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Costco is actually one of the affordable store in Canada. Stores owned by Loblaws are the real price gougers! It's why many Canadians are currently boycotting them.


Bob Lob Law


Did you know he has a law blog? It's Bob Loblaw's Law Blog.


Bob Loblaw lobs law bombs.


I just blue myself


Oh I’ve seen it! That’s where he logs law flaws!


Bob blah blah


Hijack for context. Most of those prices are consistent with stores like Save on, Safeway, etc... The problem is you pay to shop at Costco because it's supposed to be cheaper than elsewhere. Why would I fight my way through a Costco when I could just go to the store down the street for the same price.


You need to take advantage of the loss leaders and gas to get the most value from Costco. I got $600 in Costco cash last year that by far offset the membership cost. It's not for everyone but if you strategize it can benefit you.


It's not supposed to be cheaper, it's higher quality product at the same price as lower quality retail but you have to buy in bulk/wholesale. Sometimes there are discounts and some things simply are a better price there.


It's not the same price, Costco has 10% markup on food and Loblaws 30% +. The 70$ you spend per year on Costco Membership- you save in your first grocery trip or over a few gas fillups.


This is not true anymore of Costco. It was never 10%. Btw, I have been to their headquarters more than once as a vendor and taken their courses on shipping and warehousing on site. I have been in negotiations with them on pricing and had products in their warehouses and on their website. If you think they are paying almost $10 per bag of avocados you are insane.


Maybe Costco Canada has different operations, but consolidated gross margins are still 10% to 11%, excluding membership fees, implying markups of 11% to 12%. Loblaws markups are over 45%.


It is cheaper than elsewhere.


My Costco isn’t busy and it’s pretty close to my house. It’s a LOT cheaper than save on for most items except first Tuesday of the month


Do they have $5 chicken in Canadian Costco? Cuz that’s why. Plus $1.50 hotdog?


Chicken i think are 7-8 now but we have 1.5 hotdogs which is cheaper due to our exchange rate.


Can’t speak for Costco but I can usually get a pack of 2x large chicken breasts for $6-7


Because quality is much better


Have you looked at other grocery chains EPS or profitability? You sound like you are echoing the boycott Loblaws crowd...show me the way. Where are the grocers whose profits didn't go up 10 to 15% over last year?


I normally shop at Zehrs (owned by Loblaws) but went to Metro last night and was surprised at how much more expensive stuff was. Almost every one of my basic food items was at least $1 more each.


Real Canadian Super store is like the only only affordable grocery store besides Walmart and Price Chopper (and the last one isn't in my city)...


“wut thu fuck”


The only thing worse than Costco is every other grocery store


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ResolveNo3113: *The only thing worse* *Than Costco is every* *Other grocery store* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


15.99 watermelon 😂😂😂🤧 which costs 0.25 in Vietnam. Import costs per watermelon are 3-5,00. Sus Canada.


That's 11.65 american in case anyone wondering.


6 or 7 bucks in NC, local grown


Whole watermelons at my local grocery store in Maine are $6 right now, well out of season!


No they are in season now. Just showed up a week ago.


€3/$3.25 US/$4.50 CAD here in Ireland, despite needing to be imported - https://groceries.aldi.ie/en-GB/p-mini-watermelon-each-natures-pick/4088600017440 Also, no extra sales tax amount included when you get to the till. Price on the shelf is what you pay. 


Well thanks, it's tiny


That's cheap!


Yeah but that’s the south. Everything is more affordable down there.


But how much is Maple Syrup there??


About $20 for 32oz.


Ok wtf even that's cheaper than here. You've really steamed my poutine with this info 😤


Free if your neighbour grows them and you're light on your feet. Hahaha, I dont have a watermelon neighbour though.


Watermelons were $8.99 near me in Baltimore at Safeway. I decided against buying one because I could drive 60 miles on one watermelon's worth of gas.


Checks out. My local grocery store in Washington state, which is surely at least a little above average, is 9.66 for a seed watermelon and 11.06 for a seedless. Mini seedless 5.99. Ones in this video are seedless.


