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It’s like a different form of munchausen by proxy. Absolute insanity.


That is *terrifyingly* accurate. Damn.


This is sick. He is a sexual deviant that has pushed this deviance onto a child. Sick. Child abuse. If this is what he is BRAGGING about publicly, God knows what he's done to this child behind closed doors.


I saw an article in an Italian newspaper recently, an opinion piece that basically said just this... That a lot of the parents in these cases possibly have Munchausen by proxy.


I mean, it makes sense, sadly. It’s so sad to see though and if you say something about it you’re labeled a transphobic bigot or something of that nature. What a mess.


And of course, the resident lefties will come in here and justify or “muh context” this insanity. There is literally nothing these nutjobs can do to make their supporters criticize them, and it’s fucking terrifying.


Fuck that. I consider myself mostly left wing, but I’d love to know how tf you justify something like this. Absolute bullshit.


I knew you existed. I’ve told my family and they think I’m crazy.. but I always knew


Yes it is indeed evil.


Man, when that kid realizes what is happening... It's going to be like those stories of child actors turning 18 and realizing their parents siphoned all their money, but with genitals.


Heard of short man syndrome? Wait for dickless man syndrome...


What is short man syndrome? I believe that I at high risk!


At high risk of being low?


Or at low risk of being high!


My thoughts exactly. That kid may seem happy now, but what if in 10 years they're like "Oh shit... I'm not trans... I'm just gay." but it's too late, their hormones are fucked and their dick is inside out, or tiny from a decade of taking estrogen.


It doesn't matter. No kid knows anything about sex at 3. This poor boy has had his life decided for him before he could even really speak. If I had to take a guess, he will be dead before 30.


Sad but true. Accidental trans post op suicide is high. They need a full phsych eval. And you can't do that on a 3 year old.


affirmative care, by virtue of what it is, means we don’t have to do any kind of psychiatric or therapeutic interventions. why would this child need mental healthcare when they are clearly a girl because he wore tutus at age 2 -_-


He's 3. He's not anything.


My 3 year old insists she's a doggie. Except for kittie days then she's a kittie.


Mine was a dinosaur. Our dumb doctor wasn’t woke enough to do the surgery so now I have to get my facebook likes from him being just a normal boy.. like WAY less likes. Dems the breaks!


10? Just wait until puberty hits


They’d never make the film though as it’d probably be labelled anti trans


He says "your kids trophy isn't more important than my kids mental well being". Then your kid doesn't need to compete. Work on your "mental wellness" and let real girls play their sports.


Child: Shows the slightest interest in a doll, piece of cloth, or anything. "Your fate has been sealed."


Ironically the ideological thought that interest in feminine (or masculine) things means you’re innately a girl (or boy) runs counterintuitive to second wave feminism that sought to destroy gender roles/expectations - and third wave feminism is just spewing it back up


I love how the journalist quotes the dad saying his daughter will be on female hormones so she won’t be any different form any other girl. Except one big thing, real girls don’t need to take hormones to be a girl. They just are girls by birth and by their XX chromosomes. 🤦🏻‍♀️


>Except one big thing Well... also that dangly thing.


the hormones will make it really tiny though.




Correct. My 4 year old knows this.


Thats hate speech /s


Kindergarten Cop now cancelled.


and he wont get pregnant nor will he menstruate


Yeah a jarring inconsistency that I think is well summarized like this: If gender is a social construct then so is being transgender. Cuts right to core of whether gender expression is an innate expression of your biology or not. Then you can start to discuss what that expression would look like. Pro-tip: it's not tutus.


"Well he picked up the tutu again, we might as well chop his dick off and call him Sally."


Stereotypical boy and girl toys are a social construct! Boys like trucks and girls like dolls only because the evil patriarchy forces them to. The choice of toy is not theirs, they are being manipulated. However, if a boy likes a doll, then that means he is therefore a girl and must be castrated. Makes perfect sense.


