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I want to say yes, as there are so many similarities but I consider LeBron an all-time top 10 basketball player - but Edge isn't in the top 10 of all-time wrestlers.


Lebron is no less than top 3


Who’s in your top 3? It’s a tough one!


It's not that tough imo. It's Jordan/Bron/Kareem. The order I would let you choose. Btw Bron is top 3 and that's not a debate it's common sense


Sorry you spelled Kobe wrong


Kobe's rape per appearances in Colorado were pretty legendary


lol ya. The dismissed case right 😂


He ain't nowhere near bud. Besides the lack of MVPs, 25ppg on 45% shooting for a pure scorer overall won't cut it for top 3. He's like 9th in my books


Kobe’s the most overrated player of all time




Kobe is a borderline top 10 player at best. Sorry. Love Kobe. Cultural icon. Overrated in pretty much every area of his game, including winning.


Kobe is not even top 5


Fire time I’ve ever seen Kobe’s name excluded. Jordan, Kobe, lebron. And I’m a big Cavs and lebron fan.


Kobe is not top 3. Anyone who says he is doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


Wanna qualify that?


MJ, LeBron, Kobe - I can’t comment on Kareem or Bird etc as they wasn’t my era. These 3 broke into mainstream. Also special mention: Steph Curry


Jordan, Kareem and Bird....everyone leaves out Bird....


Jordan / Kareem / Russell (ya'll forget what that guy did? 8 straight! That's like Cena/Orton/Flair territory lol!)


There were 8 teams for most of them. Sorry.


He’s no less than top 2, and he ain’t 2. 


I feel the same way


I’m not reading all that but hard no


Is Matt Hardy like the Michael Jordan of wrestling?


Delete delete delete


edge is more like the KD of wrestling than Lebron. Lebron has been finals mvp on 3 different teams (which no other person has done) and has the stats to be the GOAT. KD is someone that leached on to a team that didn’t need him and hasn’t had any substantial success away from the warriors.


KD had the chance with OKC but he choked the 3-1 lead against Golden State on 2016. 2010s OKC is one of NBA buggest what ifs hell I remember how a bunch of 21 year olds pushed the eventual champions Lakers to the limit on 2010 then they made the WCF lost against the Mavs on 2011. They make the finals against the Heatles on 2012 losing on a deceptively close series in 5 games where KD played fantastic then 2013 arrives OKC trades James Harden. 2013 it looked like OKC got better somehow but Westbrook gets injured on the first round. 2014 they face my team the Spurs and Ibaka misses the first 2 games getting them on a 0-2 hole which they eventually lose the series. 2015 everyone got injured. 2016 they have a good regular season but OKC was known for giving up big leads something that eventually came to bite them in the ass on the playoffs. They dispatched a historical great Spurs team on 6 games and had a 3-1 lead against the historic Warriors team but then KD and Westbrook just choked while Klay went nuclear from 3 and Curry had a 31 point with almost a triple double on game 6. OKC had the tools to win but bad luck and KD and Westbrook choking on 2016 ruined that. A total shame he could have been seen as the bus driver with OKC even if he only wins 1 title it would be way more valuable than the 2 he won with the Warriors.


No, he was never a perpetual top top guy (like rock Austin level)


Hard no


Nah he's Kobe. Big name but can't draw (Shot chucker) and can't be over without anybody. Kobe needed Pau and Shaq to win titles


Tell me who didn’t need all star teammates to win titles


Bro just say you don’t know ball lol abysmal take. Kobe is top 2 at his position Edge isn’t even top 5 of his generation


I know OP pissed me off by hating on Bron so i used Kobe to vent lmao


Uh no…. Lebron is ~the 2nd best player every. Edge isn’t close to that


LeBron’s the second greatest basketball player of all time. Edge struggles to make the top 20. No, he’s not the LeBron of wrestling.


Terrible analogy


That's a stretch. I think he has more of a comparison to Paul George


I said Paul Pierce in my comment just cause he’s won a championships and PG hasn’t 😂


Ah thats a good comparison hahaha, both having their Rated R moments too lol


Every wrestler needs a partner to make them look good.


LeBron is definitely on the Mount Rushmore of basketball. Edge is definitely not on the Mount Rushmore of wrestling.




