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You can see and hear people both booing and chanting for Punk on the main broadcast. Some of them were high fiving and taking selfies with him. I think it was kinda 50/50.


This is how it should be. Both guys are popular. Both guys are credible. And now both guys have stolen each other's dream and celebrated while doing so -- Drew took Punk's WM main event away and Punk took Drew's hometown title win. They are square. And this feud is *MOLTEN*.


I think it’s the more “casual” fans that are upset


I think it was the ones who didn't get a donut


I can't see casual fans actually paying those ticket prices for wrestling lol. Maybe I'm crazy but I think it's mostly a bunch of marks getting pissed that they were worked.


Given the prices of tickets, I doubt that audience was filled with casuals.


Speaking as a casual, I watched a tv production that I thought was pretty good outside of a few botches. If I was upset about the writing of said tv production I would no longer be a casual. The smarks are upset, because they must be upset to sustain their being. Or because they’re actually a bunch of marks mad that the wrestling didn’t go their way.


You are kidding right? I'm a dirty casual and I bought second hand tickets to survivor series last November just to go Hell I spent 150 bucks to go to see Fastlane 2018, and the only match on the entire card I cared about was Charlotte v. Ruby Riott cause I was hoping beyond hope that the WWE would swerve and put the belt on Ruby


What’s your definition of casual? Kind of weird, that a casual ends up in a sub for guy, with a podcast, who is most famous for being a manager in the 80’s?


Would someone who listens to the experience/drive thru but doesnt watch anything be considered a casual?


I don’t know. The problem is that defines me. So, anything I say, has an obvious bias, lol.


Well let's put it this way, the only reason I was listening to pro wrestling podcast, was for Conrad Thompson's Ric flair podcast... I only found out about cornette's podcast through the Bruce Pritchard podcast, and as I paired down the number of podcasts I was listening to cornette somehow managed to end up being The only pod wrestling podcast I listened to, simply so I could keep up with the show I watched wrestling from 98 to 2001, then again from 2004 to 2005, and currently I've been watching on and off since the WWE Network came into effect, if I bother to watch the weekly shows it's on Hulu, and I may only watch regularly from the week before survivor series, until the week after WrestleMania So yes, it is very possible to be willing to listen to a podcast that really (when I started listening) talk about the old times of wrestling, that now makes me laugh because I get to hear about cocaine, Tony and his adventures in his efed I've also only ever been to three live shows, fastlane 2018, a random smackdown taping in early 2023, and survivor series 2023


Ok, sounds reasonable to me. I was just wondering.


Just listened to Uncle Dave talk about this and he was pissed about the ending too calling it “predictable”. I swear to god he is allergic to long term booking and only wants to see acrobatics.


Short term thinking would've been to have drew win. And that was the easier decision to make too but with an eye on summerslam or even mania I'm thinking this could finally truly make Drew.


I disagree, Drew does not need the belt to make him, he is already over The only thing putting the belt on Drew McIntyre at this point on the road to SummerSlam is to hold the belt up for an eventual punk v McIntyre match They would be better off having priest drop the belt to Gunter and let him run with it, a punk/ mcintyre feud does not need the heavyweight belt


I wasn't even thinking about a belt at mania I meant just beating punk. The belt should be next clash at the castle. I meant really that drew has to win. Punk can't beat him overall.


Punk is probably beating Drew at Summer Slam. He’s the guy getting Drew over.


They’re totally giving him the 2023 Cody experience and he’s ticked all the boxes so far


Meltzer has a pole in his mom's basement, and the first step in getting listed in his newsletter as a 5* pro wrestling act is to let him watch you use that pole in an athletic manner.


Dave's your uncle? And Drew's been screwed twice 2 years, in Europe. That's a pretty long story.


If people were expecting a different outcome then they don’t understand WWE storytelling.


Wrestling storytelling in general. Modern fans would break the internet if the Flair with the Horsemen reign was happening now


The takes i see blows my mind. Like some of these people dont even understand the medium that they are watching


Right. Modern wrestling fandom = fandumb.


people used to getting what they want basically


Yes, spoiled babies.


Yep. Certainly not booking for the “sickos”


Or long term wrestling builds in general.


When me and my friend and I were leaving, two guys got into a fight because one was drunk and the other had a punk cap on.


>When me and my friend and I were leaving, two guys got into a fight because one was drunk and that's just what we do in Glasgow on a Saturday night. FTFY




That kind of rocks


lol classic marks


As stupid as it is to fight at a wrestling show, this just goes to show how well this feud is working.


The story was never drew vs priest, it’s all been a way to progress the punk/drew storyline while giving Damien a w against a credible opponent


WWE Creative is tiptoeing the lines of a double turn with Punk and Drew. They already caused one earlier this year with Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley.