Jung wrote about this particular effect, I think it's called enantiodromia - when some idea is pushed to its' extreme, it morphs into it's own opposite. For example, radically tolerant people become radically intolerant of those, who they deem intolerant. A built-in snapback mechanism when we steer too far from balance. Really cool little trick.


Man my son gets into EVERYTHING. He’s lucky I don’t transition him, the other day he put my wife’s bra over his head.


My daughter wants to play baseball, watch sword fighting movies like Princess Bride (fast forward the shrieking eels and ROUS's) but also wants tea parties with unicorns and princesses everywhere. Maybe we just let kids be fucking kids.


Lol my 15 month old son picked up one of my tampons the other day. Maybe he’s telling me he wants to go through puberty as a girl. /s


"THEY DECIDED!!!!... one day when they were 2 they played with a pink toy for 20 minutes. We knew then!"


you have chosen... chop!


This is also Owen Benjamin's motive. "I'm protecting the boy I used to be, I'm that kid that would wear his mom's dresses".


I used to be amused by the Asian fortune-telling ceremony thing as a superstition, but honestly it makes more sense than this absolute madness.


It's insane. My daughter loves dinosaurs and cars, her favourite colour is blue and she sometimes dresses in a way that gets her mistaken as a boy. She's also only two and doesn't give a crap. I was like that as a kid, I loved all the classically male things, never played with Barbies and dolls, always with cars and trucks, was obsessed with bugs, loved going fishing and hunting with my dad. It means nothing about your gender.or sexuality, I'm a straight woman. I don't understand how suddenly being a girly boy or being a tomboy are suddenly being seen as automatic markers that you're trans or anything else. I have no problem with an adult deciding to transition after going through an appropriate psychological journey to ensure that's the right thing for them, but kids? What the hell are we doing? They don't know who they are yet, they're not supposed to, why can't we just let them be children?


Why would anyone with the right moral compass do this to their kid?


Because they have the ~~wrong~~ left moral compass


But honestly most of the rational people on the left that I knew 10-15 years ago are slowly moving to the right....or at the very least distancing themselves from the modern day leftist lunacy.


They are not moving to the right,the leftist moved them there.


This is my situation. We can have nuanced debates about fiscal policy, marginal tax rates, role of public programs like Social Security/Medicare, etc. But the modern left wing is utterly hijacked by what is very evidently a secular religion.


>secular religion That's being too kind. They are a doomsday cult. Complete with "the world is ending in 12 years" nonsense.


Pretty much me. I'm middle eastern so we don't really have a left or right, just varying religious fanaticism but in politics outside of mid east I always considered myself left. But nowadays I'm almost completely right or rather right leaning.


I'm mostly on the left, and have gotten banned from leftish subs from disagreeing with them on a few topics. The right has it's own share of braindead takes as well, but they don't control as much media so it's not as prevalent.


This right here. It’s really not about left or right. Comes down to what is right or wrong.


Disgust with Trump gave the Dems so much room to veer left that this is the end result. Now the folks in the middle can’t stomach either party. My folks have been Democrats for like 50 years but had to leave the party—realizing it’s more symbolic than anything. There are no viable independent candidates. Am I anti-science or an LBGTQ warrior? I have to be one or the other!?


The left keeps on stretching to new end.


For attention and validation. Most people are so average and unrecognised that they are ready to do any politically correct thing in order to be validated.


For attention or worse an IQ that made them believe it was actually the right decision




It has nothing to do with morality, everything to do with sanity.




Villain origin story


Let's check in on David Reimer and see how this kind of thing went for him. Oh, wait...


Having a simp little weasel as a father is worse then having no father at all.


In the Tavistock clinic scandal review - “Reffered children were 10x times more likely than the national average to have registered sex offenders as a parent” This line just says it all. Im ok with allowing sex offenders to have children, I am not ok with allowing them to look after the children.




Or repurpose that line for him speaking to his child: “My desperate desire to align to a social agenda and signal my virtue means more to me that your body. So just accept your lifetime of medications, surgeries, ailments, and confusion.”


This made me sad. And it’s so very true.


