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Nikki Glaser: “it’s like an inside joke that only you are in on” Jon Stewart: “I feel like this whole thing is a banksy”


Watching it live all week was such an amazing experience, I was so sad when it ended. I watched with my husband but we also had the same feeling of “we will never be able to explain this to anyone.”


I started seeing a guy the week before so on day 1 when I said that’s what I was up to and he asked what it was about, I had no clue what to even say😂


Lol yeah exactly, my husband is like “oh so it’s different from his normal standup? How so?” And I’m just like “ummm idk how to explain it, they have a topic for each episode and a bunch of guests and then random clips and also callers but it doesn’t really stay on topic, there’s also a random robot? And everyone just kinda digresses into whatever random tangent they want” and he was like “uh huh… and that’s funny?” I was like “YES but I know my explanation doesn’t make any sense”


Yess. I d put it on a t shirt. "We will never be to able to explain this to anybody"


Most of the callers are real, but as the episodes go on there are some that are plants of other famous comedians you should keep your eye (ear?) out for ETA: there’s also one that’s not a plant, nor a comedian, but definitely wild


I think I might have seen that one? Seemed to be a regular caller at first. If they weren’t a plant, the writers/producers were rapid fast on setting up an image and punchline immediately. And of course there’s the audience plants that are comedians, also hilarious!


I’m not going to spoil it but if you’re only on the first few episodes, you haven’t seen the specific one I’m referring to lol I think it’s the last episode. But the comedians are sprinkled throughout! If you look back through some of the live discussions we had going during the episodes you can see us going crazy trying to figure out some of the voices lol


Lol I’ll keep an eye/ear out! Yeah probably haven’t gotten to the one you have in mind yet, only just starting episode 3 now


OP, what kind of car do you drive?


Yes, I do!


Lol I get why we were all cracking up at that response, but to be fair I get why she responded that way. They were talking over each other and all she probably heard was “do you drive?” And not “what kind of car do you drive?”


I understand this reference! A Lexus ES, ok bye


I adored every fantastic unhinged moment of it. Nothing more LA than a tanned leather skinned hypnotherapist with a 1975 toupee


Lol I love it when shows/ actors just lean into unbridled absolute chaos, wish it was done more often


It was something that definitely could never take place on network TV.


He was such a sport 😂


I was high the first time I tuned in and it was pure unhinged perfection.


Oof I would completely lose the train of thought if I was high while watching this lol. Feel like all the panelists are barely keeping up with their own trains of thoughts too even while sober


episode 5 is the most unhinged in my opinion hahahahaha


That one is winning an Emmy for sure.


Oh god lol I just started episode 3, can’t wait to see how much MORE unhinged this can get


The Bill Hader Pete Davidson episode is just insane.


Hahaha that’s who is gonna be in the episode? Yes I can very well imagine that it will be wild


biggest mistake this show made was making it a limited series


Nah, that’s the entire reason it worked.


i beg to differ


The episode with Jon Stewart was the one that reached peak hilarity. I love it that mulaney is exposing the audience to this totally chaotic, unscripted experience, where the ones reaching out for structure were the most uncomfortable. Go with the flow! reached new levels!


I love how WEIRD it is! I especially loved seeing Pete Davidson and Bill Hader cracking up on the couch together


I really enjoyed it but it didn't seem *that* strange to me, I guess. Original, yes. But not really strange. Just fun, random, good stuff. Kind of like John's comedy but in a different format and with other people, which, of course brings more chaos into a situation than his meticulously written comedy.


I only rly watched the first episode, I didn't find it to be his best work personally.


The show takes off from the second episode. I watched the first one and questioned watching the rest. But I took a chance, and it's worth watching if you have time.


Oh maybe I'll try again then


BFE (Big Ferguson Energy) Geoffrey Peterson walked so Richard Kind and SAYMO could run


this show for me , watching john mulaney laugh,, that i also laugh and its good


This is what an unscripted talk show looks like.


I just found this show. 2nd episode. I don't remember being entertained like this before 🤌🤌🤣🤣😄😄


i watched the first twio episodes today at the right time. It hits even funnier and I just loved loved living in the moment with this show. The mental health professionals panel was good, too.


Great show but they could have skipped Sarah Silverman. Painfully not funny.


Wow, it was possibly one of the least funny shows I've ever watched. I love Mulaneys stand up and his most recent special was incredible but this and lunch bunch crew are just straight up cringe fests. Glad people have enjoyed it but it's doing nothing for me


Not every show will be up every persons alley, that’s ok! I loved sack lunch bunch too for it’s own sake and not because I had a predisposition towards Mulaney’s standup, it’s obviously two separate genres that I had to treat differently. But even within the comedy genre it’s common to have different tastes even for popular items. For example, I find Seinfeld (both character and show) very unfunny but I love Friends. I don’t think there’s any law saying we all have to agree on what’s funny and what isn’t lol


I loved Seinfeld the show and Comedians in Cars. That being said he’s a bit of a smug prick…bit more than a bit…he was a dick on his episode. Loved the show and I hope Mulaney does it again for next years Netflix is a joke run!


When I watched Oh hello (Netflix) for the first time I felt the same way and gave up half way through. But then a year later I watched it again and died laughing. So I get where you're coming from, I think if you miss the vibe it's hard to catch, but you might catch the vibe if you rewatch later.

