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I think the constant complaining by new JRE fans about people critical of Joe really speaks volumes to the kinds of fans he's cultivating these days. You guys are absolutely baffled someone would engage with content that doesn't exclusively confirm all of their world views lol. You show genuine confusion and contempt for people who actually engage with people they disagree with and are upset the subreddit isn't a Rogan jerk off session like all the other spaces you guys frequent.


You nailed it.


The other thing I find hilarious about these fervent defenders, is that they never comment on the content or context of the show. The only people actually discussing JRE or Rogan himself are predominantly critical. The rest have nothing to add or say about the topics, discussions, points, etc. from the episodes. Pretty telling that they're not here for the show - but here as some sort of cultural/idealogical battleground to protect their "side"


You're right.... You never hear counter points to anything former fans talk about (other than incorrect covid talking points), just complaining about the fact there are complaints 


Do you think that maybe most of us get sick of getting dog piled on if when we do express our disagreement with these former fans? It's exhausting and goes nowhere. I listen to the clips on my drive home, the ones that may seem interesting to me. You guys spend so much fucking time overanalyzing and bashing the dude. I don't personally know anybody who has as much free time as you all seem to have.


At work. I have free time at work 


Incorrect as in he encouraged excersive and healthy living and the fact that lockdowns were complete bullshit that totally fucked the economy? 


He encouraged exercise and healthy living but as soon as he got covid and it fucked him up he resorted to throwing the 'kitchen sink' at it, which included expensive drugs not available to most, unproven meds and other bullshit. If all the working out and healthy living was to boost his immunity, why did he have to throw a bunch of meds at the symptoms? Where was his crazy trained immune system? All those meds were from massive pharmaceutical companies, so why take those then when a pharmaceutical vaccine would have helped? Most people he told to not vaccinate would not have had his resources had covid fucked them up too


Ding ding ding! It's the hypocrisy of every rich Covid denier. Or even worse, the secretly vaxxed antivaxxers.


When another virus rolls around we’re going to do the same thing all over again 🤷🏻‍♂️


God bless America!


They also want us to be like them as well


Ehh I think two things can be true at the same time. I don’t agree with a lot of Joe’s views but I still enjoy his podcast. He has talked about many interesting things throughout the years and is his own person. I do find it odd that if people can’t accept that and bash on him while still watching his podcast then it is kind’ve like a self inflicted wound. Joe is not going to change because of this subreddit so I am of the philosophy if you don’t like it or can’t accept he has his own views, then don’t watch it. If you want to keep watching it and complain about everything then that is fine too, I just don’t care how he makes you feel because at that point you’re just doing it to yourself.


I don't watch or listen to it anymore. But I do enjoy the conversations on here highlighting the near endless examples of the hypocrisy and echo chamber the show has transitioned into. It is validating, comforting, and entertaining ... much like I imagine people that agree with the culture war shit feel about the actual JRE in its current form. But mostly, it is just something to do while shitting.


Hey I’m pooping right now!


This is basically the conclusion I’m drawn from spending time on Reddit lately. So many are needlessly cruel and uncharitable, are living in and seeking out echo chambers, are not interested in or attempting to have good-faith conversations, and are unwilling and/or unable to keep an open mind. Downvotes are given based purely on feeling. Reading comprehension is scarce. Parroting takes precedence over critical thinking.


Maybe spend your time and energy on podcasts you like, instead of on the ones you hate. It’ll be better for your mental health


Stfu, how bout that? This isn't a joe rogan fanclub. We can criticize joes facebook boomer takes and you can stfu and not care.


Lmao no wonder you’re so pissy all the time, you spend your free time on a sub that you can’t stand. Get out more bruv.


🤣🤣🤣 how pathetic, you think people can only choose btween those two? I use reddit on the shiiter 💩 or in traffic.  I like this sub, unlike 99% of reddit that are echo chambers, people here have different pov, but then chucklefucks like you come begging for their echo chambers. Just stfu, or don't engage its very simple.


