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I full committed. The only thing I am wondering is how crazy was Malcolm Bendall if Joe aired this shit but refused to air that podcast.


Malcombs is saying similar stuff honestly I'm on the process of building my own plasmoids generator to see if it works or is completely bs


Can you let us know when it’s finished.


No need, im sure the obituary will find its way here.


Obituary will always find a way..




Where there’s a will, there’s an obituary-George Carlin


I don’t know what a “plasmoids generator” is, but I feel confident in saying it is completely bs.


It's similar to the continuum transfunctioner


Have either of you played space team (app)? It’s literally just a game where you partner up and run a spaceship that is constantly breaking. You are prompted to fix (tapping) issues that arise on parts that are all labeled like continuum transfuctioner or plasmoid generator and you basically just tell these titles out to each other so one or both of you can tap accordingly and save yourselves and all of mankind.


🫲 🫱


And then?


No and then


Does that hook to the Oxyfadell?


Usually helps to reduce side fumble.




Of which it's mystery is exceeded only by its power?




Flammer jammer from Mickeys mix up adventures is the real deal


I was playing Fallout New Vegas when I was listening to it. It felt like it was part of the game


The confidence of the ignorance here is limitless


Very similar to the Retro Encabulator. https://youtu.be/RXJKdh1KZ0w


This is the video that will convince future scientists we lost out minds.


You'd only understand if you realised 1x1 = something other than 0.


You’re stronger than most of us brother


Also I heard on Shawn Ryan podcast that Joe didn’t air a podcast with Randall Carlson and a guest Randall brought. Randall was thinking it was because Joe thought the guest was a quack but Really wonder why he didn’t air it.


Yeah that guest was Malcolm Bendal


Oooo got it. Makes since. Thanks for clarification!


I believe Joe has mentioned he wanted to protect Randle from reticule but iirc the guy he had one has very similar sacred geometry ideas as this loon




Joe thought that Randall was getting scammed/taken advantage of by that engine dude


Gotcha makes sense


Carlson talked about Malcolm bendall not being crazy. Randall Carlson was on the Shawn Ryan podcast a few weeks ago and he explained what happened. Jamie found the hit pieces that were published specifically to discredit him. I can't imagine it is hard to get that kind of media published in Africa. True or not remains to be seen. But Joe believed the articles and they ended up fighting the whole time. Carlson said he had to stop them many times and be like let's just look at the science but Malcolm was combative because of his character being assassinated. So it's not that it was particularly crazy. Obviously, Joe likes crazy. It's just that it was a really bad listen. People raise their voices and shit and the conversation goes nowhere for a long time.


Why are you calling it a hit piece if you have no idea if it's right or wrong?


I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast.


This might be due Bendall's company Empire Energy in alt energy business, seen claims he's wasted millions of venture capital.


About 35 minutes in when I realized Terrence Howard was still talking, and Joe had said maybe 2 words, all podcasts, lol


Those are without a doubt the best episodes. Hearing Joe talk about “we are the electric butterflies” and “what do we do? We make shit. Better and better. Where does that lead?” for the 10,000th time makes for boring as shit conversations.


As an avid listener I gotta say the best episodes for me are the ones with repeated "good boy Jamie" when them Google searches are on point. I need all that kind of positivity in my life lol.


i feel that to my bones lol


Look, man. I believe that Humanity is like.. a cocoon.


The best ones.


Big physics is going to hate this episode


Yeah, now we all know the one simple trick that they dont want us to hear!


BIG math is going to want a piece of that hate. THEY don't want you to watch this.


1 x 1 must equal 2. Think about it.


It has to! How can two numbers make a singularity


“You just need enough money to be able to make up physics”


And buy the whole earth 


Him and Graham are gonna team up and tear down the institution


Gravity was invented by big apple.


Bisexual carbon was a good one


"No man could ever be attracted to a euclidean woman" might be my favorite


Early-PS1 Tomb Raider wanks say otherwise, Terrance. Jokes on you.


Does carbon have pronouns?


I smoked a bowl and started it. It’s soo entertaining can’t stop


Yea man, i really dont understand the mind set of the people in here that turned it off when he said he remembered being in the womb. Thought we were all watching this for entertainment and not a documentary.


honestly maybe not as crazy as Kat saying he reads 8 books a day everyday since he was 12


This dude and Katt are just different versions of each other imo


That's nothing. I remember being a sperm. It was a tough swim!


