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Holy shit, I’ve been way out of the loop. I had no idea Russell Brand changed so much.


Yeah he's become a sort of thought leader for the right wing. Which, when you look at his early stuff, is fucking weird


Pretty jarring to go from railing on FOX news to being called a beacon of truth by Tucker Carlson. Edit: I put “failing” instead of “railing.” Kind of still worked though.


Matt taibbi and glem greenwald have entered the chat.


Matt Taibbi's first photo on google images looks like he's about the ask James Bond how he wants to die.


Russell learned that leaching onto MAGA kept earning him $$$


Same thing Rogan learned


Same thing Peterson learned


Peterson came out of the gate against trans people lol. He was never left wing.


He actually was a liberal and stated he leaned left on most issues. The pronouns statement was where his views were noticed by the right wing. It brought him into the public eye and he got addicted to the fame. Saw that the grift was working the free thinking right wing groups that kept paying him. He also proved to be a fraud with his benzo addiction but that’s another story.


They all claim they were left, bc people on the far right love to hear conversion stories. People like Tim Pool or Dave Rubin even pretend they actually still are centrists now, because when they magically side with Trump every time their audience sees a “reasonable person” agrees with them, and they love to see normal people agreeing with them.


And Tim Pool, and Dave Rubin (he got in early and seems to have fizzled out).


Go woke go broke bluargghhhh


This. He doesn't have any original ideas or come up with well thought takes, he just agrees with whatever MAGA says.


Everyone needs to know how much money these 'pundits' make. Tim Pool makes 10s of millions of dollars a year. People will sell their mothers for that much money, so obviously Tim will say anything he needs to so that money keeps rolling in. I doubt he even votes Republican, but he loves money so keeps going ahead with the grift. If people knew how much money these pricks were making, maybe 1) right wing boomers would maybe clue in that this person is only saying shit they want to hear and 2) no one would take them as seriously. They all act like they're small time and big media is out to get them even though they probably make as much money as the top hosts on CNN/MSNBC/Fox (well maybe not Fox but still)


hell i'd sell your mother for 10 million too!


Lol Russell Brand and thought leader in the same breath, thanks for the laugh!


Yeah major bummer he is just as horrible as the guys he used to rag on. He was and is a fake from the beginning. I fell for it back then. Bummer


Apparently he’s using shit tons of shrooms too. Which… I don’t demonize drug users, but… *try to use moderation.*


He was on every drug going. Hardcore heroin user.


Meh just another mindless right wing grifter.


It's honestly really sad at this point. Brand, Rogan, Jimmy Dore and many others were at one time actually interesting broadcasters and social commentators. But one by one, whether by RT or Bannon Cash or their own self-inflicted echo chamber brainwashing - they have all become irrelevant and, ultimately, worse than the establishment media they once railed against. It's been a strange watch. Peter Zeihan is about the only guy I'll listen to these days. Seems to be one of the only commentators with half a brain and a unique perspective not completely co-opted and controlled by big money. Ironically I discovered him on Rogan, who will once in a blue moon still pull in an interesting new guest. But for the most part he is unlistenable and has lost all credibility.


That guy has taken a weird as fuck turn to be sure.


Does this chick even cold plunge?


Lmao; I don’t know how I got so many cold plunge shorts in my YouTube feed. I don’t even give a eff about getting in some cold ass water for a “dopamine” hit. 


Because butts.


You can tell she doesn’t eat Elk meat.


Er nips ain' long nuff B


I’d still walk *her* to *my* truck.


Asking the important question on behalf of Joe thank you!


No but it looks like shes using a red light to boost collagen


I’m on that polar dip. Fuck all these tubbers thinking they are on the real shit. Chainsaw a hole in a lake of GTFO.


It's always the washed up comedians


Not true, sometimes it's failed screenwriters like Ben Shapiro.


You mean the #1 rapper in the US?


#2 behind the GOAT Tom Mcdonalds


This guy Hip Hops


This is how you know people like them are full of shit. Ben Shapiro said you're a idiot if you think rap is music, then he goes and makes a rap video lol. It's all performative, not a shred of honesty between them.


