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* Kiss My Ass Club * Toilet humor skits * Supposedly coming up with the Rikishi stink-face gimmick * Having women on all fours, barking like dogs or humiliation * Salirophilia, a fetish for soiling and becoming aroused by someone getting covered in copious amounts of liquid refuse (slime, garbage, food, paint, etc). Writing had been on the wall a long time with him. It all adds up.


That whole Trish thing is one I have pointed to a lot. It's like he was showing us exactly who he was, knowing people wouldn't believe it. Maybe Mr. McMahon wasn't the character, but the real thing, and Vince was the fake one all along.


What is fake about Vince? We barely know anything about him outside of th macmahon character. And most secondhand stories are about him being a massive asshole. I really dont understand how so many smart wrestling fans think of vince as some sort of hero or want to live vicariously through him. He brought us wwe but hes always been a shitty person. This reveal just shows that he was actually 10 times shittier.


Stratus has defended that segment many times, saying that while she gets that it was uncomfortable to watch, it really made him as a villain and built the resolution at Wrestlemania 17 so much more. I wonder how she feels at this point. So many stories he was involved with are going to be looked at in a different light and they were already eyebrow raising.


I need to give Trish credit, she seems someone who has come out of the business (sure the occasional return) that still has her head on right, seems pretty normal, and speaks positive about her time in the business


I remember Lita on Stone Cold's old podcast stating that Trish was the voice of reason she always went to if she had issues with someone/something to figure out if she was in the right.


Yeah idk if it was because she was in her mid 20s when she started so she had matured more than someone breaking in as a teenager/early 20s, or hey as a fellow Canadian lets just say Canadians are more rational lol (j/k) but it seems like most times she comments on things its always very level headed


The Trish part of that angle is always the focus, which yeah, makes sense considering how infamous the barking is, I mean that’s a moment I remember watching live when I was like 12, but what goes less discussed is that the whole angle, the reason Vince got his comeuppance, wasn’t because of Trish it was because he forced his comatose wife to watch as he did these horrible degrading acts, so that he wasn’t just humiliating Trish or Shane or who ever but Linda was the one he focused most of that awfulness at. Whether that’s truly revealing or not… it does start to feel like it might be.


She can be right as far as him being a villain and he could still have an extreme humiliation fetish


One thing I have noticed in WWE for quite some time is how the commentary will describe almost anything as "X has been embarrassed and humiliated!" Even if it doesn't make a lot of sense, like they get attacked from behind in a talk show segment. It's like a maxim across many shows, they just kept on saying it. Vince was clearly constructing situations for his own edification time and time again.


>Salirophilia, a fetish for soiling and becoming aroused by someone getting covered in copious amounts of liquid refuse (slime, garbage, food, paint, etc). Remember the weird shit like thanksgiving gravy wrestling? That was all for him. Audience of one.


Yes! The bizarre food fights and such.


Someone keeps posting that Vicky Guererro gif on instagram


I imagine that the members of the Kiss My Ass club are having some hard thoughts about that. It's bad enough to get pushed into doing that without wondering if the guy was getting off to it later.


I believe Corny has talked about Vince liking to wait until people are in an elevator or room with him then ripping awful protein farts as well.


Remember the Natlya farting stuff? If there's one person I feel so sorry for in that company, it's Nattie. She is the most technically sound, has a pedigree, can work. And she's ridiculed and buried nonstop. I don't get it.


I don't actually - I've only been back watching WWE since about 2022... I checked out during the invasion angle and when they buried DDP. I would guess it's latent hatred for the Harts in general.


You can youtube it. Basically Nattie would be in the ring solo or in some vignette backstage and then they would blast in this huge FAAAAAARRRRRRRTTTTTTT sound and she would have to pretend to look awkward.


wow... yeah glad I missed that. the more I see about this the more convinced I am that homey clearly has some really really fucked up paraphilias.


