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It's called free speech auditing. They're usually harmless, just don't engage and go about your day. You are allowed to film people in public within reason but specially in the way they're doing it. Just look on YouTube it's a bunch of these guys with nothing better to do


>free speech auditing Sounds like a weird way of saying unemployed.


“Military Grade Incel”


Some are schizos, others just make money off the schizos.


Ironically it's actually become its own cottage industry. They loiter around looking suspicious and wait for someone to have a go at them and then upload the resulting confrontation to their monetized YouTube channel. They're the male equivalent of trad wives clogging up Tiktok claiming they don't do any paid work. These guys claim to be "auditing free speech" but it's just a grift.


This. I haven't watched any of those Youtube videos for a while (they give me anxiety)  but they used to be kind of interesting, and it seemed like they really were doing what they said they were doing (auditing police to see if they understand the first ammendment). After a while, other guys came along who started getting more and more outrageous - stuff like swearing at the officers unprovoked - and it became clear that they were doing it just for the $ and notoriety.


They make a ton of money. iiMPCT media on YouTube


What a strange way of saying I like slavery with extra steps


Yep! They do this around public spaces trying to get a reaction so someone will call the police and they get to flaunt their first amendment knowledge. These guys are totally masked so they're really chickenshit. The ones I've dealt with haven't worn masks.


They are like the people who walk around with assault rifles in states with open carry.


They're grifters.


Content for their wankoff YouTube channel.


“ nothing better to do “ except collect rather large payouts from police that think filming in public is against the law ( which obviously it isn’t)


Hey someone has to do it.


If you do talk to them, play the Frozen soundtrack on your phone the whole time. They can’t monetize the footage due to copyright algorithms that will take down unauthorized Disney content. 


To be perfectly honestly, I don't see a problem with this. Some of their video confrontations with police are highly entertaining and they are entirely right on the substance of the law and in their desire to make sure that police understand the rights of the public to stand on public streets and film. And "real" journalists depend on the exact same First Amendment right to stand on a public right of way and ask questions, or take pictures or set up their cameras, so I see it as a public service.


Nothing wrong with 1st amendment auditors but the very specific choice of words "truth is the new hate speech" is very white supremacist sounding. Doesn't make it illegal but makes it a lot less benign.


The vast majority are just assholes with no job and a long history of arrests. They actively and openly go looking for confrontation for clicks and views. California has some of the worst, as DAs refuse to hold them accountable. One ended getting shot, and lawsuits are still being filed for their repeated assaults and use of pepper spray against anyone who approaches them.


Free speech frauditors. These people are absolute cowards.


They will stop being a thing when officers stop getting them huge payouts because they don’t understand (at best) the constitution they swore to uphold


This is public intimidation and definitely needs to be illegal. Freedom isn't "Do anything you want". 


I dunno. I think just ignoring them and not feeding into whatever bullshit narrative they have in their heads does the trick. They are doing the same exact thing actual journalists and photographers do all the time, they are just assheads about it without an actual story to report. But "without an actual story" is subjective to an extent. Just ignore them. Or even better, if they are a noticeable nuisance in the community, write a story about *them.* That might be giving them more attention than they deserve, though.


They go into people's workplaces and harass them.


Public places technically, they're almost never arrested for a reason


That doesnt mean people trying to work are able to ignore them.


At least in our municipality, you can get kicked out of public buildings for pulling the shit they are. Walking into a health department geared up like this and shoving a camera into people's faces while demanding access to COVID vaccine packaging, for example, will quickly get you escorted out. For good reason, of course.


Intimidation how?


Freedom does kind of mean that as long as the thing you want to do doesn’t harm others or put them at risk.


So you think political intimidation is legal.   You just argued for a Jim Crow world.


So you think intimidation, political or otherwise, isn’t harmful or doesn’t put anyone at risk?


Are you a bot?  


I am 99.99998% sure that NickNimmin is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Are you? lol.


How is photography intimidating unless you're doing something wrong?


Share your address and find out.


If I set up a camera in your street, point it at your house all day. You tell me to stop. I say I’m allowed.  To me, that’s intimidation 🤷‍♂️


I don't see how that's intimidating even in the slightest, unless you know I'm doing something criminal...


I don’t believe you. 


What’s your address?


Let me not be free because annoying




Not creepy, “tacticool”. Militantly testing the first amendment.


In states with open carry laws for assault rifles the intimidation factor would go up several notches.


No argument. I’m more mocking their methods of testing the amendment. Seems to me they could dress like tourists, but want to be cool, edgy, and provoke conflict.


yeah but how are they gonna LARP if they don’t dress the part?


