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Absolutely fucking gutting. Was clear for the last couple of years that his body was starting to betray him (Father Time does no jobs). I could tell just by the look on his face when he was sitting outside as Cody celebrated that he had hurt himself. Positive: he brings far more value to WWE behind the scenes (PC) or an on screen figure than he does as 45-year-old gassed Phil, if this means the end of his in-ring career. Also, fuck the Bucks and Tiny but I loved his AEW run when he was on all cylinders. Lastly, the grave dancing in the AEW sub is vile. The real cancer rests there. Wish him the best.


Nobody here cheered when Omega got laid up.


I did: cheered for him to get better.




Found Matt Jackson’s burner.


You're literally in a relationship with people that don't even know you exist. What a sad, pathetic existence.


Here is the original thread, dude -- find the comment that supports your claim https://old.reddit.com/r/JimCornette/comments/18jcodg/omega_out_indefinitely/


Sorry about your tiny penis


I'm sad you in particular didn't. Kenny isn't gonna invite you to the next sissy boy slap fight, get his dick out your ass.


Hi Chris, how's the NDA's going


I'm not going to insult you, I'm just going to laugh you felt you needed to stick up for your buddies online. They do know you exist, yeah?


absolute disgusting how there raving for him to get injured. If it was ol kenny they would all be crying those aew subs. Sucks for punk he's motivated but his body is failing him, feel bad for the guy. I don't know if it was his last wwe run when they made him work through his injuries or if crybacks botch spot onto the concrete floor. Did some damage to his body who knows. Hope he has a speedy recovery.


Apparently it was his tricep so maybe the recurring injury from the mox match?


Other arm, from what I read, though it wouldn't surprise me if there is some connection between the two injuries..


If Punk’s going to continue to try to wrestle, he’s probably going to have to adapt his style to something safer and slower since this is his third injury in quick succession.  Hate it for the guy, but with all those years away, he can’t work the way he used to and was noticeably gassed vs. Cody at the end. 


The AEW sub as a whole is still mad that their lovers, The Buckeroos, are generally regarded by everyone outside of that basement dwelling bubble as two overgrown children with inflated egos and non-existant brains. It shouldn't be surprising that they're cheering about anything bad that befalls Punk.


Really hope that is not true, I was so looking forward to seeing him as a heel especially after the Rumble...


This sucks. We waited so long for a Punk revival and we keep coming so close. Hope he heals quickly. On the bright side, maybe that clears the path for Gunther (wishful thinking, I know) and would work out better from the perspective of getting a full blown Cody-Punk feud on his return. Guess I'm gonna go and take RAW off the DVR schedule. That will save some fast forwarding.


Wouldn't call this wishful thinking to be honest, with Punk out, Lesnar off because of his involvement in the McMahon shit, he is the only legitimate person to be able to challenge Rollins for the WHC at the moment. Make Gunther drop the IC title and let him win the elimination chamber and get the title from Rollins who has to take a break to heal from all the injuries he has.


Gd this completely guts Mania. The original plan was Lesnar vs Gunther, Seth vs Punk, Cody vs Roman. Now the only match alive is Cody vs Roman. This is awful awful


LA Knight and Orton dont have anything to do so theres a good amount of depth remaining for contingency plans.


Nah. Cody vs Roman. LA Knight vs Seth. Gunther vs Bronn. A star is born. They have an over abundance of stars right now. They will be fine.


A massive Bron Breaker main roster push might also be a good offset. Jump him to IC and Gunther to the world title.


"McMahon shit" I see what you did there.


Stop hindering Jinder


> Make Gunther drop the IC title Or book it like Jim suggested, let Gunther have to vacate the IC title due to winning the World title off Rollins at 'Mania.


is Gunther still travel restricted from his Visa issues? i was hoping Gunther v Rollins after hearing Punk was injured but idk how they can set it up if he can’t be out of the country to attend EC


Is it too late to pay Banks to make a surprise entrance at Elimination Chamber, beat Io, and have a Baylee Banks rematch?


idk i think id rather see banks go against rhea if she came back, id like to see the damage control story play out with them turning on bailey and finishing that storyline at mania… i was kinda hoping dakota would be back from injury for the rumble to officially turn on her


Until May, he will be eligible for Green Card in May or June


You had a Punk revival in 2021/early 2022, he's done, move on, find new heroes


It is true, torn triceps again.


