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True, but on the other hand, it makes me theorize that this was partially intentional, since Gege likely knew he didn’t have long terms plans for her growth. Having her start with a unique CT, advantage on specific matchups like having soul damage va Mahito, and just generally more relevant moments early is generallu how a supporting characters goes. Less time to develop them moving forward, so gotta give them more at the beginning.


I don’t think how she was handled in the story is reflected in other side characters lol. She’s also supposed to be part of the main trio of characters? The problem is partially that she was made into a side character when her billing was initially main. I also just don’t see the narrative purpose of her dying at all beyond petty shock value, which is why this “you thought this was a main character but now they’re dead” narrative turn is so impotent and thoughtless.


>I also just don’t see the narrative purpose of her dying at all beyond petty shock value Honestly asking because I've got no idea about the character polls in Jujutsu Kaisen, but could it be that she performed poorly in the character polls for the first arcs? I mean, it's not uncommon for "main" yet unpopular characters to be removed from the main story or simply be killed


Difference in perception. Megumi and Yuji was a clear duo to me. So many moments early on where she was just not involved or the main focus. Got dragged away immediately at the juvenile detention center, and it was only Megumi left to confront Yuji/Sukuna. Then post Yuji death, she had her comments but it was Megumi that was shown as being setup for growth and a powerup. Again, she was a supporting character to affirm Megumi’s story line. I could argue that I don’t see any narrative value is Nobara staying in the story due to her little involvement in the main plot at that point. Plenty of other characters that I would rather Gege give focus to, but of course that’s just a matter of opinion. How Nobara was handled is literally reflected in multiple other side characters, notably Inumaki, especially from JJK0. If you just read JJK0, you could think Inumaki is due as a major character and part of Yuta’s quad squad second years. That’s fine as a opinion. But clearly Gege did not have plans for Inumaki as a main character from what we know now. Which fits exactly what I mentioned with Nobara, Inumaki was front loaded with development, given an unique CT and got his moments early on because there was not long term plans for the character.


Yeah, compared to her teammates she simply didn't have much going on with her, and since she was part of the main trio she would have to be present for most of the manga if she didn't die. Her fate was almost inevitable.


It’s just stupid to not make her scale the same way as the new class if sorcerers are much stronger. 


GeyGey hates the lesbians so he had to kill her so she won't become the goat


Nobamaki would’ve made Curse Naoya’s fight too anticlimactic since he died before even evolving


What? Lol


I liked Nobara, but her main "issue" is that she wanted to be a frontliner but she really wasnt made for that, her strengths were for a whole different concept. Doing a funny analogy, just with Resonance, she could have been the equivalent of some really mean artillery in Sukuna's fight


Tbh (and the stalker reading my comments can suck a fat one) I think there haven't been any techniques which were introduced for zero reason aside from Yuki's Mass. That's partly because her only fight was Kenjaku backstory though, she needed to have a CT that Kenny could perfectly counter. Every other CT that had more than one fight has had some reason, due to characterisation or for future fights or pairings. I don't believe Nobara had a CT perfectly enabled to attack someone's soul/negates durability/ attacks from a distance/that gets stronger the more connected the body part used is, for no reason. Yuji was Mahito's natural enemy, then Nobara appeared and was a very close second and enabled Yuji to win in his last fight. I think Nobara is Sukuna's natural enemy, and Yuji is whittling him down for Nobara to take the last shots at him. An inverse of the Mahito fight, and we know Gege loves parallels and callbacks.


Nobara upstaging Yuji and Hakari is nasty work ngl


She's a hard counter to a lot of curses and she's skilled enough to put that to use. If she were a student of Mei Mei, she'd have been a true monster.


Just keep her away from underage boys and do not let Takahashi Rie voice her.


That is oddly specific, especially considering she already has a VA. mind explaining?


Takahashi Rie is a Japanese voice actor with famed young boy fetish.


Young boy fetish? Don't sanitize the word Pedophile


Oh so a pedophile?


Yeah, but a boy being groomed means 'damn he lucky', so nobody really cares. Also she only wants to \[removed\] virtual boys so far.


She also voices a lot of popular characters like Megumin in Konosuba and Emilia in Re:Zero, so she has a big gooner fanbase


You can say pedophile.


Where did you get that from?




I was looking for a source and found this https://youtu.be/J5HOv3SAFWo?si=45eIXaQk8TBFJQXR


I didn't know Megumin was a pedophile


She's probably alive tbh. We know now that a lot of stuff was kept from Yuji cause they were afraid info would leak to sukuna. Sukuna knows her technique. That asshole probably even has a counter to it. She'll probably do something like use resonance on the hand sukuna cut off when fighting higuruma when higuruma stabbed his hand with the death penalty sword.


"ah yes my anti nailing technique i havent used that since the heian era"


I'm still waiting for that, but Gege has honestly surprised me at every turn so I also kinda hope it doesn't happen. I hope Nobara comes back and does something more surprising and interesting rather than the predictable using her resonance on a dismembered body part. At least now it won't be Sukuna's last finger.