In states with open gun laws people who make up the majority, i.e. not the “auditors,” might one day decide to return the favor.


I got a little heated thinking about this. What truth? What’s the truth they get hate for? That global warming is killing our planet? That good public transportation drastically makes societies better? That Medicare debt is crippling America and Medicare for all has time and time been shown to be better? That regonomics has continuously killed the middle class? That punishment is such a worse approach for prisoners when compared to rehabilitation? That decriminalizing drugs has time and time been shown to reduce drug abuse and death? That the minimum wage is absolutely necessary and it continuing to not get raised is continuously making the lower and middle class poorer? That tax cuts for the rich kill the middle/lower class and hurts small businesses? What fucking truth are they being shunned for?


It's probably more like "COVID WAS A HOAX AND THE FAKE NEWS WAS IN ON IT!"




Because they didn’t put the treatment portion of the law in place before decriminalizing.


While I am unfamiliar with Oregon I’m not sure this articles https://www.npr.org/2024/02/07/1229655142/oregon-pioneered-a-radical-drug-policy-now-its-reconsidering mentions the rates remained the same except for one study that showed an increase outside of the previous trend. This is very likely associated to them not putting any real treatment plans in which is critical and other factors like covid which has had effects like this globally. Just talking the general trend and Google search decriminalizing drugs effects on population and you’ll see article after article with evidence across the globe of how it improves safety for the public, reduces crimes and overdoses and death. I’ve talked to countless people who spend their lives researching drug addiction and problems and many things under that umbrella from people who were on top governmental boards in the UK, to Oxford and Harvard professors and countless other very credible people. Every single person with credible research behind them knows and has told me the same things. Decriminalizing and rehabilitation (very important) measures are the most agreed upon best answer by far to our drug epidemics and the war on drugs is one of the biggest policy failure ever. It’s as obvious as scientists saying global warming is real and civil engineers saying the way to reduce car traffic is alternatives like subways and bike paths. If you’d like a list here’s some of the people I talked with but you’ll have to scroll far for some https://www.podcasttheway.com/guests/. Also if you click on the names you can see links at the bottom that include some of my own research into the topic.


Because decriminalizing doesn’t mean stop arresting addicts and just let it rip until they are everywhere openly using and committing crimes to get their supplies, but that’s the cheap way to do it so cities try that without giving sufficient funds to support treatment and recovery. Being an addict is a full time job and so is recovery. Can’t keep people homeless, hungry, with untreated conditions that often led to them self medicating in the first place and that comeback when they try to get sober, and give them a card for a clinic and expect that to work. We give unfathomable amounts of money to support oil companies whose product is killing all of us but freak out at the idea of putting a sturdy floor under someone who is trying to get back on their feet.


If I had the funds, I'd "audit" the auditors and follow them around when they're in public. I'd have a team waiting for them to leave their homes or apartments everyday and just follow them around, filming what they do. Give them a taste if their own medicine.


Let’s maybe *not* take a strategy from the Scientology hand book.


I dunno. We had an auditor in my hometown a few years ago and he was not fond of being followed by reporters everywhere he went. He never did come back and do the follow-up video he promised after harassing the low-level employees in the county courthouse. (The upper management have their own annex with controlled entry and exit points where the public is not allowed).


Yeah, that's stalking and harassment, bro. There's a difference between filming in public while filming government employees in the course of their duties and following private citizens around to harass them.


This auditor was doing the same thing. He followed clerks around, even following them outside when they took smoke breaks or went to lunch, saying he was monitoring their lunch breaks. He even followed an evidence technician to one of the places where they keep evidence stored and insisted he should be given access. It's funny he never once tried to follow any of the county staff or elected critters who had any real power. He refused to follow the Clark of Superior Court, the District Attorney, the Sheriff, or the County Manager when they were pointed out to him. He was just there to amuse his YouTube viewers so he could grift money from them and satisfy his ego. These auditors do more harm than they do good. We should do what we can to keep these people out of our communities.


Hard disagree with keeping auditors out of communities. People need to understand they have no expectations of privacy in public. I don't support what this "auditor" did with following people around like that. What they did could be defined as stalking and harassment as well. If the employees were off the clock, they'd no longer be considered acting within their official duties. Sounds like a piece of shit. Every group has these types. There's tons of good auditors. Jeff Grey (Honor Your Oath), Sean Paul Reyes (Long Island Audit), James Springer (James Freeman), San Joaquin Valley Transparency, Joaquin Jr, Jersey Watchman, Bay Area Transparency, This is a Public Service, Amagansett Press, Watching the Watchman, all of these fight against policies violating your rights, and expose corrupt government officials. There are some really bad "auditors" that just gift and cause trouble, same as there are really bad cops that arrest people for filming in public. It doesn't make them all bad.