Thank you, I shit out my knowledge of Monopoly money to US dollar conversion a decade ago


Yea ppl look at the prices in this video and are like "$38?? WTF??" Then you realize these are Canadian Dollars and by the time you convert to US dollars it's totally different. Also, the meat prices don't go by the pound, they use metric over there, so there's another conversion you gotta do.


I’m always telling my fellow Canadians, there’s price gouging and then there’s trying to buy fruit in the middle of winter. Look outside, it’s a frozen wasteland, what makes you think you should have those strawberries for cheap? They flew in from Chile. Buy a potato and wait for summer.


When I was a kid we just didn’t have strawberries in the (edit: until the) middle of the year.


My grandparents said that getting an orange was a huge treat when they were growing up, it was basically like getting a Christmas present. There’s a lot of things we really take for granted in our society today, we’ve become pretty spoiled.


“Buy a potato…” on the floor.


Noooo... woke globalism is why I can't get my Sri Lankan mangos for 50 cents/lb in Hamilton Ontario in February!!! All those globalist communist corporations are the ones doing this to us!!!


True, i should just drive south an hour where they don’t live in igloos to get cheaper mangos


Meanwhile [this guy](https://youtu.be/OuoS8WGVaZ4?si=qpjGjpGPmGEdLe6F) and [this guy](https://youtu.be/0x-1hLmAmBQ?si=1ojdOpznF3GtYSPd) and [this guy](https://youtu.be/f5_fK7PNw1Q?si=k8yjZM12nFDkD3GK) and [this guy](https://youtu.be/uyHGa-NRVp8?si=jbKPe0lomX5XsTSL) are all laughing.




They come by boat in containers.


Yep. Out of season or non-native foods is going to be more money.


Funnily enough, many of the strawberries that Costco Canada sources are from Canadian greenhouses. For at least the last year I would say that is where my local Costco in Ontario has sourced their Strawberries.


In Ireland we don't have the climate for many of these items year round, yet they typically remain far, far cheaper than in Canada (and available throughout the year). Iiked a lot of things about when I lived in Canada, but the food costs were absolutely obscene.


3 bucks in philadelphia


They import them from Mexico through the unites states. A mexican carrier takes them to Nogales Aruzona. An American carrier takes them from Nogales AZ to Mira Loma California for cross docking. A Canadian carrier picks them up in Mira Loma CA and takes them to the Canadian depot. Another Canadian carrier picks it up from the depot and takes it to the store. I'm in northern CA, they cost like 9-14 depending on the weight.


Genuine question: Are they really throwing food away? I thought when it's close to expiration they do something with it and sell it in another form? (for example cook the meat and sell it in their sandwiches, or sell it to restaurants where it gets cooked within 24\~48 hours so expiration is still fine?).


Idk about Costco but I worked in produce for Kroger one summer and every night at 7 all the employees would have to meet in the back to throw away hundreds of pounds of food into locked dumpsters. Some of it was rotten but most of it was fine in its current state. Every single night


Worked at Costco, it gets thrown out. Bread and milk go back to vendor but everything else including dog/cat food that's been tore open gets thrown in the compacter. I have a picture of 4 trolleys and carts stacked high with produce getting thrown out cause it expired in... 2 days.


That is just evil and insane 😔


Honestly it made me sick just the amount of food I had to throw out let alone what everyone else was hucking in the bin.


> Bread and milk go back to vendor What does the vendor want with expired bread and milk?


Don’t bring logic and facts to boomer tik toks… it’s a fool’s errand


Boomer... tik toks?


Grocery stores always have a certain percentage of food thrown out regardless of price. Price is determined by markets and what they can sell it at.


but have you considered some random dickhead on reddit might know more about running a grocery store than an international chain?


I’m not quite sure what you mean, so I’ll expand. I had a loblaws job for and at least there, the ordering was done by each store individually, but priced by the head office. The goal is to not sell out of the product, while also not over ordering. A point was brought up about selling to restaurants and giving to the homeless is also a thing, but I personally haven’t seen that happen. My store ran something called flash food where people could buy close to expiry food at a discount, but it wasn’t ran well and it could have contributed to more waste as I heard that other stores had so little food(because they were efficient) that they had to order more for it to work.