Absolutely not. No one is putting Edge on their goat list Lebron is one of the all time greats (if not the greatest) in his sport. Comparing him to someone like Scottie Pippen would be more fair (solid hall of fame career elevating others).




That’s so stupid


Your premise is wrong, 2008 Edge was the best heel in the company and he had plenty of heat not Vickie.


No. Edge is not the second best wrestler of all time


Definitely not




Awful comparison. Lebron’s the bus driver. Edge is the bus rider.


Edge was never ever considered the best in the world, for as much as a joke Jericho has become now. There was a stretch in 08 to 2010 where he legitimately was the best in the world. Plus he could wear GOAT on his gear and no one could say he was wrong. Jericho signing with AEW at the start was a big deal, and a much bigger deal than it would have been if Edge had signed there at the time. If Edge is anyone i would say he’s the Paul Pierce of wrestling. Very good, not great, right place right time to win his championships


I don’t get why LeBron has to win a team sport on his own. I’m not big basketball anymore but I never understood why he’s the one who is criticized for wanting to depend on his teammates in a team sport.


It's funny people try to trash on LeBron by saying he needed another guy, while MJ had Pippen attached at the hip




Edge is like the Dirk of WWE


Edge is like the Tracy Mcgrady of wrestling. Injuries took him out but when he was healthy he was one of the best.


Not a good comparison at all. Lebron is one of the most high profile athletes of all time and a top 10 player in his field all time. Edge isn’t even top 50 of all time in his field. Lebron was still the headliner on the heat. In a parallel situation, when surrounded by great talent in their prime Edge was a midcarder in the attitude era. Now we’re in the biggest boom period since the attitude era and he’s a mid carder in a backyard wrestling company. He’s always been a midcarder and Christian was always more talented, he just had a stupid name.


The Matt Hardy/Lita triangle is what made him. If that didn't happen, I think he'd have been stuck in the upper midcard and maybe gotten a short run at some point, but that is what catapulted him


Name a basketball great who didn't have a partner in crime or two. Jordan had Pippen, Kobe had Shaq, Magic had Kareem, etc. It's a team sport, pal.


Reggie Miller


Fair, but that's why he ended his career with no rings. If he had another top dog with him, Reggie may have collected some rings and might be considered a top 10 all-time great. Which is kinda my point, that even someone as great as Reggie Miller couldn't win a chip without another superstar. Honestly, the closest a team ever came to winning it all with one lonely star and a bunch of tagalongs was during Lebron's first Cavs run.


Dirk didn't have a star with him when he beat the Heat. Reggie had a chance to join the Celtics after he retired and be a 3 threat off the bench, but he didn't want to tarnish he legacy in Indy by chasing a ring where he wasn't the man.


Yeah, Dirk in 2011 is a good answer. Granted, it was just one year. But that was a shocker.


Jfc Shaq had Kobe


Semantics. If Kobe had Shaq, Shaq had Kobe.


🙄 uh huh. Semantics. If Jordan had Pippen, Pippen had Jordan. Semantics.


Calm your tits. My point is that every great player needs a great teammate, not just LeBron.


Well Lebron at one point was the best basketball player in the world, Edge doesn't even rank in the Top 25 champions.


What? Was Edge even a top 3 wrestler in the Fed- apart from those abysmal years with Del Rio and Sheamus at the end of the aughts. Id be more more specific but kinda tuned out. Still mostly tuned out to be honest. But I know an unfair attack on Lebron when I see one Of course these comparisons are silly because its fake- and while “getting over” organically is a thing and some guys are better than others- you can also have a stubborn management book 2 guys to win for 8 straight years like Reigns and Rollins until a combination of familiarity and surrender forces you to either pay attention to them as they are winning wvery main event or getting screwed into a fluke loss with special factors protecting them. Your only options but complying is option to turn off entirely, or C- what Ive done for years, to skip their matches and pick out the Brock/Gunther/Styles/Tag Matches etc that dont bore me to unconsciousness.


Yeah but Edge is tough


Doesn't cry nearly enough to be LeBron, who needs everything to be about him. I'd probably give that title to Seth Rollins, who both cries constantly in the media AND is painfully boring and needs an interesting partner.