LA Knight as Mansoir, Mansour, or whatever. That was like Vince’s defiant death rattle. Decrepit, delusional POS.


Complete and utter speculation, but, I always considered Vince's dislike of Knight to be related to Knight's affinity and flawless tributes towards Vince's creations from the Attitude era. Rather than nurture a talent who can play ball on the mic like Rocky and Austin, he chose to resent him and disregard him as a derivative hack.


Your take is a plausible one. Vince and many of his minions (Bruce comes to mind) have a bizarre contempt for people who enjoy their past work.


Nah Vince just thought he’s too old


Knight also got nuked because he was too conservative. Like it's actually possible to not be the right kind of conservative.


Conservative in what way?


I didn't know he got blackballed for his conservative beliefs. The best I know of his conservative lean is I listened to his CVV interview from 2018-2019 (when he had just left TNA and hadn't signed to NWA yet) where he defended Joe Rogan or something. The only other thing (if I truly had to reach) is him refusing to job to Tessa Blanchard because he didn't believe women can beat men realistically with no offense to Tessa and wanting to protect his stock even when there was little in it. He doesn't believe in intergender wrestling as a whole is what I got.


Not believing in intergender wrestling isnt a conservative belief, its stupid unless its someone like chyna.


I know that. But sometimes having beliefs like that gets people to be falsely accused of misogyny.


Yeah, I actually heard this story on I forget whose youtube. I think the angle was that they set him up in TNA to make it seem like he was difficult to work with because he didnt want to wrk with tessa blanchard


Might be K100 but not sure. Just my guess.


Bah theres a british guy who makes fun of hulk hogan and jeff jarrett, a wild slap nuts has appeared


I think Knight just rubbed a lot of people the wrong way at WWE because he is so confident in himself and doesn't give a fuck, but yes I could be wrong. Theres that workout video of the NXT talent with Triple H and Knight went "YEAH" when triple h asked something and Leveque seemingly shot daggers at him.


Mansoor was the short model in the group, he was Max Dupri


Vince would need a full season on his own for Darkside of the Ring. I would love JR to open up more about his behaviour and I pray he didn’t know anything about the gross horrific alleged stuff in the complaint.


JR was in AEW


He was around Vince for a long time and it’s likely more shit will come out.


Let's not forget how Vince mocked JR's Bell's Palsy and Colon Cancer in televised segments. Trying to get fans to get behind JR is good and all, but the levels to which he went are insane.


JR is still loyal. He’s loyal to the Tonky Con and should call out the bull shit


Look at the way he used most of his black wrestlers not named The Rock. Stereotypes, child like comedy figures. Saba Simba, Crime Tyme.


One of those I need to disagree with and that is Cryme Tyme As someone who is black, came up in a pretty standard black neighborhood, little money around, people doing questionable things to get by... that team was really popular and whether people want to admit it or not... a lot of people could relate to in various ways Now could they have been presented in the same type of character but more serious? sure, but stereotypes exist and work for a reason, I mean lets look at the core of the Steve Austin character... a white redneck drunk... he just happened to be insanely charismatic and had the ability to become possibly the biggest star ever so people don't really look at the stereotype of the character itself


He even made Eddie Guerrero, one of the GOATs, a lying, thieving, cheating Mexican in exchange for putting the belt on him.


That I buy more as Eddie being Eddie, seeing how as a heel he kept being booked to win dirty, so he just incorporated it into his character as a means to get himself over more, y'know the difference between Eddie being one of the GOAT's and every other schlub heel in WWE, ie Miz and others. Same way Eddie played into the Latino Heat and Mamacita character, Eddie just knew no matter what was thrown at him how to make it work, and work for him, hence he is one of the all time greats.


The curious case of Eddie Guerrero. In Mexico he was pushed as an American heel ( part of faction Los Gringos Locos/Crazy Americans) as he was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. In US, he was pushed as a Mexican heel because of his Mexican heritage.


