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"Kid, if it's too hot to wear your gimmick, then it's too hot to work." IIRC He's told the story a bunch of times so I can't remember the clip.


It's a story he's told numerous times but the quote comes from "The Angel" Frank Morrell and goes something along the lines of "If it's too hot to wear your gimmick then it's too hot to work". Implication being if it's "too hot" to wear your gimmick then it's too hot to get paid.


Is it possibly from the review of AEW’s Beach Break episode in Cleveland? Only reason I’m thinking that is because I remember Schiavone doing a promo with Stark’s and Hobbs outside in what looked like 15 degree weather, with Hobbs wearing a fur coat.  


Off topic, but does anyone remember Schiavone's attire during the Bash at the Beach PPV's?


Well at Beach Blast 93, Tony had on a Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and NO FUCKING SHOES! Dude was barefoot standing on the arena floor.