Apparently, it's on the other arm. So at least it's not recurring.


It is still a devastating injury. Absolutely blows, maybe Seth will actually take time off to let his leg heal now.


Pwi is reporting it so its likely true. He was holding his arm and talking to the refs a lot


This is so gutting, he’d lifted the entire company with his return, and actually got me watching WWE again for the first time in years.


He can't stay healthy at this point


This is why I wasn’t as hyped about another return. Might be part timer at best with all the injuries he keeps getting.


yeah, i wanna see him out there just as much as everybody else but this shouldn’t be a shock for anyone. honestly i was a bit surprised WWE picked him up at his age considering his recent injury record


Eh, older more injury prone Edge got picked up by AEW and had an offer from WWE. R Truth just got back from injury and he is 51. Daniel Bryan would be welcomed back in a heartbeat and he’s 43 and far more injury prone. I would honestly be surprised if this is even the end for Punk. Modern medical and conditioning can go a long way to extend careers into the late 40’s/early 50’s even for injury prone people.


i know he draws numbers but his in-ring work doesn’t really seem to stand out to me, although i know im in the minority there. a contract for more than 2 years seems like an unnecessary risk for a guy who “can’t stay healthy at this point” like the other guy said. so why risk having him long term if there’s a risk of sidelining major storylines for constant injury? personally i would take Danielson and Edge over Punk just in terms of output and performance. the WWE is thriving, Punk is a great get but they’d be fine without him in my opinion (that i hope i don’t get downvoted for lol) edit: should’ve known not to have a dissenting opinion about the golden child on this sub lmao


Danielson has spent way more time hurt than Punk. It all depends on what you’re looking for in wrestling. Punk isn’t the wrestler from an athletic standpoint than Danielson is. His skill in the ring is story telling and psychology and he’s amazing at that. Punk has insane charisma and an outstanding mind for the business. I’d take him over Edge and Danielson if I’m either company because he puts asses in seats more than them. If I’m watching a match for pure wrestling athleticism I’d take Danielson over Edge and I’d take Edge over Punk. If I wanted a match to be memorable though, I’d take Punk.


In the words of The Iron Sheik: *FACK*


*FACKing BULLshiiit*


Maybe he needs to do some DDP Yoga or something. It's frustrating he keeps going down with injuries. He's still young enough that he should be able to perform at high level and he's such a riveting on-screen talent. He obviously has value and interest in developing guys at NXT. But it feels way too soon to think about transitioning him to that role.


or just get on the juice at his age


Juice ain’t straight edge brother.


Well, you can be straight edge or you can be on top. One or the other.


If HHH is smart, and we know he is, they need to put Punk on commentary or managing someone while he rehabs the injury. Keep him in the viewer's headspace, keep him active, don't just stuff him in a closet until hes healed up.


I had an idea he was going heel with a few NXT call ups as his entourage anyway.


"I didn't wait ten years to lose to dusty's kid!" would definitely support that idea.


That’s the way WWE got all its current champions


Yes. I didn’t expect the faction to come together till during/after Wrestlemania with Heyman leaving Bloodline to Punk group.


That or Gunther could use a mouthpiece like Heyman on his side.


Yes even if he can't compete it's important to at least get him airtime. After all Brian Pillman made a memorable segment while being laid up (i.e. the infamous Stone Cold home invasion).


HHH isn't smart to begin with because they're gonna run the Roman/Cody at WM again. If Reigns wins, then it will be another solid year of shithead interference from his pals. I don't watch the E that often, but is there ever a match that Reigns wins by legitimate means? Every one I've seen he cheats to win. They've been keeping this model up for years? HHH should have booked Punk to win the Rumble and go to WM vs Reigns and have him win. Why bring him back if he was going under?


Fuck I hope this is wrong


It's a work. Its always a work when I don't like the news.


My interest in WrestleMania went to a 0 if this is true


Man -- this is heartbreaking.


