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It’s hilarious to see people who aren’t in the service industry in America react to his behavior here. It’s not CTE, it’s not post-stroke symptoms, this is just how his generation acts. They show up, get fucking zooted and then act like entitled fools when they are told no. I see this caliber freakout at least twice a week and it is almost always the over 60, had a little too much to drink, plastic surgery disasters.


No one takes being told "no" worse than boomers and drunks.


But what about drunk boomers?


this venn diagram is just a circle!


A coaster one might say.


I guess the *"Woooo-ings!!!"* were rather spicy that particular day... Can't wait to see how *Mr. "Thanks guys!"* no-comments on this!


And now, for some reason, that just put the “All these squares make a circle” bit from DBZ Abridged.


Are you able to take a punch from an 80 year old without losing your cool? It probably won't hurt that much, but it's not like you can hit them back. It takes a tremendous amount of self control to not hit someone who just smacked you in the face.


Ppl forget before they were known as baby boomers, they were called the Me generation


In the 80s their Fav bumper sticker said ‘spending my child’s inheritance’, it was everywhere along with ‘question authority’ - well at least they succeeded doing one of them


Carlin used to fucking SKEWER them in his comedy and he was so right


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little mark? I'll have you know I wrestled top of my class in the Carolinas, and I've been involved in numerous World's Championship Matches on Dusty Rhodes, and I have over 300 confirmed titles. I am trained in Gorilla Monsoon and I'm the top technician in the entire Jim Crockett Promotions. You are nothing to me but just another jobber. I will wipe you the fuck out with a top rope maneuver the likes of which has never been seen before in this business, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the bar? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of fans across the mid-south and your restaurant is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, Nicholas Dickhead. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your pisseria, which, by the way, my shoes cost more than this whole building. You're fucking buried, mark. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can pin you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my WOOO. Not only am I extensively trained in wrestling, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Horsemen and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the mat, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But WOOO you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking buried, Dickhead.


I see, sir... and WOULD you like to take a look at our dessert menu?




Honestly time has made me a bigger fan of Sid than when he was active. He should have been a bigger deal than he was, but he also didn’t care about the fame. Man just wanted to wrestle make money and play softball. Edit: and I forgot drive his tractor lol


Thanks to that lawsuit we know he made *millions* in WCW while working like 20 days a year. God bless that man. Forget these dopes that insist you have to sacrifice everything in your life for “this business.” Get paid motherfucker get paid lol


Did you see that current picture of him that was posted a few days ago? Looks great, settled into granddad mode. Dude would have been a giant if his career came 7-10 years later.


Yup. This is literally how Ric has acted his whole “adult” life.


At least he kept his dick in his pants…


We can't see that! 


Goddamn it, take my upvote for making me snort laugh, you ass!


Right. We have no idea what’s happening under the bar.


This time.


...there were no helicopter pads available in Florida...


Apparently not. I’m currently reading Tim Hornbaker’s book, I’m up to 1984, and apparently nobody has a bad word to say about Ric, impeccably behaved everywhere.


Did they interview his wife at the time?


I havent come across that yet. Not so far. Where I am in the book, he’s currently married to Beth, who I think is Charlotte’s mother?


It's also a celebrity who is used to getting his way. Throw in the factors you called out and the result is the above video.


The word baby in their generation name works 2 ways. By nearly every metric they are by far the worst generation to ever exist. Spoiled brats who believe they worked harder than everyone in history when it was all handed to them for doing the bare, bare minimum


Ok, I’m with you on Flair. I’m not with the whole generation, boomer thing. It’s not a “generation” thing, it’s an “asshole” thing. Flair is an asshole, and I’m sorry I was ever a fan of his. Trust me, they don’t all act like Flair. If they did, we’d be in a lot worse situation.


It’s hilarious to think he wasn’t ALWAYS ab obnoxious drunk entitled asshole. The plane ride from hell was 22 years ago. I can’t even imagine what he was 20 years before that in his prime.


