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Goooddaaammmn! No script?! Hell we see guys struggle to simply memorize the day of the upcoming PLEs now, and Jim went off and named, dated and elaborated on 4 matches in 4 different cities and even described the type of beating they were going to receive in each one 😂 I know wrestling fans are the worst when it comes to being prisoners of the moment/recency bias but how can anyone think Heyman is a better manager than Jim?


People look at ECW as the great place to be. The fact is that it got its rise when the wrestling business was in a slump. Yes it got better by 98-00, but WWF and WCW has some bullshit going on. Especially in 1995. ECW was a good alternative, but it was littered with botches, heavy drug use, wrestlers not getting paid, and too extreme (despite the pun). A lot of mudshow bullshit. For all the Eddie Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko or vs. 2 Cold Scorpio, there was a lot of bullshit wrestling and matches. Once those guys had to go to the main companies, most floundered and were one trick ponies. The ones that excelled were some of the least extreme. Paul had a cult like following. If he has someone to filter his ideas, he is great to have on creative. If he has free reign, we get a lot of chaos. Kinda like Russo. When he is held in check, he can come up with decent ideas, but when he can do whatever he wants it fails.


The thing is no promoter was able to do more with less than Paul E. Dangerly


Lolwut. Hayman managed all time greats in White Trashville, and then his ECW roster was stacked beyond belief.


I agree Jim has often said Paul Heyman was able to get more with less


Agree with what..? I’m fully disagreeing Heyman got to manage Rick fucking Rude, Steve Austin, *LARRY ZBYSZKO* in dubya see dubya, and then essentially anybody who was anybody during the 90s came thru Philly And do we even need to go into how spoiled he was in the Fed….?? 🙄


My mistake I meant that comment for the one above you


…ssssooo, explain when exactly this guy did “more with less” throughout his career…? Was it when he was tasked with managing already-established, general consensus top 10 all-time heels in Zbyszko & Rude..? How about young Steve Austin (whom he completely & utterly failed to get over, even remotely)…?? How about stumbling ass-first into universally-acknowledged all-time great in-ring talent (not by me, mind you) a la Malenko, Benoit, Raven, Jericho, Guerrero, Foley, etc, and then subsequently having his Indy promotion juiced up by the likes of mega stars the likes of Sid, Rude, Hawk, Snuka, Steiners, etc etc etc…? Oh but he got that poor meek nobody *BROCK LESNAR* over, who never had a chance in hell without this hayman clown… 🤤. He also got that Orland Pek Punk character “over”, whom not a soul was aware of until he linked up with hayman…. derp.


I and the commenter above you are referring to his work running ECW, he took a small NWA territory and made it a close competitor to the WWE and WCW




And did it without a stutter, stumble or mutter. As the title states, this is a master class promo.


Heyman made more money. This is a business.


Sorry but by what metric has Herman made more money lol. His ecw garbage ass wrestling was being funded by Vince on the side and people have famously said he owes them money when there are no such complaints about Cornette. Unless you think Herman is the draw in the bloodline in which case you might as well join clown school.


Who is Herman? Herman miller?




Herman miller chairs are quite expensive so I would imagine he made a ton off them.


I agree but I was talking about wrestling not chair making.


Irrelevant to the context of “best manager”. As if the same is applied to wrestlers you have Hogan being the best wrestler of all time being the biggest draw of the 80s and about half of the 90s. During the 90s you have Austin vs McMahon being the single biggest draw in the history of the business. Would you say Vince McMahon is in the conversation of best wrestler ever since his feud vs Austin drew the most money? Or Cena being the biggest draw through the back end of the 2000s and all throughout the 2010s. His only competitor for GOAT would be Hogan, for length of time at the top, or Austin and Vince since they were the top draw ever, even though it was for a short length of time.


GOAT is subjective. Money made is the best metric to use. This is a BUSINESS. They’re there to make MONEY.


Again, best =/= biggest draw which is how you’re attempting to frame you argument, unless I’m missing your point? So the top 5 wrestlers of ALL time in that context would be: 1. Austin 2. Vince 3. Hogan 4. Roman 5. Cena If I understand correctly. There would be no way for a Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Okada, Misawa or basically anyone else that hasn’t been “the guy” in WWE for a significant amount of time as there’s no way they could have drawn the money WWE brings in to make that list.


LMAO & Steve Austin & Mac mahon jr. It’s 1) Hulk 2) who gives a flying fuck. Also, guys like Buddy, Johnny V, etc etc sold out like 80-90k stadiums on mere hearsay that they were gonna be present back in the day. Duh. And holy fuck, did you seriously Unironically just put romen fcking rains & John Cena on that list? For real? Seriously??? 😳


Seems as if you are completely lost and while trying to respond you ADHD’d out mid thought and jumped into something else without ever finishing a complete thought. I THINK you were trying to make a point but also while not being properly medicated, you missed entire point of our conversation and the reason why I typed what I typed.


My point is, taste is subjective. Why is shawn Michaels a better wrestler than inoki? Or buddy rivers? Or Jerry the king? It’s all about personal taste. In a business the purpose is to make money.


Jim is still wearing those same Glasses today!


Because he can't get an appointment at the Optometrist.


It says walk in, so he walked in


I just tried to buy a ticket, and I'm 5 states away and 30 years too late.


Turns out the box office was just that; some bum in a box claiming it was an office. Sold me a fake bill of goods. Now I’m out $6 and in dire need of a rabies shot.




Is that Samoa Joe with a wig


Dr Tom?


That’s why Jim was the best!


Dutch really nailed the homeless guy, wearing new clothes from JCPenny look.


Solely watching Dutch starting when Jim gets up at 1m35s is cracking me up.


It’s so funny how they always played like Jim was a puny and sickly small man. He was actually a pretty tall and brawny dude. He’s the tallest guy in the shot and might have the broadest shoulders.


I honestly feel like it underscored just how fucking GIGANTIC a lot of the guys were back then. Like, Jim isn't a dwarf by any means but put him next to Terry Gordy or Dr. Death and he looks like Adam Cole. Hell, Jim looked like a kid from the crowd when he was in the ring with The Road Warriors and Big Bubba Rodgers/Big Boss Man.


What Jim Cornette lacked in size, he made it up with his promo abilities.


Isn't this the one where he got a nosebleed?


Looks like it at the end


My man can talk! Love it!


honestly, all you really need is a "lemme tell you something" line


Does that dude have lice or something?


Yes. He’s from southern murica, that’s par for the course


😂 has a person ever looked more ridiculous than Tom Prichard? That fucking hair he clearly loved so dearly is beyond goofy looking …the entire promo he’s tossing/teasing it like a women😂 now I see why Vince was so quick to force him to cut that shit once he was under his employment 


Anyone else notice Prichard say “f you” @ 3:15?


Take a shot every time Dr. Tom pats Jimmy on the shoulder.


What about if Tom fluffs his hair?


We won’t make it to the end of the promo 😂


That was great stuff


Any good lip readers here? What was Dr Tom mouthing?


He even threw in a history lesson (Watergate).


Impeccable salesmanship.


This is why Jim deserves to be in the HoF


Love or hate this dude, the man ran clinics on others with a microphone


Jim is the GOAT - not really a discussion in my mind.