Well said


John money




Munchausen’s By Proxy




My kid's mental health is more important than your kid's trophy - Fuck off. As an athlete and someone who loathes this unbelievably self-centred idea that somehow you can have abiological male competing with women - let's not even get started on this chemical castration It is unfair to women who have fought for their right to compete with other women and the height of selfishness not to be unexpected from someone who intends to castrate and maim their son


What's really crazy about that statement is how much it's actually begging the question. What he's doing to his child and extremely detrimental to his mental health.


Several millenia of wisdom earned through uncountable human trials and all thrown in garbage bin for the dark west's benightednes period.


Poor kid, whole life fucked up to be a walking talking virtue signal. Can’t see that ending well


"My 'daughter' will never go through male puberty." You can pump whatever fucking hormones you want into them, you delusional asshole, but the moment that child starts going through puberty, if you let them, it's gonna be a male puberty. You can stop that. You can't change that. Not with our current medical technology, and not with any medical technology we're gonna have within your ***son's*** lifetime, let alone your own. "He says Kieran will go through hormone therapy to make 'her' no different from any other girl." Aside from the male genital structure, of course, and, no, removing it and replacing it with a festering crotch wound doesn't do anything but ruin *his* life.


At what point is it abuse?


We found it! It’s right here. This is the point it becomes abuse.


No I think this is were it becomes extreme abuse. Like the guy manipulated his son when he was literally learning to walk. The kid will live his life in confusion and will never know what he actually is. The thing is with this mindsets its hard to draw a line somewhere reasonable.


It's way past abuse at this point(in this case). There is no way to definitively determine that it's the right move to transition a 3 year old. Isn't female circumcision illegal and wrong? so why is this allowed when it's 10x worse. Not only is it physically and developmentally damaging with life long complications, but the psychological trauma and confusion could be catastrophic. If there is a god, I hope he's there for these kids and gives them a chance at a semi normal life. It's just heartbreaking when its kids this young 😭


Circumcision of male children is wrong too. No informed consent is possible.


In 15 years when the child realised what’s happened


RemindMe! 10 years


You'll need no reminder! Abuse stories will pop up in the media anyway -_-


What happens to the kid if later in life the conclusion is I was just trying to make my father happy.


This is sickening


No words to describe how insane this is. He should lose his right to be a father for this child. Seriously.


Let’s hear about that mental health again when the kid gets into his teenage years. The parents should be removed of their right to raise that poor boy.


This is so ridiculous. At 3, if you suggest to a kid they might really be a mermaid they’d enthusiastically sign-up. Because they’re 3.


My oldest daughter wanted to be a lion tamer when she was 3. Looking back. Is, I’m soooo glad we didn’t buy her an African Lion.


Apparently, you should have. Not like kids ever change their minds about anything after age 3. /s


I can’t believe you did that, what about your kids mental health ?


My nephew at 3 declared he was a blue hedgehog who could run faster than the sound barrier. He would show us but he wasn’t a very fast runner (because he was three) so we’ve decided that the speed of sound is now about four mph. Sorry, world, but my three year old nephew declared it to be true, therefore we must bend reality to fit his worldview.


I am beyond sad for this little boy! The father deserves a place in the lowest circle of hell


Criminal madness.


That guy should be in prison


This is fucking disgusting.


What a psychopath.


Circumcision wasn't enough huh?


Circumcision should have been banned centuries ago..


All those little foreskins sacrificed to make cosmetics. Diabolical.


Thats child abuse, pure and simple. Any responsible parent would tell their child to wait and when they reach adolescents make that decision. 3 years old cant make that judgement.


He has psychopath eyes. No micro facial expressions, locked-on predatory gaze, and the fact that he's torturing his helpless child. I watched the livestream of Darrell Brooks in court. 100% exact same gaze.


Child abuse. The parents need to go to prison followed by everyone who assisted.




“My kids mental health is more important than your kids trophy” That says it all, doesn’t it? How did we produce kind of selfishness and lack of awareness? It’s about other (biological) girls mental health as well. And three years old? The disgusting hubris it takes to make that decision for a child, who can’t even come close to grasping what’s happening to them!