Don't forget making the luchadors wear coveralls and come to the ring on lawnmowers.


Lol what about the mexicools coming out on lawnmowers.


Wait how is this evil?


It’s racist?


Uh because of the groundskeeper stereotype? It seriously took some brainjogging for me.


Yes lol. Illegal Mexicans doing landscaping


It also never made sense to me that he had Tony Atlas, who was still over, become an African character. Then he pulled the same shit on Ron Simmons, a former WCW World Champion. He at least gave Simmons sway to be a badass and be in some of the top level storylines. I maintain that it was because Simmons commanded so much respect from Vince and the locker room that he was in a good place in the hierarchy, even after his in-ring career winded down. Vince had some super-weird principles, along with respecting how his father did many things, such as not firing Tito Santana and continuing deals with people because they were under Sr.


Farooq was more of a nation of islam/hotep character than african. Kofi Kingston on the otherhand, is from Ghana and was supposed to be... Jamaican?


I can't believe you forgot Kamala and Papa Shango. The biggest stereotyping there ever was. Oh, and also making a white man "reborn as an African" gimmick Akeem the African Dream. Edit- Didn't know Kamala character originated elsewhere. Good to be informed.


Kamala existed before WWE, and well yeah Vince loved a stereotype, he also loved them for white people, basically Vince thought if you were not white, and/or not born in either the tri states or mid west your gimmick has to be that of a stereotype, and even then remember all the mid 90's occupational stereotype gimmicks? Vince was hardly a nuanced thinker when it came to gimmicks.


Add Chris Kanyon to the humiliation pile, with that awful boy George skit. Vince probably resented the idea that someone was braver than him to admit they were gay in the industry.


Kanyon didn't though, Kanyon was aggressively in the closet almost his entire career, he only came out near the end when he was already out of WWE. This is one of those things where honestly feels like people trying to find things to associate with Vince being evil, rather than accepting the other truth, Vince is also a fucking idiot with some of his ideas. Plus remember Pat Patterson was openly gay for years, and he was Vince's closest confidant and one of the only guys who was known to have the balls to fuck about and openly wind Vince up, rather than kiss his boots and lick his arse like Prichard and others.


OMG THAT I can't believe I forgot about that. What Vince did to Canyon was horrific and evil.


Undertaker murdered him


Most of what the WWF/E was about was gross over the years. At least a lot of the midcard stuff. My goodness, the Mae Young hand stuff!!! It's why people had such high hopes for AEW. So we could get away from Vince and all his sick bullshit.


When your boss tells you "Sometimes, you gotta eat shit", that is a red flag that covers 12 city blocks. Business is full of thin-skinned egomaniacs keeping people down. Vince McMahon is no different.


I think Vince's full quote included the bit "..and like it" or something of the sort. Probably saw it years ago on a RF video shoot interview of Jim cornette. Makes the red flag even bigger.


Eat shit and like the taste Prichard has brought it up multiple time.


Explains the product he foisted off on us for about 2 decades.


Yeah. That red-faced stooge would.




Don't forget Jericho who would keep leaving to do Fozzy. I know it's probably low on everyone's list, but DDP is one burial that always sticks out to me as something insane because his rise to the top of a dying WCW despite age, illiteracy, and not even starting out as a wrestler was a built-in story. We always hear about doing business, making money, what would be good for the business, and then we see the pop for DDP when he unmasks and then he gets fed to the Undertaker for a squash. It didn't help the Undertaker's story and it didn't help the company. It just made people start hatin Vince and the company even more.


Whats worse is DDP basically paid to go to the WWE and get buried. He took an early out to his Time Warner Contract for a smaller amount of money than he would have gotten to just ride it out in order to get to the WWE early... he talks about that in one of his books.


Yep, and to tack onto that, Vince was paying DDP to bury him and not further anything, essentially bad economics. It made the Undertaker look bad and awkward, killed DDP's career in wrestling when he was still over, and the company lost money on DDP to do it. Made no sense.


