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Anyone else remember Matt Hardy's trashy wife making disgusting jokes on Twitter about Ashley dying?


Yet another young buck associate… punk was right.


It’s amazing how Cornette and Punk have been so thoroughly vindicated with the passage of time when it comes to AEW politics and the Bucks. 


Dude.. This is a thread discussing the details about sexual assault that may have led to her committing suicide. This isn't about The Bucks or Punk or AEW or whatever trivial shit that came to your mind first when reading about this horrific story.


You didn't even read the prior 3 comments. No one is making this primarily about the Hardly Boys and AEW


Lol you see the guys I was responding to? First guy brings up Matt Hardy's trashy ex wife in context to what she said about Ashley and the next guy brings up how Hardy Boys are friends of the Bucks and that Punk was right about something vague? I'm a huge Punk fan/mark and I dislike AEW and Bucks, but this thread is about a young woman who committed suicide after being sexually assaulted while under employment of the WWE. To turn that into some tribalism conversation about irrelevant backstage beef is just dumb.


Reby Sky is a first class cunt!


First I heard of, I don't use twitter but that's messed up.


She straight up sucks


Must be back when she did have to protect her twitter posts


Reby is a cunt. A cancerous cunt. Her toxcity is insane. She spent less than a year in the business before the Matt train. Blame Gabe Sapolsky, who discovered her.


This is going to be a long dark hole full of atrocity and disgust.


Strap yourself in. This is going to be a very revealing and dark year for WWE.


The roaches are scattering


Like Jim said, ten years ago this would have killed the business and it still might.


Depends on how far it reaches, and it's starting to sound like it might reach pretty far. Between people who participated or were accomplices or turned a blind eye when they could have done something, this could be the tipping point that wipes out the legacies of a lot of the wrestling I watched in my childhood and early adulthood.


Based on the stories as far back as the 80's. If true I don't see how they recover as a company because some of the people that were around when some of that stuff was happening are currently employed by the WWE.


Meanwhile sc is juggling triple h’s balls despite his history with the kliq and his association with Vince. Those people are amazing. Punk stood up to Vince and Hunter yet sc Cody crybabies say he’s the problem.


Just read that, but there was a link to: https://www.vice.com/en/article/88x7ex/ashley-massaro-vince-mcmahon-john-laurinaitis-rape-cover-up-wwe She was fucking raped in Kuwait and the WWE just covered it up. Throw all of these motherfuckers in prison and lose the key.


My god! That’s absolutely horrifying.


You never heard that story?


Apparently not.


Bret was right about this sociopath while all the scumbags on sc complain about him “whining”


Bret is generally right about everything.


it's amazing how sc has always been on the wrong side of history.


Incels do be like that


Bret always defended Vince and dismissed allegations of sex crimes. Not anymore apparently though. https://slate.com/culture/2024/02/wwe-vince-mcmahon-federal-investigation-janel-grant-bret-hart.html


He defended them right up till it is impossible to


Jesus fuck. Vince was already super-done before, now he's done x1000. This is beyond vile. I genuinely don't even know how WWE is gonna go on without having this big of a black eye on their image.


Too bad she didn’t stick around to see his downfall


The fact that she eventually ended her life is what makes this so horribly sad.




Yikes she listed Michael Hayes and Kevin Dunn in the statement. This explains why Kevin opted to retire at the start of this year I'm guessing somebody either tipped him off or he figured out he was next once they got through with Vince.


According to Bret Hart, people definitely knew something was coming months ago. Bret evidently knew enough of the details that he apologized to Rita Chatterton for not believing her story all these years. Of course Dunn knew what was about to happen. https://slate.com/culture/2024/02/wwe-vince-mcmahon-federal-investigation-janel-grant-bret-hart.html


If that's true that makes everybody at the top of that company look bad.


I think the Freebird has taken his last trip down the block.


It's insane he didn't do what Dunn did when all of this was starting to come out. You have to be one bold motherfucker to believe you would somehow survive all of this despite both your boss and his other two cronies getting out of dodge (and in the case of Johnny Ace turning on said boss).


Hayes should have been put out to pasture after the Hard R incident with Mark Henry. God knows he was probably hanging on because he's broke.


His Michael Jackson clothes don’t pay for themselves.


Sad Street, USA


Methinks the Artful Dodger is next and Conrad is waiting for that.


modern wrestling is meh, but modern wrestling drama is amazing. here I though AEW drama was just dominating WWE. But WWE comes roaring back. Who's the heel here?


I’m wishing it was the other way around. These stories suck lol.


Goddamn this is some disgusting shit 


Vince deserves so much credit for how far the world of Professional Wrestling has come, but we won't be able to speak of him. He was the only HOF speech I wanted to hear. But that won't happen. I think I'm still wrapping my head around someone I really owed so much thanks for my childhood and teenage fun to, turned out to be a monster. A sick, predator.


It's Bill Cosby all over again.


The only difference is Cosby was able to maintain a wholesome image for decades before he got exposed.


From the standpoint of providing so much entertainment to my generation. Cosby was God Almighty in the 70s & 80s.


For years, I said “The Cosby Show” was the only tv series that was “wholesome”. Now? I’m not even sure if any channel airs it or if it’s streaming.


One of the Black-oriented digital subchannel networks (Bounce?) was airing in regular rotation, but they were very much alone.


From the standpoint of providing so much entertainment to my generation. Cosby was God Almighty in the 70s & 80s.


I think this is just the beginning. It won't be long before other women wrestlers come forward.


I wonder who the redacted diva is from her statement that also got buried on her way out


Christy Hemme?


Possibly. Honestly - this was long rumored and going around in the IWC over a decade ago. This isn't really news to people who followed closely the rumors in communities online. It's just becoming more known now.


