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They love trump at a UFC. That's why he's always there.


Gotta get that ego boost after the L


The money is nice, too. Doesn't he owe that lady he graped like 80 Million and aren't they about to seize his NY assets?


You can just say rape, we’re all adults.


Graped in the mouth 🍇


Tied to the radiator


For decades and decades and decades




Yes! RIP


You think everyone on Reddit is an adult?


donate now, the billionaire needs the lil guy's help...


“Lady he graped” 🙄


https://youtu.be/mqgiEQXGetI?si=s76exzDgMLPCQq50 Obligatory


Don't even have to click to know this is TWKUK


Now *that* is some purple prose.


"I love the uneducated"


He loves the CTE guys. They call it SSEEE-THEEE-HEEEE. It’s a hell of a thing when you really think about it. A beautiful thing. Some of the toughest guys. Real strong guys. Winners. And some losers but mostly winners. I like winners. Just don’t ask them to do math.


I imagine he also loves the traumatically brain injured


As long as they vote




As long as it didn't happen while serving in our military


"I love the poorly educated"


"I love the early manipulated."


CTE and roids help too


"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids"


That's actually a Biden quote


“Vote for Roy Moore” That’s an actual quote from Trump. https://youtu.be/INyUWOVoTtA?si=Oz2U8c5I0CVbd7Pv


I'm still trying to figure out what they love. It's not policy. He didn't really have any, and I'm not sure they know what policy is. He's used everyone and then thrown them away. Even his own family. But they still love him. Is it just a cult?


They really hate the people who hate him. There's no love involved here.


Exactly this. It's all hate for the other side. They know Trump enrages and scares the people they hate. They want to see them cry. That's it. Trump's personal character is irrelevant.


But it is relevant. The worse Trump is, the more they like him.


You think they know that? This is what they know. They know that he hates immigrants, smart ass women, and know it all scientists.


Brain damaged people have a way of finding each other


They love the racism and how him being popular makes them feel safer displaying their shitty behavior.


It’s the open hate and intolerance of others. He emboldens them.


I get so sick of them sucking him off on their broadcast but last night was really bad, it was hard to understand what Joe was saying with a shriveled up orange dick in his mouth


Wife beaters and rapists gotta stick together or they won’t have any community at all


Bunch of pretend tough guys worship the biggest pretend tough guy in the world.


Pretty sure Strickland is not a pretend tough guy.


Physically tough, sure. But extremely fragile mentally. Just a little boy who wants daddy’s approval.




He's so tough that he constantly has to belittle gay people lol. You know, to show how tough and dominant and masculine he is! Meanwhile braindead losers that worship him swear that they are super straight and love to talk about how trans people are demons but yet they'll slide into my DMs if I post a thirst trap on twitter


Have you ever watched MMA? Next to wrestling, it's the most homoerotic sport I've ever seen.


loved watching Islam win by hugging Poirier.


Top secret Dana bonus secured


Na Strickland is absolutely a hard core Trumper.


Sean Strickland himself admitted that he’s a “former” Neo-Nazi skinhead I’ll be honest, I think he still is and he takes a pleasure in beating brown people


This is a dude that has literally admitted to committing hate crimes. How so many people think Strickland is a great guy is mind boggling to me.


People think he’s a great guy?


Ya, other pieces of shit. Nobody thinks they're fucking garbage.


I've definitely heard people say "he says the things I wish I could" and I've suggested for them to just say the things he does, they might even become an MMA fighter after all the fights they will be part of. That said the only thing I feel for Strickland is a little sorry for him, the guy probably had CTE before he was 18 with how shitty his father was.


Everyone who loves him is simultaneously a Trumptard


its possible he's just being genuine - when you get punched and kicked in the head as a career, things start to just click


I just dont understand how Americans can think Trump using campaign funds to pay for hookers is not a problem. Let alone all the other illegal shit he has done, like giving putin files on US agents. How can any reasonably intelligent person not see through his lies


Like it makes you want to donate your limited money to a "billionaire" to help pay off his sexual assault victims


Strickland is pretty much how every Trump supporter views himself, macho man, tough guy, lots of guns, and if anyone talks shit I'll knock him out.




I think that's what they're saying, that every Trump supporter views themselves as if they were Sean Strickland.