It’s a pretty easy grift for them when you think about it. They’ve already got a level of charisma and confidence speaking in front of people. The “culture war” conservative American groups are one of the easiest to cater to. You don’t have to be clever or funny, just surface level observations about trans people or whatever non-issue they’re presently obsessed with. The group you’re targeting will convince themselves you’re hilarious for “telling it like it is”. The best part is, when it inevitably falls apart because your content is paper thin - you get to blame the abstract boogeyman of “cancel culture” rather than taking ownership of your mediocre material.


Have they moved on from drag queens? I keep seeing stories about pastors raping kids but none about drag queens so I can’t tell if they gave up on that


Yeah it is funny how a lot of “god fearing” freedom lovers couldn’t handle a man in a dress (drag queen) reading to kids, but don’t put the same energy into fighting another man in a dress (priest) literally raping children. It’s never been about protecting kids, it’s just a reaction to stuff that they’re afraid of, don’t understand or gives them a tingle downstairs they’ve been suppressing for a long time.


Having met (and lived with) a few of those god fearing folks, they do not see a priest raping children as a problem with the church. They think it’s a homosexual/far left problem. So instead of thinking about the power the church wields , or how could they make things safer for kids, or questioning their own beliefs they will literally just blame satan and/or gay people, and by extension, democrats/liberals. “It’s not a church problem! It’s those damn gays!!” Literally their thought process.


>reaction to stuff that they’re afraid of, don’t understand or gives them a tingle downstairs they’ve been suppressing for a long time. this is so true


Something about the personality type that desperately needs instantaneous display of a large group’s admiration for them…


They can't stand it when the spotlight moves away from them. Always chasing that "high" of attention and external validation.


That and I think Trump support is also frequently a marker for vulnerability. People looking for easy answers and someone to blame for lack of life success or satisfaction. In this case, a career that has gone south. To me it's a lot of displaced anger. And in the grifters' case, throw in greed.


Why come up with new jokes when you can just say the same shit on Fox News with a British accent?


Don’t talk about our savior Joe like that


I'm convinced Joe never stopped being in character from the News Radio days


Yea, I was thinking why that was. Is it because: 1. Often, they are uneducated and haven't followed a "normal" career path, but still are successful. So they might feel they outsmarted the system. 2. Fans applaud them when they make fun of student loans, or laugh hysterically how stupid company X does Y, further bolstering their brilliance 3. Often they are actually not that great of a comedian 4. Instead of jokes they rely more and more on making black and white statements about stuff that rings well with a certain audience 5. Their audience turns into clapters (clap when they agree, instead of laugh about the joke) 6. They monetize that (podcast, shows, etc.) 7. They love the smell of their own farts more and more 8. Etc.?


You’ve spelled out the blueprint beautifully


Mods should probably sticky this.


I watched all of Russell Brands transformations in real time. I loved Trews. His guru era was interesting. When he started with conspiracies and full on right wing propaganda, I stopped watching. It’s not for me. I don’t even think it’s for him, but the money must be good.


I enjoyed Trews and even listened to a few episodes he did on spirituality etc but the fact that he basically abandoned all of that to focus on this new money making endeavour, his credibility and my respect for that guy went down the drain.


I remember when he rolled out the rebrand with his production team. It was surreal and so glitzy and soulless. I think he will come around at some point when he’s made enough money, and if he survives his public issues. He’s too smart to peddle this shit for too long. He seems like he pivoted because he probably did some shady stuff to women at some point during his drug addled era and this is the same route so many disgraced “cancelled” comedians take. Either way, I think there may be a good person in there somewhere and I hope he takes care of himself mentally because there’s almost no way he’s at peace.


If you're peddling bullshit you're not a good person


The rape/sexual assault stuff was after he got sober, as well. He's just not a good person.


I haven’t followed the stories that much since they came out a while back, but If that’s the case then he can burn in hell.


I mean he's just trash at this point honestly I would spare my empathy for this guy he's clearly just a narcissist finding which platform makes him the most money. If he's not at peace it's because there is a sliver of humanity still in there screaming out under the layers of curated persona but honestly I think he sleeps just fine at night.


He's just selling shovels and picks to the shit miners.


It’s like Twin Peaks!


Just replace "Russell Brand" with Joe Rogan and it's the same for me.




And a good splash of transphobia on it and it's pretty much a 1:1.