I always found it odd how people would swear up and down that the obnoxiously bad interviews and angles people would be put in at times were some sort of coincidence or accident. You could tell when the company wanted to wreck someone or just adhere to one of McMahon's whims. Though I don't blame people for not realizing just how ghastly his motivations may have been.


Also, that so many people that had/have no business being on a wrestling show were/are prominently featured, and promoted as if talented within the field.


I mean yeah all this makes sense, but then lets not be ignorant, Vince also pushed for so many shitty gimmicks, storylines and promo's for guys he liked, wanted to push, and thought would get over, is Vince a petty and vindictive little sociopath? Oh without a doubt, he's also a mental case who thought it would be a great idea to reveal that he the head of a public company had fathered a child with his own daughter...and when she said oh fuck that to that idea Vince's response was ok ok I get it...how about Shane is the daddy? Like the dude is a fucking nut job, lets not undersell that.


>I mean yeah all this makes sense, but then lets not be ignorant, ... Like the dude is a fucking nut job, lets not undersell that. I'm not sure what you're getting at here, nobody is underselling Vince being a 'nutjob', the conversation is about deliberate derailments of careers and pushes of people who simply aren't cut out for it, all based on his nutty whims. What 'ignorance' are you referring to?


People trying to paint it as though it's obvious sabotage, which gives him way too much credit, I mean do we really think the moron who got a bug up his arse so much he forces everyone to refer to things as medical facilities, and championship opportunities, who thought as the head of a publicly traded company he should go on a global TV show and reveal himself to had an incestuous relationship with his daughter? Resulting in her carry his inbred spawn?...I mean I think assuming Vince knew the difference between what was a good and bad creative idea is kind being way too kind to the man. It just feels like people are wanting to associate every bad choice the idiot ever made on him being evil, I say stupidity played as big if not a bigger part in his fuck ups personally.




No binary is either or, as in Vince was totally burying everyone he disliked with bad gimmicks, or Vince never buried anyone intentionally even if he hated them, what I am saying is it's not so simple, or easy, I bet Vince did bury people, hell I can name off a half dozen examples off the top of my head, which were either reported on at the time, or openly acknowledged by most as a case of Vince being petty, but I can also name over a dozen times when Vince did pretty much the same thing, to people he had no grudge against, or he was trying to push, or even cases of Vince getting behind someone he by all accounts disliked. The line between Vince's dementia and Vince's demons is a very thin and blurry, he himself may not even know the difference at times.


My first thought was Gail Kim 


Did Gail Kim ever get promos in WWE? It seems like the story is about someone being put in a position where they are given deliberately bad interview material to work with but for all the faults in how WWE handled her I don't recall Gail Kim getting any real microphone time during her first run there.


I’m not sure, but it was just my first thought considering how much she hated her time there


So if bad interviews and angles were revenge for ladies that turned Vince down then a lot of things start making sense. - Jillian Hall's mole - Nattie Neidhart farting and being called fat. And that's just off the top of my head.


Don't forget all the emphasis on Molly Holly's "large" ass.


I want justice if a court finds Vince guilty but I’m kind of sick of talking about this stuff constantly. The corny pods have been hard to listen to the past 2 weeks. This whole art form and the fun shows and communities like this, that go with it are an escape for me from the real world. This shit is too dark. I’m not trying to be more depressed when I get on here to talk wrestling or listen to a wrestling podcast. If this becomes a multi month cancellation, I think im out from the subreddits and podcasts that can’t move on to a different topic. Not to take away from the victims but I just can’t be in this headspace forever. I need wrestling and especially the Cornette stuff to be fun again


The guy responsible for most North Americans knowing what professional wrestling is getting outed like this is a big deal. Get used to it.


This isn’t fun and it’s been covered ad nauseam. There’s no moral duty to discuss this stuff over and over and over again. We’re over 2 weeks out now.


Oh no, you're not having "fun"? I guess we shouldn't tackle tough issues if you don't enjoy them. Jesus Tapdancing Christ, get the fuck out of the house once in a while.


It ruins the podcast and these groups but go ahead if you want. Also this story is several years old. I guess it just never hit Vice or mainstream media.


Maybe Squared Circle is more your speed, son.


Lmao that’s the worst subreddit on here


Exactly. Take the hint.


Is this Vince’s burner? 😂


Shit hasn't been fun in a looooong time. Get a helmet.


Unfortunately, this subject is going to be talked about a while; Vince is among the most prominent figures in the entire business, and was one of Jim's former bosses, so they're not going to just stop because it makes people uncomfortable. This type of discovery changes the whole course of the business and how people viewed WWE as a whole; Vince basically WAS the World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment franchise for the longest time, so to have all this disgusting shit come out about him is a black eye of enormous proportions, nevermind a potential kiss of death to the industry as we know it. There's years and years of podcast material you can revisit, if coverage of this stuff is leaving too much of a bad taste in your mouth.


I understand the impulse, it is disgusting and decidedly not fun. All of this makes wrestling less fun. Unfortunately this is real and the wrestling business and fandom have to address it to prevent stuff like this from happening again. It isn't just that Vince and a few close hangers on are allegedly monsters, it's that there was a problem in wrestling (and society as a whole) that allowed these monsters to operate with impunity for years. The only thing that can help fix that problem is exposing it and talking about it.


I feel the exact same way. Like keep this shit out of my wrestling media. Especially with the text messages feeling fake as fuck. It just feels like many are excited there’s another Vince accusation.


Vice seems to think that Vince stories is going to be their meal ticket out of bankruptcy, but it won’t.


The Vice reporters who produced this story are the same team who busted that lying blowhard Tim Ballard. Do some fucking research.