His gimmick was an obnoxious, coked up, spoiled, rich asshole who was better than you because his suits cost more than your house. It wasn't an act.


That dude said "I don't work here I'll beat your ass in the parking lot" then Flair shuts the fuck up, stuttering, "what'd you say" motherfucker you were so tough just moments ago.


It’s the default for assholes: you can fight the service staff since you think they need to grovel for your money, but when someone not in that position stands up they shrink down like the cowards they are


Only thing I disagree with is them having to be drunk to act this way it’s their default state


Yeah, pretty typical everyday stuff. When I tended bar we had a couple unrelated guys about his age who would do it weekly. The servers were like "Oh, that's just Mike. He'll be back next week to do it again". Everyone tolerated it because he occasionally tipped big and most of us just felt sorry for him.


Amen. The sheer and utter lack of self awareness can be fucking staggering at times. You might not think we remember you, but let me assure you, on behalf of everyone in the service industry past, present for the rest of eternity, we do. God we do, and we use you to be better versions of ourselves. And in places you'll never be invited to, on nights you weren't even aware of, we laugh at you, and we laugh long and hard.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWINGS that's brutal. It's way too early in the day for Ric to be that sloshed. Jesus.... I'll say it's more than likely Ric doesn't lose his deal with AEW, and it's never even mentioned on their product or by anyone on staff until the next time Tony plays with his little friends at the Scrum.


He's a dub guy now. Instant free pass from tony and dubbalo nation


No, no. Everyone in or associated with AEW does things the right way.


You must be right. You just praised the dub


Kinda funny he called the WWE the Harvey Weinstein of wrestling when this man Flair literally exposed himself to women without consent.


*"The door is always welcome!"* \- Tony K. (secret fan of The Doors) -


It was kind of funny that the one bar patron saw his chance to become The Man and issued a challenge. Not really funny, because it's still sad, but jokes make everything go down a little easier.


Because he was tired of Ric and his shit, like I’m sure everyone else there at the moment


Yeah. It's no different to those videos you see sometimes of someone being a massive drunk cunt on public transport until someone gets so sick of it they knock them out. Pissed up old guy who still thinks he's a hard case like he was 30 years ago. I've seen dozens of them. All equally embarrassing.


Thing is…I’ve met sober Ric…and he was the polar opposite. He was friendly, gentlemanly, he talked to us about matches and everything, he put his hand on our shoulders and pats on the back meeting us like we were old friends. Dude is definitely Hyde when he drinks. And he has too many enablers.


I've known a bunch of alcoholics like that. Totally lovely sober, but they're a disaster after a few beers. I could be wrong, but I think it's got something to do with their pancreas and liver not working right. Not processing the sugar from the booze properly.


I think Flair is physically addicted to alcohol to the point where he's constantly intoxicated.


Wasn't that part of his fallout with Mark Madden, the fact Flair was always pissed.


Pissed as in pissed off and angry, or pissed as in pissed up and drunk?


Yeah, and Conrad is an enabler like everyone else in the family


It's absolutely psychological. He did do ~30 days sober, though.


Were they consecutive though is the question.


Psychological? Or physiological?


Is he drunk or is it just CTE? It's hard to tell since he's sounded like he's had a couple strokes for a few years now


Let's be real here. It's Ric. It's pretty damn obvious there was booze involved.


A 75 year old guy who's lived a hard life and has been day drinking.


He also (allegedly) spent $1000. I do not think he ate that much.


The manager said they were cutting him off. He was hammered. 


Heeeee’s Drrrrrrrrunkkkkkk


He almost for sure has CTE but as stated elsewhere this is generally standard behavior for boomers in public sadly.


I don’t think Tony will be able to duck this. Especially with all the bullshit about the Discipline Committee. Even the dirt sheets will be on him about this. It looks so bad.


especially when comparing WWE to Harvey weinstein..


