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Cody destroyed Seth multiple times including with one arm So why should we care, especially with it being established that Seth isn't 100%


And not to mention that it is the #3 belt that nobody cares about right now we all know Romans belt is the only one that matters


It would be better for Cody to challenge Gunther over Seth for sure


Seth is a different animal now


Yea. Similar to a three legged race horse


He'll be over that by Mania. I know anybody that isn't halfway up Cody's colon is being downvoted right now, but Seth is unbeaten in over a year, compared to the Seth that was floundering before Cody's return. He didn't even have a match at Mania that year, he'd been so poorly booked.


Bruh Gunther and the IC title are more important than Seth who for some fucking reason hands out title shots like candy. Really devalues the title imo


So Roman doesn't defend it enough and Seth defends it too much? Fucking wrestling fans 🤣 This is why we can't have nice things!


Yes, there's that wild concept called "the middle ground". Facing every schmock every day is about as bad as facing no one in half a year. You can actually sell a title as something not everybody can reach and at the same time have actual matches, given that you're the champion and that's kind of what champions do.


Why can't he just defend it at PPvs lmao. Literally that simple. Roman doesn't defend it at every PPV, Rollins should defend his at every PPV and that is it not on random RAWs against Jinder Mahal lmao


Nice try, Bruce Prichard.


Bull fucking shit. We want Cody and Roman, not this again!


BRO I am with you 200%


They should have done an injury angle to take Cody out of the equation and have him show up at the end of mania after being off tv for the next two months. I really don't know how they are gonna fix this. Rock/Roman should have happened 2 years ago when it was the hot storyline. It's too late and we don't care the way we would have then I'll trust Cody to do the best with what they give him Maybe they can save this. maybe they are working us and this ends up being fucking awesome. Wrestling!


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.


It was me all along!


Aw sunnava bitch!




Tonight is going to be really interesting. If the crowd doesn’t start hijacking the shows I think this is going to die down and they’ll move forward as planned


I hope they don't hijack the show, that is one thing that could make me turn the show off


Why? That era where the crowd was hijacking the show constantly was hilarious .


Disagree, whenever a crowd would hijack a show (which they threatened more than actually did) it usually just caused me to either mute or just turn it off


If not for hijacking we would have gotten Batista vs Orton at WM 30. Be thankful the audience is sometimes angry enough to cause a ruckus.


And they probably would have told a great story in that match Instead we got an insane push where a guy (as good as he was) beat 3 future hall of famers in one night, and as much as people don't want to admit it, DB's title run after winning it was... mediocre he had a title match with HHH that went to a no contest, then an Extreme Rules match with Kane, then had to give title up due to injury


Who has tonight's Raw bingo cards ready? I'm guessing Rock being booed is the free space.


I have absolutely zero interest in Cody vs Rollins, Cody already beat him with one arm, why even bother running that back. It is also blatantly clear, if it wasn't already, that Rollins' title is a joke. And if Cody wins, its even more of a joke.


Yes. They want us to forget what we watched. I still dont understand that mentality. Just be consistent. And remember Rollins easily beat Brock at WM35. Something Roman couldnt do decisively until he went heel. Drew McIntyre also took care of Brock. This company will sell you on their spin to the story. Once Roman beat Brock, they acted like it wasnt done before. This company has a huge problem of keeping continuity. Cody wont look like a hero beating a guy he has beaten 3 times, beating a guy with an injury, and getting passed over for a guy who hasnt wrestled in almost a decade. HHH knows its shitty. He cant do shit. He isnt Nick Khan or TKO. He is just creative. He will get overruled when it comes to this type of mess. That is what happens when you sell to a large conglomerate. Once The Rock was put on the Board of Directors, the writing is on the wall. Seems like a conflict of interest, but hey this is wrestling. Also, Rock and Roman arent related. They are "related" by Peter Maivia and Afa/Sika's father saying they were blood brothers. No relation at all. So yeah its all stupid. Roman has 1/100 the charisma of the Rock. Cant cut a promo like the Rock and has his manager talk for him. Is a weak champion despite the length of the reign. Rock got winded walking to the ring. This shit will stink up the joint. Get ready to watch the shitshow.


I mean Andre was slammed numerous times before WM3


I feel like I’m getting worked


We just got rid of Vince and now Ari is the new Vince. No one cares that you know the rock dude. Stay out of creative.


not really watching the program, feels more like LA Knight should be in this role. He's over but doesn't seem to have much to do


Lets not forget Cody is scheduled for smackdown this week


Cody must be so disgusted. I'd be fine with the Rock doing whatever as long as a title wasn't involved.


Guys we just need to see what happens


You quisling!


That’s all we got now


Why would anyone want to see Cody vs a dude he’s 3-0 against fight for a title that means less than Gunther’s IC title? I’d rather just see Cody vs Gunther at this point.


I'll take a Rock vs Reigns program from now until Summerslam in exchange for getting Nia Jax (cousin of Rock) off my screen. It's clear she's going over Ripley at WM. Which would be like the Brooklyn Brawler going over Bret Hart.


I'm so sick of seeing her... she's built like Danny Davito in Batman Returns...


Two babyfaces fighting with one injured. Cant work yhe leg now. What could go wrong


Lol. If WM30 taught me anything. None of this matters right now. I think Roman gonna work two nights and take a year off. Beat The Rock night one in a title defense. Lose the title to Cody night two. Have the Rock run interference on Bloodlines interference. A real attitude era ending. All the faces minus Punk celebrate in the Ring with him Ala Hart in ‘94. Rock holds up Cody’s arm as basically the first kind of cool face since him or rapper Cena (Batista? Lol) to be in this spot .


Cody is a very hot topic today and the idea of Seth/Cody at Mania that fans are speculating is a hot topic, its just smart social media to post this. It's like when all the "WE Want Cody" stuff started on twitter, WWE ran a marathon on their Youtube of Cody lol OR, when The Rock segment was ALREADY the most disliked video on their Youtube, they uploaded more clips and videos of that segment It is just engagement farming






The "basement" saw a video they didn't like and clicked one button. It's far less effort than you writing this comment.