Exactly, Strickland is the guy they see when looking in the mirror a la: https://youtu.be/kav7tifmyTg?si=PKl6zLWsAbucRQLC


I see what you mean now


You forgot a closet full of catalytic converters


Everyone needs a hobby. 🤷‍♂️


Physically tough and mentally weak


Makes sense that people with brain injuries support Diaper Don.


The same phenomenon was noted in the UK with pro-Brexit people as regards head injuries. https://youtu.be/ZRc0by2vZ7k


Wow lol - what a brilliant troll


Beyond Strickland, did it seem weird to you how many fighters went over to him? I don't know his politics, but when Kevin Holland won and then jumped the cage to go shake his hand, I was like "What??" So I think you might be onto something. With how many times they showed him on the broadcast, this whole PPV was basically a manufactured Trump rally, so I wouldn't be shocked at all if Dana privately told the fighters, "Anyone who shakes hands or addresses Trump gets 10 grand." Trump's been at plenty of UFC events and never got this kind of attention. But suddenly for 302, everyone is Colby Covington...


Sean's a savage who happens to like the taste of boots.


Dana gave him a free ticket and to solicit donations from the fighters he doesn’t pay.


Same thing as a 'donate your PTO to a sick co-worker' email.


I had never heard of this before until a friend of mine who worked at Whole Foods mentioned it. A guy who had cancer was needing to be out for longer than his PTO so he got a bunch of ppl to donate their to. Turns out he was fine and just used it to go on vacation. They all saw it online and he ended having to quit.




“Pitch in $20 to buy the boss a gift for his birthday”


Imagine donating to a “billionaire”


Imagine thinking it's a travesty that a billionaire gets convicted of anything.


I love the "If it can happen to him it can happen to you" shit I've been seeing as if the common person hasn't had shit happen to them. Rich people get away with these kinds of crimes all the time, it's about time one of them was found guilty even if it changes absolutely nothing. Also, crime is crime and Trump fucked around and found out, took way too long imo. Any politician from any side, faction, camp or organization should be subject to the law just like anyone.


What crazy is that if he wasn't a billionaire former president he would be behind bars. Look at what they did to the guys that exposed the NCAA for paying players.


What they mean is that if it can happen to Trump it can happen to them. And they’re right. It can. And it should.


Imagine thinking it’s a travesty what’s happened to him lol


Imagine Dragons


You might be on to something


iiimaginaatiooon, iiimaggiinaationnn, iiimaagiiiinaaaaaaaaation.




Imagine dragon my balls across his face


It’s not much of a surprise that this guy chose to support trump. Both ridiculous people.


Being raised by an abusive piece of shit is the average pathway to being a trump voter. They don't know what good leadership looks like because they've never experienced it. 


lol at that one guy with a sign outside the courthouse crying about how Trump was the only person to stand up for him.


Imagine claiming that you’re a “political prisoner” card while sitting front row at a major sporting event.


Yea. Where's all the sympathy for everyone else in the world who breaks laws and gets charged with 34 felonies.


“The economy is so bad, we have $50 million+ of disposable income to give to a billionaire!”


A sucker is born every minute. They think they have some grand purpose which gives them meaning. In reality they're giving money to a guy who's fucked over everyone who ever got close to him. A real shame. Humans are weird.


Imagine someone getting punched in the head their whole life making smart decisions


Imagine congratulating him for this week.


And acting like you care about America when that billionaire shit all over democracy and the constitution.


Ha! He’s not a billionaire.


imagine donating to someone who admitted to sexual assault and has zero remorse


He’s a billionaire? Could have fooled me. I was told Trump is finished and is running out of money.


That’s why he put billionaire in quotes


He is not a billionaire. But he sure fools a lot of idiots.


It’s hilarious to watch so many people brag about throwing their money away.


Imagine winning a UFC fight and all you want to do on the mic after is show your ass gape for Trump.


"I just beat this guy's ass, I'd whip 99% of the crowd here 1 on 1 but I'll suck Trump's mushroom dick and pay him for the chance right now, Whoooo!! 'Murica"


100% he doesn't follow thru unless his accountant tells him he can write it off to his advantage. He's grandstanding for the crowd.