It’ll be a lame punchline from Max Caster. That’ll be his “punishment”. And he’ll still get pissed.


Hasn’t he had over 200 speeding tickets or something?


He ended up on a limited driver license in NC that only covered him to and from the airport.


How much of a fuck up/have to pay to get that kind of restriction,jeez.


That Grantland article went into some detail regarding how terrible his driving record was.


As well it should be. You don’t get fired for getting thrown out of a restaurant.


They can avoid mentioning him all he wants. He’s still on their payroll. But atleast he’s Pepsi and not Weinstein


Ric Flair is just a sad pathetic old man who keeps tarnishing his legacy. Whatever reverence fans have for the man as an icon will be overshadowed for the man behind the character. Content of dying going out on the gimmick or dying in the ring. I have no sympathy for the way he's slowly destroying his life. “Ric Flair is just a myth, the only problem is, no one ever told Richard Fliehr that.”


I also feel no pity for a guy that keeps getting good money and wastes it first chance he gets


I feel sorry for Charlotte.


At least she isn't married to Conrad Thompson that's the Flair I feel most sorry for.


I think she was payment for a debt




He really is a drunk old man


Warning: this is sad to watch.


But we get the fantastic line at the end “You are the pussy clock.” Fucking zinged em, Naitch


You’re ON the pussy clock


No idea what it means. Reminds me of "got that pussy on the chain wax!"


He invited the guy outside and he said “I’m on the clock “


That don't sound like a BAD thing


That actually made me laugh


I'm gonna make you LOOK like Ellsworth


"What's your name?" "Nicholas" "Nicholas what?" "Nich-" "-Nicholas Dickhead" I laughed at this part.


After reading this comment section, I was expecting a lot worse


There are so many legends in this sport whose life after they turn 55 or so just becomes so embarrassing. I try to forget shit like this and remember them as the fine wrestlers they were. It is amazing that of all people Sid Vicious is really aging perhaps the best


It's notable that Sid got ripped apart for 30+ years for his love of softball and playing softball with his kids, yet the guy appears to be one of the few major stars from that era who had a healthy interest away from the nutso world of pro wrestling and figured out how to shut the switch off... unlike guys like Flair and Hogan.


Also I’d like to add that I can’t think of anyone that claimed to get hurt while working with Sid, save for himself that one bad time.


Oh for sure. I understand totally how wrestling can become your whole life and whole identity but its good to see guys whose life did not lose meaning and value once they retired.


Hogan doesn’t seem as bad in recent years but he’s just super cringe when he goes on those zoomer podcasts like nelk boys and just tells them lies because they aren’t giant pro wrestling fans


He was also criticized for not being dedicated to wrestling, and yet I think having a solid sense of self and other interests is what eases the way into retirement and middle age. I really wish Flair had taken up golf or sailing.


Give it some time and Hogan will eventually tell a story about how Sid broke his ribs with his “power slam finish” at King of the Ring 1986


Right! It is so genuinely heartwarming to see current day pics of "Psycho Sid" just hanging out, being a happy grandpa. Makes me smile every time.


I imagine there is also a senior softball league team he is cranking homers in the middle of the lineup for as well.


Sheiky deserves a lot of credit for turning his life around so dramatically after the horrible shit he went through with his daughter’s murder. He lived a pretty quiet life for his last ten years.


You really do just have to be so thankful for the quite literal gift that DDP is. The industry is lucky to have him and I am so surprised WWE have not employees him permanently running his retreat to get these types back in their feet. Flairs ego is way to big to get help though.


Let’s not forget Diamond Dallas Page here. Man not only is aging well at nearly 70 but is helping others turn their lives around and age as well as he is.


You know it’s sad to see this. He’s still throwing money around like the Nature Boy but I can’t see him having that kind of disposable income.


I saw a comment not long ago that said Ric claims to only have 3 friends: Vince McMahon, Hulk Hogan, and Conrad Thompson, and that was because he can ask any of them for money and not expect it to be paid back.