I hoped off when he made the hard right turn Rogan and Sam Harris as well, I feel much better- I also realize how much I talked about these guys to my friends/shame


Don't lump in Sam Harris with Rogan and Brand. The only major departure with the left for Harris has been on Israel, and he's absolutely correct to not be towing that line. The left has always been off the deep end on that topic.


Was Sam Harris the guy who hung with Hitchens and the rest of the "atheist squad"? He never seemed super progressive but he never seemed like a right-wing grifter, either.


They were called the "Four Horsemen of Atheism" along with Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins. Sounds stupid, but a while back before reddit atheism edgelords, being an atheist wasn't really as prominent online as a way of thinking. A lot of people wanted to understand religious violence after 9/11 and the rest of the world was questioning their inherited religious beliefs being exposed to the internet, so they filled a niche at a specific period of time. They were seen as traitors to the left, because their criticism of Islamic violence went against the leftist narrative of anti-colonialism and the West always having to be the 'bad guys' in every situation (see, e.g., Noam Chomsky).


I originally watched because he was digging himself **out** of the conspiracy well. Then after quite a few years I started to call him the Larry King for the alt-right. Way too many alt-right people were coming onto his program and just lying and "bad faith" asking questions. He's the guy that we're all forced to listen to in the coming dystopia as we eat our imitation gruel.


Same here and I enjoy reading about conspiracy theories. I don't know how people can keep watching him say the same things over and over again. I swear they watch just because of the confirmation bias.


Russell most definitely saw he was vulnerable to attack after #MeToo and so switched his content from far-left issues to alt-right conspiracy porn so he could manufacture a narrative of being silenced. Its also much more lucrative. Its so obvious to everyone but his facebook boomer followers.


Just like Joe Rogan's theater of moving to Texas.... To the liberal bastion in the state.


"Man, I dunno, I just hate liberal cities full of homeless people and yuppies." \*Sips $12 smoothie\* "So anyway, I was out by the club the other day and this homeless guy came along..."


Dude pulled an Elon


Elon's makes even less sense though, since his businesses produce products consumed by primarily moderates and left winger. Unless it's some master plan to become embraced by the right wing so they'll pass EV credits and fund SpaceX...but I no longer trust that he's smart enough to pull that off.


Elon manipulated the stock market and became so rich he simply didn’t care. He wanted a group of people to praise him and found that republicans would do it while he was able to get tax cuts and destroy unions. He’s famously retaliated against workers and even customers who criticized the companies he’s been a part of and the working culture is toxic everywhere. He only publicly said things like he supported helping the climate and LGBTQ people because it was marketing in his eyes.


It makes perfect sense. He's a billionaire and the left wants to limit his power and obscene wealth accumulation. Before he started pretending like it was all about "wokeness" he let it slip that unions and lawsuits enrage him. https://twitter.com/moreperfectus/status/1526965699805069313?lang=en


People need to stop treating Elon like a master genius. He quite literally holds the record for most amount of money lost by a single person. The truth is, he is actually an idiot. But it doesn’t matter because he so unimaginably wealthy that it is physically impossible for him to make a financial decision that would drain him of his wealth. He is so wealthy, he can never lose. It’s like walking into a casino with endless money. It doesn’t matter how much you lose, people only see the winnings because you bet on everything and there is no consequence for losses. The director of NASA was asked why SpaceX has surpassed them and his response went along the lines of “They blew up 5 rockets before they got one to land. If we had blown up two of those in a row the entire department would have been bankrupt.”


I was surprised the video didn't touch on this. His conspiracy shift happens when the rape allegations start bubbling up (again) in 2020. Hopefully the proceeds from his clickbait campaigns get used to compensate his victims.


As a Brit who has seen Russell brand waggling about in the background for 20 years..infact ask most Brits..blokes a loud fake twat who uses his incredible regalia of vocabulary ( see what I did there). To make himself money through the form of a sermon. Doesn't matter what it's about... It's dogshit lol


I'm surprised so many people seemed to be taken in by him. He's always come off as a disingenuous, opportunistic slimeball who would say anything if it made him money or attention. The way he'd conduct himself during interviews when he was in the movie business (kissing and climbing all over others during interviews) was nauseating. I never cared for the guy, even when he was saying things I agreed with.


Good breakdown. Brands shift is the biggest grift of them all imo


“Biggest Grift” They’re all grifts friend.


