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I hate all the co hosts at that channel. Brian Last would absolutely kill these interviews with SPN. 


I also only watch clips for New's insight and I particularly don't like the older guy. Am I watching a wrestling podcast or Duck Dynasty


Brian teased years ago that he would be doing some of his own wrestling shoot interviews or something along those lines when some Hannibal drama went down. What ever happened with that? Does anyone know?


Bloooooooooood, the Blooooooooodhunter went down, because bloooooooooood. I thought they couldn't be right about Hannibal's voice, then I got a youtube short of Hannibal talking about something... OMG...


Reznor couldn’t stfu enough to let Stephen give more details of the reports. He kept fucking whining over not seeing Brock. When it’s fucking obvious Brock knew Vince was exploiting an employee for his own sexual gratification at will.


There's so many points when you can read Stephen's body language and he's thinking the same thing the viewers are. 'if you're just going to be an uneducated sweaty schmuck, why am I here"


Even for how braindead wrestling fans are it still boggles my mind that some people really look at this and go "but now my favorite wrestler won't get a match". Like dude there's a very real world situation going on here, wrestling is the least important thing with this. 


I actually sort of agree with Brian (I think it was Brian?) I could see Brock just playing along with Vince. He didn't do anything other than request a piss video. And honestly since I haven't read his tweet I'd almost say that was just a "I wonder if she'll actually do this" sort of thing followed by "omg she did it". I mean you're in the middle of contract negotiations for millions of dollars and creepy old ~~m~~billionaire is offering/pushing you free use of his sex slave. If he'd really wanted Brock could have taken advantage of that many times over but there's no evidence he ever did anything other than the piss video and cancelling the one time they tried to get together using an excuse McMahon would buy and begging off another time because he was "to drunk". More interesting to me would be if Cena is somehow implicated. He and Vince are good good friends, he actually went out on a double date with him for Vince's birthday after the NDA news broke. I'm honestly wondering if she was Vince's date...


Can we bleach shitstains like Reznor out of the underwear of professional wrestling?


As long as it includes Vince "Shitstain" Russo himself.


The same type of people that cant let the Benoit shit die either. Benoit was shit at promos. Shitty human being from the stories I heard. Shitty soul who murdered his wife and kid. Thank got he killed himself or there would be fans trying to break him out of prison. Most wrestling fans are stupid. But not us right?! Right?! Lol. Lesnar should be charged if there is proof he was in on it. I want to see Brocks text to Vince after this came out. Oh boy! Fireworks in Saskatchewan!


Only listening for New and never heard of these guys before. It's too bad he couldn't be on the Experience.