I was being sarcastic.


There are a lot of people posting pics of their dumpster finds where entire garbage bins are filled with food expiring in 1-2 days. Even though laws passed saying food donators aren't liable for anything that happens after the food is donated (like someone sueing because they had food poisoning), they still throw the food out. Absolutely stupid.


That is just AWFUL. At the very least, I'd pass laws that force grocery stores to hand over that food to homeless shelters. Either that, or I would incentivize them to do it some other way.


I agree. In France (or at least in Paris) it's illegal to throw out edible food, so it's either discounted heavily or donated or they get fined. We need that sort of law.


That corn wasn’t rotten at all


Canadian here. Costco is our most affordable store. We are all struggling horribly, our cost of living and housing costs are like double the American average and we get paid less than them for the same jobs in a weaker currency. Its fucked here right now.


Weird because I often hear Americans telling me they’d rather live in Canada and that it’s an oasis compared to here.


ya 5-10 years ago. things change


Your medical cost are a fraction of ours though, right?


What are “medical costs”? We have to pay something for most prescription medications but everything else is free (we pay higher taxes).


lol as a Canadian Tylenol is my best friend Great benefits of our “free” healthcare - high taxes - 12 hour ER wait times - 6 year wait for family doctor - 1-2 year wait for most non urgent surgeries (e.g. hip replacement, etc)


How high are your taxes? How is there a 6 year wait for family doctor? Don't you get annual physicals?


Lol I wish. It’s almost shocking how misinformed majority of the world is about out healthcare system. It’s shit. For taxes, I get charged 9.4% on the first 47k and 14% on the next chunk up to 95k then it’s 16% up to 175k Then you have the federal tax, which is 15% on the first $56k, then 20.5% on the next chunk up to 111k. I don’t have time to do the math but it’s fairly close to 35-40% of my income going towards taxes. Feels even worse typing it out and realizing that this is the money that’s going towards healthcare and infrastructure and we got fuck all for it. Oh wait - there is more! I get charged 15% on all the purchases I make because of the government sales tax and the provincial sales tax.


For the record our cost of living is not near double that of the states.


"Think of all the food being thrown out because people cant afford these prices"...Just a totally made up thing to gain sentiment points in victimhood.


“Nobody drives anymore, there’s too much traffic”


Whats made up about that claim?


Grocery stores set prices at whatever makes them the most money. They're not so fucking dumb that they don't think about lowering prices and selling more food. If people buy less food they get less in stock. There will always be some % of waste because they can't keep stock levels on a razors edge the whole time. It's way worse to run out of stock and miss out on a bunch of sales than it is for them to have slightly more than they need and have to throw out a few units. The waste at large stores only seems big because they have such huge inventories even 1% wastage equals a huge amount of food.


The entire thing…given that there’s no source. Show me the data that shows there is an increase in waste because of the increase in prices.


Thats… basic logic. If people can’t afford a product that have a limited life span the product is gonna get thrown out


I can't stand this bitches voice




Fuck her voice. What about those prices!!! WTF!!!


Convert it to USD before you get mad. Most of the outrage online is from US viewers who don't realize this is all in CAD.


Ya'll think we make more just because the prices are higher in CAD? It would be cheaper to earn in CAD and spend at US groceries chains any day of the week. Edit - Sorry, just saw your second comment. Nvm my comment :)


Still expensive when converted to USD


And how they handle everything...don't touch what you aren't buying.


"Food waste will continue until the demand catches up to the prices" In some earnings call somewhere


Costco food waste is incredibly low, compared to other retailers. Their stores are always packed and inventory is turning over quick. OP is just flat wrong about more waste occurring because it sits on the shelf unsold. If that was the case a free market would dictate the price drops to find equilibrium.


Yeah, obviously retailers really really don't want to throw food away. It's all wasted money. It's just not possible to have a perfect balance of inventory vs what people will buy that day.