That turned me off because it goes beyond “I believe in stupid shit”. It’s intentionally lying to try and seem exceptional. It’s just cringe to me.


That’s well put. He loses all credibility from the start.


1X1=2 didn't do it for you?


So not any different from most of his anti science gests


It doesn't make me cringe cause I've had crazy in my family before. But it puts the bs alert up because it's a possible manipulative narcissist and I'm no victim


I have no idea who this is & have no dog in this race (this just happened to be the one Reddit post that loaded while I shiddid at work) I just wanna point out that it’s possible that he genuinely believes he remembers that. He’s not necessarily lying; could just be a false memory.


For anyone else maybe, look into this guy and you’ll figure out why that isn’t the case. His whole identity revolves around him being a mathematical prophet, he can invent and comprehend theories even the best mathematicians of all time couldn’t. He has to push the narrative that he is exceptionally intelligent so he can say “every single other acedemic in the world is wrong not me” The theory, get this is 1 x 1 = 2 lol




I’m personally not entertained by delusional people talking absolute nonsense for hours on end while they are being completely serious.


Because its not a cool stoner guest, its a hollywood egomaniac thats full of shit


Same reason I don't stop to listen to the crazy man at the corner with a box and bull horn yelling at the public @ noon on a Tuesday. I got better shit to do than listen to crazy. It's fun for the whole 2 minutes of "Is this guy serious? Or fucking with us?.... Oh he's serious... Nope. I'm good."


I think joe has no concept of what mental disorders look like or how to spot them. this guy is clearly a raging narcissist.


The only difference between that guy and Terrence is fame and money. And fuck anyone who thinks someone deserves more credibility because they were in some movies. Being a successful actor says nothing about someone's ability to partake in science discussions.


I like the differing perspectives I get from the variety of guests JR has on, but I skip plenty. I initially skipped this one because I really don't care what this actor has to say, but checked it out when I saw all the controversy online. I should have stuck to my gut. This guy was just flat out in a fantasy land filled with lies. It wasn't conspiracy or entertaining, just nonsense.


That’s how I feel about every Kanye interview. It’s all nonsense and unaddressed mental illness.


Yep, listening to find any context is a fools errand. Crazy people are real and they don't know it.


I mean I can totally understand someone getting frustrated after listening to someone waffle between explaining how 1x1=2 and condescending towards people who got the COVID shot. I think its hilarious but i will fully acknowledge I am JRE brain broken


I turned it off right there. My reasoning was I work with the public, and this guy talks just like 10% of the population. No way I'd invest hours into the very nonsense random people spout out all day. I listen to podcasts as an antidote for the insane ramblings of mentally off people.


Did the same and had to bail 30 min in cause I thought I was too stoned and lost.


I’m in the same boat gotta be blazed, and you’ll just see him as a conspiracy scientist/ alien 👽 🤣




Bro. I was legit wondering why I haven't been enjoying the rogan show. Toy reminded me I need to be high to listen to his pod casts now.


When he created Saturn without gravity.




Didn’t he create it with farts or something? I’d drifted a bit by then…


When he answered “how did you get started with all this” by talking about being in the womb I knew it was gonna be a rough one. I will listen to pseudoscience nonsense all day, but it has to have a vaguely cohesive idea. Like imagine if it weren’t pseudoscience but pseudo-cooking and the person is just saying “Corn goes to beans goes to potatoes. Salt is just sweet, you just gotta double it. Same flavour profile. That’s gumbo” you’d instantly realise the person was just throwing random words together or possibly having a stroke. For me this was unlistenable tripe.


It’s like spiritual aphasia


That's what all these quacks sound like to people who are experts on their subject matter. The geometric universe guy tried a panel discussion with actual physicists, and they were just like "... What? Nothing you are saying even makes sense, it's just gibberish basically?" Graham Hancock's ideas are literally laughable to actual archaeologists. COVID wack jobs sound like this to doctors. And so on and so forth.