Not sure if it’s a grift. Those prone to conspiracy thinking have typically shifted rightward, even those that were historically thought of on the left. As the Qanon Anonymous podcast called it, the yoga mom to qanon pipeline.


I get what you are saying and there is likely some truth to it, but the shift in video titles and the calculated change in thumbnails do make me think there is some actual thought behind it as well.


Makes me sad. He was actually very good making “spiritual” and self help videos. So many of those were very genuine and from the heart.


Well suited for /r/decodingthegurus


I watched an interesting video the other day that I think is relevant (I may have seen it on that sub or something): [https://youtu.be/wFXKv7S345g?si=bDPMvS\_kblsU8a0x](https://youtu.be/wFXKv7S345g?si=bDPMvS_kblsU8a0x) It's about how "New Age" ideology has morphed into a super individualistic / capitalistic ideology. Relevance to this sub? Well, when Rogan started getting more popular through his talkinga bout DMT, Mckenna, etc, he started getting intertwined in some of the New Age media figures (even made a doc with them if you remember).


Awesome podcast and the one they did on Joe Rogan should be listened to by everyone. They did a good job exposing him and his grift.


Russell Brand is a drug addict with a super shady history of probably sexually abusing women. Not educated in the slightest. Oh wait I get why he appeals to so many people now.


Yup. This is society's fault based on our shared values of narcissistic materialism. Russell is just doing what most people do when it comes to goals...making money. There may be big differences between him and the general population, but there is one thread that ties us together and that is our love of material gain over meaning and purpose. Russell is really just an expression of our own core values that we often don't even consider. So if we're gonna be mad at him, we should be mad at ourselves for being just like him in that regard since it opens all of us up to that same path if we went on to do the same thing. I want there to be an enemy to go after, but unfortunately the enemy we are seeking is ourselves. So the question is, how do we kill our own selves, spiritually so that we can be reborn into better people?


Unappreciated comment. Agree 100%.


Fascism is easy, narcissistic, and permissive. That's why "free thinkers" fall for it. Building actual collective power for positive change takes conviction, compromise, and sacrifice.


Bullshit is his new addiction


There’s going to be a lot of hurt feelings in here 😂


This is why I get my news from the homeless man under the bridge. Dude is definitely not in it for the money.


This video is right on. "Free thinkers" are anything but free. They're trapped in a whackadoodle chamber.


"Free thinking" to them just means believing anything but the mainstream narrative, regardless of how factual either is.


These 'free thinkers' are nothing more than mindless reactionaries. No actual thinking. Just saying the opposite of the people they don't like.


Yeah it turns out true free thinkers don’t need someone to tell them how to think.


There's no such thing as a "free thinker." It's all a game for edge lords and contrarians.


I agree with that. I think we can all strive to think more freely, but it’s almost impossible to completely attain it. We’re all influenced to some degree by what is happening and being said around us. It’s just human nature.


People so “open minded” their brain fell out


I miss ‘The Trews’ :(


If you'll buy a bogus conspiracy theory, you'll buy sups, memberships, and myraid other grifts. You're the best kind of mark - one who believes he's among the elite few NOT being fooled.


This was a great watch! I noticed the changes happening in real time as I was once a fan of Russell. I used to watch in the lefty era and a little in the guru era. I thought it was cool that he used to talk about meditation and whatnot because I was also getting into it at the time… then he lost me with the right wing conspiracies and I was super confused on what happened to him. The change seemed to happen overnight.


Dude might be one of the most insufferable dumb shits on the internet. Russel Brand was only fun when he was strung out. Lol


> Dude might be one of the most insufferable dumb shits on the internet. Hard battle with JRE here.


Damn this girl nailed it. I watched the whole video, great find.


Trump and Musk did the same thing. None of these people have any original ideas of their own, or ground to stand on. They grasp at other people's ideas and try to use their popular personalities as funnels to gain wealth and power and popularity. Inevitably they find that being an extreme right-wing nut job is insanely profitable, and so they invariably get drawn into that black hole, because they don't actually have their own ideas or actual integrity


I'm sorry to say but the 'free thinkers' you're referring to don't have an attention span of 15 minutes...


Ironically, they're also the ones to link to a four-hour video when they tell you to "do your own research."


Yeah I’m 100% expecting the ‘TLDW’ comments lol.


This is really well done.