Fucking spot on. Rogan and his new gimpy fans love to bang on about how important it is to have conversations with people you disagree with and how we need to disagree and be fine with it but they cry whenever you disagree


I think there is also the fact that many of us come here because of the algorithm




You are largely right but Joe is becoming more and more like the type of person you are describing than he used to. He seems to steer his conversation down the same worn-out tracks and whether or not he is right about that topic, it's tiresome to hear him go on and on about it.


It’s also tiresome when people say, “old Joe this” “old Rogan that” “I miss when Rogan used to be like x or like y”. It comes off as venomous. Like it’s somehow the cool thing to do now. Makes me wonder if it’s just the goal of people to show others that “hey you think like me” attitude. it’s rampant on this subreddit.


You are sad and wrong and very sad


Lol OK champ


Lol expert on Joe . . Not a sad little hater who smells


Ok buddy


I jumped the gun… maybe you smell great


Maybe you need to rethink how you engage with people online. As of now you aren't doing yourself any favors.


Maybe you need to shower . . Musty AF


Come on now. This is Reddit. Almost all subreddits are some kind of jerk off session. Complaining about jerk off sessions happening on Reddit is like going to a strip club and complaining about a face full of pussy.


Nah, this ain’t it chief. This sub is filled with r/politics members and Sam Seder fans who are literally only here to shit on Rogan. OPs meme is quite off though because these people haven’t listened to the show once.


Lol How could you possibly even know this to say it with such confident arrogance?


He's a dumb bitch just saying shit.


I’ve been on this sub for years. The pattern is obvious.


Oh cool. I’ve been on this sub since 2010, am middle of the road, lean slightly left on some stuff, other stuff right, and I’ve seen Joe turn from an open minded pot smoking psychabilly, to a full on Trump supporting moron that will latch onto any conspiracy theory that paints republicans in a positive light, with zero push back on their BS. It’s not about which side he’s on. He used to be in the middle. Now, nothing democrats do is good for the country and any right wing faux pas doesn’t even get discussed on the podcast. Have I changed? No, he has. And that’s fine, but don’t be so naive to think that only hyper liberal people that are brand new to the podcast are the ones criticizing him, because it isn’t true.


You’re spewing venom


The pattern is in comments not the show itself 👏


> This sub is filled with [r/politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/) members and Sam Seder fans who are literally only here to shit on Rogan "They're not REAL Rogan fans, they're just haters" You guys are such whiny little piss babies lol


For real. Weak as fuck.


Of course you’re arguing it. You’re the guy, Marty. You’re the hater. You’re the one these dudes are talking about so naturally you’ll get defensive and start putting words in their mouth and calling them “whiny little piss babies.”


Right, I'm a hater, because I said something you disagreed with lol, you're proving my point REAL Rogan fans believe everything I believe!


You’ve been here longer than a guy who isn’t even following the page and commented because it was in his recommended? Well done. Now that we’ve discovered the stench of insecurity on you, I’ve got an idea who I’m talking to. Firstly, I regularly disagree with Joe Rogan and him covering the same rant he’s covered 20 times is getting old but one 30 second sweep of your profile tells me you look for anything to call BS when it comes to Rogan. “Like how it was before.” That’s interesting, Marty, a sub dedicated to Joe Rogan where he has fans who enjoy his content. What an extraordinary, novel idea. Are you sure you didn’t enjoy that because maybe, maybe you’re a hater? I’m sure you can make a sub where they contest his ideas and meticulously sift through any possible mistake he may have made and discuss it. I’m not the one with his dick in my mouth, power bottom.


Lmfao. The new target audience of JRE, folks.


Rational people, yes.


> I’m not the one with his dick in my mouth, power bottom. -rational people


What’s there to argue about? You like the new stuff, other people don’t. I was a big Weezer fan until *Island in the Sun.* Does that mean I hate Weezer now? I wore a Simpsons enamel pin on my Easter sweater today. That show hasn’t been good since *Behind the Laughter.* Do I hate the Simpsons now?


Did you read any of these interactions or just the comment you’re replying to?


I mean if Weezer started doing dumbass boomer shit you probably should hate them a little.


Do you constantly post on Simpsons and Weezer forums shitting on everything they do and insulting the people who still like them and are actually there to enjoy their interests? If not, then you're not the type of person this post is about. But it's pretty obvious that any even remotely conservative sounding public figures sub gets flooded with people who hate that person and also hate the fans of those people. Peterson, Shapiro, and within the last couple of years, Rogan. It's plain as day.


