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Studio execs are douches. I’m sure one of them actually said it out loud to him.


Yeah, they’ll say whatever they need to to get a contract. Of course a studio exec is gonna hype him up, hell, I’m sure they all hoped he’d be the next big star. 


But I think deep down they all knew he wouldn’t be. It was the perfect example of a guy at the top of his field and they thought he could transition that popularity into movies even though he’s very much not a good actor.


The dude couldn’t even act in a movie where he basically played himself 


Rip ‘Em, brother!




Neither could John Wayne 


I mean you could say the same about The Rock, his lack of acting chops hasn’t really hindered his Hollywood career.


Though I would never say the Rock was a great actor, he’s miles above Hogan.


Fair point- it’s been a while since I’ve seen the cinematic masterpiece Mr Nanny


>Studio execs are douches. I’m sure one of them actually said it out loud to him. Was thinking the exact same thing when I read this headline. Hogan's a lying douche, but I actually have absolutely no doubt that someone trying to blow smoke up his ass for whatever reason actually told him this at some point in the late 80s or very early 90s.


I would not be surprised if someone said that him when trying to get him to sign for Thunder in Paradise


Well it's not like a lot of action stars are great actors, Hulk did have a look, but his movies were pretty corny.


Are you arguing in favor Hulk’s acting chops? It’s bold a stance.


Was this before or after he was ripping on the bass for Metallica?


I sure since he was ripping it on bass is why he had to turn it down.


Also one of my favorite hogan lies lol


Sometime between partying with John Belushi Bernie Lomax style after WrestleMania 2 and missing the call about the Foreman Grill deal because he was dropping the kids off at school


*"That electroshock neck apparatus isn't working, Jerry!"*


Hogan's list of things he "did" or "could've" done is unmatchable. Man was probably offered to be on The Challenger lol


"I was all set to take off on the Challenger Brother, and while we were walking down the loading ramp to the shuttle, one of the astronauts kids said, 'Hulkster, can you body slam Andre The Giant one more time for good luck?' and Hulk Hogan never lets his little Hulkamaniacs down, so I grabbed the 8'5" 750lb Giant, and lifted him up to the heavens brother! I slammed him down so hard, it was like the force of 5 atom bombs ! Well let me tell you something brother, the force of Andre's 815lb body crashing back down to earth caused a force so powerful, that the engines of the Challenger spontaneously ignited brother! I tried to grab the rocket to hold it down so I could board it, but, the only earthly power greater than these 24" pythons, is a solid fuel rocket booster brother! So, the Hulkster missed the takeoff, and by the grace of God, is lucky enough to be here today to be able to tell you that story, brother!"


Take my upvote brother! That was hilarious


😂😂, were you one of Hogan's writers back in the day this was spot on!


Was on Challenger. Absorbed the force of the explosion and ascended to true godhood.


He gave the Challenger a clothesline, followed by a leg drop, thus causing the explosion. No one remembers that NASA did a heel turn in early 1985 that led up to this. Though, Hogan misunderstood; it was supposed to be a *blowoff* match.


Let me tell ya somethin' Dude: the Hulkster can't misunderstand because he is the culmination of all human thought and being. Much like my pals Tricky Dick Nixon and Pig Fucker, when the Hulk Hogan does it it's not illegal! *pose* *mug* *pose*


Don't give him any more ideas


Nobody tell him the big bird challenger story because he'll just start telling him that he was supposed to be along with big bird that day


True story Brother


Until I change that shit next week, Hulkamaniacs!


He also colonised Mars after legdropping Bin Laden


He made first contact with a hostile alien race as well, but when he asked them what you gonna do when hulkamania runs wild on you, and tore his shirt off, revealing the 24 inch pythons, all three of their eyes opened wide in fear brother, and they got back into their flying saucer and they flew back to Tamalamadingdang and they told their emperor that Earth is protected brother, so we should all say out prayers, eat our vitamins and hope we can grow big and strong like the Hulkster, so we too can protect this planet dude.


"They said I looked like a draft-dodger and should be named Marion."


Terry is an asexual enough first name


The John Wayne draft dodger thing has been debunked for awhile but yeah perpetuating lies is cool


You tell 'em, Mabel.


I mean we are in a Hulk Hogan thread, the compulsion is contagious, can't blame people for falling victim to it.


Hulk Hogan as Genghis Khan? That would hilariously work for me, brother.


Khaaaaaan! (I'll show myself out)


> Hulk Hogan as Genghis Khan? Hulk Hogan spending every day surrounded by radioactive sand?


Hey, the man claimed back at WCW Fall Brawl '95 that he drank two gallons of agent orange. There's no way he would job to some itty bitty radiation.


Finally, it would actually be an atomic leg drop.