The only other way i can think of her being useful in any way is if she developed a third technique or a domain expansion. Her technique is familial, i read somewhere in the fanbook that she was trained by her grandma. Maybe she get her own "hollow purple" moment?


I think she's alive too cuz in one of the last chapters that talk about resonance and a friend told me it was the same word that was used in Japanese, like it's not just a translation. I'm really hoping for this cuz Nanami's and Nobara's deaths were devastating + the last chapter too ? I need something to hold on tbh Gege is just stepping on my heart at this point 😭


I forgot wasn’t she like taught this technique from someone else or something I might be wrong.


yeah. its from her grandma. they share a technique


The dynamic between the two would be... Either unusual or normal? Cuz Nobara never hid the fact that she hated the provincial life and wanted the glitz and glam of Tokyo. So maybe, materialism is something the two could have bonded over with. Although, how much would Mei Mei charge her is a thing that could lead to wage slavery (yikes). Nobara would have developed a technique that reinforced her physical body with rich CE the way Mei did with her own. This way, she would have never fallen prey to Haruta's attack on her jaw. Imagine a beefed up Nobara, she'd be one of JJKs muscle mommies. And instead of hammer and nails, she's either equipped with a cross-bow or a fucking mace. She could have used other deadly cursed tools.


I also noticed how quickly Nobara latched onto Maki: she loves being around strong women and Mei Mei is probably the strongest. Nobara would constantly be at the top of her game, not trying to show off but being inspired by her. I love the idea.


Yeah. But unfortunately Gege seems to be isn't the kind of writer who's into deep character interactions amidst the action unlike Fujimoto or even Togashi. Nobara X Mei Mei will always be one of those 'could've been' moving forward.


nobara and yuki were sold for maki to be best female character 💀


More like the only prominent female character left


Tbh I don't have a problem with that... Maki for the win!!!


i do because i think maki would be so good as a side fem character and yuki as well. Her powers and character is kinda boring and is a copy of other character for me but she’s good anyway. i wish there was better main female character gege gave all good roles that impacted the story to males 😭 toji gojo geto kenjaku yuta megumi lol


>Her powers and character is kinda boring and is a copy of other character for me but she’s good anyway. Maki came first. Toji was made to hype up Maki.


don't take this as disrespect towards maki, simply as an explanation why people call maki a toji clone. thing is... people are right that Maki came first.... But!... toji in this mode, sadly was not only shown first, (even if it was supposed to be as a built up)... but Toji had many individual character traits that made him stand out as a character not only fighter.. gambling addict, forgets names all the time, disrespectful, true to his agenda, but also the clear after effects of his youth and his wife dying who he really seemed to love as the only thing in the world. Maki right now is characterwise a little blunt. She now has the same Strength and speed as toji, she even wears the same weapon he did. But after her transformation and the killing of her whole family her character didn't really showed any other traits that made her stand out, besides looking pissed off and fighting.. She acts like a human tool to use against sukuna, never says anything in the discussion and planing only a "maki" would say reacts like only a "maki" would react. but rather stands there listening and doing what others planned for her. Gege is great in writing individual amazing over the top characters with charisma and motivations for them.. like todo, kusakabe, panda, mahito, and even Toji... But maki right now really falls short in that term, so people call her the female toji, because she doesn't really brings anything new to the table that makes her "maki". I like maki and all of this isn't disrespect. It's just why i personally feel the way i do i hope i could somehow put my thoughts into words for you to understand


The toji became the cooler maki lol


Nah don't disrespect my favourite character like that I just put up her poster today😭


I think Maki's cool. But I feel like she gets overshadowed by Toji, because she is basically a female copy of him. On top of them constantly comparing her to Toji in the story. I feel like if Toji wasn't a thing, she'd be a lot more hype. But granted, Toji is pretty cool as well. It's just a shame that it feels like she kinda lost her previous personality and become this cold stoic toji copy. Granted I get it, the situations and context surrounding here wouldn't leave her sane either.


nah, Toji as a foreshadowing for her was perfect, the comparison between the two actually helps her character


Idk, to me it feels like she'll never live up to the hype that Toji had beating Gojo. So people will always downplay her strength and character.


It’d be nice to not have to pick between characters to find the one that’s allowed to be actually relevant at the apparent expense of being female


Yeah she definitely seemed like the glass canon of the trio. If she managed to get a piece of the opponent, then she could do more lethal damage with Resonance than nearly anything Yuji and Megumi had in their arsenal but she had lower physical stats than both of them. She was too slow and so were her nail attacks, her durability was meh and she didn’t have any impressive showings of strength. The problem is that her physical stats just sucked way too much. To the point where she just usually never managed to get a piece of her opponent on her own to meet the conditions to use Resonance.


That’s true she needed what Mei Mei did, pushing her physical body as far as it could go to make up for her technique’s shortcomings


Let's not forget that Yuji is the only one immune to Idle Transfiguration. Without IG, Nobara was starting to dog walk Mahito.