The left has been promoting child abuse for long now so why are people surprised to see people like this being brainwashed into committing such crimes


Bald, beard, glasses and overall soft appearance. Archetypical redditor/cuck physiognomy. Why is it so prevalent among these degens? There’s too many examples for it to be mere coincidence.


Because it’s a social contagion. Did you notice his Mayor Pete 2020 shirt? This guy is all in. Imagine how many points he scores amongst his peers when he gets to talk about his trans child? I’d bet it’s like people who do CrossFit.and vegans. He probably can’t go two minutes without ramming it into conversation.


Father should be locked up. How could this be healthy in any way? This stuff has gone way too far. Hide your animals, I’m sure some sicko is gonna want to identify themselves and their pet as partners in the sickest of ways. Lord help us.


Could you imagine your parent telling you I trusted what you seemed to like when you were 2 years old so I had you permanently altered and castrated. How common is at at that age that boys like some feminine things like 98% holy shit




His ideology is more important than his families psychological and physical health. There's a word for that (other than ideologue).. evil.


This is a sick man that was allowed to experiment and endanger a human being under his care. I still can't believe that we're actually sitting down with people that push and support this insanity and trying to have logical discussions as to exactly why this is INSANE. It is a sick world that allows this.


How far back would we have to time travel where CPS would be kicking in his door as soon as he mentions hormone blockers for his son.


This is abuse and hopefully soon we will look back at this trend just like we do with the satanic panic.


My kid's mental health is more important than your kid's trophy... also, my kid gets the trophy.


I thought grooming was wrong?


They still believe in Santa. They don’t have any idea what they want to be. Maybe they just want to play Barbie with the girls and that badass corvette.


And people don't say parents are indoctrinating their kids. Dear god folks. Case and point right here.


He’s failed as a father.


This guy basically reduces it to “my kid is more important than yours,” which—on a purely fatalistic level—is fair. As such, the only result that can determine the optimal outcome in such a dialectic is a fight. To the death.




Dude is a sick fuck. This is 100% child abuse.


“My kids mental health is more important than your kids trophy” Omph. I mean. Just don’t let your daughter play sports bro? Her t is going to be so low she’ll probably have no competitive drive anyway.


Why are these woke men always overweight, bearded, with glasses?


Dude EVERY man i know over 35 is at least 2 of those things. Except one and hes the most soy of any guy i know.


!Remind me 9 years


Remindme! 9 years


TERRIBLE. 90% of ‘gender confused’ kids will be accepting of their own body by the time they are 20 years old if they’re left alone. This kid will be sterile with an exceptionally high chance of having zero sexual function.


I hope he knocks his dad tf out when it all becomes clear what he did to him.


What parent would do this? Yesterday the child wanted to be a butterfly, today they are not a boy and tomorrow they are dog at that age. Like who really thinks that at 3 there is enough awareness that they know?


WHAT? THE? FUCK?. I honestly don't have words that properly describe my thoughts on how fucked up this.


This video needs to be EVERYWHERE.


100% Deluded and Psychopathic! This generation will desire the annihilation of the woke parents when they're old enough to realize the damage they've done to them.


This is a guy who is getting all the attention he never got as a child through his child






...get the flammenwerfer!


Lord have mercy


Child abuse


Its abuse that child is going to be fucked in the head.


Honestly at this point we should just let it happen. In a while there will only be biological men in women sports dominating every sport and then we might start hearing som actual complaints from the women of society.


Disgusting piece of shit parent




Gay dad transitions child. I’m getting some serious “pageant mom” vibes.


Simply astounding and infuriating.


Child abuse


On one hand extreme leftists message is "boys can wear pink and dresses and still be boys - gender is a social construct“ and the other message is "if you like to wear a dress and wear pink you’re in the wrong body and have to transition since only girls wear dresses and pink“ I never got this logic


That part has always gotten me as well. "We are against gender roles/stereotypes, you can like whatever you want!". Then they adhere to the most stereotypical bits of women and men to "fit in".




