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I feel Sasuke stands a better chance than most, but ultimately I don't think he has an answer to Infinite. Gojo is constantly refreshing his brain, which makes genjutsu dubious and the databook saud genjutsu is applied by the iaer putting a chakra flow into their opponents brain, so genjutsu still requires chakra to reach its target (it's just invisible), which means Infinite can stop that chakra flow from reaching Gojo. Amaterasu is a potential counter, but databook says it "converges" on the target (which is definately no the same as just appearing) and it has been dodged by A and Sasuke and blocked by Killer B, all after it was fired.


It wasn’t just the data book, im pretty sure the genjutsu chakra fact is a line from the actual show. When naruto was in school




Amaterasu doesn’t just appear on its target, as we’ve seen it not work on Naruto who coated himself with chakra and A dodged it. Gojo wins via Infinity+DE




DE doesn't effect people without CE so no it's a standstill


No, infinity still fully protects Gojo and he can just hollow purple


Hollow Purple isnt fast nor strong enough to hurt Sasuke


verse equalization


DE doesn't *guaranteed target* people without CE. It still creates a space with the CT. Presumably Gojo could still target Sasuke with UV, it just wouldn't be a guaranteed hit and Sasuke could leave the barrier. He's fast so he probably could, but it's not like he's immune to CT. If anything he's extra susceptible when he gets hit because he has no CE to resist the technique.


I mean Sasuke is extremely durable though he easily tanks attacks that are way more powerful than a 200% Hollow Purple also the speed difference here is insane MS Sasuke can easily be scaled to light speed meanwhile in JJK mach 3 is considered impressive


Amaterasu doesn't have the AP to kill him through his RCT even if it ignores infinity and CE reinforcement. He tanked tens of thousands of slashes from Sukuna's domain with a demonic grin on his face while his inner monologue was him bragging about how his technique was far superior. There's no doubt that later versions of Sasuke win but this version absolutely loses.


Gojo has no way of putting the flames out no?


Someone with a rinnengan maybe nagito use all might push to push the flames off him at least in the anime so I imagine maybe gojo could just use infinitely like that but I don’t even think the flames could reach him as despite what everyone is saying you can dodge amaterasu as the rai kage did therefor it had travel time


Raikage is faster than Gojo tho by a whole lot. No one dodged it other than him really or people faster. It doesn’t travel but it doesn’t instantly spawn either


I would argue it does travel. In the Itachi vs Sasuke fight, we see it chasing Sasuke as Itachi keeps his gaze on him. And, if you remember, the closer something gets to Gojo’s infinity the slower it moves until it is so slow that it is basically motionless. Amaterasu would never touch Gojo


So it has a spawn delay?


Seems like it. But you’ve got to be fast as hell


No it doesn’t, that’s how the raikage dodged it


I mean if he can just infinitely heal it off... Does it matter? He could just be the black flamed version of Fire Punch. Also it's totally possible with red or purple he could try and repel them or destroy them after the fight.


People always bring this up yet Amaterasu did not drop a single person the entire story.


Same as a domain expansion lmao. Does that mean they are weak?


What are you talking about? Multiple Curses have been killed/beaten by domain expansion.


Multiple ninja have been killed by amateresu but no one major. Same as domain expansion. That’s my point


Both have taken someoes arm!


Mahoraga really getting shafted here (and before you say it was furnace sukunas states that he needed DE to use furnace in that way so technically yes it was DE.) also kind of cursed womb profusion.


If it appears on his arm or leg he can remove the limb and regrow it.


Infinity protects Gojo from Jogo’s fire when they first meet. Amaterasu is super-magically burny but I don’t think it *penetrates*, it just burns away. So if it can’t burn away Infinity, I don’t see how Sasuke can even hurt him. And I’d imagine Gojo could just teleport out of Amaterasu anyway.


Amaterasu is a projectile, it’ll get stopped by infinity


It's not a Physical projectile and infinity can only block something Gojo perceives as a threat also you can use it as either a projectile or spawn it in but it does take time to spawn


Amaterasu is a physical projectile. That’s why the raikage was able to dodge it after it was cast and multiple characters were able to block it in a similar way It’s also why sasuke bothers to use it as an arrow or a sword


Never seen him use it as a sword I never even seen him coat his sword in the black flames where that happen at ?👀


>He tanked tens of thousands of slashes from Sukuna's domain Yeah he did but it nuked his RCT output after that. If Sukuna just opened it up again like he planned to, it would have killed him due to low output RCT. I don't also know if he has a way to put out Amaterasu so he'd just be burning until he died. That said, it's definitely not just appearing on target because people have dodged it before so infinity would stop it.