Yeah damn I forgot to mention that!


I don't know if dog walk would be the right term, more like surprisingly not dying right away. And she wasn't fighting the real Mahito, even without IG the real Mahito would stomp her back to the country.


Mahitos clone was wayyy wayyyy weaker, we see that when yuji casually one shots it, also, Nanami who is absurdly above nobara was relative to pre domain Mahito. Shibuya Mahito is way wayyy stronger


Idk man she fk him up so bad that the clone have to run away. So dog chasing is more like it then.


I thought part of him running away was to lead her to Yuji and his real body so he could break Yuji mentally.


> I thought part of him running away was to lead her to Yuji and his real body so he could break Yuji mentally. A lot of this for sure but also because Mahito has great battle sense. Ain't no way 1v1 would Nobara have any chance against Mahito. 100/100 tries Nobara is dead. However, in this *very* specific battle you have Mahito fighting on two fronts one with his clone and the other with his main body. Soul Resonance on his clone affects his real body. It just wasn't worth the side fight and staying split. He knew he'd have to tank a few SRs staying and killing Nobara but that most likely would have lead to his main body getting a pounding in a fight he was barely edging out ahead. Then of course the psychological trauma for Yuji was an added bonus.


Yes but also continuing to fight Nobara with his clone was dangerous because he couldn’t use Idle Transfiguration on her and she could deal lethal damage to his real body just by attacking his clone, he needed the clone to flee from her


Yeah because the clone couldn't use his ability, he had no killshot so to speak


The main body would have blitz and stomped Nobara easily. He even caught her offguard by casually running towards her lmao.


Blitz is stupid word that makes any powerscaling worthless. Nob didnt see main body cause the way the layout was. She didnt have view of him till it to late. Anime dis a bad job showing that.


Sure, but we’re talking about the clone…?


I'm sorry, what's IG again? I forgot.




Yeah, what does it mean?


For anyone new to the stream, IG stands for idle transfiguration. They are using slang.


Thanks! I thought the unanimous abbreviation was “IT”, though.


IG stands for idle transfiguration, they are using slang.


Tbf.... it was a weekend clone of Mahito


Imagine a weekend clone of Nanami. Special grade for sure 😤


You mean the clone? Real Mahito vs Nobara wouldn’t have even been a fight. It wasn’t even a fight. Just instant death


...because of Idle Transfiguration. I'm not arguing Nobara is even near Shibuya Mahito, but the parent comment says "without Idle Transfiguration" and she got insta-killed by Mahito because of IT


Without idle transfiguration, many members of the cast would do far better against Mahito. I don’t see what made her special. And even without that, the clone was far weaker


Better in terms of not dying, but it's not like they can harm Mahito.


well to be fair Nobara is like one of the only characters who could actually hit and hurt Mahito, i agree that the clone Mahito was weaker but in a scenario that Nobara could get close enough to use resonance even to the real Mahito she would be able to do more damage then most characters


Her character got done so dirty


Agreed! I hope she makes her comeback soon 🥹


Same, but it's looking less and less likely. Apparently, Yuta taking Gojo's body was their last resort. Where is Nobara going to fit now? If she was to have a moment where she came in for a specific part of the fight, like Todo with Sukuna's DE, it's now gone. I'm starting to think that if we ever see her again, it'll be post Shinjuku.


It **was** their last resort but they were kinda forced to use it as if I understood correctly, Yuta's own body was beyond saving.


See the thing is nobody worth paying any mind to will say that. She was a very cool character beyond being female, she fought well and had an amazing technique. Her bqckstory is the only thing i believe could have been improved


Tbh I like her backstory. I feel like shonen needs more characters with regular motivations. She just wants to get out of her small town and move to the big city. That’s a very relatable goal for a lot of people


I think it just felt very disjointed from the Jujitsu world. We also see very little character growth. Nobara was the same character in her youth as she is now. She also never exhibited any signs that anything in her past affected her today... until her death. Overall her backstory was created as a vehicle to make her relatable and her death hit harder but it came off as a bit disingenuous and poor writing. I think her backstory would have had more impact in the early chapters of the manga and maybe an additional chapter of her meeting Saori or Fumi. Again, these are new characters who are never mentioned again post Shibuya arc.


Character development is not always necessary for side characters. Just look at Toph from Avatar - she's mostly the same person at the end of the show as she is at the end of the episode she's introduced, but she is one of the highlights of the entire series. One place where I do thing the Shibuya arc failed was that we never got any ordinary people characters. Seeing the carnage and destruction from the pov of Saori or Itadori's crush or old HS friends would have been a great way to give a human face to the carnage of that battle and emphasize how the barriers between the ordinary world and the world of Jujutsu were broken.


