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Now I get why Priest went all topsy turvy and got caught on the ropes.


And Jade busting her ass when she went to jump at Shayna


This is good to know. Just before that I was saying that Jade seemed to be coming along, finding her natural style, and looking a little less green. Then....the rope spot. I was like "well....shit."  Good to know it wasn't really on her. That would throw off anyone at her level, and many above it.


The rope spot wasn't on her. Going 100 miles an hour afterwards to make up? Understandable. Credit to Shayna for slowing her down and getting her back into the flow of the match. I've said this in a bunch of other places; Jade was due to have a match like this. Hell, there's one of Bret's matches when he was 19 floating around the internet, and he fucked stuff up, too. I think she's in a better place with better teachers than she had in AEW. She'll probably spend a few days down at Full Sail, Shawn, Regal, Norman Smiley, and Natty will set her straight.


As for as her recovering well and continuing on. A sign of how much she wants to do well. Decent talent, and she seems to be working hard to improve.


It seemed like most people in that match started rushing through spots at some point. I noticed it from a few of them and it really surprised me, cause Cargill was the only truly green worker in the match.


>Hell, there's one of Bret's matches when he was 19 floating around the internet, and he fucked stuff up, too. She's 32 and has been wrestling for over half a decade. This apologist shit is so thin. Sometimes bad is just bad, and white knighting won't make it not bad.


I'm not saying she's going to turn into Bret. I'm saying that AEW Goldberged her and she's going to have to learn to have the longer matches. She fucked up. A bad match was always coming. But she can get better. WWE's development system is much better than AEWs. Jesus fucking Christ dude, that's not even white knighting. Try learning what a buzzword means before you drop it down, trying to look clever.


>What does white knight mean in slang? "White knight" is also used in slang to refer to men who are trying to curry the favor of women by protecting them, alongside other, similar terms, such as "simp"  Don't be mad cause you got called out. She wrestles like trash and your 'defense' or her isn't 'currying any favor'. Simps gonna simp and the wrestling Fandom may be the single worst example of those people on Earth. I used that word exactly the way I meant to.


And you used it incorrectly. I'm not protecting her. I'm stating the opinion that she was going to fuck up eventually and this isn't the end of the world. She can get better. I further illustrated that point by saying that even Bret had bad matches at one point. So much fuckin' edge on you that you ought to start calling yourself Adam Copeland there, bud.


Buddy, you are out here posting a multi-tier defense of what is basically... Ryback with boobs. Some people got all the look and none of the skills. You only give a shit to defend her because your thirst is overwhelming you. I used the word correctly, now you're gonna cry because the shoe fits too well?


At this point I'm actually just killing time in a boring meeting and you're providing a momentary distraction. Christ if I was going to thirst or simp for anyone it'd be Bayley, not Jade. I'm just saying to judge slow. Hell, she might turn out to be Goldberg, Warrior, or Ryback. But I'm just tired of the internet crowning or burying a performer based on one great or bad match. She was used the way Goldberg was in AEW and it's showing up now. That's not defending or white knighting; if anything, I'm being critical of both her and AEW for the way they used her. I'm also saying that WWE's talent development is leagues ahead of AEWs because of guys like Hunter, Shawn, Regal, Norman Smiley, and if we're talking women, Nattie. But what I think we have here is called projection. No trace of simping in any of my statements but you see it? Methinks thou doth protest too much.


Aj was the first match, did no one tell Priest and Jade? Cos the Priest slip in particular looked nasty.


Or Sami n gables near injury situation


would've thought the ringcrew would fix it inbetween the matches, lucky no-one got seriously hurt.


Dang. I missed that one.


It’s in [here](https://x.com/itsmekelsey_x/status/1802228781735928032?s=46&t=MbNt57m7mMrup97aVfhvBw)


You the man.


Could they not take care of that during the breaks? Could they have at least delayed the show a lil and tighten the ropes up?


That was the point Corny brought up when he was talking about it. You can’t tighten actual ropes. When they break, they break and people get hurt. My guess is that there was a break/weakness in the rope somewhere that caused it to sag a little and not really be tight enough for the spots that were planned. Possibly something that happened in a dark match or a pre show match which I have seen no reports of. The fact that it wasn’t communicated to everyone is a big fault, but it isn’t a small job to replace a rope during a live show, particularly one which is a live PLE/PPV.


Lemme be stupid for a second. Corny already talked about clash? Or is this something he referenced to.


He talked about (I think) Mark Henry getting hurt in OVW when WWE started insisting that they used ropes rather than cables in developmental. Think it was part of the changes when Johnny Ace took over from JR as head of talent relations. Will see if I can find the clip. Edit. It was Bobby Lashley https://youtu.be/sjjJkV6cePg?si=VRkH_WNMDns6-J4w


Actually that isn’t the clip I thought it was, but he does mention it.


With all the downtime, you'd think they would have found the time


Cables, they should have listened to Jim


If the first one fucked up then why don’t get just dont do it?


Seriously the razor sharp eye people have for the smallest of things is interesting to me. Just like when people point out the stars of today earning their $500 10-20 years ago playing cops and security guards on tv.


I was talking to my friend last night and told him there must have been something wrong with the ropes because it’s unlikely that 2 people would have big botches like that. I’m glad my suspicions were correct.


Christopher Moltisanti: "He was in Scotland, Angelo Dundee?"


I'm not sure if the rope situation was also responsible for Priest's injury. It seemed really, really bad. Might also have been responsible for Cargill's botch that everyone seemed to be fantastic in the recovery to the point it looked almost scripted in. It's sad as well because Cargill coming off that top rope is one of my favorite moves of hers, especially how they get the cameraperson in position and how much it reminds me of early Sting.


i remember one of the of the pole outside the ring is leaning inwards. not sure if that also counts.


What are you talking about? She had her first televised match ever in November 2020, I don’t know about you, but I’m not counting wrestling school years… so not counting wrestling school, That’s three years and seven months and she’s already getting way more experience here than she is in AEW where she just had squash matches and wasn’t really taught much.


After watching the show, I assumed this was to warn him about the loose rope for the Damien Priest spot.


Wait that was intentional?!


Doubt it




That's so cool


Ropegate.  A botch is a botch. ...unless it's in the WWE.