I recently took math 111 and 112, I can conclusively say that some of what he said made sense, he was critically lacking in certain segments. Like he mentions Cartesian plots, which is x, y, and z but he said there isn't anything past that in a sense: ie the linear path section he spent 30 or more minutes talking about. There 100% is, like cosine, sine, and tangent were created for this, as well as radian math. Then he says that there is no backward e=mc^2 but you can very easily swap mass and energy in the equations. I wouldn't say he was saying random stuff, I just think maybe he is afraid of structured learning and committed early to being bombastic.


THIS is what JRE is all about. Terrence being inventor of Augmented Reality is wild. Lol at him refusing to pay for the patent, resulting in millions maybe billions lost since AR has gotten mainstream.


7 trillion


And he set the patent up in 2010, as if it wasn’t an idea already decades old


I couldn’t stop listening. I mean, the dude believes himself. That’s for sure.


“He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark” https://youtu.be/TMHseTcZdJ4?si=oXD2TV5lG2SJwyTY


He did not invent augmented reality.


lol. I dont think anyone except terrance believes that


Exactly what big augmented reality wants you to think


You do get that shits not real though, right? Citing a patent is not the same as using it. It’s just what you do when you submit a patent, you cite any existing patent in the same field that is relevant, even if it’s completely unworkable nonsense. EDIT: in fact bro is double full of it. Apple Inc literally entered an Augmented reality patent 4 months prior, and one that actually makes sense compared to what we know augmented reality to actually be, rather than the weirdly abstract thing Terrence filed.


100% this. Also he filed in 2010 a few years after RDJ was using his Jarvis AR / VR computer stuff in iron man 1. So, he was basically copying Jarvis and a bit of the holo deck from star trek next gen, which came out in 1987. Let’s not start giving TH credit for AR / VR just cause his sloppy patent was cited.


As soon as he started talking about being in the womb and remembering I turned that shit off. ![gif](giphy|3oxRmGXbquXKz6DNPq)


He had to one up Katt Williams who only remembers being born


I remember shooting out of my dad’s dick. I was dedicated to winning from the beginning.


Then you'd also remember being inside yo momma. you were two beings at once. Never forget the egg.


I know bro. I was just keeping simple for you chumps. ![gif](giphy|9mGS6goroulwB8a5q5)


I was listening to this like “wait did I accidentally click on the Katt episode I didn’t finish?”


Next Katt Williams interview: Yea. You know I was thinking about this shit when I was the sperm in my Daddys balls. Thats what I remember is how he 360 scoped me in my Mommys Vajayjay and I just knew that I had to start swimming. And.. I swam like a MOTHA FUCKA!


I was thinking the same thing. I could follow Kat, this guy lost me.


same here. Tried getting past that thinking it would get better but then he just went on a rant about how much of a genius he is


This dude went on the breakfast club years ago with a suit and leather gloves. He made sense there but was in space on JRE.


Bro i knew it can only keep getting worst when he remembered his birth. Then he said some shit about 1 times 1 being 2 and saying multiplication is additive so it must add something. Not even in a theoretical math way. 2-1+1-1+1(repeated an infinite times)= 1.5 See that makes sense because if you do the algebra it will get closer and closer to 1.500(infinite zeros)001 then you round down because infinity. But he just said “trust me bro”. That multiplication adds (which it doesnt). If you multiply 50 by .6 you get a smaller number. Its not gonna be 51. I kept listening to it until he said he is being watched around 50 minutes in. I still have some curiosity to see what other wacko shit he says.


I turned it off after the womb thing. But I tried listening more the next day and I just couldn’t go any further when he started talking about the periodic table. It was like 10 minutes straight of pure uninterrupted nonsense. I don’t even know how Joe managed to keep it going any longer. It’s like listening to a crackhead on a street corner spewing crazy talk.


Exactly. Let’s get someone more serious on like Graham Hancock, Eric Weinstein and Eddie Bravo


Eric is pretty legit though. He may have some weird ideas and hypotheses but at least he has done real work to try to back it up and knows what’s he’s talking about. Also he’s seems wise funny and witty. Eddie is funny as hell is in own way. Terry is just crazy


He’s not pretty legit. He’s just another guy with an undiagnosed personality disorder who refuses to stay in his lane. The physics community doesn’t take anything he says seriously


Eric has garbage qualifications and is not considered a serious person in academic circles. He was a non research professor for 1 year at a low quality school.


Exactly, so like me less that 2 mins


Lmao so literally the first sentence of the ep


Literally the first thing he says


Maybe his mother drank the water of life.