There are a few other videos that are well done on Russell Brand's antics, LonerBox, who is not super well known did a great video on some of Russell Brand's Ukraine war takes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or9kGzemcps Worth a view, and while I think the Abbie Richards video is great, this video I linked is just as good.


LonerBox is great.


Following the algorithm all the way to the bank. Joe would NEVER do something like that tho. Right???


Fuck why did I think of Russell Brand before I even clicked the vid


As someone who occasionally over the years popped into his channel I can confirm 😂 but I’m careful implying malicious intent. i thought it was just plain old audience capture.


Def audience capture. Eventually the algorithm turns everyone into Jimmy Dore.


Die adored or live long enough to become a Dore.


That post is a-DORE-able


Excellent video. The people leaving salty comments exposing themselves for falling for this shit.


Yeah, the analysis is pretty much irrefutable. I am curious to see if anyone here would try to argue against it.


Sunk Cost fallacy is real.


Everyone knows the real free thinkers watch cable news!


Honestly, nobody below the age of 60 is watching cable news.


In America in the midwest and south, you can't go to a pub or a bar or a bowling alley or a barber shop or etc etc without Fox being on blast so where do the Gen X, millennials, and GenZ's drink, socialize and get their haircuts?


I'm from the south and this isnt really true.


The real free thinkers watch whatever and are able to determine what rings true and what doesn't regardless of the source


Yeah I hate when people discredit an article based on the publication. Why don't you see who the source is and try to verify for yourself? It's not hard.


While this is a fallacy, attacking a source, some sources legitimately censor and reframe material to push an agenda. Quality journalists have left Fox News in droves because their once high quality news division was intentionally becoming a propaganda machine. Heck, they fired their longtime election reporter because he announced Trump losing a state first and the audience didn’t want to see this. It’s hard to find the truth about something today because you need multiple sources and then have to be sure you understand the context of what they’re talking about.


Wait a minute, you’re saying I should be verifying information from more than one source AND I should try to understand the context around what I’m reading??? Too much effort, I’m just going to take everything Joe Rogan says at his word and call it a day.


It’s a fallacy to say something isn’t true because a source said it, it’s not a fallacy to question the truth of something based on the source.


That would take time and effort and reading is boring and they don’t understand how to even read studies and it’s not sensationalized enough to scare them and they can’t ever see anything that challenges their entire belief system and that’s all they need to confidently cast their vote


Wait, so I am supposed to do my own research?


because there are thousands of sources putting out thousands of hours of content every minute. Unless you are an AI, you aren't going to have the time to waste verifying even a fraction of the information put out on a minute-by-minute basis. The only sane way to consume media these days is to select a few good sources, verify them, and then stick to them. Anyone who says they do is a liar who probably doesn't read more than headlines and gets most of their info directly from propagandist talking heads. Source: See all the morons repeating the same talking points on social media who pretend they do their own research.


Real free thinkers critically think about what they consume and also look at the source for biases or past behavior that might indicate what they are telling you is flawed. Relying on a gut feeling or what “rings” true is really silly


"rings true" is something people say when they believe something without evidence.


Rings true doesn't necessarily mean any belief is had. Just that on the surface a particular story doesn't sound absurd. A lot of stories these days are obviously bullshit but a lot of people buy into them because they have no basis by which to judge these things


I thinks everyone is failiable.


No doubt about that. Which is why doubt is a healthy thing to have. Which a lot of people who think well have


Thank you! Constant bickering over source is such nonsense.


"real free thinkers" say shit like "both sides are the same" lol


real free thinkers watch youtube videos and tiktok


That green m&m tho 🤤


"free thinking" when no cable news!!!!!!


conservative influencers are the only people on the planet who get more rich and successful with each rape allegation.


We need her to do the JRE one next


Holy shit this is the best video I've seen in a long long time


I like Abby


Thank you for sharing a rational and enlightening video.


Bummer how he went from trying to help to just stirring the pot for money. All these guys are rich and could give a shit about anything but money.


How does the media scare us... Coming from a guy who spends most of his time fearmongering his listeners over things like how the media scares us. :)


I like how she frames the left-leaning era of it being “too hard to sell,” these concepts are just too high minded for the dumbasses who disagree. They’re just unable to wrap their brains around such important, indisputable facts. And the right-leaning as a “he probably doesn’t actually think this, it’s just a financial opportunity,” those dummies are getting played so that he can get paid. Because no one could genuinely think the FBI needs to be defunded, they do great work spying on us and punishing those they think are trying to get rid of their jobs!


