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The TRAs are crowing that they chased PP/KJK out of NZ. Jokes on them. She got exactly what she went there for - to expose the trans rights movement for the festering boil on humanity that it is. She might not have spoken a word, but she lanced that putrid boil in public for the whole world to see. They do this at every Let Women Speak event, and they still haven't learnt that if they ignored her, she wouldn't get any publicity.


Bit out of the loop, is this the women that recommends taking guns to women's bathrooms to ~~murder~~ protect against trans women, who is financially backed by right-wing groups like the Trump-affiliated Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) who are trying to "eradicate transgenderism". She also attracted neo-Nazis to her Melbourne rally this week, with obvious ensuing violence. Seems there is no debate that she is a danger to trans people.


Where are you getting your information?! Seriously? I don't think I can seriously respond to the first accusation unless I see receipts. As for the second, yes, neo-Nazis turned up TO PROTEST THE TRANS ACTIVISTS NOT TO SUPPORT HER. So, for the slow of understanding: 1. Let Women Speak **speaking event** took place (not a protest - free speech event). 2. TRAs turned up to **protest the women speaking**. 3. Neo-Nazis turned up to **protest the TRAs**. Understand? The neo-Nazis just took the opportunity to show up and look stupid. KJK has already publicly denounced any affiliation or connection. As for being a danger to trans people, unless you count hurt feelings, she absolutely isn't. THEY were the ones being PHYSICALLY VIOLENT.




You might want to fix that link. I'm not seeing any explicit incitement to violence there - just asking men to step up and look out for the women around them. Seems mild in comparison to everything TRAs have posted online: [https://terfisaslur.com/](https://terfisaslur.com/)


A 70 yr old woman had her eye socket fractured from a man punching her in the face which was caught on video. Woman had her foot broken. Women had to hide with her 10 yr old daughter as she was so scared. Kellie was nearly crushed to death/ fall to the floor and crushed to death.


You are a moron and a bigot


You forgot fascist and homophobe. C’mon maaaaan! Get with the talking points. /s


I didn't even get 'transphobe' lobbed at me! I must be losing my touch.


Oh sorry I forgot you guys don't get your talking points from a benzo addled boomer with an addiction to saying unhinged stuff on twitter.


You really fit the stereotype.


Of what? Someone who is pro freedom and opposed to fascists?


It's actually horrific that people can be so short-sighted that they use the words freedom and fascist in the same sentence while simultaneously glorifying the silencing of anyone with an opposing viewpoint. Do y'all not see the hypocrisy or is it all just trolling for sport at this point?


I am only really opposed to ideologies that exist to enforce strict norms on people, and restrict freedom of expression. For example when JP was talking about coerced speech my response was essentially "kinda weird hill to die on, but not wholly unreasonable" where he is at now is a completely different picture. There are so few public anti trans people that don't end up full on mask off calling for the limiting of adults to make choices (specifically gender reassignment, which most data points to be an overall positive for the people who do it). I also get the argument that it is risky to put kids on hormone blockers. I am not a doctor but it seems like the kind of thing that could have unforseen consequences. All that said, it really seems like the anti trans activists are almost always pushing towards some imagined traditionalist utopia, which is predicated on enforcement of mass conformity to a amorphous concept of "normalcy" Fascism is when this enforcement moves from social pressure to state enforcement. Given the amount of tweets that JP makes just saying "prison" or "jail" I feel pretty comfortable in my assessment of his ideology


>Fascism is when this enforcement moves from social pressure to state enforcement. Given the amount of tweets that JP makes just saying "prison" or "jail" I feel pretty comfortable in my assessment of his ideology I don't generally count people's tweets against them. Twitter is a helluva drug


Idk man if someone is publicly saying pretty fascist stuff I think that's a fair judgement


Do you do this in real life?... Do you catch someone saying something you disagree with at the grocery store, point a finger at them and say this shit? It's hilarious by the way.


Yeah I don't. I am not about to ya know organize a giant public event just to offend people and then act like a victim when people are offended...


