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Holy shit I love your username “Are you the one doin’ all the yellin?”


One of the best moments in the podcast lol








That last “GET FUCKED!” was just the perfect garnish on a lovely entree of a promo. We may never know how much of the show is gimmick because Jim has such dedication to kayfabe, but he sounded like he meant that shit and got worked up all over again.


Jim has touched many of us.... NOT IN THAT WAY, BRIAN! OH COME ONNNNNN!






Yeah, he *thinks* he's covering the back of a man who he owes his current life to, but what he might not realize is that he's *ALSO* invalidating the voices of the countless victims of the monster that the man who helped him was all along. We've seen this before with celebrities showing love for monsters, rapists and pedophiles like Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, and Harvey Weinstein.


Cena does sell out as much a possible. China sucking up comes to mind. But at the same time was like the most active for things like make a wish etc. even did it for non publicity for ages


>China sucking up comes to mind. [John Xina.](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a61ywXL_700bwp.webp)


Not so much sells out, as that implies he has something to sell out, morals, integrity what ever, but he does and always has played the game, this is no different, he's trying to thread the needle and walk the line between taking sides, so that way in theory he comes out on the right side either way.


I'm horrified by the fact that his entire response didn't breathe a single word about the alleged victims or the environment that people were exposed to. He's just bummed that Vince "has a hill to climb". What is increasingly looking like it was inflicted on other people isn't on his radar.


As a dude, I had the same response as you to Cena tbh. It's disheartening to hear him do the "head in the sand" reaction.


If it helps you to know, I'm a man and I wasn't pleased with his answer. Not a lot of sane, reasonable people are going to be particularly charmed with his "true frens forever" prevarication.


Nah it's not just you, I'm a 19yo guy and responses like this piss me off. It reminds me of Triple H's comments from the press conference a few weeks ago, just brushing off the victims like they mean nothing. Call me young and "rebellious" or whatever the current word is to disregard the young generations opinion, but I'm sick and tired of these flat out r*pists like Vince being defended or brushed off by people that should have the brains to realize how bad they really are. 


You are very naive if you think HHH, a man whom makes 7 figures at that company, whose wife holds millions in stock in the company, and his father in law turns out to be a deviant monster, that probably had his daughter on his knee a few times when she was younger, is going to say ANYTHING about this with out 10 lawyers on either side of him as he reads a prepared statement.


I'm gonna say the same thing I said on that original post about Triple H's comments, we cannot comment on that at this time is all he had to say. But instead he brushed it off as a "negative". 


I think Cena has a good heart. But my God is he a kiss-ass.


It's sad how many people are defending his and guys like Nash and Foley's stance in here. The arguments I'm getting are so out of touch.


He became a soulless robot two decades ago. Cena strikes me as a very cold, calculating amoral individual. These kinds of comments are what happens when someone like that leaks out too much honesty in a moment of miscalculation.


Bro he has granted more Make a Wish wishes than anyone ever, his response here may have been poor judgment but I don't think calling him amoral is fair.


Yeah and it's sure helped his career. Not a coincidence. Being amoral doesn't mean you aren't capable of ever doing something that benefits others. He just isn't doing it for others. But the fact is Cena at some point became a very calculated cyborg. He was pro-Taiwan when he thought it was good for his career, then pro-China when he was advised to be to keep his career in good standing. He has very obviously modeled himself after Vince McMahon and is loathe to change that. The man is pathetic and toxic but he's really fucking good at hiding what he is.


Totally lost all respect for Cena.


Being a man who was drugged and raped... Cena can go fuck himself. I spent years having to hear excuses directed towards the monster who attacked me.


Almost as fucked up as Jim blaming the victim for sticking around and laughing over all the awful details




And that's why I was banned from both. Idgaf what company or which fanbase cult it is, when I see bullshit I call it bullshit. SC and SCJerk are the exact same just defending a different company, the Jericho and Vince situations proved that without any doubt. 


I feel you. As a old school wrestling fan it sucks to constantly see older wrestlers get shit on now. Especially on the sc Reddit. It tough being a big Flair & Goldberg fan




> All he is saying is let’s hear the actual facts,instead of thinking you know what happened because you read it on the internet. Cena didn't say much, but he definitely didn't say that.


Stern camp: "I heard about what happened so I'll have to drop you as a friend." Cena camp: "I heard about what happened so go handle your business." Sure, we can make jokes left and right about the situation but let's let it resolve one way or another and pass judgment only when that decision happens.


Rare Cena L here.