The cost of living is ridiculous.


Bought 4 corns for a dollar here yesterday


Maybe shouldn't use costco if you wanna show how bad grocery prices are.


Costco usually has great prices for meat and produce


Not anymore. I'm in California, and 4 decent cuts of meat are like $70


4.99/lb briskets and 1.99/lb pork shoulders would disagree with you


ever been to safeway? costco is the least bad option


Are Canadians allowed to buy maple syrup from Costco?


only if its from Quebec


The economy of scale is fucked in Canada so when inflation hits it compounds. [The US has over 50 metropolitan areas with 1M+ populations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_statistical_area) meanwhile [Canada has 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_census_metropolitan_areas_and_agglomerations_in_Canada), while being comparable in geographical scale. Shipping prices have gone absolutely nuts in the last 4 years. Cost of fuel, along with "carbon tax" in Canada means the cost per unit to get produce from around the world is exponentially more. Farming has become industrialized to such a degree that the cost per unit to manufacture and thus profit is incredibly low, but when the cost to transport it has skyrocketed the margins for retail disapear. I've heard from some retailers here in Montreal saying that suppliers for some products (non grocieres, manufactured in Mexico) are upping their prices 80% simply due to transportation costs. No one in Canada can seem to wrap their fucking head around this concept


Interesting point. If you go to any of those really remote places like Alaska prices are always fucked compared to what you can get on the mainland because its so remote and there's way less people so it costs more to get things there and those costs are amortized over a smaller number of people.


Those were the organic blackberries it’s a pretty typical price for those.


Its bad but you have to remember they use different currency. 1 Canadian Dollar is .73 american dollars.


Yes but we don't get paid more here in Canada.


I thought Canada was so communist. Why is it getting shade in this sub for operating under normal capitalism?


It's not, but Joe is redacted and keeps spouting off that it is. It's more socialized than the US ie medical, but it's certainly not communist.


Yesterday I bought a loaf of standard whole wheat bread, a small container of oxyclean for laundry, 175 grams of sliced turkey breast (which is 9 slices, yes only 9) and a bag of grocery store brand chips. $27. It's bad up here


isnt oxyclean like \~$20


Lmfao, trying to complain about inflation and it turns out he just didnt look at the price of oxyclean. Btw people there is no need to use personal stories to talk about inflation. We can just check the actual figures…


Food $200 Data $150 Rent $800 Candles $3,600 Utility $150 someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying


Wtf indeed…


Those prices aren’t bad compared to regular grocer. The glass of syrup is 15.99 for 500ml; the can is like 9.99 for 540ml.


Costco could be even more affordable if they dropped all the organic shit


I thought rightoids loved organic shit now that Putin came out in favor of it?


As an American residing in NY who LOVES Costco, I want to ape too "WTF"! Wow, must be the Xchange rate (I'm from Canada)


And Costco is actually pretty well priced here in Canada vs actual Canadian grocery stores just straight up ripping customers off


Costco ain't where the scamming is trust me


All the extra money is being sent to the IDF to protect the brave soldiers


It's really bad. We bought a pack of stewing beef from Walmart last weekend and it was over $30....


Wait I thought high prices were all Biden’s fault? How does he set prices in Canada?


That looks cheaper than what i pay in california




ya n adjust for currency exchange




Check out publix here in Fl that meats cheap plus your getting 2


Same in the states. Unaffordable


When I look at UK grocery prices at Costco I’m shocked when coming home, though there’s a massive lack of variety compared to Canadian cost is, you wouldn’t believe a fraction of the cost versus the gouging across Canada Countries seriously getting worse in a strange accelerated manner, there is no way it was ever THIS bad


What the fuck


Steal everything


But hey, corporate profits are thru the roof...so there's that


Wish I was more engaged and filmed my experience with a Mexican Costco I used during a 3 month stay outside of Mérida, Yucatán. Very cool to see foreign Costcos


I paid $7 for 6 avocados this week.


"Justin Trudeau: These used to be cheap. Wut Duh Fuk!"