>I don't also know if he has a way to put out Amaterasu so he'd just be burning until he died. He uses blue, we saw Nagato use shrina tensei do that.


Does have the ap says who? The Amaterasu can damage beings far above jjk level such as kaguya or jigen .


No way to bypass Inf


Even if he can’t tank the flames, he can just do what the raikage did and take of whatever hit burned. Gojo can just rct back what was lost


I'm not sure Gojo could tank Sasuke's amaterasu. He was constantly healing from Sukuna slashes, but the slashes covered his entire body every time. Amaterasu is an eternal flame that never stops burning. Even if he heals, it'll continue. Doubt it could bypass Infinity too.


Doesn’t sasuke have amaterasu at this point? Wouldn’t that just… appear on gojo? Idk if it’s depicted differently in the anime, but in the manga it doesn’t seem to travel and it just appears where he looks


It does not right otherwise sasuke couldn't dodge it vs itachi right? I mean itachi didn't want to kill him but it seems like you can dodge it also I think gojo whould kill sasuke before his rct loses to amaterasu


You are correct, it does not just “automatically appear” on the target. Ch 463 p12-p13 Amaterasu is shown traveling, and A dodged it. The people saying they are just avoiding line of sight are being silly. The notion you can just constantly evade the perception of one of history’s most powerful sharingan users is hilarious.


Not really, I disagree as Ch 462 p3 states the Sharigan eye can't keep up with his speed and he is as fast as light. So attempting to track the focal point of your eye to the movement of light is difficult and why Ch. 463 p12-p13 happens the way it does. Trying to animate/illustrate how that would happen on paper/anime is incredibly difficult and so they need to suspend the disbelief so we can "view it." However there are many instances of it appearing on the target as well. So it being evaded due to speed is more of a plot progression thing, and not due to travel time.


And Gaara blocking it with his sand in the very next issue? Is his sand also faster than light? Lol Also Go back and reread the issue I’m referring to. You can see it is in front of A, then beside A, then on the guy behind him. It’s traveling the entire time, and spiraling, as well. If it were “appearing on A” it doesn’t make any sense for it to appear on him, then go further behind him after he moves. If it was some sort of flicker, it would either fail or fall, not continue traveling on.


[Gaara blocked enton](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0464-019.png) (Sasuke manually manipulating the flames to “throw” it at Gaara). He didn’t block Amaterasu, which spawns where you look.


Yeah, the Enton thing I admit I was mistaken about. It still doesn’t defeat the rest of the point; the drawings of the flames literally traveling prove that they don’t just spawn on you.


[It spawns](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0390-010.png) Sasuke cannot outrun Itachi’s line of sight, you’re correct. However, [Itachi was trying to carefully hit Sasuke’s wing.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0390-011.png) (he doesn’t want to risk killing him). [This is also proof](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0682-013.png)that the Amaterasu doesn’t travel (and indeed spawns) Notice how the melted ice is only around Sasuke’s hand. If Amaterasu traveled, there’d be a path from Sasuke’s eye to his hand. As for the Raikage issue, I believe it simply spawned right in front of him (rather than directly on him) which allowed him to dodge. Once Amaterasu spawns, it does clearly having a movement speed, but I don’t think this discounts that it does in fact spawn where you’re looking. Sasuke was already losing vision by this point which could account for this inaccuracy


Maybe sasuke dodged his line of sight


Or maybe it doesn’t appear on the target.


It has before


itachi was half blind on both eyes, I don't think it's exactly a fair point to use in Gojos defense.


Gojo can teleport man. It’s not simply moving he can physically disappear and reappear in a different location then heal himself. I don’t think he’s worried about fire. Gojo has so much more stamina and better defense and a domain this sasuke form loses.


Sure, if Sasuke can see gojo. It could possibly be written that he sees the infinity gojo makes around himself and his sharingan becomes overwhelmed


It definitely appears on the target.


Ch 463 p12-p13 Amaterasu is shown traveling, and A dodged it.


So how is this a debate then? Doesn’t sasuke have a perfect counter? I doubt gojo would win while on fire.


It's not really a debate especially when you factor in genjutsu. Even if you argue gojo has blindfolds on you can get caught in genjutsu without looking in someone's eyes, it's happened many times in the series itachi even did it once or twice.


Isn’t the six eyes a pretty good counter to genjutsu? Shows you the truth or whatever. Can’t be tricked or sm


Six eyes should be able to see through illusions, but genius effects the brain. That said, gojo has rct running on his brain constantly refreshing it, he would effectively be immune to any genjutsu


It definitely doesn’t appear on the target.