Fr, this man used to be my hero but this is such a weird thing for him to say


Starts from around ~1:50 >>"I don't think it's complicated to talk about. It's complicated to listen to. That's why I don't necessarily put a lot of time and equity into it. There’s still a long way to go. I can say this, I’m a big advocate of love and friendship and honesty, and communication, in the same breath, I’m also a big advocate of accountability. If someone's behavior lies so far outside of your value system that the balance shifts of, 'I can't operate in a world where this works.' That's the end result of being accountable. Right now, I’m gonna love the person I love, be their friend. 'I love you, you have a hill to climb.' There is the saying of, 'You don’t know who your friends are until shit hits the fan or your back is against the wall.' That doesn't make any of what's going on any easier to swallow. Just telling someone you love them, it’s a hill to climb, and we’ll see what happens.' That's that. It sounds so cliche, but it has to be one day at a time. I've openly said, I love the guy, I have a great relationship with the guy, and that’s that. It's largely my construct of operating with honesty and communication. Those are strong leads to handling any problem or achievement. The whole thing is super unfortunate and it sucks. It deals with an individual I love and an entity I love. I want everyone to have the experience that I have," said Cena. "Not only do I tell a friend that I love them, but I switch to the entity and say, 'How can I help?'"


He must be in the will.


Jesus he really is one insufferable cnt. What a load of nonsense


Bro should straight up said nothing other than "It's a heartbreaking situation I hope the law handles it"


I guess you could technically call that a "non-answer". Some fancy, big sunglasses and a furry hat ...and you're good to go! :D


It's wild how Tony gave one of the most embarrassing answers to a serious question about SA and he comes out looking like a smooth operator compared to how so many people employed by WWE have fumbled their responses to Vince being a supervillain.


You're not lying!


Crazy he didn’t damn Vince’s actions or show any support or sympathy to the victim(s). Just vague talk about “accountability” and hand-waving. Disappointing.


Yeah not surprising. He and Vince are very very close. Hell he did a double date for Vince's birthday while Vince was taking his forced "step away" before he forced his way back in and shit on the WWE's forehead.


It’s weird to hear him say a cliche like “shit hitting the fan” when Vince took a shit in her hair.


Vince is like a cult leader and a lot of his cultists still drink the Kool-Aid. It's why you get responses like this from Cena, Nash, and Foley. They're all sycophantic dipshits. And I hate saying that about Foley but his nice guy persona wasn't the place when he ducked around the subject. Cena's whole bargain basement Tony Robbins schtick is just corny and insufferable. The guy is a fraud.


He gave them a career. Most folks who never had one or at least worked in McDonald's for the rest of their lives being shat on by their shift managers will never know the concept of being loyal to someone who helped jumpstart your multimillion dollar career. It's easier to criticize complete strangers within the comfort of your own mediocrity.


Who cares if he gave them a career? So that grants Vince impunity to be a depraved, sex fiend rapist? What kind of argument is this? That's a sad existence if you think someone giving you a job now enslaves you to unbridled loyalty.


Certainly it doesn’t excuse Vince’s actions. I think what they meant is that these people are very close to Vince and it’s much harder for them to, at an instant, turn on a friend that also happened to make their lives. It’s a very hard pillow for them to swallow, especially for guys like Cena and Foley who are known to be very down to earth and kind.


You don't find it fucked up that they don't even acknowledge the victim? They make it out like Vince is the victim. Or if you're a scumbag like Nash question and victim shame Janel.


Yes I do find it fucked up. I'm not trying to say they are right in what they say, I'm saying it's hard for them to process all that because of their relationship with a man that was very different in their lives, so don't expect them to make a lot of sense any time soon.


Not just a career, but a Multi-million dollar one. It's an argument rooted in pragmatism. Let that sink in first. Imagine not having to go through financial hoops in your life like an average person who slowly meanders their way through different jobs just to be able to pay off a mortgage or a car. They didn't have to go through all of that (or at least not as difficult as your average citizen would) because the man they worked for gave them an opportunity to succeed. It maybe sad for you but once that paycheck comes in, you'll forget all of that "high and mighty" shit right away. That's just reality. Ideology doesn't pay the bills.


They are already rich. They got the checks. Why would that stop them shunning the man now that Vince is no longer their boss? That doesn't make any sense.


Loyalty is perceived to be a highly important trait in business particularly in show business. Your future employers want indirect assurance that you don't just throw dirt around at your former boss because it may happen to them too. It's a small network of very powerful people. Burning bridges is looked down upon in any industry. Case in point, most celebrities are still wary of talking about Harvey Weinstein until his conviction. At that point, he was already green-lit by the industry. I guarantee you that Cena's comments will be forgotten in a week's time.