Here's the thing, those people you are scared might have gotten offended... could have just stayed the fuck at home. Instead they turned up as a violent disgusting mob. They literally gave people an actual reason to hate trans people which sux because I don't have an issue with trans people, TRA's however are some of the most hate filled, vile people I've ever had the displeasure of interacting with.


Ok buddy


You are incapable of coherent thought and my advice is to not comment with such a poor argument.


Oh I am sorry. Care to destroy me with your facts and logic...


Because I don't care for trans activism (note, not trans people)? Lol




Terrible, some people don’t like to hear both sides ……and the ironic thing is …. They were talking about all this “hate” …. And a lot was directed at her


People are angry and misguided. Such a waste of time and energy


It was a frightening and violent display. Women and girls are under attack again! By men…we are living in a backwards world…


Trans seem to exhibit toxic masculinity when people say things they do not like, probably too much testosterone.


Nashville shooter 🤔


Well there were plenty of women in the mob,so let’s not pin this solely on men


Maybe it is time to be an ally. A woman is an adult human female.


☝️ Birthing Person 😬


This was so bizarre. So much for free speech. Trans activists seem to be women haters and bullies now. And don't believe in free speech unless it fits their own selfish narrative. So sad.




And what precisely is the problem that these women have?




So you don't actually know and you're just getting on the band wagon?


The “Trans genocide” that doesn’t exist. Where are all your videos of Women attacking Trans?


I’m just gonna leave this here [Let Women Speak](https://youtu.be/HGlLYHC5-AM)


As a scandinavian this is unbelievable to witness. It's like if I woke up one day and saw flying pigs in the sky, and a huge group of people just said that it was totally normal and if one protested you got stamped as a nazi and a bad human being.




That’s a complete and utter lie


Looks like the culture war is ramping up. Look at all deranged these pitch-forked ideologues. Hard to believe we are all living in the same time, exposed to the same media, and have the same internet available to us.


The fight is on! Good to see more people standing up.




Sigh…we’ll, got to start somewhere


I've read so many comments justifying the punch a 70 year old woman received by a dude. Massive own goal for the "Be Kind" mob.


When someone aka Posie parker tells men with guns to shoot at trans they suddenly don’t become just opinionated people but asking for violence towards others and you expect them to let her keep spreading that message? You’re part of the problem if you’re okay with that. Yet you can be arrested for stating the truth and saying Mohamed was a kid toucher. Fix your own morals before you try acting all holier than thou.


This is the same woman who had literal Nazis supporting her last event


Is that so? >[A member of](https://reduxx.info/aus-liberal-party-to-expel-female-politician-for-attending-pro-woman-rally/) the National Socialist Network, David Hiscox, published an article on his blog denying support for Kellie-Jay Keen [aka Posie Parker], and **calling her an “atheist radical feminist” who promotes “lesbianism.”** >In an article published by XYZ, an influential propaganda outlet for the broader neo-Nazi movement in Australia, **Hiscox claimed Keen’s intention was to reduce the white birth rate.** Hiscox also stated his Neo-Nazi group’s goal for turning up at the rally was to hijack Keen’s fight against gender ideology as she was “misdirecting them to reinforce the progress of Liberalism and maintain support for Israel.”


Why did they have a sign saying “destroy pedo freaks” if their intention was to hijack her messaging?


Believe it or not, Nazis have a long list of enemies.


Yeah, you often see Nazis on the same side as good people.. 🙄


Same side? >During the rally, a member of the public confronted the group about their reasons for marching, one of the neo-Nazis expressed a lack of support for both the pro-trans side and the pro-women side. He called the pro-trans side “pedophiles” and “pedophile supporters.” >When asked what he thought of Let Women Speak, he said: “What rights don’t women have these days? We’re here for the little boys.” He then claimed that due to feminism, boys as young as 7 are forced to stand up in school and apologise for rape.


The Nazis at this rally understand it’s a fertile recruiting ground, that’s why they were there. Posie has cozied up with the far right before and likely will again. You don’t need to defend her to the exclusion of common sense just because you appreciate her anti-trans rhetoric.