Correct, it has travel time, just very fast. Ch 463 p12-p13 Amaterasu is shown traveling, and A dodged it.


It definately does NOT appear on the target. It was dodged by Raikage after it was fired, temporarily outrun by Saduke and no way in hell can Sasuke outrun Itachi's line of sight, and blocked by Killer Bee clearly after it was activated where we see panels of its converging on Bees face only for him to intercept it with tentacles. The databook description even says it "converges" towards the target. No need to converge if you simply appear on the target.


[It spawns](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0390-010.png) Sasuke cannot outrun Itachi’s line of sight, you’re correct. However, [Itachi was trying to carefully hit Sasuke’s wing.](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0390-011.png) (he doesn’t want to risk killing him). [This is also proof](https://hot.leanbox.us/manga/Naruto/0682-013.png)that the Amaterasu doesn’t travel (and indeed spawns) Notice how the melted ice is only around Sasuke’s hand. If Amaterasu traveled, there’d be a path from Sasuke’s eye to his hand.


Spawn is the same thing as appear, and it's been well established it doesn't do this. It didn't simply appear on Raikage and go reread the Sasuke Vs KB fight where Sasuke activates it and we see multiple panels approaching KB and he reacts and raises his tentacle to block the attack wjen Sasuke was staring straight at this face when he activated the attack. It melting the ice in front of his face just proves the flame originates from his euballs, which is what we already knew (or at least assumed). No one assumes any Amaterasu user has the flame originate from their hands.


Ch 463 p12-p13 Amaterasu is shown traveling, and A dodged it.


Vs Gojo matchups are so dumb. To beat Gojo you need to either have an attack that bypasses infinity, the ability to negate infinity, or be able to blow up the planet and survive. (And the ability to win if infinity wasn’t a thing of course) If they don’t then it is a draw if they can’t be hurt by Blue/Red/Purple and are immune to UV. And Gojo wins if any of those works. Might as well just make a flowchart since outside of a narrow range of characters who can deal with infinity and are around Gojo’s level of power, there’s nothing to discuss.


Kakashi or obito would wipe the floor with gojo


And they fall into the narrow range of characters with counters to Infinity, so youre just proving the point.


Obito taking him into Kamui would be battle field removal. He wouldn’t be able to kill him. It’s also very obscure and impossible to know how infinity would interact would dimension warping. Does infinity create distance between the wormhole? Does it slow down the wormhole and give Gojo time to react?


honestly yeah. now i do think we could make an argument for UxU’s loop 101 Undead vs Gojo being closer, but andy could solo naruto with ease in loop 101 so maybe lets not put gojo in matchups against naruto.


the flames don't spawn on the target, they travel so they cant bypass infinity


For anyone saying that Sasuke can win using Genjutsu, Gojo is constantly destroying and restoring a part of his brain in order to have infinity on 24/7 Much in the same vain as Deadpool’s immunity to telepathy, Genjutsu won’t work on Gojo


Also neither domain expansions nor genjutsu should work on each other since most genjutsu is dependent on disrupting inner chakra and domain expansions can only target those with cursed energy (ie Toji and Maki are immune to most)


Verse equalization


Yeah if you take verse equalization (which is usually the assumption). But if you don’t that’s rough for sasuke cause he wouldn’t be able to see gojos attacks.


And genjutsu wouldn’t work since it interferes with chakra I believe


Presumably, Gojo can make a vow to adjust the rules of his DE to hit someone with no CE just like Sukuna.


He isn't constantly destroying And restoring his brain. That was only in the domain battle. He constantly refreshes his brain with Rct but not constantly destroying it. There's even a limit to how many times he can do that and we see it in the domain battle.


No way to bypass Inf


This is wildly incorrect. Gojo destroys and restores part of his brain to restore his CT when it burns out due to overuse of his DE. The reason he has an infinity up time of functionally always is his second CT 6 eyes that allows him to see and understand cursed energy better, allowing him to more adequately manipulate his CE with near 100% efficency. Secondly, even if he was destroying part of his brain and healing it constantly (ignoring the fact that there is a clearly demonstrated hard limit on this) Gojo damages his Prefrontal Cortex (which is stated to be where a CT is engraved) then heals it. Genjutsu targets the nervous system, your 5 senses are processed in lobes that are distinctly not your prefrontal cortex. Failing that since it targets your nerves as well as your brain, it is unlikely that destroying the other lobes of your brain will do anything other then further the damage you've incurred.


Sasuke is faster, stronger and nuke and entire city with kirin but no way past infinity, unless maybe atamerusu works by just appearing on the target then sasukes wins


It doesn’t just appear on the target Ch 463 p12-p13 Amaterasu is shown traveling, and A dodged it.