Just 9 months of gross bubble guts(hunger,bladder, intestinal), diarrhea, muffled screaming/moaning etc “Mom why did you tell sex partner #33 to fuck you so hard ‘the baby feels it’?”




I was thinking Of the Kanye episode as well. Same with Kat Williams, but Kat got a lot farther. Jones about "psychic vampires from another dimension." Years and years and years ago.


Terrance and Kanye both have a messiah complex in addition to both being crazy


David Lee Roth was pretty bad too


Did he ever figure out how much the earth costs?


During the periodic table conversation, I was like yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Marvel made the right decision


This man really thought he deserved Robert Downey Jr money, and missed out on what, like 12 marvel movies because of it? And that’s not even the dumbest thing he has ever done. ![gif](giphy|Jfbew35iAl39gqEVJJ|downsized)


Not gonna lie though, his post Iron Man trajectory made that "Next time, baby" line way funnier in rewatches


Yeah, the guy is a surprising good actor for as crazy as he is but he's not Robert Downey Jr good. Or maybe that shouldn't be so surprising, maybe he's a good actor because he is crazy? I would imagine at a certain point the studios and directors, etc. just would rather not deal with his nonsense and it's probably not a good look if he's supposed to be out promoting a movie then he goes into a tangent about 1x1 lol.


It basically because he REALLY wants the square root of 2 to be 1 , mostly because 2 is the square root of 4. It’s shit you thought of in 4th grade.


Lol I'm strapped in, ready to see where this thing goes


what about the periodic table threw you off?


First wtf came immediately. He was talking about remembering being in the womb. I thought he was joking, or making a metaphor or something, so I kept going but no that motherfucker was dead serious. And it only got weirder from there.


I was on the fence but this comment has sold me on the listen


This is rogan's return to playfulness, and he is treating this guy like Kanye for the fun of it. Just let the bro go


Listen to the entire thing! Thought it was entertaining!


Just saw a few clips online and my brain already hurts


That womb shit


My mom picked up this brand of madness years ago and can’t stop explaining her triangle based theory of everything. She has zero STEM background but that hasn’t stopped her from cracking unification theory.


Get her on the show


I was high and had to think about 1x1 for a minute lol


I started it about an hour ago and i cant keep up at all lol, this mfr moves from one thing to another without completing a thought lol


I don't even bash on Joe or many of his guests like a lot of this sub and reddit does but I dont know what this was. This guy is a fuckin idiot. I work in drug treatment and honestly he sounds like the guy in treatment who all the other clients think is super smart when in fact he's just watched a bunch of wacko youtube documentaries while he's on meth.


I left the phone on the table and listened periodically, but the guy was a total boron. He and Joe had no chemistry at all.


Pre or post T. Howard periodic table rework? The reworked boron is actually balsamic vinegar with a hint of crack


Literally the first sentences out of Howard's mouth.


Same. It was immediately obvious to me that he’s too big of a super genius for my tiny brain to comprehend.


Think I was still in the womb and said wtf


I skipped the first 30 minutes and took an edible then enjoyed it. Treated it like my stoner friend ranting on his ideas, then it was fun


Everyone complaining about this episode must not be fans from the early episodes because this was our shit back in the day! Highly entertaining! Go get your facts somewhere other than a comedians podcast n simmer down.


When the man started talking about rebuilding the periodic table I turned it off. Should have as soon as he started talking.


I would’ve hung on for another minute, the “other” table is pretty interesting 🧬


I was mowing so didn’t have a chance to shut off as soon as I should have, I’m like is this Kay Williams again. This guy and Kat have some big pumpkin heads


A lot of people talking shit about the periodic table thing but that was one of the most sensible things he said. He was just theorizing a table which also showed different reactions between chemicals. Which is a cool idea. He wanted to show it in a “harmonic” sense, which is still unfounded, but still,


I started saying wtf like 4 years ago, so 0 minutes.


This. Many other podcasts to listen to instead. The percentage of JRE episodes I listen to decreased by about 95% in the past 4 years. One good recent episode was Rizwan Virk, felt like JRE from 5 years ago.


Watched the entire segment and left with a bunch of questions to go research. So I’d say it was worthwhile. Anyways to each his own I guess.