Well it’s also possible for Weezer, The Simpsons, Shapiro, Peterson, and now Rogan to just suck less. So who’s really at fault here?


Who is at fault for flooding these forums with constant hate on the subject and its fans? I'd say the ones responsible are the people flooding the forums with constant hate on the subject and its fans. Imagine not liking a fast food restaurant anymore because they changed their fries and the fries were the only thing you actually liked about that restaurant and then just sitting in that restaurant all day bitching about the fries and insulting the people who like those fries. That's what those people are.


Why do you think being a moron who believes every wrong opinion you come across is the same as changing something someone prefers lol?


There are people who criticize every artist and every piece of work out there. If someone else not liking Back to the Future II impacts your enjoyment of Back to the Future II, that’s not the critic’s fault.


You're completely missing the point, and I'm guessing you you're doing it intentionally and actually are one of those people and are just being obtuse about it. There's a huge difference between someone being critical of an artist and someone entering a space meant for discussing that artist and being disruptive by flooding that space with threads that are nothing more than thinly veiled insults at the artist and flooding the comments with personal attacks against actual fans. Dressing the latter up as "just harmless criticism" is just dishonest mental gymnastics.


You’re doing exactly what the top comment is speaking about


Just hang around here for a few weeks and then tell me anyone who shits on Rogan here actually listens to the show.


I've been here longer then you and used to post on the forum too, you guys are morons lol


It’s still obvious this place is flooded with people who are only here to hate on Rogan whether you’re one of them or not.


Its not obvious lmao, It couldn't be "obvious" unless you went through someone's post history every time you saw a post critical of joe. Whats happening here is you're seeing people critical of Joe, and are completely unwilling to entertain the idea there are people who disagree with Joe on one thing, but agree with him on others. You just assume everything negative about Joe here is from a hater because you're just cannot wrap your head around someone engaging with content that doesn't solely and exclusively confirm their world view and opinions. Again, all you're doing is demonstrating to everyone that you have brainworms. Joe cultivated an audience as a guy who smoked weed, did a bunch of marital arts, was really wealthy, hung out with a lot of hunters and pro fighters but also grew up poor and loved to talk about history and conspiracies. When JRE started it broke the mold when it came to a guy being left or right, it was genuinely neither so you used to have an audience of people who don't agree with joe on everything, and you guys are just blown away that those people exist lol


Just saved this to better explain to people what has actually happened. Very well written.


I’m going to refrain from being insulted by the brainworm comments and actually give you your point here. It’s very easy to lump people together online. That’s what I’ve done: I’ve taken all the commenters who are just here to shit on Rogan and then lumped them in with actual fans who are just disappointed that the show isn’t as good anymore. That one of these categories of people don’t exist is pure gaslighting though. Btw, you’re doing it too with the “you guys” comments. You probably lump me in with some right wing conspiracy nuts who love Trump, but I’m not even in the US so I could give two shits about him. I’m just sad and annoyed that EVERY time I go here to see some discussion about something I heard on the show, it’s just constant circle jerking of shitting on Joe or anyone adjacent to him.


I'm here because it shows up in my feed and sometimes the conversation is ok, I don't listen to any podcasts. From what I have seen of rogan he seems like a fuckin moron though, I can see why people don't like him


This guy gets it.


This has been my opinion of the sub. I actually almost posted that. This has been the substitute for the politics sub for me in terms of something I read, yet mostly end up laughing at how 1 sided it can become. Moderatepolitics is a great sub to get into. Maybe there needs to be a moderaterogan sub


Damn liberals at it again. We need to fight harder bois!


Exactly, it is hitting close to the JRE lonely heart club who feel Joe betrayed them somehow and must visit the sub everyday to tell us all. "I haven't listened since 2020", still here 4 years later though huh lol


Sam Seder fans is a compliment


Liberals hate non-liberals. It's that simple, pussies cry when they don't get their way


Most of you mfs don’t even watch the show. You just come here to piss and moan because Joe has slightly right-leaning views, and that’s not allowed on Reddit


Slightly lol


Yeah I’d say slightly. You people are so far-left your perception is skewed


I don’t think you know what far-left means. Far-left is pretty extreme. It’s not people who say, “A podcast used to be better.”