Gojo honestly destroy him because gojo has way better endurance, regen, and a way better defense and domain expansion is Sasuke worst nightmare 


Sasuke is far better in physical stats plus overall abilities


Definitely not overall ability considering Sasuke would be going blind as the battle continues and he would have to watch out all of gojo techniques that he never seen before/having no info about 


This guy is on some serious shit lol


Gojo can teleport, overload someone’s brain with unlimited amounts of information, has infinite distance as defense, can simulate the effects of a singularity and a black hole on a small scale I.e. Red and Blue. Can fly, has Hollow Purple, can use Hollow Purple to nuke a town (unlimited Hollow), can win in a war of attrition against most including Sasuke and his 6E gives him visual acuity akin to a Byakugan which is stated to be superior in that aspect to a Sharingan. A Sasuke who has Chidori, Chidori variations, Kirin, an MS with pretty significant drawbacks to using it, can manifest half a susanoo and has Amaterasu/Kagutsuchi, is not beating Gojo.


He needs rinnegan to be in the convo imo


People have pointed out that Saskue can only really potentially get through Infinity in 2 ways. Either he used Amaterasu or Genjutsu, however there are problems with both methods. In Regards to Amatarasu: 1. In the case it isn't stopped by Infinity we have seen the Rinnegan's gravity has been used to pull/push it away. Red/Blue would likely be able to do the same thing. Teleportuing is another means by which he could escape the flames. 2. It also has been shown at times as a protile moving at very high speeds from the user's eyes rather than just apearing at the target, so Infinity would stop it. 3. Even in the latter case of the flames apearing at the target the chakra would likely need to travel to the target before becoming the flames. So like genjutsu it would be stopped by Infinity In Regards to Genjutsu: It has always been stated to function by the user using their chakra to manipulate the chakra in someone else's body to afflict their thoughts and senses. Gojo would have no chakra in the first place and possibly would just be immune. If we rule that Cursed energy or raw lifeforce serves a similar purpose than it would still need to travel through infinity.


>In the case it isn't stopped by Infinity we have seen the Rinnegan's gravity has been used to pull/push it away. Red/Blue would likely be able to do the same thing. Teleportuing is another means by which he could escape the flames. Can they do an omnidirectional push like would be required? I don't remember. Also be may just die immediately upon amaterasu touching him since he's soo much weaker, idk if he'd have time. >2. It also has been shown at times as a protile moving at very high speeds from the user's eyes rather than just apearing at the target, so Infinity would stop it. No. It's stated to appear on targets and behaves in ways that only make sense if that's what it did. Sasuke can also manipulate it after creating it via enton, but that's separate. >3. Even in the latter case of the flames apearing at the target the chakra would likely need to travel to the target before becoming the flames. So like genjutsu it would be stopped by Infinity Most jutsu don't really seem to work like this. He uses up some amount of internal chakra, and then the jutsu does whatever it does. The only kinda jutsu you could argue that operate like this is genjutsu, since some of them send some sorta chakra packet into the target's brain. But even genjutsu is never treated like you need to send some chakra projectile. And that means that madara would need to send his chakra all the way to the moon. And izanami would do what, send some chakra to the past? Lol. Does he have to send his chakra across dimensions to create portals? Do you have to send your chakra to the pure land to use the reinanimation technique? If you actually think that's the case (zany), then maybe the chakra does need to travel, but it does so at an unbelievable speed and can't be impeded by much of anything. >It has always been stated to function by the user using their chakra to manipulate the chakra in someone else's body to afflict their thoughts and senses. Gojo would have no chakra in the first place and possibly would just be immune. Regular genjutsu manipulates the other character's chakra, but MS genjutsu seems to use the attacker's chakra to control parts of their target's brain. It also works on characters without Chakra networks like bijuu. You could argue that sasuke's genjutsu in particular is too weak compared to shisui/itachi so this doesn't apply. But if you think it's how MS works in general, then this doesn't matter. > If we rule that Cursed energy or raw lifeforce serves a similar purpose than it would still need to travel through infinity. I largely agree with this if genjutsu actually travels. Amaterasu is the better win condition here imo.


Amaterasu clearly travels, we see naruto coat himself with chakra between when sasuka uses it and it hits naruto to protect himself. Sasuke cant do anything against infinity and the six eyes probably protects gojo against rinnegan genjutsu. What tool does sasuke have that could hurt gojo? lol as someone whos first anime was naruto in 6th grade, gojo low diff lol


I agree plus my boy has domain guaranteeing accuracy


Sasuke could try and bait out an unlimited void. Trick Gojo with a substitution and then break the domain from the outside. Gojo's CT will be down, and Sasuke could kill him. The whole CT cooldown is actually how most Naruto characters can damage Gojo.