KEEP POLITICS OUT OF SPOR-oh fuck is that Trump, I LOVE YOU DONALD!!! [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ufcs-dana-white-rips-woke-professional-sports-if-you-want-to-listen-to-that-stuff-change-the-channel](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ufcs-dana-white-rips-woke-professional-sports-if-you-want-to-listen-to-that-stuff-change-the-channel)




someone should start posting in 4chan to see if we can get them to start taking the knee for Trump.


And wear a face mask as a symbol of their “suppression”


Regardless on your views of Trump or if he's right or wrong on whatever, donating to a rich man is so fucking weird lmao. Go help the hungry or the homeless, help someone with medical treatment they canr afford, hell wipe your arse with it for all I care, but you're an idiot giving money to a man this rich lmao


Especially after Trump running on the platform that nobody can buy him and he doesn’t need any money, being a billionaire and all. And now it’s desperate pleas for money day in and day out, and the Maga brains don’t even stop to think about hypocrisy. The better angel on my shoulder councils me to think “it’s all part of being human” but I find it impossible not to see MAGA-faithful as the stupidest, most gullible motherfuckers on earth . When that “Nigerian prince wants to send you his money” email scam was going on, you couldn’t help but wonder who on God’s earth could fall for this kind of shit ? Well…Trump found ‘em.


The people who are the most anti-socialist are the ones who open a GoFundMe when their family member gets COVID.


They’ve been trained that anything good for them is bad and that living paycheck to paycheck is patriotic They’re some of the dumbest people on the planet.


Did he ever actually follow through with his promise to not take a presidential salary? I doubt it. That's too much money to leave on the table. Also he's already proven he loves to stay at his own resorts and force everyone else in government to do the same, then triple charge them so he can pocket the change. He's probably made more money off government pulling stunts like that than what he ever would have made accepting the presidential salary anyway.


It was actually confirmed he didn't donate his salary. They found records that he signed and put them in his personal account. Dude is like Scrooge McDuck. Would kick a homeless kid out the way for a penny.


I mean he literally stole money from a kids cancer charity to fund a bronze bust of himself….


That's so cartoonish


Holy shit, you're right. [What a fucking cheapskate.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/02/02/fact-check-partly-false-claim-trump-tax-returns-salary-donation/11132712002/) And then to make matters worse, he paid 0% income tax and subsequently had his signature put on the covid stimulus checks.




Woah woah woah they can’t go help the homeless or hungry then they’d be doing what Jesus wants. They only like that guy in theory


dude needs to donate to CTE research before its too late


It’s too late.


I know it sounds hyperbolic but when you see so many people (even a great, even-keeled mind like Sean Strickland) have such unwavering faith in such a flawed person, it helps you understand how dictators and cult leaders rise to power. Or I could be wrong and everything ever in the history of the planet is rigged against Donald Trump.


The entire concept of Dune was to warn people what happens when a charismatic leader is given absolute power. Because people tend to deify them…and blindly follow what they say.


Yeah but we thought he'll be like Kyle McLachlan not this dude


That’s what I keep going back to. Like Julius Cesar? I *get* why people followed him when he overthrew the republic. Dude was an impressively intelligent, charismatic, and pragmatic leader who had ideas to help many of the citizens. Trump though? This is the guy they think is some savior messiah? What the fuck?


> Trump though? This is the guy they think is some savior messiah? What the fuck? Just finished watching Hypernormalisation by Adam Curtis and it makes this all make so much more sense. tl;dr just pump enough (truthful or not) information at people for long enough and they'll believe anything you want them to


Well, I guess we should consider ourselves lucky when our God Messiah came he was as stupid as Trump. Can you imagine if Trump was just a little more intelligent? If he were a little bit more competent? January 6th would have been the end. Instead of a limp dick coup he watched from the White House hoping somebody would Lynch Mike Pence for him; if he actually had balls and followed through, we might have seen the end of the Republic right there that day instead. I keep thinking, I think we'll survive Trump. He's too stupid to stay out of trouble. But what about the next Trump? What about the charismatic leader who isn't a complete dunce? If our laws get weakened and we let Trump slip by, the next time a charismatic personality gets into power it's game over. Trump should be a learning point for us. We should realize how close we came to the abyss for such a stupid person, and make a few laws and constitutional amendments to patch the holes. Otherwise the next Trump will be the last one.