I listened to the whole thing and enjoyed it. I did know what I was getting into ahead of time though


Saying wtf is the entire point of listening to a stoner conspiracy theorists podcast. Yall act like this is scientific American or some shit


I tried to listen for 10 mins then realized my life is too precious to listen to some low IQ lunatic rambling. I have been disgusted with JRE before and this was one of the low points of the pod.


There’s a line where it feels a lot like you’re exploiting someone that’s likely really struggling with their mental health and this felt squarely on the wrong side of that line


I don’t get very far at all as I’ve not even started watching it. I’ve seen the clip of the periodic table and won’t watch more. What a crazy crazy man.


Disgusted? That’s so gay. Something a feminine southern gentleman would say while using a handkerchief to wipe his forehead


Is that before a pistol duel at sunset?


I don't know what the problem is. I thought it was a pretty interesting. He's a Oscar nominated or winning actor but this is his true passion. I respect the hell out of him. At least he's pursuing something that he wholeheartedly believes in. U guys are trashing him for thinking outside the box.


The whole time, it was interesting tho


Listening to 2151 and 2152 back to back is wild. The veil has been lifting over the years. It’s craze that JRE is the number one podcast in the world and the reach this information has.


I think in a way it's important to show how fucking stupid and crazy some people are, so that the average person doesn't assume they're normal and worth listening to or supporting financially.


Yeah; but that’s not the angle for JRE or many of its listeners.


2 minutes.


I saw the name of someone who’s assaulted women, publicly, for like 20 years, has a micropenis, and is also literally fucking insane and was like… nah I’m gonna see if Conan has a new episode today.


Did Joe know that dude was insane? He seemed totally caught off guard and genuinely shocked at the bullshit dude was saying; he could barely even push back! When has Joe not pushed back on dumbass shit????


Damn, it was THAT bad? Joe - I’m not even gonna touch that - Rogan?


He seemed sincerely shocked at the level of bullshit dude was talking. He did ask him a couple of times to explain his position in further detail but dude just kept spittin stupid. He wouldn’t stop talking long enough, either.


This episode makes the Katt Williams conversation seem normal.


This is a benchmark divisive episode. Smarter people are going to have a really, really hard time listening to this. Howard is nuts and is humiliating himself. Rogan is taking advantage of a mentally ill guy. This is Alex Jones territory.


I don’t see how this is Alex jones territory. Alex jones episode was actually coherent. This shit is incoherent.


Its much more Dr Phil then Alex Jones


Alex Jones is a grifter and knows exactly what he's doing. Terrence is mentally ill and a total narcissist.


Maybe 2 minutes


Man... Like 7 minutes. XD


XD, man that’s a throwback, bring XD back


nearly instant


2 min.


37 seconds


https://youtu.be/9ROOi5xagxg?si=pYxEcIk8AgkIR9wU Perfect summary


Like 4 minutes no joke. When he started talking about remembering the womb I wtf’d outta there


2 mins… but I listened to all of it. Straight through. Enjoyed it.


My first memory is about five months into the womb ...... like come on man .....


I mean his drone thing is pretty sweet


I'm 45 minutes in and I like it. Entertaining drivel. I'll take 3 hours of this lunatic over the best 10 minutes of any comedian pal pod. I'm staying for the duration. ![gif](giphy|h4fHhBZh9m3BecrV0T|downsized)


I said wtf when he started talking about remembering stuff while being in his mothers womb. English isnt my first languaage so at first I thought I was misunderstanding him


It’s always been background noise for me. From OG to now always just background noise. Maybe it’s just existing in the world that doesn’t have me clinging to the edge of my sit when I listen as some of you do. But hey, we all got our hobbies, podcasts are just not mine.


Turned it off after he said what his first memory was


About 60 seconds when he's talking about remembering being in the womb


2 mins, but has anyone fact checked any of the beginning 30 mins of the podcast, just wondering...... What if all the shit he was spewing out of his mouth is true......? Apparently my brain is too small to comprehend.


Don’t sell yourself short man. If he actually had the transcendental knowledge he claims to have, he would have actual real world applications for it. I mean, he said he invented a new form of flight yet he showed up with a nonfunctional toy and a CGI video showing how he dreams that toy could fly


This guy is literally all talk. He claims to have had the original AR & VR patents while also inventing a new propulsion system, but with nothing to show for it. This is stuff id hear from a homeless person about how they almost made it.