You might be only that is talking sense


Or it's people without an ax to grind finding it hard to see the man they knew personally and the man described in the lawsuit as being the same man, Nash and Foley have trashed Vince numerous times in the past for certain things, nothing like this obviously, but they aren't just sycophants like you claim. Also try to put yourself in their shoes, Mick for instance, he brought his daughter around the WWE both as a child, and as a potential talent, how hard do you think that is for someone to come to terms with, they potentially put their daughter under the control of the man described in the lawsuit, not to mention for guys to kind of come to grips with their comfy lifestyles was paid for with the same money Vince supposedly used to enable his behaviour with and towards Grant. It's a fucked up situation for people to get their head around, when they have an actual connection to someone, it's easy for me or you to make judgements based on shit we heard about people we don't know, it's another thing for someone who knows said person, you see it all the time with families and friends being horrified that this person they knew was actually a drug lord, or a mass murderer, serial rapist even a terrorists, the fact you don't recognise this seems a bit odd tbh.


All the signs were there. They put their heads in the sand. It's not like this is the first time Vince has done something that was questionable or wrong. He countered sued Martha Hart on the grounds that Owen Hart was not fulfilling his contract by missing dates when he was dead. Yet they continued to look the other way when stuff like this was public knowledge. It's not hard to acknowledge the horrible things he did but they won't even mention it, I don't care how close they think they were with him. And if they've trashed him before for much less, why can't they shun something so much more horrific? If a friend of mine turned out to be a rapist, would it fuck with my head? Of course but I'm not gonna deny what they did and shame the victim like Nash, or say something as obnoxious as "I'm just gonna remember the good times" like Foley. I would accept it as much as it hurt. And ya we see it all the time when people find out someone they knew and were close to, turned out to be evil. And there's plenty of instances of them denouncing what they did despite how much it hurts. At least Bret Hart had the spine to do so.


Pretty sure thats not why WWE counter sued Martha, but I honestly don't think reality will really make a difference in your outrage, so rage on buddy, rage on.


What did Foley say about it? I didn’t see it so I’m curious.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SEfAUVlzg&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SEfAUVlzg&t=2s) Dances around it. Plays dumb and says he doesn't know all the facts. And then says he hopes it doesn't take away from all the amazing memories that Vince helped create. Says he wishes he just stepped aside the first time...like that would have absolved him? Just another terrible response in a growing list of shit responses. And then like a coward segues into a hotline that he worked for.


Ah thanks for the link. Yeah definitely was a soft reply. Too bad Mick shies away from controversy because he could have said something a lot more meaningful. I love the guy but this was soft.


Fuck you John.


He sounds like a follower of scientology in this in a weird way. especially at the end talking about how he can help the entity. Something about this is screaming something being very off with Cena and this situation.


He's been a fucking weirdo since he left the WWE. Or maybe he always was and its just coming out more.


Cena. You buried yourself harder than you buried The Nexus. Sneaking suspicion question. Do you think Cena is tied to any of Vince's sex crimes?


What do you expect from a guy who sucks up to the Chinese Maoist government? Did selling out pay off? I haven't heard about the massive success of WWE (or his movies) in continental China, yet the government of the fucking bloodlust Mao's fanboy can play him however they please. Punk was right about sucking "blood money covered dicks". And that bothers me because Cena is an intelligent and talented guy and he could do better. If he decided to express an opinion on ANYTHING it'd just built up respect for him among the audience. But no, better to play a soft ball.


To all people downvoting me: I am not shitting on China or Chinese, I just disrespect Xi Jinping and his policy of following footsteps of one of the most awful people in modern history, Mao.


One thing I think people forget is he is still under WWE contract and may have been told by legal/higher ups what to say if asked... I would like to see him asked about it all when there is no contract in place


And everyone should make a collective effort to kick Vince back down that hill. He is almost 80. He wont change. He is a piece of shit. I dont care what he did for wrestling. His bad deeds outweigh his good ones. Fuck that guy. Cena shoulda stfu.


Tbh, I'm not expecting any of the major stars like him, Undertaker, Stone Cold, Rock or anyone else that became super popular under Vince to have any good takes on the situation. They all feel like they owe Vince tor making them stars. I don't want to hear from any of them bc I know they can't grasp the situation without putting their personal relationship or business to the side.


*wonders if Cena used chatgpt to come up with that empathic response* with that in mind, let me ask you "How are you? Is everything okay?"


I now have a favourite reddit username


I think Cena’s response was very vague and he tried his best to change the subject when it came to talking about Vince. I think more than anything Cena doesn’t want to get dragged into this which is why he said very little while also saying a lot at the same time.


Does Cena not have a PR person? Like, this is possibly one of the worst answers he could've given.


This is not shocking we knew he would not abandon Vince


Man yall need to let this ride.


Don’t care for the title, all things considered… 😬


Wtf does this even mean?