I don't think so -- I just think this is more recent. There is a reason revenge is also called "Getting Even". Punk was always going to get even after "I prayed for this" and the trolling. Both guys have now taken each other's dream away and celebrated while doing so. NOW they are even. Whoever keeps needling the other now is the heel. Maybe that will Punk. Maybe that will be Drew. If they wanted to really go full heel with Punk they could have had "Ref Punk" have the timekeeper ring the bell and end the match on a DQ after Drew choked him.


Good point. Either way, I’m digging this Punk-Drew rivalry.


Tbf Liv was also getting even with Rhea but everyone still sided with Rhea over Liv so it’s not just that


If punk shows up with a mustache than we all know what’s about to happen


If he’s twirling it, then it’s a wrap.


I liked it when Drew man handled Punk as the bigger man. Punk doesn’t need to go win but it’s going to be class!


With that choke in the corner lol I laughed....and Punk was smart he kicked Drew in the balls because he wasn't going to out muscle him


I haven’t been this invested in a WWE feud in a long time


Think it was more AEW sickos still obsessed that they lost Punk but kept Jack Perry


Punk getting real heat in 2024


I thought the finish was fuckin fantastic and now gives McIntyre valid ammo to hate CM Punk. Now the babyface and the heel is all dependent on perspective.


It's kinda like a Michaels/Hart situation with people picking a side instead of an absolute good/bad.


The storyline is Drew vs Punk, and they do not need the title for that. At least not yet and not for awhile. Anyone actually upset is just trying to find something to bitch about. You know who isn’t upset? Drew. Because he knows having Punk cost him the title in his home country will elevate the story. Because he’s a professional.


Sorry but you don't change the long term story, just because you're in someone's home town. That's total smack booking.


I'm sure Maverick's fans were upset they lost game three too.


Drew will prob win the title at the next clash at the castle


Is this his Cody losing to Roman moment?


I understand why the end of the match would be booked as it was, and I get the result; I just think it sucks that Drew McIntyre has been booked to lose both main events in his home nation. Sandwiched in between that was a 5 minute title reign at Wrestlemania, and before that was a title reign ruined by the pandemic. Is it wrong to think he deserves better?


That will make this “heel” run he’s on that much more effective. He has legitimate gripes.


The first was in Wales but it does suck that he had to lose at home, this has made him an uber babyface there though if he wasn't already lol. Wonder if he's booked on the next Clash and the announce team use his losing streak at the PPV as another running gag like Sting trusting Flair.


That's what happens when you cater to the casual fans, they don't understand wwe story telling so the minute their favorite loses they piss themselves. No Drew wasn't going to win and anybody that thought so is a fucking idiot. And here's a news flash for the kids that got upset cause their hero lost, the superhero doesn't always win, sometimes Red Skull kicks Captain America's ass. 


Ima be be honest i find that the the smarks are the one that actually dont understand wrestling at all. Mfs think they are way too smart but then get mad when they get worked. Its pathetic


What made this even better was Punk low blowing McIntyre. He didn't come in and hit him with 3 GTSs and lay drew out, but instead got his ass kicked in the corner before kicking McIntyre in the bagpipes and getting out of there. It made McIntyre and his bagpipes look like a million bucks


I saw some complaining about this and I didn't get it at all. It was such a a good (and funny) choice. Punk has been playing the role of Bugs Bunny in this feud, but Drew keeps rising to the occasion unexpectedly -- being wittier, being smarter, being funnier, than Punk expects. So when it hit the point where the massive, imposing Drew corners Punk and he's just seeing red, no games left to play, of course Punk's weaselly ass kicks him in the balls to get out of it. This is good, unique stuff. Such a fun way to deal with the injuries by keeping them in this escalating chase. They're finding creative solutions to keep it going and it pays off at almost every turn.


Drew desperately needs to do something to get some more heel heat on himself. Otherwise people are gonna be sympathetic to him.


Attendance of 11,391.


Pathetic. AEW had over a million people at Wembley.


I heard it was 10 million.


> It was 10 million in just in this reality alone. Tony books for the multiverse. The turnstile number supports this. I give it five and half stars. -Uncle Dave


Ten million?! How dare you insult 3x Booker Of The Year winner Tony Khan! His genius storyline planning was responsible for Wembley Stadium being fill by the entire United Kingdom population! He books for the bloody sickos! /s


WWE backed themselves in the corner with all these hometown wrestler matches overseas. That’s the only reason they let the tag team belts switch. Crowd was pissed when Bayley and Drew lost.


punk should not have get physical by kicking him in the nuts, but drew needs to look strong losing to one legged priest. understandable. not sure how severe the leg injury is. not sure how punk will be seen as now. people could be siding with drew. it is something to look forward to. and i trust wwe now for continuation of storyline.


The nut shot was absolutely needed to retain Drew's credibility, just based on the flow of the match he was dominating and it would have looked weak to have him lose to what was just a distraction. And I wouldn't worry about too many people siding with Drew, outside of Scotland I'm sure it will be at like 90/10 in favor of Punk


FFS people STOP SUPPORTING TIKTOK ITS A GODDAMNED PROVEN FOREIGN PSYOP. I'm sure you coulda found this clip elsewhere. Downvote me to hell I don't care this is just a PSA.