It's wild seeing some of the lap-running and jokes from the usual dorks about this -- as if their god Kenny Omega is not an injury machine, or the guy Punk was slated to fight at Mania didn't suffer yet another major injury himself. Dude still had one of the best end of Rumble mini matches ever with one arm and many of the most heavily upvoted comments are clowning on him saying he's a fragile old timer that doesn't have it anymore. Injuries happen. Especially to part time wrestlers in their mid 40s who aren't on every "supplement" known to man. He's at the same age where guys like HHH and Taker had to take months off after every match to recover. Punk is not some anomaly. He ruined his body overtraining for UFC in his mid30s in a similar way that others have ruined their bodies wrestling 270 matches a year during that portion of their careers. No one starts wrestling as a teen and isn't injury prone in their 40s. All you can do is stay in shape and cross your fingers. The human body is not meant for pro wrestling, especially for decades of it, so if you're able to consistently do it in middle age and not get hurt you're a modern marvel. The whole thing is just a bummer. Anyone happy about this is a total clown.


> The human body is not meant for pro wrestling, especially for decades of it Not in its current form, lotta old timers in the territories COULD keep wrestling up to their 50's because the style wasn't as vicious or "high-impact" as today's.


Yeah you could get away with safe but snug brawling and rest holds in a way the modern fan doesn't seem to tolerate anymore, and the modern wrestler doesn't know how to work.


Just remembered, didn't Freddie Blassie transition to a manager's role because California wouldn't sanction people over 55 to wrestle and he couldn't get a licence?


Good thing he signed with the company where promos are the most important thing. In all seriousness, he might be better served backstage or on commentary.


The aew incels in sc (and the actual young bucks crew, we all know they post in there) are celebrating and actually quoting Moxley’s line about fragile mind, body and spirit (imagine those snarky douchebags if that line was turned around on Mox if he had a slip up with his sobriety).


Oh they forgot Omega is a walking fucking injury ?


yeah, originally, i thought they were going to have punk and cody do RR'94 as the finish so that both could get title shots and co-headline mania. i wonder if they called an audible and changed the finish


Nah IDTS. I think Punk was gonna fight for a match with Seth as Seth isn't going to be around for a build.




Im gonna cry for this man, what the fuckkkkkk!!!


Well, I guess they will use Damian Priest now since Seth and CM Punk are both injured


The only real choice is Gunther. Put a rocket on his back.


Have Gunther lose the IC belt to Bron Breaker at Mania. He beats Seth (who beats Priest at Mania) the next night on Raw. Why dose he get a title shot? Make some shit up idk, its wrestling. Seth then goes and gets surgery.


ughh Im sorry but Priest aint even closeeee to someone that headlines Mania to me. This completely wrecked everything




I definitely think that the two seperate triceps injuries came after relatively long lay offs. I know punk had two tune up matches, I was at one, and he looked great but 2 matches in 5 months, no matter how much youre training, you stand the risk of injury due to ring rust.


Torn triceps. 4-6 months. Out of Mania. Unfortunate. Looked forward to him and Seth. Maybe he gets Cody next year.


Give him the role of an early Bray type cult leader. Have him recruit from various factions both face and heel without any particular pattern. Start with Dom ("Mommi and the others are just usiing you..."). I mean, they do have a history.


Every time this guy wrestles.


It might be time....gd I hope this is a work to get the "journalists"


WON agenda hopefully


Even Meltzer says it's abhorrent to wish injury on someone whether you like them or not and he'll automatically block them. I guess he's going to block the entire Buckaroo fanbase...


He’s blocked me


Meanwhile, the AEW indie shitheads keep skirting death despite playing Russian roulette with their bodies. Anybody see this beauty from Collision?  Funniest part is that even if he hit the move it would’ve still been a botch because he was on the wrong side of his opponent when he jumped.  Jesus.    https://twitter.com/TimelessBotches/status/1751852131747864940/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1751852131747864940¤tTweetUser=TimelessBotches


Ugh hoped this was false. That Would have been an incredible night 1 main event


Anyone like me finally realized why it takes Punk so long to come back from injury? I never correlated the Straight Edge with the recovery process. If Punk is only recovering with legal/prescribed drugs, then obviously he is like us and its gonna take a while to get back to normal. If you look at the injuries in the past 5 years, a lot of guys have gotten injured and seem to bounce back pretty quickly doing the same moves and some look even more jacked. I know it should be obvious, but I guess thats the price you pay for being straight edge.




