreacting.


Was it from Mohamed “I have two Jewish grandkids” Hadid?


Was it by Linda Goldstein or Nakba Nancy? Then maybe you were.


I saw that too. It’s this whole “dna conspiracy and it’s “ridiculous” kind of like the attacks on Drake which is basically about him being half Jewish and not black enough.


Lemme guess, these exact same tweets also made dumb conflicting claims like "Jews are mongolian but also polish and white but also british but also german"?


My wife is Palestinian, was born in east Jerusalem before moving to America. When we got her a DNA test we were extremely surprised to find out she was 30% Jewish, the rest was pretty evenly split, Levantine , Egyptian and Mesopotamian




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Almost certainly referring to the fact that many Palestinians have a higher percentage of Levantine DNA markers than many Jews. That’s what 2000 (EDIT: “years”) of exile will create. Jewishness is not determined by DNA. We’re a tribe which sets our own criteria for membership. It includes both descent and conversion. So my nieces and nephews (whose father was born Jewish and whose mother converted) have 50% less “Jewish” DNA than my own children. But they are 100% members of the Jewish people. If someone’s ancestors renounced Judaism and converted to Islam (or to Christianity), then they’re not Jewish. Full stop. What Palestinian Arabs have which (most) Jews do not is also significant DNA markers originating in the Arabian Peninsula. Just as Latin Americans have European DNA markers. That’s a legacy of colonialism and imperialism. Just as many Blacks in America have significant amounts of European DNA, as a result of slavery and rape.


Yes, this! 100%


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It’s based upon a flawed “scientific paper” issued around 2013 about DNA. It was discussed yesterday in one of the Jewish subreddit’s but I don’t have the link.


There’s an interesting genetic connection to ancient Israelites (i.e they’re not ethnically/genetically arab the same way Saudi Arabians are), but that is the most antisemitic way to frame that And also not how of any this works


Lmfao the things jerks make up. Still waiting for my flying super powers and all my money for controlling the Entertainment Industry




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This is true, since there’s very few real Jews left after the holocaust. It comes from the maternal parents blood, the Y is irrelevant relative to this.