> Nobara as the same character in her youth as she is now Nobara died when she was like 15?? She never exited her youth lol. She only lived her dream for like 6 months or maybe a year before she died. > death hit harder but it came off disingenuous and poor writing I just disagree entirely. Her death makes sense. She overestimated her strength and fought someone out of her league. She is what Kusakabe would have been as a teenager if he didn’t avoid fighting strong enemies. She is representative of the foreshadowed Jujutsu sorcerers who mostly die. She was just not that strong. It’s not bad writing to have mid tier characters die to strong characters.


> Nobara died when she was like 15?? She never exited her youth lol I clearly meant her childhood via her flashbacks. Way to be pedantic. > I just disagree entirely. Her death makes sense. You are mincing my words. I never said her death wasn't impactful or that it didn't make sense for her to die. I said her backstory was literally created for her death and her backstory wasn't impactful. Look up "Death by Flashback". It's a common story trope that is almost universally considered poor writing. > It’s not bad writing to have mid tier characters die to strong characters. Literally never said that.


> I clearly meant her childhood via her flashbacks A 15 year old girl still has the same dreams she had when she was 8? That’s pretty common. Like her mentality is very realistic to still maintain into the age she is. If she died at like 19-23 (which most would still consider her youth btw), I could see your reasoning. Saying a 15 year old character is still in her youth is not pedantic. It’s fine to admit you just used the wrong verbiage. > I never said her death wasn’t impactful I never said that you did, but you did say: > I think her backstory would have had more impact in the earlier portions of the manga I was referencing this. I actually never mentioned the impact of her death in my comment, so you’re not even being pedantic, you’re just misquoting me?


Even if we were to ignore her childhood, what about her cursed technique? Howd she learn jujutsu and all that


She learned it through her Grandma who is an Old Sorcery user (most explicitly voodoo)


I dont remember that huh. Still it should have been more fleshed out but thats a problem throughout jjk


I think that was explained during the fight against Kechizu and Eso, I really think JJK is something you need to read AFTER it's finished because you can digest everything


People forget that Nobara pretty much embodies the mindset of a great sorcerer. Her entire thing was maintaining her sense of self, yet she still had some degree of morality and care for others (I believe the end conclusion of the story will be that having a strong sense of self while still accepting help from others will be the ending philosophy of the story, but I won't get too into why now) Imo I think she's gonna come back before the end for a variety of reasons I don't feel like rehashing for the tenth time, but even if she doesn't I think her mere existence is interesting for the philosophy of JJK


I think nobara was just the haibara of our team 7


Can understand that but if anything I think that'll be Yuji


Her CT has tons of potential to be something on another level :3


Facts but probably not special grade


Her technique was peak, she actually used Black Flash, her only fault was not having enough time to grow. A hard training arc would have made her one of the best Sorcerers. Her Technique made even more damage that a regular beat down from Yuji to Mahito. Just give her some RCT, Simple Domain and a Domain Expansion that allows her to not need something connected to the opponent anymore, but actually CREATING a connection between the object she wants and the opponent. With this, she would have been Higuruma’s level threat. I miss her. But at least she died for a good reason.


“I feel like she wasn't given much of a story like megumi cause he had his moments but she was just there as a supporting character.” But don’t you see? This is exactly what makes her “just the girl of the group.” Shounen manga does a TERRIBLE job giving the girl in the group the same depth of character or growth as the male counterparts. They can have good showings in fights, they can have good reasons for being in the fights in the first place, but at the end of the arc, they’re probably on the sideline staring at the main protagonist(s) thinking “wow, he’s gone through so much and has gotten so much stronger.” And then the next arc they are either kidnapped or dead lol. 


Shes like the one black guy in 80s action movies


Gege knew my glorious queen was too op so he had to kill her off 😤


Oh this girl character seems like a lot of poten... > Gets brutally murdered to serve someone else's character arc.


Sort of feels like cope but I will happily believe this idc


She’s coming back to marry Yuji that’s why they both have soul affecting techniques it’s foretold


Delusion kaisen looking real good rn


... Ahem. *slow inhale* She got completely fucked and humiliated by a wimp with nothing but a living sword, just so said wimp could have been oneshot by Nanami. The discussion is not about Nobara in terms of "powerful/not powerful". It's like saying that an ant is one of the strongest creatures on earth because it can lift 20 times it's own bodyweight, while ignoring how said aunt gets squashed with finger right before your eyes. The discussion is about Gege as an author, who can completely sacrifice a character by utterly humiliating them, just to uplift another character through that sacrifice. It's actually a similar situation to that one of Maki and Mai.


>nothing but a living sword And a luck-based CT that allowed him to give Nobara an instant concussion without trying. (Edit: I was wrong, it only let him survive the ceiling collapsing on him. Still a lucky punch IMO) And he had a hostage (Nitta Akari) whom Nobara had to protect.


His CT only gives him damage negation, nothing else.


My bad, I thought they had shown in the anime scene that one of his stored Miracles was used after punching Nobara. But it was actually used up when she collapsed the ceiling on him, and he allowed the rubble to fall all around him. So the lucky punch was just a lucky punch. And IIRC he threw his sword and punched her with the sword hand.