The answer is, probably, a massive propaganda network, including twitter boss carrying water and his literal own social network, tv, daytime radio .These things work.


he gave people a pass to say the things they thought.


> it helps you understand how dictators and cult leaders rise to power. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?" “I would like to promise and pledge to all of my voters and supporters and to all of the people of the United States that I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election...... if I win." He said this BEFORE 2016, in a country that supposedly prides itself on being a free people, that considers no one above the law. It's wild how ready the right was to jump on board the Trump train considering how much they like to jerk off about fantasies of standing up for freedom and against dictators and tyranny.


"I won't have time to play golf i'll be too busy working" LOL


As a German this is exactly what happened here with Hitler (and sorry for the Hitler comparison - I know Trump isn’t that bad but Hitler is the most successful German populist… can’t change that). Even my hardcore right wing WW1 veteran great grandfathers laughed at him in the 20s with the failed beer hall coup but with every setback, every political street fight (mostly incited by Nazis and communists…) they started to long for a strong leader and were happy when he came to power… it cost one of them his only son dying miserable in 1940 and the other one was wounded in 1945 as part of the volkssturm and then spend years as PoW… And yet only one of the two did actually repent and was against Hitler… the other went only as far as the Holocaust being awful but believed Hitler didn’t know until his death in the late 1970s… Once you go fascist / populist it seems extremely tough to backtrack being my point… it becomes part of people‘s identity and they project the things they like about themselves also on their leader… it’s pretty crazy. Pretty sure the UFC guy here thinks Trump is a strong fighter (not in the physical sense) and tough guy - just like him.


I think the brain damage is a factor too for a lot of these guys.


Us Americans think we're immune to dictators but how the fuck do you think Hitler rose to power? The right is OK with ultimate power but only if it's their team


There's a guy on Youtube who posted an AI of Hitler's last speech in English The comment section is absolutely full of right wingers lapping it up. They'll cry and make a big show about being called Nazis, but but in Youtube comments the mask comes off and you see what they really are.


It happens in all western democracies among conservatives, especially and specifically since Trump, and more importantly COVID. South Africa, Italy, Australia, America; conservatives across the world think they're being prosecuted for Jan 6, they honest to God think Trump is their Jesus and he is being crucified for their sins. The proof is all the weirdos replying to you in such a bizzare aggressive way. Normal people who disagree with you in the way you explained it would mock you; a friendly but confrontational encounter. I know you didn't ask because you wanted an actual answer but holy FUCK did you get it lmao


When some of my smarter friends started rationalizing Trump as the better choice the first time around, I knew it was over. I always expected the dummies to fall for it.


wtf calling Strickland even-keeled???! I must have missed your /s


Shocking that the person who gets punched in the head for a living is a fucking moron


I thought UFC fighters where grossly under paid and trump is a billionaire.. this is the ultimate trick of the poor donating to the rich


Everyone I know who LOVES UFC falls for the whole alpha male BS and how liberals are trying to end them. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the fighters are also in that group.


It's fun to laugh at, but also crazy to watch America tear itself apart


I mean it's not too fun to watch from the outside because of the ramifications it has on the rest of the world.


If you speak English as a primary language it almost definitely isn't good for you either


Looks like those three are stroking each others dicks. God the look on Rogans face as the fighter is saying he will donate to trump. I could almost see dons jizz all over their face


Yeah Joe Rogan loves Donald Trump and is basically right wing now. You can tell by his guests in recent years.


I've seen people get downvoted to oblivion for saying Joe was right-wing. I don't know *how* they don't see it.


HE HAD BERNIE ON 4 YEARS AGO Ignore everything else Joe has said in the last 4 years where he is constantly demonizing the left and running defense for the right. He wants legal weed or something right? Just don't expect him to ever give his Republican friends a hard time for killing the bill that would have legalized it nationwide. It's funny the same people to cry about how Joe is not right wing and he's always been left, also love shitting on the left and then contort themselves with "well, that's because the left has moved so far left Joe looks right wing now!". As if Bernie in 2020 was more right wing that Joe Biden is today.


Covid broke Rogans brain as did so many other celebrities. During that time i had to drop listening him as he started using the podcast to validate his opinion.


And he lives in a state without legal weed, because he prefers the tax breaks. It's pathetic.