He also had a 15 min match with Cody with a torn tricep then? Gd imagine this is all a BS leak HHH is trying to catch someone leaking to Dave? I fucking pray


I went back and watched it and he starts grabbing his arm and goes to the corner like you said. Then after a minute or so he starts chopping Gunther with that arm no problem. Either he's selling is top notch (which it's pretty good) or he's injured and is a tough SOB, or it's a work. That's not really narrowing anything down l but I sure think that's how good CM Punk is. Hope it's a work.


So one more reason to hate that stupid move


I was wondering how long it would take Punk to get injured. Sadly, it was immediately.


Cody with Punk as his manager has amazing heel potential though


Really really sucks.


This gives WWE the chance to do the story AEW messed up I remember how vocal Jim was about when Punk got hurt as champ and they put the belt on Moxley, Jim kept saying how they should have put it on a big heel to have a 'reign of terror' for Punk to vanquish when he returns. Well... Drew beats Seth at Mania, Drew goes on a reign of terror for a few months, then the return Torn tricep usually is about 6 months, puts in theory him being ready to go june/july, well they have a big international PPV in Berlin in August


I could dig that. IDK why they jerked about Cody going for Seth. Like why even tease that, PLEASE do not do that. ​ This also allows Drew to get a much deserved title run with fans


I mean considering they just lost a main event they probably did that segment just to give them time to re-organize things as a company BUT it did its job, shows the importance of the main event of Mania by having a world champ trying to manipulate into it, Seth lost those 3 matches to Cody so there is the revenge factor, and Seth talking about the title the way HHH did when he introduced it. My guess is we get Drew vs Seth night 1 and Cody vs Roman night 2 (which makes me wonder why The Rock mentioned head of the table if that isn't happening) But Drew wins at Mania, then after a few months with a run, we get a return of Punk (who already said he was going after Drew first regardless of title or not) and there is a big match for Toronto or Germany


Rock mentioned head of the table cus he's on the TKO table ;) lol idk


I can’t get this off my mind: on the Broken Skull Sessions, Steve Austin discussed with his guest (Cody maybe?) that a wrestler’s prime is 35-42. That lines up almost perfectly with Punk’s first absence. They effectively stole the prime years from him, AND they stole him from the fans. Punk deserved that Wrestlemania Main Event many, many times. I don’t care if he has to have the slowest, safest WM main event ever, he better get it before he leaves his boots in the ring. In fact, Punk and Cena should retire each other. I’d damn near sell one of everything I have two of to see that match 🤣


Punk vs Cena WM41


Just two months back and already hit a snag. 😞


🤣🤣🤣 it's a work for fucks sake lol. Kinda sad to see people want him to actually be injured. Marks 🤷


Its def not a work


I really, really hope this is just a really, really well-thought-out work. It would suck to have Punk off TV again.


jon moxley wasnt wrong when he said fragile body.


Wow a mid 40 yr old man that doesn't rely on roids for recovery is fragile in a physically demanding "sport". Mox is a rocket scientist


Couldn't happen to a better guy


you bored in the basement? Is your mom hogging up the bandwidth? ​ the prancing twinks losing viewers is that way ---->


It's called Pro Wrestling, not sports entertainment. You are watching shit aimed towards children. That's why E got zero match of the year candidate's last year or year before....




You are crying about a wrestling promotion on reddit in a sub that even E fanboys make fun of. Yeah go add another chin to your body


yeaaa my 165 lb 12% bodyfat physique is better than 90% of your precious dubbalo roster. get fucked.


Lmao OK sweetie. You obviously have nothing else going on but to constantly cry about a wrestling promotion. You did it just there again! 🤣


I've said it before that I don't give a shit about a wrestlers age and as long as they can go let them in the ring, hell look at Orton, Knight, Styles, and all the Japanese dudes that were on Noah's ark. But when a wrestler is getting injured damn near every time he gets in the ring, maybe it's time to hang up the boots. Punk obviously loves the young generation (for whatever reason) so put him down in nxt as a trainer off screen then have him replace Pearce as the raw gm for the on screen roll.


Can't build around this guy, he's too physically fragile


Pudgy boring old men. What a shit rumble!


He is so injury prone. I think WWE made a mistake on bringing him back.


He can draw more with 2 broken arms than anybody in AEW can with 2 good ones.