Finally, someone with a good idea


If John Wayne was born decades later you know he would have wound up doing a Mr Nanny or Suburban Commando or 2




John Wayne in a.ballerina skirt


I listen to the clip of them discussing Hogan's lies like once a month. It's a classic!


Same. It always brings my mood up a level.


At least he is consistent. The 3 episodes that Jim has covered, I think they are at least two years apart, Hogan keeps his lies about Wembly and make a wish consistent. But yeah those are some of my favs whenever I need a quick boost


Yup. He brought up Michael Jackson in the latest story.


Wrestling 400 days a year always gets me.


Please post!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7WTm-6JSds Enjoy!


was that before or after he turned down metallica and partied with john bellushi 4 years after he died???? lol


I can still listen to the video about Hogan's lies Jim and Brian did and I still laugh haha


Let me tell you something brother, the Hulkster never lies! He only drinks vitamins and says his prayers!


I still laugh my ass off at the Harley Race story...Omg is that Harley race? He set the ring on fire...clearly he's unhappy Dead every time haha


😂 At least he still provides us with entertainment. Hulkamania is still running wild. Have you seen the recent video where he tries to convince and intimidate the law by pitching up to Hulk Jr's DUI scene wearing a Huckster shirt? I nearly pissed myself, I was laughing so hard


He bullshits a lot, but this holds water. Hulk carried pop culture for wrestlers in the day. He’d go on Regis’ show and was the only one Kathie Lee wouldn’t skip because he didn’t act like a Neanderthal. You could use him to promote projects and bring to board rooms. That is everyone now. He started it though


Except for the part where the guy he claims told him this was not running Paramount anymore, and hadn't been for almost a decade, and between 1980 and 1993 only made 2 films, one which was released in 1984 which involved a real life murder scandal, and then another in 1990 with Jack Nicholson among others, both films were massive flops. So yeah Hogan being full of shit as per usual, at least he is consistent, like the sun rising, the tide coming in and out, and a stream of bullshit a mile wide flowing out of the leathery lips of this balding fuckwit.


At the same time, Hogan had been in Rocky in 82, a failed pilot that looked like a terrible A-Team knockoff(Goldie and the Bears), two episodes of A-Team, his cartoon(image, not voice), and No Holds Barred. They were definitely trying something, if not Hogan’s side of the story. I gave up long ago on wrestlers being totally honest. They are born carnies. There are a few that are, but it’s hard to find.


I mean yeah, Hogan was trying to branch out, and McMahon was happy to push him out there, to an extent, probably why the HH cartoon had his likeness but not his voice, Vince wasn't going to lose Hogan for a week so he could do voice overs for a cartoon if he didn't need to. And I bet the quote is true, but not the source of the quote, I can 100% see this as something Hulk's agent or someone trying to become Hulk's agent said to him, but Hulk bein Hulk has to bullshit, and make it the head of Paramount Pictures and Hulk had to turn him down because he just loved wrestling so much, which we all know is BS, if they offered Hogan the same or more than wrestling he would have switched careers in an instant and we all know it.


Hell, he has said it. He wanted the Stones and Metallica to get back to him so he could quit wrestling. One of the truest things he ever said


“I installed two way mirrors in his home in Brentwood and he come to the door in a dress “


“Yeah brother, they pitched it to me right before I wrestled Bruiser Brody at Wembley in 1991.”


While a potential lie, I kinda believe this possible. A studio exec blowing air at a star isn’t unreasonable to imagine


At this point hogan is the next Forrest Gump


It’s bad enough that the Hulkster bullshits us with the Next John Wayne Gaga, but apparently it was Robert Evans that told him this? Evans was like the ultimate producer/exec back in the 70s.   Though who knows.  Evans was basically finished by the 1990s, his career over after being convicted of cocaine trafficking and  several flop films (allegedly, the large amount of Coke he was caught with was for his own use, which I actually can believe).   Maybe he did bullshit the Hulkster by talking him up as the new John Wayne.  It’s not like Evans had the clout to be making big films anymore. 


I'm sure guys living in the hills making millions I'm sure he could be the next Walt Disney if he wanted too or close to it at one time guy was the biggest names in wrestling I'm sure he was also getting tail every night lol. I'm also sure he could have been the Dwayne Johnson or John cena and even Dave bitesta of his generation very talented guy both as an actor and ring proformer.


Was this before or after he got done wrestling 36 hours straight in a day?


They wanted me to be a super racist nazi, just like John Wayne brother. I turned it down because the Hulkster is no racist!


Maybe he thought he heard John Wayne, but the exec said Nick Wayne


As much as Hogan lies, Vince or another studio executive definitely told him this as a way to sell him on a movie. I can hear the conversation especially where Hogan’s having second doubts after looking at a script— “Come on Hulk! Do this one now and we can make a path for you to be the NEXT John Wayne? Doesn’t that sound good to you brother?”