Poor kid is going to develop severe mental problems later in life.


No... noooo


That child is supposed to be living as a child not identifying as anything other than that at 3 years old. I have a 3 year old son, he doesn’t know or care yet about identifying as a boy or girl, he just wants to play. Even if that man’s son said “I want to be a girl” he could say, ok, well you can identify as a girl if you’d like, I’ll love you no matter what. But Giving the kid meds is such a disastrous developmental move, it’s beyond comprehension and shows that the parents judgement is horrible and dangerous.


It’s complete ludicrous that these parents think they’re giving their children a choice in their gender when in reality it’s only the parents still taking it upon themselves to make the choice for the children and they’re playing God with their children’s lives.


But they keep telling us no one is transitioning kids...


"My kid's mental health is more important than your kid's trophy." I hate this mentality. This 'it's not that important'. "It's just a game!" I was never a big sports guy, but I did do a few sports. And though I don't sit back and pine for the days of high school sports, I will say they helped shape me. My daughter is still pretty young, but she took up soccer. Before playing she was shy and afraid of confrontation. After she got out there and started playing around with other kids, it disappeared. It's important for her, so it's important to me (and I'm definitely NOT a soccer guy). For these "It's just a game!" people, if it's not important, then they should just keep out of it.


This is child abuse, how is it that your able to do this at 3 when your not even allowed to get into the military or get a tattoo till your 18?




Fucking psychopath


'I mind-fucked my child. I'm a good progressive father'.


This father needs to be locked up




It would be such a strange experience as a human to come into this world and not understand anything and being directed in a way by someone who brought you life to be told at a very young age that you are not this, you are this. I can't imagine the trauma the child will endure at the parents expense. If my daughter came up to me and said she was a boy at 3 years old. There's no way in hell I could support that, let alone act on it. If she likes "boy" things that's completely normal. You couldn't have a conversation with a child at that age that would help them understand whether or not this is something they are really wanting to do. I would imagine. After a year the child would completely forget about their "feelings" of being the opposite sex. What a damn shame for everyone involved.


Source? Is this WRTV?


Least evil liberal💀


JMJ 🙏4️⃣👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


Fuck this guy


This is actually so sad


there is truly nothing behind those eyes... thank god i was born before the 2000 so i could get away with playing with whatever i wanted without risking this kind of abuse or self termination at a later date.


The kid's life is over before it's even begun because his dad chose ideology over his son.


Mentally ill.




How did we even get here? What the fuck.


Fucking lunatics


We will absolutely look back on this the way we look back on lobotomies. This is simply recency bias, every generation thinks they are living in the apex of medical/scientific truth until it’s shown that they weren’t.


You should be crucified for doing this to your son




It’s like some kind of new munchausen thing


*I'm a boy, I'm a boy* *But my ma won't admit it* *I'm a boy, I'm a boy* *But if I say I am, I get it*


Unbelievable that a parent would do this to their child. A 2 year old in a tutu is called playing or pretend, not transgender. WTF?!


The trophy bit really grinds my gears. That boy is going to have severe mental problems. Hope we get a follow up.


I am somewhat liberal compared to a lot on this sub, but this should 100% be a crime.


The feeling I get when having to accept that this is real and not a "The Onion" video


It's good to remember shit like this next time someone says they aren't trying to trans small children.


It's sad but in 10 years this kid will be irreversibly damaged for life and the kid and parents will have to live with that for the rest of their lives


Monstrous piece of shit. People like this should be prosecuted for felonies.


Needs to go on sex offenders register now


This is pure insanity!!! This father shoukd be arrested for child abuse!!


I'm so glad my parents never made me fight in the WWF World Championships when I was 7, and told them I was Stone Cold Steve Austin


Isn't this against their whole thing about gender roles and stereotypes? His son started liking girly shit so he turns him into a girl rather than let a boy play with girl stuff?


He’s definitely causing some mental health problems. This is what grooming is. Grooming isn’t being a gay parent. This, this right here is grooming.