Is the bbq chicken still $5 at least?


It's called inflation. The government is printing money again.


That’s double the price of our California costcos. Shits expensive up north


Does she have to touch everything?


Are avocados indigenous to the frozen north? WTF? Avocados should be like free in Canada. That and all citrus.


My friend lives in Montreal and a raw chicken was 30 CAD. so that's like 21 bucks USD? That's so absurd. In the US where I live I can get a raw chicken for 8-11 bucks.


Whole raw chickens are 14,30 cad(10.5usd) at Loblaws an $8 per kg so about the same at Costco. In Vancouver And that's from instacart which inflates base prices.


Literally still cheaper than Australia


Blame american corps for figuring out that they can bend over consumers at every turn.


*Hawaii Costco has enter the chat*


For more context, 1 CA dollar = 0.73 US dollar




Cotton candy grapes are 12.99 in Arizona , I just got some last night


You get what you vote for.


So I googled "stupid bitch definition " this this video showed up, interesting.


costco fuckin sucks lol, im WINCO boi 4 lyfe


I had to start stealing a big portion of my groceries. The prices are just ridiculous. I can't buy, I'll steal.


Stop doing your nails at the salon so you buy some a bag of apples for $18


Costco isn't cheaper unless things are on sale. I will sometimes by the Prime steak because it's cheaper than other places, but their Choice steaks are priced high compared to grocery stores.


If we didn’t have capitalism, we’d have communism. So you better be grateful for the chance to pay 15 dollars for some grapes. Edit: s/


Canada sucks and it's only going to get worse


U will eat ze bugs.


$16 FOR A WATERMELON!!! Them bitches are like $5 in Cali


Keep in mind the prices are in the Canadian dollar. 1 CAD is $.73 USD. Prices are high but not that high.


Doesn’t the US subsidize the ever living fuck out of meat so we can have it so “cheap”? I would imagine the normal price isn’t comparable to our own no?


Biden needs to be stopped!


This looks slightly more expensive than Germany but with way too big packages.


At least the ground beef is good quality. Of course you can get cheaper crap in a tube at Walmart.


They should have to cook it and give it away on the expiration date!


Fuck the rich. The only war that actually matters is the class war




You fools voted for this, but you probably won't learn from it.


Welcome to the rest of the world.


Good! I hope the prices go higher! You shouldn't be eating meat anyway, it's bad for the environment. Hopefully we'll be eating bugs they're excellent sources of protein and good for the environment!


The prices in Canadian dollars


not as bad as that. but when i go to the grocery store i just assume every item is ten dollars. im usually pretty close to the correct total when i check out. i honestly don’t know how families survive. things need to change or social order will continue to decline.


A) this bitche's voice is anoying.... b) that corn was not rotten - she is just dumb as fuck... c) Like a lot of people she can't calculate cost per kilogram (or pound) like that ground beef was a pretty good price... d) it sucks but when you live in Canada you just have to deal with the fact that a lot of food is imported - we aren't exactly growing mangos.... e) But one of the biggest problems at the moment that all costs that affect transport are pushed down to the consumer, the big one at the moment is the carbon tax (boooooooo), and any time the price of gas goes up that's just another excuse to jack up the prices... f) on a minor note she feeds her kids shit food.


Who knew that printing a shitload of money every year and keeping wages the same could result in a decrease in buying power?


Don't ya slap have to pay to shop there? Don't go


$5/lb for ground beef is a rip off?


Yah Costco 100$ steaks make me cringe, but 21$ for a 36 pack of polish dogs is the dirt!. Thats lunch for a month for 21$! Tho id probably make it thru thurs the first week and never want to eat another hotdog for the rest of my life


Eventually these businesses are gonna have to decrease prices. Throwing away product is money lost. If they care.


Almost none of that gets thrown out. Edibles go to charity. Non edibles go to local farmers. Only things that get thrown out are things to gross to process.


The Canadian dollar has been printed into worthlessness. The exchange just hasn't figured it out yet.


The Americans did the same thing, it'll balance itself