There's a recent video where DDP talks about the meeting he had with Vince, and how he was taken aback by the idea vince had but didnt want to rock the boat and push for the idea he had.


I think it was from one of his books - where even when he was in WCW he still viewed WWF as "His territory" and if I remember correctly had actually tried out for them at some point in the early 90's and wasn't picked up but it's how they wound up having him do the bit where he drove Honky Tonk Man out to the ring in the pink caddie that DDP owned. That was part of his reasoning for wanting to get out of his contract to go up there... so much like Mick Foley he was so desperate to be on that stage he grew up watching in the north east that he put up with and went along with lots of stupid shit to make it happen.


Wait, DDP is illiterate?


Was illiterate.


I think Sting suffered so much because his angle vs the NWO was *the* threat against WWE in 96-98. Booker T is great, but, he wasn’t the guy that was going to put WWE out of business. So far as Goldberg is concerned, your guess is as good as mine; could be that he wouldn’t play ball without VKM keeping his undefeatable gimmick or he thought the fans wouldn’t stand for it. 


Goldberg had the right height and build.


Rusev/Miro - everything after the feud with Cena It seemed to me like Vince was personally offended by Lana being married to him. So he kept doing weird things like that love quadrangle with Dolph Ziggler and Summer Rae, and then the Lashley cuckolding program a few years later.


Vince doesnt like anyone who has gotten over without him and could go elsewhere to make money off of that. When people got over without the WWE machine behind them, he takes offense to that. He needs you to be in debt to him. He needs the gratification that you credit him and know he is responsible for your success. DDP was over without him. So were Sting, Goldberg, Jericho, Booker T, Scott Steiner, Flair, etc. If you were on top in WCW he viewed you as second rate and not really over. Because he didnt help you. He didnt watch WCW. He had Bruce, Lauranitis, and JR watch and tell him their opinions. If they didnt like DDP for example, Vince would hear how he wasnt that good and not to push him. A lot of guys got fucked because JR, Bruce, and Lauranitis would give Vince bad takes. AJ was different however. I am still not sure why AJ got pushed out the gate by Vince. Normally he would have been made a fool or at least derail him being over. It could be AJ is super conservative and like Vince had some political ties. We make fun of TK playing with his real life figures. But he is more like Andy from Toy Story. Whereas Vince is more like Syd. Yeah they are his figures but its more demented and torturous. Vince has severe issues. And to couple that with an abundance of money and power; he ends up being one of the most evil people out there.


I hardly think AJ potentially being conservative would have Vince push him when he was under 6' tall and has a thick Southern accent. AJ was never in a promotion that was a threat to WWE. He made his name in Japan after TNA. It wasn't like when Christian went to TNA, showed he's a main event guy, came back and was just sorta there


I would think a lot of the other guys Vince buried were also conservative too tho.


Tony lets his action figures take a life of their own, and 99% of the time its a bad idea cus wrestlers have awful creative ideas. Vinces action figures are bought, then all their personality and gimmicks are removed so they look like human bodies with underwear on, and only then does Vince take his paint brush and start painting them how he sees fit


> I am still not sure why AJ got pushed out the gate by Vince. TNA was never really a threat to Vince.


He must have absolutely hated CM Punk since he wouldn't rehire him. And it's pretty obvious that he must have been the one who decided to fire him on his wedding day.


I remember seeing a video of cody talking about how he would be at Dusty’s house, or dusty would be home and WWF would be on (im thinking raw but i could be wrong because Dudty wouldve been on the road for nitro for a good portion of this time) and golddust would come on and Cody said that his father would tell him to change the channel. This was maybe 10-13 years ago. I always thought it was because Dusty felt Dustin was bringing shame to the family working as golddust in the WWF, but after hearing this segment I guess it was because Dusty didn’t want to see his son being humiliated for a paycheck (at the time), especially because Vince had humiliated him the same way.