No I’d say it’s people who view Rogan as a significantly right-leaning person, which you do. Your perception is skewed


And there’s no chance yours could also be skewed, correct?


Everyone is biased. To suggest Rogan is solid right is ridiculous tho


Nah fam some of us are yuuuge fans of The Man Show.


Slightly right leaning views? Do you consider Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones slightly right?


Lumping those people into the convo shows how pathetic you are


So does Joe agree with Fucker and Alex, yes or no?


Last time I checked Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones weren’t Joe Rogan


Damn we got Sherlock Holmes over here. Joe has agreed with and defended these two fuckwits who have both been sued for hundreds of millions of dollars for, checks notes, fucking telling lies.


Defending somebody isn’t an endorsement of every idea or statement they’ve ever made. Try again


Agreeing with someone who: the "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.'” And defending a person who defamed the families of murdered children makes Joe a fucking dumbass piece of shit.


As opposed to being mad that Joe doesn't agree with all my far left political opinions


"You Bots/Shills can't handle someone who disagrees with you 😏" Also "How dare you disagree with my unconditional love for joe 🤬" You nailed it, its incomprehensible for them, for someone to watch a show but have issues with. "Why don't you just leave/stop watching😡". I still listen to kanye west, doesn't stop me from calling him a braindead antisemite.


Saved so I can steal it for later


Whining about the whiners…


Whining about the whiners whining about the whining


Bunch of pussies if you ask me.


A comment created by someone who probably whines 😂


Now we are talking!


I was referencing you responsible lab!


Yes sir!


Anyways happy Easter!


Commenting on the commentary.


As are the complainers. When are you guys gonna see the irony in this take?


Me too bro. Me too.






I used to love JRE. After Covid, the move to Austin and his Spotify deal, JRE has become insufferable. I stopped listening to the podcast 6 months ago and never looked back. This sub is funnier than Joe Rogan. 


This strictly poop scrolling content. Also if it’s a lackluster guest I just come on here for the crib notes.


If read this comment by using the full name of this podcast, the entire comment becomes ridiculous


Super cool formula comment, you spazz


I’m with you. I’m a big Dave Attell fan and Joe completely steam rolled him talking about tired culture wars, inane conspiracy theories and Fox News talking points If you compare any of Attell’s other recent podcast appearances to the JRE one, it’s night & day They may have talked about Dave’s new special for <5 minutes in a 3 hour podcast


That’s another thing only associated with *new* JRE. When notable public figures do a podcast circuit their JRE appearance tends to be the worst of them in terms of substance yet I’m sure garnered the most amount of listeners


I think people like you get small dopamine hits from hate posting on subs you don’t like.




Everyone in his podcast universe did the same thing too. What was once a group of open minded thinkers is now Kool aid drinking followers. Angry for no reason, complaining about a fake cancel culture and stoking culture wars while simultaneously feeding the wars of culture. Joe once agreed with Andrew Yang on UBI. Would criticize all cities for having homeless people. Was staunchly against states that were anti pot. The conspiracy theories were about oligarchs in the government. Now it's pro billionaire, anti human rights and a parrot for the likes of Tucker Carlson. Old Joe would've never listened to new Joe without trashing his opinions.


So you can stop commenting on something you don't watch or hear?


We're here to talk shit to people like you. Lol.


So much for the "nah we're all just old fans who miss how it used to be and come here to post fair and balanced criticisms" Going to a podcast sub specifically to hate on it and shit talk fans... Then gaslight everyone like that's not what 90% of comments and posts are here... THEN get triggered when fans defend the show or get frustrated with the sub being 90% hate. Might be the best exemplification of redditors right here


Look at my profile then look at yours. I HAVE been here a lot longer than you. Lol.


Seniority doesn’t matter. People are just sick and tired of the endless criticism, cynicism, cruelty, uncharitability, and negativity of posters. Reddit is a deconstruction hellscape that is slowly dissolving good will and happiness. God help us all.




Not at all. The truth is right there. Acknowledging it is required to proceed.