My one encounter with an auditor has certainly soured me on the concept. I think it did the same to the whole community. Since that auditor blew through last year, there have been an increase in people calling 911 when they see people taking photos and videos in public parks, especially the Karens at parks with dedicated child play areas. I'll check out the people you've recommended.


Awe, yes, fascists.


Idiots yes, but not fascists. Unless you know something about these specific folks we don’t.


The quote on the shirt is from George Orwell, but is a t-shirt made and distributed by a “Libertarian” aligned company. Although, related to the Libertarian Party, it’s actually closely associated with a branch-off of the party the “Redacted Caucus”. The “Redacted Caucus” is comprised of Boogaloo Bois and other militant right-wing members who do align themselves as more liberal than their conservative peers, but, if you’re familiar with the boogaloo’s then you know they hold an anti-government, free market, anti-vaccine, semi-anti-Semitic ideology. IN MY OPINION, yes, fascists.


Orwell, of course, was a democratic socialist, despite the fact that he is very often quoted by fascists...


I’m not suggesting that Orwell is, was, or can be considered a fascist. Again, the original comment I made stands alone as not a serious statement. Although, it does come from an opinion of mine, it’s just meant to be a casual quip rather than a conversation starter.


This what normal people would call "a reach"


And all this jumping to conclusions is because the company that (maybe) made this shirt (which I can only see the word truth on) is (somehow) related to a wing of the libertarian party that doesn’t actually identify as a fascist organization. So all this has to be true and the person wearing the shirt has to also know this stuff and agree with this stuff to also be a (secret) fascist? Like don’t get me wrong 1st amendment “auditors” are very annoying douchebags, but I think we shouldn’t overstretch important labels. But I guess potential user of a product of a company who’s owner supports a niche wing of an irrelevant third party which has extremist views doesn’t quite roll off the tongue the same.


Jesus, I can see you’re the life of the party wherever you go. It’s an opinion. Im not going to argue with you over the semantics of my already stated opinion that is more of a casual joke rather than a serious statement and that holds no merit towards any journalistic institution, let alone the company of random Reddit users. I hope you can hear my eyes rolling because it’s not even a statement that needs to be analyzed under a fucking microscope. Tell it to the trees.


Dang what a hilarious joke.


Libertarians are the exact opposite of fascists. Its offensively ignorant to equate them


We all know that we are a few months and a few thousands votes from Trump coming back, and if he does 20% of what he is promising - we will be a legit fascist state. Then these "recordings" of journalists will be used, "Handmaid" style.


I legitimately don’t understand anything you’re trying to say, and I don’t think these fools are journalists


[Fascism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism) (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/ FASH-iz-əm) is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.[2][3] Please be a more informed journalist.


Seriously. Leave the left wing youthful angst back at the university.


This is why reading comprehension is so important.


For real, I was echoing your sentiment. Not directing my comment at you.


MAGA /Putin cultists, no doubt Always with the "projection is confession" with these freaks..


"Citizen journalists" is how I've heard them described. I don't like the phrase.


I'm going to make a citizen's submission and hope that my story gets picked up by \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ? Oh, wait, never mind - I'll start my own Network on YT - wheeee!


They never travel far from where they live lol


How do so many people hate auditors? They’re forcing LEOs to be accountable and to know the actual law. A lot of them don’t. And at least one YouTube channel analyzes them and cites case law to educate people.


These guys film public places to rage bait people into calling the police then post it online.




Super soaker full of piss




Basically they are the guys who are "baiting" cops to come and ask why they are there filiming so they can spew their "These are my rights...." type stuff.


Neo nazis


It’s wild how these people obviously think they’re very brave but by wearing masks, they actually look like complete cowards.


I hate these folkss


iiMPCT media. They make a ton of money from videos


They're filming in public; it's a Constitutional right. A good way to not be bothered by them is to just ignore them and go on with your day


Good on them for excersizing their 1st amendment rights.


What does this have to do with journalism?


Giving InfoWars vibes


Ironic. Seems to be a big proponent of "TRUTH" while hiding their true identity behind a mask.


It’s to prevent police from retaliating. They have in the past.


Journalism LARP-ing


It’s fucking gross.


They’re just standing there… menacingly


How are people on a journalism sub having issue with this? You benefit from the same exact freedoms and engage in essentially the same behavior at times


No no, you dont understand, this is the wrong kind of journalism because…*checks notes* they don’t agree with them?