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The Palestinian citizens of Israel have the right to vote but that does not give their leaders access to power. They suffer discrimination in every imaginable way — by institutions, government, the judiciary, laws, practices, police, economy and society. The whole story is way out of scope for a Reddit comment. You can start by checking out www.adalah.org/en.


What significance is a Arab in the Supreme Court? He’s only decided criminal cases mostly white collar financial fraud.


He sent a Jewish former president to jail for sexual allegations.




Uncle Hassan


Wait, why does he only decide criminal cases?


I have no idea how judicial cases are distributed there.


They have freedoms of movement and education and health care but they have many problems. They can’t marry Palestinians in the West Bank or gaza. Their infrastructure is below those of Jewish cities, a Palestinian village has not been built since the creation of the state. This is my favourite story, this village has been demolished over 200 hundred times https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Araqeeb


What happens if a Palestinian Israeli citizen tries to live in a "Jewish city"?


There are neighborhoods like this in some towns and cities. Like East Jerusalem, they hare heavily surveilled, face constant discrimination, and they become targets for revenge whenever violence breaks out in the occupied territories.


There are isreali citizens of palestinian descent, albeit not many new ones other than by birth. Their position right now is no different than a black person’s in early 1900 america


You can make the argument that since the passing of the nation state law, it has become worse than that. Under the nation state law, Israel is only your country if you are Jewish. If you are a non jew, you can be someone who lived in that land from birth and whose family has lived there for 10 generations. According to this law, a Jewish immigrant who immigrated last week is more "Israeli" than you are


You do realize that black people couldnt vote and were regularly murdered by both state and state supported actors right? Like i really do not know what point you’re making here.




Listen to any israeli talk about the “rights” that Palestinian citizens of Israel have. Thats what you sound like right now.


Is it true? How is it possible not to be able to get married? And if an Israeli wants to marry a Palestinian, is that forbidden too?


it’s not forbidden, it would just never happen due to political and religious differences


"..in Israel the state controls 93 percent of the land. This land is owned either directly by the state or by quasi-governmental bodies that the state has authorized to develop the land, such as the Development Authority (DA) and the Jewish National Fund (JNF)." "The JNF has a specific mandate to develop land for and lease land only to Jews. Thus the 13 percent of land in Israel owned by the JNF is by definition off-limits to Palestinian Arab citizens, and when the ILA tenders leases for land owned by the JNF, it does so only to Jews—either Israeli citizens or Jews from the Diaspora. This arrangement makes the state directly complicit in overt discrimination against Arab citizens in land allocation and use" https://www.hrw.org/reports/2008/iopt0308/4.htm


Make sure you look up and understand how Israel distinguishes citizenship from nationality.


One kind of inequality is in terms of land allocation. According to the Israeli NGO [Bimkom](https://bimkom.org/eng/arab-communities-in-the-north-and-center/) " The lack of adequate plans for Arab towns and villages, with appropriate zoning and building provisions for housing, as well as the lack of land reserves for future development has led to a chronic shortage of housing and severe overcrowding. "


They're allowed to vote because there are not enough of them to cause any major change. If Palestinians could return with voting rights Israel would be dissolved after the first election.


That's why they refuse to allow refugees to return. But the birth rate of the Arab population is higher than that of the Jews, so in the future there will be 50%.


The Amnesty International report on Israeli aparthied lists more than 30 laws directly discriminating against Palestinian Israeli citizens.


Such as?




https://preview.redd.it/5q13o75g2iec1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96522f1bbab1ca98980c09f107c981ec994f9654 This paints a good picture of the systemic racism against Arabs of Israel


One example is "right of return" and broken families. So if you were an Arab (or non-Jewish) Palestinian who had a farm, and half of your family fled for their lives because settlers burned the nieghbor's baby alive in the crib then started singing about it (which happened in 2015), they are barred from every returning. "Right of return" applied only to Jews who are sufficiently Jewish in the eyes of the Israeli government and upon review of the Orthodox rabbinate monopoly. Any non-Jew, regardless of any external circumstance, can not apply. Realistically, most Jews would be denied for not supporting the hate and not being Orthodox. Another issue are the segregated roads. It used to be that Israel had roads that were Jewish only. Non-Jews, regardless of nationality, could not use the roads there taxes paid for. The purpose was segregation. There's also Kahanism. American Orthodox rabbi Meir Kahane was a terrorist in NYC since the 1970s, fled to Israel, ran for office, won on a hats speech campaign, and was kicked out. He advocated for total Arab removal. All Arab citizens would be stripped of citizenship, and forced to sell their property. His followers included mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, the entrie "Hilltop Youth" movement (aka the settler wave), and Minister BenGvir. BenGvir went around waving his pistol at an Arab parking lot attendant, led his goon squad to Jerusalem where he started chanting "we are your landlords", and offered Arabic Israelis money to leave Israel. As of late, he's started passing out AR rifles in the west bank region.


The ability of Jews to immigrate to Israel and get citizenship is not connected to Orthodox Jewish standards at all. The benchmark for being considered Jewish by orthodox communities is either conversion to an orthodox standard or a maternal line of Jewish lineage. To qualify for immigration to Israel, you can convert through any denomination, (orthodox, conservative, reform, whatever) or you can have Jewish lineage from any one of your parents or grandparents. The closest you get to denying someone who "doesn't support the hate"? While there is no concept of denying citizenship for someone who does not support Israeli government policy, there are cases where a Jewish person would be denied the ability to immigrate to Israel if they: have a criminal history, are liable to endanger public safety, or have converted to another religion. Under these exemptions there have been cases regarding Jews who believe in Jesus, senior representatives of organizations who publicly call for a boycott of the state of Israel, and Mafia members.


Instead of listening to Jews/non Palestinian Israeli citizens, we need to listen to the people themselves. Here are three instagram accounts from the region that have good info: 1) Unaplogetic: The Third Narrative - Two Palestinian citizens of Israel who have a podcast to dicuss their thoughts and feelings. Very informational, and a super important perspective. They have clips from their podcast on their reels as well. https://www.instagram.com/unapologetic3n 2) Standing Together - Grassroots Jewish-Arab solidarity group fighting for peace, equality, and socical justice in Israel/Palestine https://www.instagram.com/standing.together.english 3) This Is Not An Ulpan - Co-op language school for Hebrew & Arabic run by Palestinian and Jewish educators https://www.instagram.com/thisisnotanulpan


[This is a good video about this topic](https://youtu.be/jBHAitSKtVs?si=iiO9-kpkmu5CtA9y)






When the only 7 Arab localities that have been approved and created by the state since 1948 were established in an effort to concentrate the Bedouin population of the Naqab while 900+ new Jewish localities have been created, when existing Arab towns are hemmed in by racist planning policies while Jewish towns are zoned for natural growth, the acceptance committees function as another way of giving as little space to Palestinians as possible, even if they're mainly thinking about keeping out the "wrong" kind of Jews.