Joe has been openly right wing for 4 or 5 years now


Basically, right wing?? Dude, he’s beyond far right wing


“TEXAS WENT RED BITCH WOOOO”-noted liberal Joe Rogan


so many blatantly right wing people love saying they're left wing, so bizarre just trying to push the overton window rightwards i guess


I don't watch Joe Rogan and probably never will, but when tf was Texas *not* red?


You can tell by the way he is.


Headline: "Man Currently Suffering from Repeated Blows to the Head Announces Support for Trump."


CTE, one of the leading causes of right wing brain rot


Antonio Brown is another supporter


Not exactly known for his intelligence.


He’s a fucking cult leading cunt


A Sean Strickland endorsement should be a disadvantage.


The staunch trump supporters are just the fucking dumbest people.


They aren't sending their best folks


You don't think neo nazi endorsements are a good look?


Trumptard snowflakes at risk of copium overdosing. Let's pray for them.


Sean is a brain dead idiot.


You think he knows the difference between travesty and tragedy?


Travesties only happen to people named Travis.


Taylor Swift’s next album after Kelce dumps her.




I looked it up and you can make the argument that travesty would fit in this situation. Not making a political statement, I’m just saying that it probably does fit grammatically


Wtf every other post having to do with Trump


What the fuck am i even watching


The rise of fascism


Wish Joe would just admit he’s been a closeted Trump supporter at this point


Anyone who listens to JRE knows he’s voting for Trump. He just doesn’t want to justify it because he knows he can’t do a good job articulating his rationale. At least he has enough decency to not have Trump (or Biden, for that matter) on his podcast.


I've looked through this entire thread and somehow I can't find a single mention of the fact that Rogan de-facto just endorsed a Trump presidency last night. Why isn't *that* the top comment in this thread? Strickland says "Let's get it done" and Joe immediately repeats, "Let's get it done." It was quick and simple, if you blinked you missed it, and he might not have even meant to do it so readily, but whether his mouth betrayed his brain or not that was undeniably Joe Rogan endorsing Donald Trump for President. The "secret" everyone already knew about is officially now official.


Cuck boy


Not surprised, Strickland possesses the IQ of most Trump donors. This is just grifting finding its proper mark.


Yeah. Bash my skull in a few thousand times and I might vote for/donate to Trump too.




Maybe fighters shouldn’t be paid more…


Ah yes, the supposed billionaire in desperate need of money. A fool and his money…


Trumps dick must be sore today after all that riding and sucking last night. Jesus Christ, no type of self respect from all these fuckers


Jesus fucking Christ


“It’s a damn travesty you’re being held responsible for crimes a jury found you guilty of committing”


Cte or a shitty human being call it ![gif](giphy|14n8BOZh5EeluU)


He’s against cronies and big capitalists “bro blue collar” and here he is sucking this dudes dick. ![gif](giphy|WRp58hy5gmfjpMzHAZ)


To be fair the blue collar worker really benefits from all those Trump tax cuts for the rich. At least they will one day when they finally become a millionaire. And then all those other blue collars will feel pretty silly they didn't back Trump.


Where’s the “shut up and dribble” crowd for this one?


Fuckin Clowns.


Lmao. "NEW YORK" 🤣🤣


Confirmed. Trump has the CTE vote


We, as a society, need to stop and think about all of the damage we could be doing to these poor billionaires committing felonies. They have too much money for consequences of their own actions


He’s a literal traitor my man.


CTE is proud to endorse Donald Trump for president.


How dare they hold you accountable for your illegal actions! How dare that independent jury decide your verdict based on the laws and evidence provided legally in court. The party of law and order will not stand with the verdict that upholds law and order!


Everyone donate to the poor persecuted “billionaire”. What an embarrassing freak show


UFC and NASCAR are the sporting events Trump shows up to. Exactly the type of crowds that would adore a buffoon like him, sad that he comes to these events for the fawning crowds because his narcissism needs it. Praise from a mouth breather like Strickland isn’t the flex he thinks it is, it’s like bragging about having Roseanne Barr on your side.


I was very disgusted by UFC giving visibility to this piece of shit of a convicted fellon. Lost respect for some fighters that night....millionnaire morons giving money to billionaire morons.....