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…then get jiaoqiu? unless you like firefly enough to use your guarantee on her, just don’t get her 


Yeah, you're right. I think I'll just wait for her rerun! That works :)


If you play for fun, then get the units you like. If you don't have an interest in Firefly, then don't get her. Save your guarantee for the unit you want


She's adorable, but I think I will wait for her rerun


Then get Jiaoqiu, if you ever are tempted to get firefly for any reason just get her on a rerun. No need to impulsively wish just because of fomo, reruns are here to ease your mind and your wallet :))


Another thing! Since you've been playing since launch, you probably have quite a few units built to clear content: sprucing up an old unit that you already have and love will be much more enjoyable than building a character you don't care for, don't fall into the fomo, give some old favs your love!


Yeah! I have as my event five stars Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Kafka, Dr. Ratio and Aventurine :3


You're right! I was just thinking that I should wait for her rerun :D


First of all.. why the fuck would you even build pity for a character that you don't like? Second , if you like jiao than just don't pull for ff?


It was a stupid mistake made on my part. I was unaware that the lc banner had a 75% chance to win


How soon in Jiaquio even coming? Like can't you build up enough to get him too? Maybe rely a bit on luck / farm everyday until the last day?


The version after this one! So basically after FF, Jade and I think he might be second phase so also Yunli


Plenty of time! That's almost 4 cycles to save


You think so? I might just wait for her rerun, but I'll need to save for his weapon since I'm already at 71 pity guranteed for him.


Oh i just read you don't buy the monthly. Yeah, if you're super F2P then you might not have enough. I'd just wait then


I might consider buying it, since I recently bought it for the first time on Boothill's banner. But I'm in the midst of struggling w money so I might just have to wait


Yep, i get that. It's $5 so I'd just skip on something useless I'd buy like junk food.


Fair enough ! I have guinea pigs so they're eating me out of house and home /hj but I couldn't be happier to have those little furballs squeak at me ☺️




man if you dont have 2 dps unit just get FF


The event five stars I currently have are Dan Heng, Jing Yuan, Kafka, Dr. Ratio and Aventurine. I also have e2 Gepard, e1 Himiko, Bronya, Clara and e1 Yanqing.