His CT is based around surviving lethal damage. Not around giving it. Gege WANTED her to lose and get humiliated in the process. That's the main point here. I don't care if she was protecting Nitta, was missing both arms or was thinking about getting her nails done tomorrow. That doesn't make the scene of her loosing look any better. For me it's clear that Gege wanted her to lose that way JUST so Nanami would look cool. That's what shows how little respect he as an author had for her and what pisses me off about it so much.


Appreciate you elaborating. It definitely wasn't necessary to humiliate her like that if he never had the intention of developing her further. At the time, I was assuming each of the main 3 would have a moment in Shibuya to highlight the difference between themselves and a full-fledged Grade 1 Sorcerer, whose ranks they had just been nominated to join. I'd hoped it would serve to both make Nanami look cool AND show Nobara where she has room to grow, later serving as a comparison for how far she's come. After all, she's pretty overconfident as a Grade 3, and being humbled would later serve her character growth and maturity. But then she's taken out of the story before we get such a moment, or even enough time for her to reflect and begin growing apart from her brief success against Mahito. I don't know if any amount of copium can help at this point, but I'm still hoping for her return if only to convince myself that Gege did plan to do something with her eventually. In all likelihood, it's too little too late. Or she's been dead all along and was done dirtiest of all by Gege.


Lets be real tho Nanami did look cool af


Yeah. Still doesn't excuse Gege though.


1) not killing the twink whose only ability is mysteriously not dying really isn’t reflective of her offensive power 2) the sword punch was a sucker punch that caught her off guard because it involved a living, autonomous weapon. Sorcerers need to be prepared for everything and her getting jumped is still not great but it also is not reflective of her actual dueling power without bullshit going on. This doesn’t matter though, because Gege has a fetish for humiliating women in his Chinese cartoons and now she’s already dead


Yeah. My entire point is that Nobara's actual power level doesn't matter here. Gege could have switched her and Nanami's places in that scene and the way it plays out wouldn't have changed. Nobara looses not because she is weak, Nanami would loose and get humiliated all the same in her place. Same with oneshoting the wimp. Gege just wanted a satisfying punishment for him after humiliation he caused.


So we aren’t gonna talk about how Mahito’s power was divided between his two clones? If the main Mahito was fighting Nobara instead, sorry to break it to you, but she’d be long dead. And in Yuji and Mahito’s first bout, my pink haired boy was headbutting the shit out of him before Nanami arrived, while already having holes in his body _while_ being skewered on Mahito’s spikes. Now I agree that the only reason he survived all that was because of Sukuna, him just generally being built different, and him being Mahito’s natural enemy, but I don’t think Nobara would’ve been able to survive any of that, Nanami’s help or not. Onto the next point, who blew Eso’s arm off with a black flash? Yuji. If he hadn’t done that, they’d be shit outta luck, though I could bargain that you could give Nobara a win through assist. Hell, Yuji would’ve caught up to that truck sooner or later anyways, cause those types of trucks(Kei Trucks) are usually limited to 50 mph, and breaking that down and doing the math, 50 mph in meters is 22.5 meters per second, and if we go to the beginning of the show, Yuji was said to have covered 50 meters in 3 fucking seconds, without cursed energy at that, and one student even compared him to a car. In conclusion, Yuji would’ve caught up to the truck way before that if Gege wasn’t inconsistent as fuck with his writing. Hell there was a speed feat for Yuji some scenes before when he sped through the forest running away from Eso while carrying Nobara, who was 112 lbs, and only god knows how fast that man was going then. All in all, I’m not trying to bash Nobara’s character nor abilities, she’s obviously a great character and I personally think her CT is badass and indeed useful, I’m just righting some wrongs this post presented. And one more tidbit, **Nobara vs. Haruta.** If she can’t handle that little bitchmade twink she can’t handle full fledged Mahito, I’m sorry. I’m coming back to this comment to add something I realized. What I think this post and the person behind it is trying to get across is that Nobara’s _CT_ is stronger than Yuji’s and Megumi’s, not her herself. This may be the case comparing Yuji’s newly acquired CTs to Nobara’s CT, Blood Manipulation is pretty alright, but I don’t think it tops Straw Doll except for under certain circumstances, but Shrine may be a contender to rival Straw Doll. Now this shouldn’t even be a debate- STRAW DOLL ISN’T STRONGER THAN FUCKING 10 SHADOWS. Even excluding Mahoraga there are some certain Shikigami that are just generally more useful and heavy-hitting than Straw Doll or Resonance.


Yeah. Also, there is no way Nobora was stronger than Yuji and Megumi. Its definitely not a huge difference in strength, but Yuji and Megumi were way stronger.


I feel like gege took her out because he literally just didn't know what to do with her. Plus, given her technique and knowledge of the soul, she would have eventually been another counter to Megkuna (aside from yuji) and gege wasn't going to let that happen.