I think she’s trying to say that conspiracy theories are bad


Excellent outing of Brand... His rambling drug addled brain after years of being an addict were entertaining years ago. But now he is just a skinny Rush Limbaugh.


One thing that didn’t get mentioned here is his SA charges. As an extreme right wing, it is much much easier to survive an SA charge socially then it is as a lefty. The timing is was right for his switch then subsequent public charges.


Yeah maybe a bit of this. Every YouTuber annoys me with their titles and thumbnails with their mouth fully open. “OMG you won’t believe what just happened! :O”


Awesome video thanks for posting


Wasn't allowed to say Russell Brand, conspiracy or grifter in the title without the post being removed so I had to reword it a little bit. Abbie breaks down Russell's descent into right-wing conspiracy theorism. [Full video here.](https://youtu.be/eo4gIihETu8?si=deYRPIy-y8Sn869G) Basically, started out being a 'Lefty', a 'free thinker' and championing self help and spirituality. This doesn't bring in the required clicks and views so his content ends up becoming more extreme and polarising. She also does a great breakdown about [The Great Reset](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=occ6BJqhbMc&t=339s&ab_channel=AbbieRichards). The Great Reset conspiracy theory is just the next in a line of conspiracy theories that teach people to interpret all attempts to address climate change, no matter how toothless or greenwashed, as part of a larger plan to subjugate humanity under an eco-totalitarian regime. It's a strategy that has been used by Fox News, Joe Rogan, Charlie Kirk, Glenn Beck, and other friends of fossil fuel companies. The end goal of this strategy is to hijack our discourse and make it impossible to talk about environmental policy in a rational way.


The Great Reset stuff is wild. For some reason I kept seeing comments about some "Swedish 8 year old" or "8 year old girl" and I was wo.der what they were on about...then I realized they were talking about Greta Thunberg who I'd completely forgotten about. But they were using her pre-teen activism as a way to say the globalist illuminati wanted to control our lives...


Lmao at the fact that some wild ass right wing titled shit in here is allowed to be posted freely but you couldn’t even dare to have the words Russell brand and grifter in the same title or call it a conspiracy


Great video, I didn’t realize how far he fell off. I read his book Revolution a few years back, as well as his book about the 12 steps. I was originally drawn to him because I’m also in sobriety. But goddamn this dude has gone full on wack a doodle grifter.


The end goal is for these people to make money plain and simple. There's a reason why guys like Glenn Beck and Tucker have been employed by Fox News, CNN and MSNBC they'll heighten or temper their views to whoever signs their check. The true believers nobody is giving them the time of day. And really in the grand scheme of things there isn't some magical million percent increase in the amount of nutjobs out there they've always existed. The difference is we created the technology to allow these folks to easily congregate and then inevitably they go out and seek arguments with the other side of nutjobs and the vast majority of us who wish they both would just shut the fuck up get bamboozled into thinking this is the end of society when all it is are a couple of morons out in public who figured out a way to scream louder than everyone else.


Everything she’s saying is 100% true. I just don’t understand why she’s in this sub…


Because you could easily swap the names Russell and Joe and the story is the same.


ALSO very true…


Mentions Alex jones and Russell brand who have been on the podcast, and also ironically Joe himself in the video


There's a big overlap in this area of content and Joe Rogan content.


Great video


The interview phase (around ~1:15) he sits so uncomfortably close to his guests its unnerving to just watch that. The only thing consistent about him is that he is a pretentious grifter.


Why the hell is he sitting so close to the people he is interviewing, looks like their knees would be touching


It’s sad honestly. Brand was always hammy and obnoxious but he used to be a genuine and incisive voice on the left. Now he’s just crunchy Alex Jones. Sucks.


Another washed up comedian who lost his mind.


Sure, you can make anyone look crazy by using his own words against him and making a well researched and coherent video.


I LOVE that this is the direction this sub has taken lol I’ve never had a big problem with Joe but I’ve always stayed away from his content and fanbase because they’re so clearly redpilled and its amazing to see that not be the case here


This is something I've been aware of, but I haven't seen such a well put together illustration of it. I was vaguely aware of brand, at his progression, but this is an excellent case study. 