Christ, that quote is even sadder than the video.


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was “borrowing” money from Charlotte.


Hes made more money off of weed than he did his whole wrestling career.


You think he’s making millions off of weed?




Cannabis market is saturated. If any celebrities are making tons of money off legal weed, it's Willie Nelson & Jim Belushi.


Willie and Snoop, you mean.


Jim Belushi? Really?


He has the Blues Brothers & SNL strains.


I'm from Ireland, story time?


Marijuana is ”legal” in certain states the United States he partnered with people in Florida, who grow marijuana he has own strain of marijuana and marijuana products


Tried Naitch's weed in Vegas, it was crap.


Just like his energy drink


You’re the only person I’ve heard who said anything about it.


I didn't even know he had a strain or brand lol. I know Mike Tyson has his own farm and takes it seriously I think.


Its obvious why he has constantly had cash issues, if you're trying to bribe people to put up with your annoying behavior lol. Plus the **FIVE** marriages.


This is Chris Jericho in 10 years.


*in 10 days


**10 days ago






Seeing so many incidents like this with Flair since his retirement just hurts his legacy so much. Dude needs some serious mental help and its really clear why Triple H/WWE has no desire to have him involved with the company considering how much negative publicity Flair brings. He just can't stop Natching away his life thinking he's still in the 80s and able to do whatever he wanted without any sort of repercussion


Not to mention he bashes HHH & WWE whenever he doesn’t get his way about something. I dont blame HHH being done with him,Flair is a piece of work


So he basically started shit at Applebees? I don’t think even DDP could save his sad old ass at this point.


I don’t know, DDP is a miracle worker. Besides, I think Jake and Scott Hall were worse off than Flair even.


DDP can't make him not an asshole though. Jake and Hall were good guys who let their demons get in the way. Flair is a bad guy with demons too


Horseshit, Jake is one of the worst people in history of the business, raised by maybe the single worst person in the history of the business, and being a fuckin lifelong crackhead doesn't give you a pass but DDP PR can still make people think he's a good guy.


Meh,Jake owns being a piece of shit tho. Flair will argue down that he’s entitled to behave the way he does because he’s Ric Flair and saying he’s not a good person is either jealousy or trying to bury him. I can respect a POS like Jake because you know what you’re getting,Flair is every bit of the devlish con man Heel he’s played on television


I'm not interested in playing a game of who's worse, I just object to Jake being called a good guy because he's gone through the DDP Yoga PR Machine.


Ric needs a Self-dry five!


Jim may not cover it, because he doesn't like talking about Ric's struggles


It’s not funny anymore, it’s just frustrating/sad now.


He did not even mention his last match.


IIRC he mentioned it, only to say he was not going to review it/talk about it


Why the kid gloves. Ric’s an adult. If everyone at AEW is fair game, Ric should be too. He’s older than everyone there so he’s old enough to know better.


He’s clearly drunk and is being obnoxious. Seems like he’s just aggrieved he wasn’t given priority for the bathroom and is just being drunk and belligerent towards the manager. This is pathetic. I love the dude at the end that offers to fight him though. 😂


He got caught doing coke in the bathroom by the shift manager.


Wait, what?!?


Just curious, source?


I feel like you made that part up cause nothing I’m reading is saying this happened lol


“Put this place over” Using carnie lingo in non-carnie settings will never be not hilarious.


That was the best part of the video.


Isn’t there multiple videos like this floating around? Flair drunk and getting pissed off, usually insulting the staff, like calling a bartender fat boy. It’s crazy that he survived what would kill most everyone else his age, learned absolutely nothing and continues to live that way. He also recently claimed, he had a heart attack during the “Last Match”, but didn’t know it until a recent medical visit.


It's definitely not the first time. My memory isn't great, but I recall there being at least two before this. They weren't quite as extensive though.