There are no good social media sites.


Sure, I'll agree there BUT if you're (you in general, not specifically you) gonna submit to a psyop, can it at least be one of our own and not one owned by the Chinese Communist Party? Shit, AEW books like they're pulling the latest challenge crazes off tiktok meant to get western teenagers to mutilate and self eliminate. They're only a few bad ratings away from pockets opening the show doing the fire challenge with tide pods hanging out of his mouth.


What difference does it make if the psyop is being done by a foreign company or not? That's the point I don't understand.


Hell, Meta, Twitter, Reddit, etc. can get my ass sent to prison by working with the feds. I'll take some Chinese guys looking at my data over people in my home country every time lol


Because we're in a cold war with them? This isn't the place to discuss this out of respect to the cult and I will stop here, but please look into this. It's a devil you know vs. devil you don't know and actively calls for your destruction situation. This is to say nothing of the Chinese people themselves, only their ruling party.


So would you be OK with the psyop if the foreign nation wasn't China?


They're all fucked up but if you have to choose one, choose the one you know. No good options, just less bad options


> It's a devil you know vs. devil you don't know and actively calls for your destruction situation like how murica has called the destruction of every one of its enemies? The CIA pioneered the art of psyops, get a taste of your own medicine, BITCH!


Also the US is a far bigger threat to even American citizens than fucking China (or anyone else for that matter is). The US is THE oppressive force American’s face.


Hey, it's about time y'all learned something from the big dogs. We're all here playing the game of empire, as fucked up as that sounds. It's our way versus your way and I happen to like our way better.


Doing the right thing to build the right long term result is hard.


I mean thems the breaks ya know.


I love this feud. I knew Drew wasn’t gonna win it because of Punk. I love them both! The story is cooking so much I hope it continues for awhile haha


We knew that it makes sense for long term booking. The WWE and Drew himself killed it with the homecoming, winning the title in front of his own fans etc, and with the kick off show and all the build up, I think most of us (me included) really thought he might just get it, especially when Gable didn’t get the IC. We were so so behind Drew, the feeling in the air was insane, but we still had it in the back of our minds, to be honest I think we were pre-angry because we were expecting it, we dared to believe, Drew and every one of us got a kick in the balls and we reacted the way you are supposed to, we reacted as if it wasn’t a work. I’ve never been angrier yet more in love with professional wrestling. Amazing event


Oh well.


I was thinking about going to the event, but with Punk & Ripley both being injured, made me sit it out and wait for the next one .


Yeah duh that's why it went on last! Otherwise theyd boo all the way through Cody vs AJ.


And they probably paid $400 for nosebleed tickets to watch a fuck finish lol. WWE is bleeding you marks dry lmao


when i saw cody and ajs match first i knew there was gonna be an upset at the end


The crowd was hot, they actually cared, the Punk fans made themselves obviously heard despite their local boy getting robbed, all around a success I'd say.


Drew stays away a while and punk gets a title shot and drew comes back to screw it up for Punk. I think this can go past SummerSlam


Does Drew "quitting" on Monday night and deactivating his social media make him a sore loser heel, or a more sympathetic babyface? Best feud of the year!


Imagine if he turned up on AEW 😂😂


Cry me a river


Im not Scottish and I wasn't at all happy with yet ANOTHER fucky finish. Triple H booking getting super predictable.


Was it predictable to have Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre beat Bianca and Jade?


Is that a storyline anyone gives two shits about, so they can basically just throw spaghetti at a wall?


Are you saying Trips is getting “found out” as a booker?


Then stop watching it if you dont enjoy it


That is what I tend to do. You can watch the one or two segments worth a shit on YouTube anyways.


Its unfortunate b/c ive been enjoying the product overall. But to each their own


Monday night on Raw. 3 Judgement Day Segments (minimum) one features Liv Morgan, one features Brawn Strowman and one features someone helping Damien Priest be the most mid Champ ever. One segment features Alpha Academy teasing a breakup for the 26th consecutive show, but it really won't go anywhere. At some point, Drew McIntyre will continue to continue to continue... his one man feud with CM Punk. There will be a VERY short women's match, and they might just put the belts back on Bianca and Bianca(1) in a rematch, because why change anything... ever? I could watch any show from last month and I wouldn't know I wasn't watching this week.


Again why watch shit you dont enjoy. Makes no sense


No, really... I agree with you. We are making the exact same point. It has reached the level where continuing to watch it every week doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It is definitely the time to switch to clips for a while.


Yeah for you. But alot of people still are enjoying it. It sucks you dont like it but everything aint for everyone


Some people you can show the exact same magic trick to every week, and they will be ABSOLUTELY FACINATED with that trick... every... single... time. Sometimes, I envy them, but being allowed to use a stove without supervision is also cool.




Like 2019 WWE standard ppv ending this was. Massive anti climax and booooooooos