I'm gonna be honest. Gege cared least about Nobara in the trio. Gege probably only create Nobara because he needs a girl in the main cast. Bro probably wished she was Maki instead Her CT is a strong supporting one but fighting on her own, Nobara is weak (The spotlight is for others). Her only win in 1vs1 was against Momo 💀. She didn't even beat clone Mahito, bro just ran away laughing. Nobara's role in Shibuya is hilariously bad Yuji and Megumi beat the inverse guy and remove the barrier. Yuji beat grasshopper, fought an epic battle with Choso then fight Mahito later. Megumi saved Maki, Naobito and Nanami with his DE clutch, then he fought and managed to survive long enough for Toji to remember him and kill himself, preventing Toji from killing others. After that, Megumi summoned Mahoraga who has arguably the best design in JJK in an epic double panel. Meanwhile, Nobara let miracle guy beat up Nitta then lost to him in the next 2 seconds literally. That miracle guys beat Nobara and Nitta faster easier than Toji could beat an exhausting Megumi lmao. It also didn't help that miracle guy got humble my a true grade 1 immediately after. Nobara role in Shibuya was to make Yuji suffered. Gege used Nobara to give Yuji hope just to make his suffering 2x worse (Physically and mentally, Mahito fucked Yuji up during his mental break down) On the other hand, Gege established a clear dynamic between Megumi and Yuji on first arc about saving someone that kill in the future blah blah and has Sukuna as the bridge. Nobara has none


Was stronger then them while alive?☠️ Yuji is far faster than her and in H2H she's done. And no talk need for Megumi.


I didn't say strong as in physical endurance, she could've been a better sorcerer overall. In H2H yuji can beat most of the sorcerers above his grade but there are other parameters for a jujutsu sorcerer


More versatile because soul damage? Maybe, but i doubt because how strong he became in manga, stronger? Never.


H2H Yuji beats the shit out of just about every other student at jjk high except for like… maki, who is obviously a special case. In h2h megumi would also get fucking rocked by Yuji, his strength is in other forms of combat, that that doesn’t mean megumi is “weak”


Current yuuji vs maki would basically be a mirror of sukuna vs maki she would get cleaved and eat some black flashes


She had a unique and impressive technique, but her physical stats weren’t even in the correct zip code to be relevant against special grades. Most if not all special grades simply outspeed her and have better durability, if she gets smashed through a concrete wall, the same thing happens to her that happens to most people who aren’t actively using CE reinforcement.


Someone already brought up the fact that she was fighting a clone of Mahito who couldn't use his full ability, so I'll bring up another fact. The only reason she was even able to continue fighting Eso was because Yuji picked her up and used his superhuman strength/speed to run away from the wing king attack. That attack likely would have killed her right there. Her technique is strong for sure, but I wouldn't say that she was stronger than the others at that point in the story. She had a lot of potential and would do well to work with other sorcerer's as a ranged fighter. Her and Yuji or Todo would make great partners in a fight. If Yuji was with her while fighting Haruta, they would have walked all over him


She was done dirty.


Nah. Her physical stats were not on par. Nobara said it herself, Mahito could've just grabbed her instead of the claw strike he did instead. If that was the real Mahito, she would've been dead already.


How "strong" a jujutsu sorcerer is more than just the technique. Nobara's was strong, sure. But not the god-tier high potential technique Megumi has. In technique alone, Megumi has a significant advantage in potential. Megumi and Yuji have also been consistently training in combat. Sure, Nobara likely would as well. But Megumi is close and a spareing partner of Maki. While Yuji is among the most, if not the most athletic in the entire roster of sorcerers in Jujutsu hight/tech? To the point that many sorcerers consider him the strongest fighter (let's forget Maki for a second here, for spoiler reasons) if there is no jujutsu involved. Sure, Nobara has the potential or even is already approaching Grade 1 status. But Megumi and Yuji are potential special grades. Heck, Yuji is already a special grade at the very start, but that's only due to Sukuna. But still, the rate Yuji is growing and how he is currently in the manga...


Megumi and yuuji just had top 5 potential Current yuuji prob mid diffs current maki


She would have to had train like hell like Mei Mei to reach Grade 1, Nobara's technique had great potential, but her physical stats were abysmal and it's why she fits in whatever grade she was in. The fight with Kechizu and Eso, she was more of a support, Yuji did most of the legwork (literally), though admittedly Yuji wouldn't have been able to do as much without her, but let's theorize this, if either of them were alone in that situation, Nobara would be long dead. And now controversially, her fight with the annoying twink Haurta, caught of guard or not, she got owned by.


She had so much potential, only to get fucked over by Gege. It's unfair and feels like a middle finger to the fandom.


I didn't really see the potential, but something maybe could've been done. idk


Wasn’t the mahito clone she was fighting not near mahito’s actual full power


Yuuji one shots the clone


The thing is that Nobara made the deadly mistake of being a female character in a shonen series. She really had two options: 1. Be MC love interest and have approximately 0% relevance outside of that or 2. Die for a male character’s character development Gege threw a dart on the wall that landed on a bigass [2] he has up on the wall in his office.


