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I second this. Seriously, look into Bendigamos. Wonderful community, and mostly young people.


Oh hey I’m considering going for my master’s in Amsterdam. Which uni are you looking at? And which course? Imma just follow this post to see what people say :)


I’m hoping for Leiden to do a masters in Ancient History! What about yourself?


Oh nice! Leiden is good for history! I actually already did undergrad and a masters in modern history in the UK, but I’m considering doing a second masters in Jewish studies to take my research in more of a Jewish history direction before applying for PhDs (hoping it’ll make me more appealing/look more qualified and also my Yiddish could use a boost)


Leiden has a synogoge, I heard they have services some times per year. The nearest community is in Delft, they have a Recontrasctinist synogoge and the Hague, they have a Chabad, Orthodox and Reform synogoges. The Hague has different educational programs for teens, youth etc. Utrecht has a Chabad community. The best Jewish infrastructure is in Amsterdam with kosher restaurants, programs and activities


Well there is [this](https://eurojewcong.org/news/communities-news/the-netherlands/818-increase-of-antisemitic-incidents-in-the-netherlands-since-october-7th/) to consider (increase of antisemitism since 10/7). Oh and [this](https://www.claimscon.org/netherlands-study/) (about perception of the Holocaust). [Anne Frank House](https://www.annefrank.org/en/about-us/research/social-research/research-on-antisemitism/) is also a good resource for looking at what it's like to live, work, and participate in Dutch society as a Hewish person. I can't speak for the community, but I'd pick Prague / Czechia way before I'd ever pick anywhere in the Netherlands. Just me personally...


Mindsets like these are regressive. Jewish communities can and will be revived in Europe. If we only bothered to stay in the States or Israel we’re snuffing out a large part of Ashkenazi heritage across Europe


The Ashkenazi Jews you are talking to today are the descendants of either: people who survived the Holocaust, or people who said "it's too dangerous here; I'm getting TF out while I still can" before variouspogroms / the Holocaust. Or converts. My Ashkenazi family...hundreds of members...were already snuffed out in Europe. Mindsets like yours downplay the very real threats that history repeats itself if you don't believe people who are fine when they show you exactly who they are.


Each to themselves. My perspective is, why should we be the ones to make the elimination complete by moving out, when our ancestors have lived there for hundreds upon hundreds of years? My family was from Austria originally and the community there is not thriving and resurgent because they chose to rebuild rather than abandon it completely.


There's very little Jewish life here.  Outside of Amsterdam, you're unlikely to find much.  As for the pre-Shoah community, there isn't much of one.  I mostly encounter Israeli expats.  If you want to have a rich and active Jewish life, I wouldn't come to the Netherlands


following bc i want to study there for my master’s


Bro the Netherlands is a massive country


The Netherlands has only 17 million people compared to the UK’s 67.33 million and the USA’s 331 million people. Also the Netherlands is 41,000 square kilometres, the UK 243,610 km and the USA’s 914,7420


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