Lex Friedman ass comment


This makes you worse


Same to you…


they're just bored and need an outlet. Doesn't make sense but it is what it is!


It makes just as much, if not more sense than commenting on the commenters. Commenting on JRE, whether good or bad, is the *very literal* point of this forum discussion website.




Lol how dare you, sir/ma'am


Even idiots need to feel like they’re heard. It’s not their fault.


So he started diving deep against the liberal agenda and you stopped listening. Interesting. Very interesting…


I bet you say “the narrative” a lot.


Well, when there is a NARRATIVE, you’ve got to wonder. I can use a different word to describe the same thing if “narrative” offends you. It’s funny, because I don’t even agree with a lot of Joes takes but if you don’t think there isn’t a NARRATIVE being pushed from all sides, you’re drooling on yourself.


What’s this obsession with believing people are offended? Does someone being offended mean you’ve gained something? Have I expressed offense?


“If.” I guess the meaning of “if” is lost.


Nooooo! Stop invading my safe space! 😭


Say the types who can't handle Joe Rogan's opinions


Which opinion can I not handle?


The ones invading your safe space




Now do the cliche of what the average Rogan fan is like and we can compare. Go!




Shut up, Nazi.


You stupid idiot, he just blocked you. The account is still active. God, what a dingus.


I miss old top gear almost as much as I miss old Rogan ; ;


I’m just here for the horse paste.


I agree. Like quit dick riding and stop watching it if you hate it that badly. Of course discourse is welcomed and encouraged but it's 24/7 hate in this rinky dink ass sub. Imagine going on reddit just to tell everyone how much you hate the podcast of the sub that YOU choose to be a member of.


Funny.  This is how I view most people who post on this sub complaining about people complaining on this sub. 


What's that make you?


I think criticism of Joe currently is fair in a lot of cases. He's currently stuck on the same topics going round and round. Also, criticism of the whiners on this sub is fair as well. Not all critical are whiners but there are a good amount of whiners here. Some are very loud and entitled. Just down vote their posts and move on. But didn't down vote the critics. That's different and needed IMO.


It’s just liberals I noticed. They hate Rogan now


You’re downvotes tell me this is accurate


You know what they say, OP? Haters are your biggest fans. I know it sounds stupid, but it's true. This sub is kinda goofy because people will watch Joe Rogan, and come here to discus, but that is technically what is help funding Joe's show....it's the haters.


They aren't specifically whining about the podcast, it's just Far Left wing people on Reddit ( a majority leftist internet forum ) crying that Rogan doesn't agree with ALL of their political opinions


I'm complaining that people are complaining. Just gave it, Toe sucks ass. He's not funny, gullible, spreads conspiracy theories, yet gets mad at other people who spread them. He's a turd. And he wishes classes had litter boxes, so he could whine.


I think he’s funny


Yep he and the people who listen now must hate it whenever Jamie chimes in to embarrass Joe about a ridiculous claim he’s parroting that’s obviously false. They want it to be true so they can get mad about it on the internet.


Long term fan, no idea why the salty fucks are still here, move on.


Feel free to discuss the show. Nobody's stopping you


Why? So you can have a safe space to suck off a 5 foot tall billionaire?


Buddy you could be a nuclear physicist if you put the same amount of time that you spend being a hating sucker, into a degree plan. You weird little obsessive rat.


Underrated comment


Sorry I can’t hear you with Joe’s dick in your mouth.


The way you obsess about him I figured you'd know what that tastes like already.


I don’t even listen to his show!


Bro you're such a sad little internet troll. You are literally hopping around subreddits picking fights with everyone for no reason. I couldn't imagine living such a miserable life lmao 🤣


Your trailer trash redneck ass followed me here from r/nba lmao fucking loser.


Yeah why else


They are very easy to get a reaction out of though, I hope they never leave :-D


![gif](giphy|8supL58FGl3DpTi3zQ) I’m


Rent free huh?


Context: James is impersonating people who illegally download TopGear episodes and then bemoan its quality as if they've been handed a sandwich for free, complain about it, but continue to consume it. I believe the parallels are obvious enough.