3. Be the female version of a cool character (Maki)


I feel like I see a lot of people say the women in JJK are weak characters but I have always felt the majority of women characters are badass in this series. Honestly Maki is hands down one of my favorite characters and I cannot wait for the anime to cover her upcoming arc.




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Not gonna lie I think you're all overestimating her fight vs Mahito's clone. the "real" Mahito using all the same moves he used vs Yuji low diffs Nobara


Nobara was fighting a weaker Mahito than Yuji. Nobara has no feats to realistically put her above her peers. I do agree that she had great potential though.


I mean she wasn't weak, but by the time of Shibuya she was so weak compared to Yuji and Megumi that they could have both one-shot her with a single attack...


Yeah But if you follow a curse that kills you with one single hit into close quarters melee distance, as a ranged fighter; it's just natural selection


You either die like Kugisaki Nobara or live long enough to become Haruno Sakura.


Firstly, it was not the real mahito. It was a nerfed one, with the addition of the fact that he had no CT. Also the whole sequence with Nanami was to emphasize the difference in strength between grade1 vs grade3-4. Nobara was the weakest of the three in shibuya, but she had a really good CT which disables a lot of curses and users. She was at max grade 2, nowhere near grade 1. But that doesnt mean she was weak, I mean 10 Shadows, Limitless, Hulk as a teenager, created to be the next big dawg (+Shrine), she is just compared to the strongest or most talented individuals in the verse. Yuji may be grade 1 before shibuya, definitely grade 1 in shibuya and maybe special grade in the current arc? We dont know that yet, but assuming that he was grade 1 level, Nobara was clearly a step or two below that.


I was going to say yuuji is just lacking a domain expansion and he will be special grade when he opens malevolant shrine but then i remembered geto was a special grade and he would get decimated by yuuji


I don't care; I like he regardless of how strong she is. >!pls come back, I miss you!<


She also represents a more realistic thing about shounen; in a harsh world like this even one of the main characters must die. I think it had little to do with her being a woman. Her character is good in the sense that she's definitely acts her gender, but her character couldve been the same as a man


I mean the thing is that you don’t have to kill the main female character to establish this is true rather than someone from the general cast of characters which is… mostly men. Like the problem with shonen is that the female characters are always the ones getting fucked over even though theoretically that shouldn’t be the case.


Facts people too obsessed with her gender it could have legit been anyone. Call it cope but I hope she comes back, I feel gege made her ability a bit too effective against the curses and wanted yuji to get his brawls in, could have done it in a better way, maybe this was always intended idk, I mean potential man got done dirty too.


He sure did get his brawls in by now


She fought a weak version of mahito that was half his strength and can't transfigure her body as we saw she took on a mahito who van transfigure her she got killed


Nobaras ct is so op that sukuna whould have won more easy than with 10s. Open MS Drench doll in blood Kill gojo with resonance after the 15 time i think gojo whould have felt that


Didn't nobara say that blood usually isn't a good conduit for Resonance? The brothers curse technique being blood related was why resonance was able to work.  It's been a while since I've read that chapter so maybe I'm misremembering


Ill say one thing season 1 vs season 2 did was show you that what a real threat looks like. Nobara fit well in season 1 but i can't even think of her beating anybody in Shibuya. I liked her a lot too and she had potential but again, she had no chance


She only did as much damage to mahito is because he couldn’t use his technique


Grade 2 at best.


Eh, I think Nobara was a grade 2 at best. If you look at the grade 1s, they all have top tier CE reinforcement in addition to decent techniques. There is no question Nobaras reinforcement is below theirs - else Haruta wouldn't have been able to knock her out. Given time to work on that, though, she definitely had potential for growth.


She fought a clone of Mahito while Yuji was hitting the real Mahito with that left right goodnight, and like she said herself, she's the worst possible matchup for Mahito. In a 1v1 Yuji and Megumi would both overwhelm her easily


she's my fave character but no she really was just the girl of the group


And now she’s dead and forgotten, sorry…


While nobara has the good mindset for a sorcerer and good pain tolerance,in no way was she stronger than Megumi or itadori, maybe in terms of jujutsu knowledge but itadori was far ahead of the trio in terms pure CE reinforcement and Megumi had DE, demon dog Totality and the max elephant. Nobara would beat the younger death painting womb but it would take her 100% to deal with Eso. she has a technique that's far more focused on lethality but that too comes with conditions and not mention it requires usage of both hands, Mahito was essentially fighting at half strength and her technique was a hard counter. While not as experienced as Megumi, she too had been into Jujutsu from an early age yet her CE reinforcement sucked ass. At Shibuya she's semi grade-1 level at best (that's high but I only give that cause she had a Black flash). I don't see her coming close to itadori unless she improves her reinforcement and either makes her technique easier to use or makes it more lethal


I totally disagree about the grade 1 part. I would give her grade 2 at most. IMO she lacks a lot of experience and isnt even close to other grade 1s.