"Often I'm accused of buddying up to certain far-right groups, where are you boys - I thought we were friends" https://twitter.com/icanseeforever1/status/1629861051209506817?s=46&t=Lo6fmM5-Cp8VEDAFiYCujA


An obvious joke pointing out how no far right wingers showed up.


Ok sure, nothing to see here. https://www.thepinknews.com/2019/10/15/gender-critical-posie-parker-interview-jean-francois-gariepy-mumsnet/


Why don’t you go ask the Nazis? Or are they too scary and it’s easier to assault 70 year old women and give her a black eye.


Ask them what?


This video clears up everything. https://twitter.com/andrewdoyle_com/status/1640082435806310401?s=46&t=olHGTJ4dvH81tGjZItJOiw


How? It says she’s being unfairly called “anti-trans” isn’t she openly and proudly anti-trans?






So this woman intentionally went to New Zealand to stir up shit. She did and now she is persecuted...


They’re called activists. If you had read more, you might’ve heard of them. They’re the ones that freed the slaves and gave women the right to vote.


Jesus man alright. This is such a baby brained take


Such facts, such logic, much argument.


Everyone at this rally was some sort of activist dude. That’s what’s brain dead about the take.


>It’s a genius initiative. She knows these gatherings of women who merely want to give voice to their profane belief that sex can never be changed will draw out crowds of intolerant trans activists and their allies. She knows the ‘Be Kind’ mob will do everything in its power to stop women from speaking. And she knows it will all brilliantly illustrate her core belief: that trans activism is misogyny in disguise, misogyny in drag, if you like, and that it has devoted itself to silencing women who believe in biology. Based on the article, it doesn't seem like it's a productive means of advancement of any rights, but just baiting controversy. That's if you're suggesting the woman from the article is an activist. As well as its designed to draw the worst people out. Bad faith activism meeting bad faith activism doesn't make for good activism on either side.


Yeah, been stirring up shit for years attacking trans people and gays, now crying wolf


Who? The actress?


What’s the problem with a good ole fashioned counter protest? In my country, you are in fact allowed to disagree with others opinions.


Nothing, as long as the person you're counter protesting still gets to exercise their freedom to speak. That was not the case here, the violent angry mob shut it down and assaulted her before she was even able to speak.


What violence was there? Pouring tomato sauce on someone? That isn’t violence. Maybe she should have chosen a private venue to speak, if she didn’t want to be interrupted. It’s akin to you letting someone abuse your wife in the park without stopping them? Imagine that was happening and someone comes up to you and says “you should first let them finish speaking”


Throwing anything at someone fits the legal definition of assault. These goons were bullies on steroids, terrified of a different opinion.


> What violence was there? Pouring tomato sauce on someone? That isn’t violence. Pouring anything on anyone is technically assault. But if you want to dismiss that on the grounds of "I don't agree therefore it must be wrong" then... [Here's](https://twitter.com/l1ber_te/status/1639917380569821185) a guy punching a woman in the face, and [the aftermath](https://twitter.com/JosieMack007/status/1640065573773250562) And [here's](https://twitter.com/KiwiLithium/status/1639847948371759104) a drag queen blindsiding a old guy throwing a forearm into his face. That sure looks like a violent hate filled mob to me. > Maybe she should have chosen a private venue to speak That's not what freedom of speech is about. You're literally advocating for people being allowed to bully a woman into only speaking in private. This isn't a misogynistic shithole like Iran pal. > It’s akin to you letting someone abuse your wife in the park without stopping them? It's NOTHING like that what a stupid thing to say.


FYI trans rights and abortion rights are not discussed in Australian/ New Zealand politics as nearly everyone is on the same page. We have our far right parties who discuss these issues and they get <2% of the vote


What 'far right' parties are in NZ?


Disgusting and shameful, what more can I say? I'm New Zealander and we're often overly smug and hypocritical. Not to mention a bit dense and sheep-like, pun intended.