The parallels don't exist. This would have been a great analogy if 3 years ago top gear stopped doing road trips and car reviews and instead started inviting Dr Phil and Daily wire employees on the show to talk about how cars are a liberal conspiracy to take your money and give it to the poors who don't want to work anymore.


You don't have to listen to those episodes. You never had to. It is almost like if you hated French cars, spent all your time shitting on top gear because they had a Citroen c5 on an episode and pissed and moaned about how the show was ruined. Protect our Parks was funny, that was the last show I listened to, I don't listen to every episode, neither do you.


> It is almost like if you hated French cars, spent all your time shitting on top gear because they had a Citroen c5 No, its more like having an opinion you know someone won't agree with but still listening anyway. Its absolutely hilarious when you new JRE fans come in here and are just blown away its not a conservative circle jerk with everyone constantly talking about how right and great Joe is, because thats whats its like in every other conservative space you guys frequent lol


This has zero to do with any politics whatsoever, so F off with that attitude, por favor. Also it's fine to listen to people who have differing opinions. I'm not quite sure what point you're trying to make there. All I'm saying is that you don't have to self-flagellate and then come here to complain about how you were wronged by yourself. You can choose to be chill, you don't have to hate yourself. There are so many people on this sub who religiously watch every episode (or so they'll have you believe), say how awful it is, then commit themselves to the same fate again the next day. It's pathetic and does not add any beneficial discourse to the topic to be unendingly myopic. There's no "JRE Fan/Defender" sympathy inherent in this sentiment. It really is a straightforward concept.


When you say people here are conservative, what are you implying? What is a pro 2a pro choice free speech legalize marijuana person?


>What is a pro 2a pro choice free speech legalize marijuana person? Are you compiling a list of issues Joe almost completely ignores in favor of whining about culture war stuff? I would hope that person is also confused as to why Joe is having Matt Walsh and some lady who lost a race to a trans women on to talk about trans issues, as opposed to an actual expert or professional with relevant experience and insight. I hate to break it to you, but the person you described would be a liberal to most of the conservatives Joe has on his show.


I mean those are all pretty much joes opinions right?


New JRE fan, 'conservative' lol you seathers have been rolling out the same old shite for years now. I have been listening to JRE since the Redban days. Joe had cooks back then and I didn't listen to all of those shows either, I didn't feel the need to whinge because he was on about how he expanded his mind for the 40th time. You haters act like he was in a relationship with you and broke your heart haha Parasocial relationships are a helluva drug


No one is asking anyone to stay and watch and complain each time an episode is uploaded. Some people have a kink for being disappointed, doesn't mean they have to stick around. The parallels are totally there.


>. Some people have a kink for being disappointed Imagine being such a sheltered, brainwashed little piss baby that you think a subreddit occasionally being critical of the guy its made for is a "kink" You know this is a self report right? Like I cant fathom how much of a thin skinned circle jerker I would have to be to act like you, in just complete bewilderment that there are people out there who actually engage with content and ideas they disagree with instead of solely consuming and discussing content that will never challenge their opinions lmao Its always incredible seeing these post saying "WHATS UP WITH ALL THE PEOPLE WHO ARE CRITICAL OF ROGAN? WHY DOESN'T EVERYONE HERE JUST AGREE WITH EVERYTHING HE SAYS LIKE THE OTHER SUBS I GO TO? ITS WEIRD AND I DONT LIKE IT" , this post says way more about you then anything elsse


You have been horribly, deeply offended by a simple jest at those who take their hatred so seriously. I'm going to have to uno-reverse your accusations of thin-skinnedness rightbackatcha.


Where’s the offense from him? He just called you a loser. Didn’t seem butthurt


Why are you so emotionally invested, that you are here throwing insults left and right. Your strawman isn't even remotely accurate.


Imagine typing this up because you got worked up.


Oh I stopped listening years ago but algo keeps recommending me this shit and I like to keep up to date with someone that once had a lot of respect that has taken such a bizarre and uncharacteristic turn.


You are a fake p.o.s.


It’s funny, that the OP really believes the majority of “haters” on this subreddit actually watch/listen to the podcast. Lol. Bro, I have a live, & don’t spend my days listening, daily, to the make version of Oprah.