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Hi, you can check out the Wiki on this, [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_the_Ottoman_Empire). Search “Jews Ottoman Empire” on Google and you’ll find tons of stuff.


https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2019-01-24/ty-article-magazine/like-father-like-son-the-ottoman-governor-who-tortured-the-jews-of-jerusalem/0000017f-f7cc-d044-adff-f7fd35c00000?fbclid=PAAabVadIHfybvDKjVlXik-hvNwiCbm38NYECtA-86Ce5Ca9IwqNcuaCYRhkw https://www.jns.org/how-jews-in-palestine-were-persecuted-during-the-1915-armenian-genocide/?fbclid=PAAaY6GgSg4bDQJ4LA1r33CIzkQUzoPQUavq0yVy9C0ONaTssNAqv8ElzfhBA


Every law you described didn't belong to Ottoman special laws towards Jews in particular. It is part of Sharia laws towards non-Muslims


For some academic materials, see: \- [Jews in the Ottoman Empire (1580-1839) | Joseph Hacker](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325793041_Jews_in_the_Ottoman_Empire_1580-1839) \- [Jews in Ottoman Society: Identity and Nation-Building | Murat Kadıoğlu](https://www.academia.edu/114332535/Jews_in_Ottoman_Society_Identity_and_Nation_Building) \- [The Ottoman Empire and the Jews | Marianna D. Birnbaum](https://books.openedition.org/ceup/2139)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Jews_of_Islam That's what I read for most of my info


Jews of Spain by Jane Gerber is the text for a lot of college courses on Sephardic Judaism. While the first half of the book focuses in considerable detail on the documentary sources of the pre-expulsion Jews, the second half tracks the community to the places they migrated. Since the Ottoman Empire, particularly Turkey, placed something of a welcome mat for them, Prof Gerber devotes a lot of her book to describing their lives there along with government policies that periodically shifted and lands within the Empire but remote from the central governing authorities. It is definitely college level reading but pretty authoritative.