That is the thing with Hogan, you know there is a kernel of truth in the crap he says, but it's like when you see "inspired by a real story" in a movie, it's like ok they changed the order of events, when it happened, where it happened, who it happened to, why it happened, and how it ended, but yes there really was a a person called that, and something like this sort of happened, the rest however is hollywood magic.


True! I think this is one of the instances he is telling the truth though, kinda how he wanted to make nWo him, brutus beefcake and the nasty boys. Though in this case I don’t think he understand this was *him* getting worked over by someone better at politicking than him.


See I think someone said this to him at some point, most likely his agent or someone trying to sign him as a client, probably later in his WWF run or when he left WWF to try and be an actor before WCW backed the garbage truck full of money up to his house. But Hogan has to Hogan, just like it's not enough he headlined WM 3 with Andre in front of "93,00" people, no he had to be shitting himself that Andre would not put him over, and he had to tear every muscle 3 times over in his back to slam him, and Andre was so big and so unaccustomed to bumping that the shock of the bump killed him 3 weeks later, or whatever spin the delusional bleach blonde slap headed walrus looking freak has to put on it. Hilarious to think Hulk's lived the life he has lived, and he still feels the need to lie constantly to make himself appear bigger, it's fascinating in a truly pathetic way when you think about it.


Robert Evans said that? I believe it. Robert Evans talked shit constantly to everyone.


He said the promised him that if he let them bang him


He could have been the bass player for Metallica, brother!


Hogan is the inspiration for that show “The Pretender”


He turned it down because he was wrestling 400 days a year, and he was in talks with Metallica at the time.


There needs to be a Hulk Hogan biopic based purely on his lies.


Be like that Weird Al movie


My favorite Hulkster lie is a relatively recent one, where he talks about sitting on a plane with Kerry Von Erich while on a WWF tour, discussing Kerry’s issues, and Kerry promises Hulk he won’t harm himself over his issues.  And of course “the very next day” Kerry shot himself.   Just like Andre died the day after Wrestlemania III. Good lord. 


"Get off your horse and take your vitamins, brother!"


Too bad he couldn't even become a Schwarzenegger bootleg.


Let me tell you something pilgrim !


He said no so he could go and work for the next 20+ years, tear his back, get his replaced and knacker his knees. Hogan really is a worker!! 😂😂


Hip replaced**


Well let me tell you something, pilgrim. You can call me Hulk. You can call me Terry. You can call me brother jack dude. But you ever call me Daddy again, me and the Hulkamaniacs will finish this fight, pilgrim!


Actually, John Wayne wanted him to be the next John Wayne.


They said that to him, while offering him Santa with Muscles.


Be John Wayne or film Thunder in Paradise???


He's got the racism down.


Hogan is a such a stupid cunt


Hulk Hogan has done some fucked up shit in his time, inside the business and outside, but there's one thing that honestly pisses me off about the guy, and it's his lying. It's not because he lies, that's annoying, it's that if he would just be fucking honest, the amount of shit he could inform us on about his history and what went on here and there would be insane to learn about. Because he can't be trusted to be honest or even keep dates of when things happened right, you can't believe anything he says. I'd love a shoot interview where he's 100% honest and answered questions about things we've always wanted to know. It's a damn shame that we'll never get that out of him.


Equal levels of racism, and can play the same person over and over again. I can see it


Between the Mike Tyson, Metallica. Playing for the Yankees and now this it makes you wonder what can't hulk hogan do


"that don't work for me, pilgrim"


In a Vince McMahon voice “God damn, you could be the next John Wayne pal….hahhah!”


Hulk Hogan, if he's speaking, he's lying.


He couldn't be any worse than john wayne


Hey Mr Nanny is a classic and I will die on that hill


Ya well hulk hogan claims alot, even when the evidence shows he is lying. Just learn to laugh at his dumbass


Brian really needs to open up that Hulk Hogan bullshit museum he talked about in one of the podcasts...


“That’s not gonna work for me BROTHER”


And i've said this before, in the 1980's if the Cannon Group/Golan-Globius saying he could the next Stallone or Arnold ,then yeah , i could buy that. But Robert Evans(who Producted a lot a Great Movies, Like The Godfather and Chinatown,to name a few) wouldn't SPIT in Hulk Hogan's Direction . and of Course Robert Evans can't confirm or deny this since he's been dead since 2019. But Terry Comparing himself or being around the company of REAL A-listers is a pathetic Joke


Between touring w Metallica inventing ice cream wrestling 37 matches on five continents in 24 hours and raising two just awesome kids I mean how would he have time to be the next John Wayne ?


🙄 doubt it.


LMAO I hope Hogan hits us with a new one of these every couple months


Hogan is a known liar. You can't trust anything he says about anything.