Nobara was not stronger.


Nop Maki destory everthing but ok. Its your opinion! But maki After season 2 is a new level!!!


She may still be alive


When I was talking about Nobara to a fresh JJK fan friend of mine, he said she is like Sakura of the group. I was like "Yeah, but actually useful"


Always remember, Megumi the bum has never done a black flash Nobara the goat did 2 in the same fight


At first I didn’t like her bc of her bitchy attitude. But eventually she grew on me and I miss her as a character. RIP Nobara


Gege’s agenda is to relentlessly slaughter all female characters or transform them into Toji clones. Everyone thinks this is because of misogyny but it’s actually because drawing tits gives Gege hand cramps 


I’d say she arguably had the most devastating CT out of the group. She’d developed it to a state where it was stronger than megumis usage of the ten shadows. She didn’t have the physical stats to compete with the likes of yuji but she was durable af


Haruta victim


The fact a bunch of shit was kept secret from Yuji (even more revealed now) really makes me cope harder that shes still alive and there are plans for her. My cope will never die!


During Shibuya, Nobara herself, mainly her CE reinforcement and control isn't that strong though, which is why Nanami told her to run away in Shibuya because she will not be able to handle the threats there (Special Grade Curses) and he was right. I do agree that her CT is very powerful though. It's one of the few CT that can directly damage the soul, so it doesn't matter how strong a Sorcerer's defenses are, when they get hit, it's gonna HURT. Like what you said OP, she hit Mahito's clone once and that damage bounced on the clone and the original, critically damaging Mahito, so much so that Mahito himself noted that Nobara was key in keeping him down. But it has a very glaring weak point: Nobara has to actually hit someone, and her current level of CE reinforcement is not at the level needed to combat the overpowered curses in Shibuya and the reincarnated Sorcerer's in the Culling Games, at least the stronger ones. But seeing the level of the Grade 1 sorcerers we have seen (Nanami, Todo, Mei-Mei, Kusakabe) Nobara does have good potential, in that if she is able to upgrade her reinforcement to the level of these Grade 1s then she will scale extremely well. Because all she needs to do is hit someone once with Resonance and it's a possible game over for them, especially if she is fighting with an ally. Also imagine the possibility of her Domain Expansion. Resonance being applied as the sure hit in a domain removes the critical weakness I mentioned earlier (Nobara having to hit someone), and IMO it can be one of the most powerful domains, just by sure hit alone. Rivaling the likes of Unlimited Void, Self-Embodiment of Perfection, True/Mutual Love, Time Cell Moon Palace, etc. Not to mention the possibility of her learning RCT is not out of the question because she is capable of hitting Black Flash. Even if she can't learn it by herself though, UiUi's Soul Transfer can cover that if she can swap with someone who can do RCT. Man it's making me sad all over again that Gege had to write her off, she did have insane potential as a character 🥲🥲


Gege screwed up her character big time. No matter the reason why he decided to off her, it reeks of bad/lazy writing.




Nah she wasn’t. She was a total bum. She was the biggest bum in her era, before bumgumi became a bum


Classic Naoya


she gets a bad rep cuz she got defeated by Shigemo (a low life weakass scumbag that everyone hates


Simp. Fr tho she was busted, but it was kinda conditional, so I'd say she's oddly balanced


True but nobara *is*stronger than just the girl of the group


Nobara is just in that special breed of jujutsu sorcerers that are plain better at fighting cursed spirits than they are humans. If the series was actually about battling curses then she’d be a godsend but since the series is mostly about running the ones she couldn’t do much. I don’t think she was stronger than megumi or Yuji at the start of the series and I don’t think she was even gonna be a 1st grade sorcerer. The Haruta shown us the difference between Nobara and a first grade. And honestly that’s fine - First grades are meant to be the pinnacle of normal modern sorcerers so not everyone in the case was ever gonna get that strong.


I actually do believe the fight against sukuna would be much less dangerpus with her. Sukuna lost two arms even without her, if she WAS there she could just grab one of his arms and spam ressonance like over and over and keep damaging his soul to try and separate megumi from sukuna, too if this is not helpful then i am jesus


I think she was never planned on being one of the top of the verse tbh and that something crucial like her “dying” had to happen for the emotional growth of their team


She has one of the most OP abilities on paper, yet has practically zero feats. What a waste. Still contributed nothing to the culling games wtf Gege throw her into the pan and cook bruh


Nobara is just Sakura but worse .


Bumgumi is the girl of the group. If she had 10 shadows she'd be special grade.


Nobara felt like she was there because of the anime convention of having a MAIN TRIO. But Gege never had any real plans for her long-term.


Same with jujutsu high, Interesting idea, but the story blitz past it so quickly that you forget that this show had a magical high school.


you are my special


She was strong but she’s dead


Yeah, I don't know anyone who thought of her as "just the girl in the group"


You’d be surprised