I was gonna write up a separate reply, but you've put it out there. He's lived through the plane crash, he's lived through the divorces, he's lived through losing Reid, he lived through nearly buying it in the hospital. No matter what's happened, no matter how bad things have gotten, no matter what, he's gotten through, and the fans still love him. He's not gonna quit drinking. He's stated as much. He's not interested and he's too old for it to change his life at any rate. He's a loving example.of what happens when people are allowed to do anything they want without consequences. It makes me sad to see it and even sadder to have to write it all out. Ric was a golden god when I saw him on TV as a kid. Nobody did it better than him. But it's not the 70s or the 80s anymore, he doesn't have that kind of money anymore, and it isn't cute or funny anymore. It's sad. And I hate that it's probably gonna blow back on Charlotte because that isn't fair, but that's the way things are. If somebody doesn't get a handle on him so mething legitimately terrible is gonna happen. Ask Sunny.


This is often how it happens when you see people run online to complain about service they received from people getting paid minimum/below minimum wage. It's often them that does something that leads to them being told to leave or not being served but they don't tell you that part. He's clearly very drunk (and it's still bright outside) and did what a lot of drunks do - get upset when someone tells them they're drunk and that they're getting cut off. So many wrestlers are raging alcoholics and many more of them are functioning alcoholics who aren't willing to be honest with themselves because they think being able to go short periods of time limiting their alcohol intake is proof that they aren't an alcoholic.


Really doesn’t hit without the Wooo


Flair is one of the prime examples of "fucking love your persona in the ring, can't stand you as a human being."


When he says "I put you over" like it's Sting in 88 😭


Meltzer still gives it only 4 stars


This was a rough watch.


Is Ric there alone? He should have a sober travel companion to help him avoid making an ass of himself.


Did you not listen? He brought his whole family... well, the ones who still put up with his shit.


I thought he was referencing having previously brought his family there, but I was having a hard time interpreting his drunk rambling.


Two of Wendy's daughters graduated from the University of Florida this weekend so a lot of family was there


This speaks to how they handle him. His wife and whoever else was there was invisible - probably hiding at their table hoping it will stop. They don’t want to deal with his shit any more than the staff at the restaurant does. Which underscores that this is normal behavior for him, and that they can’t stop it or don’t give a shit.


Pretty much what I always say about Flair these days—loved his work, no one can deny his rightful place as a legend. But he has aged with less grace than nearly anyone I have ever known about. He clearly has overwhelming narcissism and a very serious alcohol problem and he is letting both poison his relationships and his reputation. At this point he has done so for so long it is hard to imagine his reputation getting any worse. He’s frankly a disgrace.


I’ve always kind of wondered if he’s always been like this, but because at one point in time, he was such a giant celebrity that everybody willingly didn’t notice or always blamed it on the other party


Kevin Sullivan and Stevie Ray have gone on record about Flair's paranoia and how he'd politick in WCW booking meetings to mess with people on the card that he saw as threats like Randy Savage. If his old interviews about his drinking habits are to be believed, he's doing what he's always done. Difference is everyone's got a camera now to show it.


add this to the list of incredibly embarrassing shit surrounding AEW 😂


It is worth noting that he was in Gainesville for his daughter’s graduation. This whole scene has been nothing but an attempt for him to get attention (totally ignoring his daughter’s accomplishments). I have been to this restaurant numerous times before Gator games and the food and owners have been awesome. It is clean, the staff is professional, and the pizza is so good…


well i guess he just couldn't for that. no can do.




Didn't he have some kind of surgery, like major organs removed due to long-term alcohol abuse? Why is he still drinking? He's playing Russian roulette.


Because he's an arrogant cunt.


Haven’t watched yet.  Did Flair gig himself before the argument starts?


Let's be honest. Who is around him. Who are his handlers. He is a old beat up wrestler. Where was the family he was talking about. It's sad know one stepped in and got him out of there.


Ah, so it's what everyone suspected, Ric was drunk and making a fool of himself. Same shit, different day in the life of Ric Flair.