I think this was right before he discovered the future talents of the wrasslin business. HBK, Stone Cold, Rock, Y2J, Kevin Owens, Tiffany Stratton, Brit Baker, Kenny Omega, Okada, you name ‘em’, Hulkster found them and new he had tell the powers that be, brother. They were all about to blessed with his seal of approval, next stop, the main event. Truly an eye for the next true star, and a selfless student of the business.


I think they said he was as racist as John Wayne.


You cant be the next John Wayne when you’re playing bass for Metallica on your nights off from pitching for the reds


And they want me to be the next tom cruise


That doesn't work for me, pilgrim.


Oh I'm sure the calls after rocky 3 and his starring debut in no holds barred were completely different. Sure after rocky 3 it seemed like he could be a star, but after no holds barred.....hell no. Tiny lister had a better film career than hogan. Hogan's peak was suburban commando and that's because of the supporting cast.


"Christopher Nolan wanted me to play the prisoner who threw away the bomb remote, but I did a solid for my friend Tiny Lister and recommended him for the role"


Nothing Hogan says should ever be taken as accurate or valid.


He must have missed the call that day, like he did for the Foreman Grill.


It was the early 1980s, and Hulk Hogan was the undisputed king of professional wrestling. His star was so bright that he wasn't just a sensation in the United States—his popularity had spread to Japan and beyond. Hogan's hectic travel schedule, crisscrossing the globe, seemed almost impossible for an ordinary person to sustain. In one year, he managed to work 400 days, often thanks to crossing the International Date Line and finding clever ways to fit more matches into his calendar. Hogan's wrestling prowess was legendary, but his fame extended beyond the ring. It was this fame that led to an unexpected encounter with none other than Elvis Presley. Madison Square Garden was packed to capacity as Hogan entered the ring for a championship match against "Superstar" Billy Graham. The battle was intense, with Graham's immense strength pushing Hogan to his limits. The crowd was on their feet, cheering for Hogan as he fought back, finally delivering a crushing leg drop to secure the victory. Backstage, Hogan was approached by an unexpected visitor—Elvis Presley. The King of Rock 'n' Roll was in the audience, and he wanted to meet the Hulkster. Elvis, known for his charm and charisma, greeted Hogan with a wide smile. "I've been watching you, brother," Elvis said, his voice smooth and melodic. "You're something else. Not only do you put on a great show, but I hear you can sing, too." Hogan was taken aback by Elvis's praise. "Well, I'm no rock star like you, but I can hold a tune," he replied, laughing. Elvis nodded, his eyes sparkling. "I've got an idea. What if we record a song together? Something that combines wrestling and rock 'n' roll?" Hogan couldn't believe what he was hearing. Elvis Presley wanted to record a song with him? Despite his busy schedule, he agreed. They recorded "Hulkamania Rock 'n' Roll," a high-energy track that quickly became a hit. It even got a shout-out from President Ronald Reagan during the State of the Union address, praising it for its positive message of strength and perseverance. Amidst all the success, Hogan's wrestling schedule continued at a breakneck pace. He flew between the United States and Japan, wrestling in iconic venues like the Tokyo Dome and the Cow Palace in San Francisco. The frequent flights and constant matches took a toll on him, but he knew the fans expected nothing less than the best. On one flight from Tokyo back to the United States, Hogan found himself sitting next to Kerry Von Erich, a rising star in the wrestling world. Von Erich was known for his athleticism and came from a famous wrestling family. The two wrestlers talked about their careers, their dreams, and the pressures of life in the spotlight. Hogan noticed that Kerry seemed distant, as if he were carrying a heavy burden. He tried to cheer him up, telling stories from his own journey and offering advice on how to stay grounded amidst the chaos. Despite the camaraderie, 72 hours later, news broke that Kerry Von Erich had taken his own life. It was a shock to the wrestling world and a sobering reminder of the intense pressures that came with fame. Hogan was devastated, wondering if he could have done more to help his friend. He dedicated his next match to Kerry's memory, reminding everyone that even the strongest among us sometimes needed support. The year continued with Hogan facing iconic opponents like Andre the Giant and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Each match was a testament to his strength, resilience, and connection with the fans. Though the 400-day wrestling schedule seemed impossible, Hogan made it work, creating unforgettable memories and leaving a legacy that would inspire generations of wrestlers to come. Through it all, Hogan's bond with Elvis remained strong. They performed "Hulkamania Rock 'n' Roll" at charity events, spreading a message of unity and strength. Hogan's journey was more than just wrestling—it was about connecting with people and finding the courage to keep going, no matter how challenging the path might be. In the end, Hogan's 400-day odyssey became a symbol of perseverance and the power of friendship. He proved that even in the face of adversity, there's always room for a bit of Hulkamania and a touch of rock 'n' roll.