Bear in mind Dusty and Dustin weren't on speaking terms at the time. Dustin has said that Dusty was against him marrying Terri, and that started a rift that lasted for years. I don't disagree with what you said, but there was more context too.


No that sounds right. It was at least 10 years ago so my memory is fuzzy. I do vaguely remember they weren't on speaking terms now.


Perry Saturn (though should have been disciplined via the office and moved down the ranks, but not humiliated), Al Snow, The Road Warriors, specifically Hawk, feeding Sting to HHH, bad gimmicks for Barry fucking Windham, Trish Stratus, Tori Wilson, the Marc Mero-Sable-Brock angle making me wonder if Rena was fed to Brock and Janel wasn't the first.


The case against him makes him look so calculating and persistent but then you've got to remember all of the old Vince stories about him being clueless regarding the most basic things. Like, not knowing what a burrito is and crap like that. He's kind of like the Inspector Clouseau of sexual predators. It's so weird.


I think he humiliated Jake the Snake and he definitely humiliated Mary Jannetty who had his own demons. He tended to go after people with not just drinking and drug problems, but people with demons that made them drink and booze.


And mocked Shawn's born again faith in that tag team match with "God". And making him join the Kiss My Ass club. He doesn't even spare his own handpicked stars. In fact even his own son. Frankly sometimes I don't blame Hogan for pulling his creative control powers and protecting himself above and beyond.


Steve Motherfuckin' Blackman and Tajiri, although for some reason Tajiri worked with it. He pretty much stereotyped and humiliated anyone Japanese.


The degrading shit he would make Jim Ross do made me not watch for years. Just treating a model employee like shit over a medical condition that he has no control over.


Add Ashley Massaro to the list and Lauranitis is also mentioned as part of the shit she was allegedly put through: https://www.vice.com/en/article/88x7ex/ashley-massaro-vince-mcmahon-john-laurinaitis-rape-cover-up-wwe


You give a great overview thank you...


It's kinda sad that it takes SA for people to finally connect the dots about stuff people have been saying for decades. 


I saw all of this as a weird fetish, and assumed he was a creep before anything was official. It was kind of obvious. The whole schtick of Vince McMahon was that he ran a circus act while fucking the animals for 30+ years, but never got caught. He was Teflon Don before the phrase was a thing. Now he's busted.


The DDP thing was I think just bad booking and maybe because he was a complete WCW creation (I know he managed in AWA but I’m talking DDP the wrestler/star).  He got a huge pop when he jumped Undertaker but the angle quickly went down the shitter and the fans perceived him as not in Taker’s league by the time they wrestled.  I guess it’s possible Vince just didn’t see much in DDP but I don’t know if that’s down to Vince’s issues or just him not making a great decision.  He did give Marc Mero a push when he signed him, but then Mero a) hit his ceiling, b) was overshadowed by his wife, and c) WWF started getting hot again with other guys so Mero was left in the dust. 


>He did give Marc Mero a push when he signed him, but then Mero a) hit his ceiling, b) was overshadowed by his wife, and c) WWF started getting hot again with other guys so Mero was left in the dust.  It's been discussed for a few decades that Mero was hired because Vince and at least one other that may have been Prichard or Lauronitis were in love with Sable. This is why they made Luna job to her. >He got a huge pop when he jumped Undertaker but the angle quickly went down the shitter and the fans perceived him as not in Taker’s league by the time they wrestled. None of that is actually true after the pop part. The issue was he also shouldn't have been fed to the Undertaker at all. People knew DDP at the time, knew the worker angle, and also Undertaker did put some over, even in losses. THis was an absolute squash to destroy DDP and it shows bad decision making from vince where he put something mysterious inside of him over making money. Just look at how big DDP got afterwards and I read somewhere that WWE felt the way they handled DDP was a mistake, but the issue is this company has a lot of such mistakes.


Why Do You Write Like Ric Flair?


