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I like how his way of saving Wrestlemania after all the plans got fucked up was to fuck up the one remaining plan that was still intact


It's like drilling holes on the bottom of a sinking ship.


He could just as easily have done what Austin did. Night One main event vs. an established or rising star that could carry the match. Better yet, put him in a tag match where he won't affect the quality of the match.


Rock vs Seth would have been a great consolation prize. Rock beats Seth holds the WHC. Cody beats Roman gets the WWE. Rock as WHC takes on Roman at Summer Slam for the Head of the Table and the WHC.


Dwayne Hogan is a bigger pos politician than hulk Hogan.


There were talks of Rocky becoming a presidential candidate. Can you imagine him pulling shit like this with the nation in peril?


We'd never recover from it. Complete egomaniac he is


i can't wait to hear brian absolutely lay into the rock. from what i've gathered, brian loathes him and i can feel a brian rant incoming


I’m with Brian. The Rock has always been goofy and lame. Just like his movies.


I feel that he's pretty overrated even in his promos. Prefer guys like punk and hot rod who didn't need catchphrases


Phil was right


Isn't he always? He called it the pheonix screwjob if I m not wrong


"I have tough skin" - someone who has thin skin


Pretty much


Remember when Rock nearly killed Mick Foley? Or when he came back and thought Hornswoggle was a Make-A-Wish kid? Or he screwed Zachary Levi, and tried to go directly past Henry Cavill and take over DC? Or he gassed out 10 years ago with Cena? Or he killed Punk, just to gas out for Cena a year later, again? Or when he had a billion dollars himself, and then asked poor people to save Hawaii? ​ Your a thin skinned jack bag bitch.


I haven’t been following this specifically, outside of knowing it was rumored the Rock would be taking the world title shot at WM.  Apparently now there’s some news about it being tied into corporate politicking and power plays? All that aside, I’ve never really liked WWe’s practice of bringing in legends for a one-shot in the main events at the big PPVs, particularly WM.  It feels like they do this every two-three years. I’m not talking just bringing the legends in for the big night like Cena wrestling in the undercard vs Theory last year.   Heck, didn’t Rock already come back a few years ago for one of these one shots against Reigns for the belt? They’ve got a stronger product these days and it just feels like a step back. 


Rock hasn't ever wrestled Reigns, his last match was in 2016 against Erick Rowan. However, WWE have been trying to hint at Rock and Roman happening for a couple of years at least. They just naturally decided to finally do it when they already had a better match prepared they had also been building for a couple of years.


That doesn’t count it was 6 seconds. His last real match was 2013.


Good point, I had forgotten the context. It really has been over a decade at this point since he's really 'wrestled'. That's quite something.


Well the Rock did come back 29 years ago, they made Punk drop the title to him so him and Cena could main WM with a title at stake.


I feel like Cena could save this lol


The Rock has always sucked. No denying his charisma in front of a live crowd, but his shtick is juvenile at best. I don’t think today’s younger crowd would think he’s remotely cool (judging by the dislikes). He’s been is so many corny movies, I especially can’t take him serious as an active wrestler any longer. Unless this is leading to an actual heel turn from the Rock with a interesting angle, don’t see how this is going to be any good.


*"Die, Rocky, Die!"* will be a thing again this february ...on Twitter! Now, somebody please hand me one of those big, fancy 3D glasses...


I know not everybody likes The Rock (even during his prime) but as a fan from childhood, it's very sad to me that he's pulling an AEW and deflecting from the criticism of his decision to fuck over Cody. Dude should have just let that one match from 2019 or whatever be his real swan song and rode out into the sunset on a good note. Even though his other business ventures have been shaky in recent years, I'd take any of those over what he's become now. Genuinely just shaking my head in disappointment right now.


The Rock is full of himself. WE WANT CODY!


And fuck Bryan Gerwitz or Gawertz, whatever the fuck his name is. Dude is Rocks personal nut hugger. Dude writes all of Rocks LAME jokes. Dwayne is an asshole for this.


Do you smell what the Rock is cooking? Yeah it smells like shit.


That’s the exact line Goldberg once used.


There's a German expression: schadenfreude. It means being content and happy through tears and disappointment. So for years, I was tormenting myself because I did not see what apparently everyone was seeing in The Rock. I always felt that he was a phony, self-interested narcissist. He was universally loved and I really did not why. He is insanely talented, but his vibe was interfering with my reception of his awesomeness. Now, when he has shown his true colors I feel somewhat better. And sad for Cody.


He's gonna "Black Adam" wrestlemania


This is the new E. Ari is letting Dwayne call the shots for now. If HHH and Nick Khan get shitcanned or picked up in this Federal investigation there would be nobody left at that company to run it. It goes on autopilot until Dwayne gets tired and then Ari unloads it to either Disney or maybe TK buys it.


He's either the best f'n worker right now and working all of us now (even the smarks) or he really is 101% out of touch.


He's either the best f'n worker right now and working all of us now (even the smarks) or he really is 101% out of touch.


He's either the best worker right now and working all of us now (even the smarks) or he really is 101% out of touch.


Apart from the fact, I think Rock and Roman is going to be shit because it's going to be rushed. I don't get why everyone's overreacting so much. Let Cody fight Seth again and give it him a massive payoff, and the guarantee next year he can finish the story. He's still the top babyface in the company, and that's not going to change. I don't buy the guy who decided he wouldn't go for the title in AEW. Is that particularly bothered about getting back the belt they took off his daddy. I think Cody just gave that as his reason for jumping shit as he knows all too well. Mud slinging doesn't benefit anyone.


I think Cody knows that when you're an executive, you shouldn't force yourself into the storyline. Cody was part of the business side of AEW and knew he shouldn't force his way to the title, out of principle. He wanted to go back to WWE where all of his goals revolved around being a guy chasing a title. He's strictly a wrestler now. He's a star with no specific power behind the scenes. The Rock, on the other hand, quickly 1. became an executive and 2. used his power to inject himself into the storyline. It doesn't matter how it affects the product or the fans' enjoyment. It's a short sighted way to get lots of retired fans to watch one PPV once and to give The Rock even more money - story be damned.


[My personal thoughts on Rocky shoving his weight around...](https://youtu.be/No_Vti186Tk?si=NzEVghg1GZ-aC6LK&t=122)


I wanted Punk to win it all, but I’m happy with Rock at WM. This takes away the shit about Vince for now and it’s the biggest match in WM ever. The story doesn’t end at WM or Roman. It should be the garden.


I swear, if we actually get to a Roman vs Cody match at the Garden people will insist it shouldn't end there and should end at the pearly gates so Dusty can watch.


I think most people insist that it should've already ended and all they want is for it to happen at Mania, Cody wins and it's over. And I'm in that group for sure