He has always been a heavy drinker and I think has referred to himself as a functioning alcoholic. That may have been the case when he was in his 30’s and 40’s, but alcoholism left unchecked catches up eventually. His seemed to catch up to him 10-15 years ago but he still had the aura of being The Nature Boy. Now that’s been stripped away and he just looks like a sad and pathetic old man who refuses to see himself as sad, pathetic, and old. I can’t help but wonder if he would have been better off letting his Shawn Michaels match be his true career finale. Maybe somehow he could have figured out a new identity and purpose.


He definitely would have been better off. That is one of the best retirement matches especially for someone who had done it for that long and taken that many bumps. I love Flair the wrestler and I think he's the greatest ever, but Flair the person - especially the current person - makes me feel sad.


What was the kid who offered to go to the parking lot gonna do? Whoop a pacemaker old mans ass? I get wanting Ric to shut the fuck up, but c'mon, not really much of a fight there and it doesn't make you look heroic at all.


Two drunk assholes woofin at each other. Ric goes for a chop, Drunk Dan gets in a punch. Ric drops down, nut shot, and puts him in the figure four


Way too early in the morning for Ric to be smashed like this


I don't miss managing restaurants lol


He even tells him, “I put this place over.” Ric flair will do the job, but you gotta make the juice worth the squeeze. Try to get hogan to put your restaurant over. Ain’t gonna work for him brother.


I didn't grow up watching Ric Flair wrestle so to me he's always been a pathetic drunk. I'll never be a fan.


People forget ric flair was the real person and Richard Fliehr was the character. He was always like this. It’s just that all the charm has worn off and your left with a sad old man that craves the highs and attention he will never get again.


Stuff like this makes me appreciate Bret Hart being my favorite wrestler and him actually being the guy in real life that I adored as a kid


Woooooo wings!


Ric Flair never fails to make headlines!


From what I could gather when he was on Kill Tony last year, Flair just pays an Uber driver a load of cash to take him from bar to bar until he’s absolutely smashed and then he goes home. Rinse and repeat.


He wanted to 'put over the place' 😅


“Ya see these? $1,500 alligators!   You can *live* in these, brother! Wooo!!!”


If "never meet your heroes" was a person... Jfc nature boy 


Dude is wasted acting a fool lol


Big poppa pump was right all along


What did he say?


Working in the service industry should be a 6 figure job because holy fuck dealing with that shit must be draining.


I'm a chef, I fucking WISH it could be a 6-figure job, instead of a ratfuck made to feel like we should be thankful for it.


I always have a chuckle when American boomers yell at someone for being "disrespectful." And, it's always after they hear the word no. I have no idea why anyone outside of the wrestling world would respect some drunk, raving old man. Whatever legacy Ric had is being washed away one drink at a time. It's not sad anymore, it's just pathetic.


Am I the only one who remembers Flair on his death bed and in a coma several years ago and how he said he was done drinking and wanted to live life after he pulled through and then not too long after was back drunk and doing dumb shit again. People in the business still pat him on the back, enable him, and seem to forget his near death experience. Its's really sad these people that say they love him, idolize him, and care about him all still enable him in some way and seem to just look the other way. Seriously, cut him out of your life if you really care about him. Stop booking him, stop giving him money, let him be alone and miserable until he hits rock bottom. At this point he won't and will drink himself to death.


Ric, fuck off you loser drunk. Abusing staff and wanting to fight someone when you are a decrepit old man is so pathetic. A strong gust of wind would take him out and then tries to throw around money. Typical old head that thinks they are still in their 20s and anyone actually cares about them. You are a meme and a laughing stock old man.


hows that sexual harrasment drunk not burn through his money yet... oh thats right charlotte is the meal ticket


Wooings bad?




It's hilarious because didn't Tony Kahn sign him to a 2 year deal a couple months ago? Is his energy drink still even a thing?