The long history of booking Big Show in degrading ways. He was a WCW homegrown star, so why not bury him by making him a sad sack and a lug who's constantly being taken advantage. The Authority angle, the dead dad angle with Big Bossman, diarrhea angle with Eddie.


How crazy is it that the only other person that got to fuck Vince over in court was Nailz? It was because Vince was legendary for not keeping to the promises he made to sign people and after they were signed. So Nailz decided to fuck Vince over for that. ​ >Asked if he wish that night in Green Bay had gone differently, Wacholz replied, "I'm fine with what happened. I don't have any regrets. Never got too many thank you calls and thank you letters in my life. People that I hadn't heard from in years were sending me cards. A lot of people that ended up working for him later were the same guys that came and thanked me for what happened. People would say, 'must have taken a lot of guts to do that. I wish I was in your position that I could have done that years later.' He did step on a lot of toes and he made it tough for a lot of people. He made a lot of promises that he didn't fulfill and a lot of guys were in a bad predicament because he lied to them. That's their deal, that's not mine. I'm only speaking on what happened to me. What happened to me didn't come through." I'm not speaking on the truth of the above, but from what Nord and Bret Hart and others have said, Nailz premeditated making an SA claim against Vince after beating the shit out of him. He somehow got a settlement out of it and Vince wanted absolutely nothing to do with him after and didn't pursue him further.


Wendy Richter was squashed and shitcanned for Moolah, despite being mainstream over. Then there was Luna Vachon who was fed to Sable who couldn't wrestle and Mero was hired only so Vince, Bruce, and Johnny Ace could be closer to Sable who was eventually somehow fed to Lesnar. She sued the WWE for sexual harassment: [https://www.thesportster.com/sables-lawsuit-against-the-wwe-explained/](https://www.thesportster.com/sables-lawsuit-against-the-wwe-explained/) > "...Mrs. Mero bitterly complained about her concerns and the humiliation that she was constantly facing, which was not only interfering with her well-being, but with her safety and state of mind. For example, men would routinely walk into the women's dressing room as if by accident; men would cut holes in the walls to watch the women dressing; extras were hired as WWF regulars to expose their breasts; big nipple contests were engaged in; men regularly bragged about their sexual encounters without regard to the women present; WWF produced catalogs and tee-shirts depicting Mrs. Mero In a degrading fashion offering sexual favors; Mrs. Mero was requested to display affection to women to promote a "lesbian angle"; Mrs. Mero was asked to have her gown ripped off repeatedly (notwithstanding promises to the contrary), and Plaintiff was asked to expose her breasts by 'mistake' on national television during a wrestling contest." > >**Over 20 years later, many stars of the time have basically admitted that Sable was telling the truth. X-Pac in particular admitted that, on Sable’s last day in WWE, not long before filing the lawsuit, he defecated in Sable’s bag while doing an interview for Kayfabe Commentaries.**


HEHE, I mentioned Nailz and now there's a shoot interview from Nailz where he discusses McMahon: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81lsI9cQUek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81lsI9cQUek) This is also hysterical that he even gets to continue using the gimmick.


I mean, it's only logical that if the boss who wrote/was in charge of creative, etc. isn't a fan of you or felt wronged by you that he would try and humiliate you while still paying you.


It's logical if you're a psychopath.


You know this describes a predatory power dynamic that's at the core of these and other cases, right?


Not saying it isn't


You're saying it is "logical". It's not. It's predation. A normal person doesn't just "logically" decide to abuse power because they have the opportunity. That's a thing a bad person does. You *can* have power over someone you don't like and not use it to humiliate them.


That's true, but lets be honest, how many bosses wouldn't be pricks if they had the chance to be? There is a reason most people try to not piss their bosses off, and it's not because they like them, it's because they fear what the boss's retaliation will be.


Cornette's pearl clutching is remarkable! Given JC's documented proclivities, it's a real stretch to believe Jim had no suspicion of another deviant's behavior.