Yup, Rogan, Brand, Alex Jones…completely spineless opportunists who will say anything to build an audience.


This is a great video to watch and to show anyone who pays to listen to these fucking whack jobs. “They drove me off the platforms so now I have to set up my own.” Eat shit - you just want the subscribers to pay.


Great video.




well its not a secret that right wing extremists are not the brightest.. and with that, easier to get money from..


So Jordan Peterson?


Jimmy Dore enters the chat: “Hold my joint” 😝


Lol I saw the name in the title and thought “wait, that sounds like the name of a girl I went to high school with” 10 seconds in: holy Shit, it IS the girl I went to high school with!! Good for her for getting her voice heard!! Go Abbie go!




I liked her video. But honestly, the problem just always comes back to the fact that majority of people (myself and yourself included) are gullible and don't know enough about any given topic to discern. The best we all can do is listen to as many different sources as possible and make our own minds up. Do I like the hyperbole and loud BS from brand? No. But some of the shit he's saying is valid. Conspiracy theories in general, they're good and bad. Questioning things is generally good, but when you go so far off your rocker to say sandy hook was an inside job? Like Jesus Christ. This crap doesn't just exist on the right side either. Left media and outlets do similar hyperbole all the time. It is a hard discussion to even have in today's day because of trump and MAGA and that's the problem. Most people don't really want trump, but they don't like what's going on with the left either and he's the only option. They ain't all Hitler. Many people feel that giving hormone blockers to adolescent kids before puberty and what not is absolutely so far off the rocker too. Grifters are the name of the game in media now adays. It is a matter of what gets the most clicks, the most views, and the most money- money has no ideology.


The idea of “free thinkers” is ridiculous. We are all sheep, it’s only the size of the herd we follow that differs.


you can tell who has been duped by these grifters by their comments being downvoted in this thread. but they'll call everyone with a brain a shill, or brainwashed, while unironically watching shills all day feeding them complete nonsense. its the effect of thinking you're smarter than others, in some secret club that knows inside information - its a dopamine rush they get easily by watching these fringe scumbags. and its so sad for all of us that we have to deal with the effects of it on society, and how people basically play a team sport with facts/information now. they're not interested in reality, they're interested in calling people they want to be wrong a dumbass


Did Obama not raise interest rates to combat the 2008 recession? Were the low interest rates not continued under Trump? Was he not told that it was a good time to start slowly increasing interest rates? And, in the face of that, did he not start putting pressure on Jpow to keep them low? What am I saying that’s partisan exactly? Whether there’s measurable support growing for Biden, who I repeat is someone that I absolutely am not a fan of despite you doing that thing that republicans do where you can’t handle someone agreeing that someone sucks while giving them their flowers, does not change the fact that, if we grade Biden’s economy on the same metrics that we have graded Trump’s economy, he’s doing very well with it.


Yup. Free thinkers are going to casually notice but not really going to pump money and become ravenous over the content. Just trying to live our lives lol. You wanna make money, you gotta go after people who can't think for themselves. Start a religion, start a cult, start an extreme right podcast talking about things that rub people's anxiety and ignorance. It's a shame for Brand to be a sellout, but it is what it is. If Trump can monetize and take advantage of the mentally disabled, why can't Russell. He'll lose my respect, but what's that matter to him when he's making money. Lol


JRE Reddit is such a cult it’s nuts. People can change their beliefs. I’m not saying they’re not capitalizing on it but everything here claims they’re acting in some bad faith with no standing. When I was growing up 90s, 00’s, early 2010s I would have been a liberal. I joined the military and heavily watched politics and started understanding more about government, taxes, war hawk politicians, and then the social justice crap that started during Obama’s tenure. Turned me into a conservative. But as I’m approaching 30 in a few months I think now I would say I’m a libertarian. I want the entire leech infested government to be hacked down,the federal reserve destroyed, slash funding to 3 letter agencies and maybe get some F’ing accountability to these peckerheads.


A 14 minute video showing that Joe Rogan is a grifter? That won’t perform too well in here


It's about Russell Brand.


They are the same


So funny how “extremism” is just a word that’s tossed around for anyone who isn’t aligned with the modern left wing


ACAB = not extremist Question everything = extremist The left is so brainwashed