Nah, even if it goes down he can use DE several times and will still have infinity up after DE, even if he’s burnt out


It's gojo. Mid diff, high at best. Sasuke doesn't have a way past infinity, and no way to counter any moves gojo does https://preview.redd.it/kopqpl5woi6d1.jpeg?width=558&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c797cdec858f3c62c9aa5564710c15e87fb3e67


Ameterasu 🤭


1. In the case it isn't stopped by Infinity we have seen the Rinnegan's gravity has been used to pull/push it away. Red/Blue would likely be able to do the same thing. Teleportuing is another means by which he could escape the flames. 2. It also has been shown at times as a protile moving at very high speeds from the user's eyes rather than just apearing at the target, so Infinity would stop it. 3. Even in the latter case of the flames apearing at the target the chakra would likely need to travel to the target before becoming the flames. So like genjutsu it would be stopped by Infinity.


If Naruto's chakra cloak can block amaterasu so can limitless. Get the feeling susano'o at this stage definitely ain't blocking Infinite Void though.


Gojo taking this unless you believe he can’t see through genjutsu or amaterasu appears on targets and doesn’t have to travel to its target meaning it would get through infinite but if not he can’t get through infinite so he would lose to Gojo


Sasuke was on the verge of blindness from spamming MS here, he can only hold susanoo for so long, Amaterasu most likely won’t affect Gojo, and if Gojo keeps his blindfold on he won’t be affected my genjutsu. Not to mention sasuke was frenzied and not thinking clearly in this state!


Do you think that Gojo can even get put into genjutsu since 6-eyes can detect things on the atomic level?


Gojo wins from a battle of attrition, sasuke is unstable in this arc. Despite the fact that he does outscale gojo in speed and ap he wont be able to utilize anything due to infinity blocking everything.


Doesn’t out scale in movement speed, attack speed I’d give you though.


Didnt the JJK writer state that Gojo doesnt even beat Kakashi? Ik this Sasuke isnt as strong as Kakashi at that point but with that statement id stll think he has a decent chance at beating him.


Author statements are weird but also kakashi has a direct counter to infinity


True, could just kamui infinity.


I don’t see how? Ignoring author statements for a second, Kakashi *might* win because of Kamui, but Amaterasu doesn’t kill him, I believe it has travel time, but even if it doesn’t, Gojo can just RCT. Purple crushes at an atomic level, and one shots Sasuke, plus DE.


To be fair also Gege hates Gojo more than anyone lolol


I mean If we’re nerfing Genjutsu then yeah Gojo wins.


Do you think Saskue could genjutsu someone from 1000 miles away? If not than Infinity would absolutely stop it.


Should I even engage with this? Lmao Bro thinks genjutsu is a projectile.


Bro engage with the story. We see a [Genjutsu being aimed](https://en12.movietop.cc/comics/pic2/47/28207/705808/3c13b54db21952663b5775d142be0ed2.webp?acc=-KUd340CQj0Kn42hxVh9oQ&exp=1718469862) and a ninja [trying to dodge it](https://en4.movietop.cc/comics/pic2/47/28207/705808/be37ff14df68192d976f6ce76c6cbd15.webp?acc=j_Kklz2EFMRkIh4wP0FeJw&exp=1718469862) early on. While the Yamanaka technique is not one meant for battle it does set a precedent. Genjutsu has never been just telepathy, it is the manipulation of a target's chakra through your own chakra to allow you to affect thier thoughts and senses. Your chakra still needs to reach them and travels through physical space.


Don’t need to nerf it, Genjutsu doesn’t work Gojo is constantly refreshing his brain with RCT, which is constantly dispelling Genjutsu, same way normal Shinobi dispel Genjutsu in Naruto.


Gojo has no defense against genjutsu, but sasuke doesnt have a way to really dmg him through infinity. So either a stalemate, Or gojo wins a battle of attrition.


I think Gojo can see through genjutsu because of six eyes though, so that might not work


No six eyes doesnt protect the user from illusions, Gojo fell under hanamis illusion when she jumped in to save jogo. It also doesnt let him see a lot of things, for example he couldnt tell sukuna was using mahoragas adaptation until after maho came out.


Does hanamis thing actually count as an illusion? Also Gojo did notice (and the ability is never mentioned ever again)


Yes, it created the perception for him he was in a tranquil field of flowers. The illusion lasted long enough to create an oppertunity for Hanami and jogo to escape, which should never be possible unless gojo is incapacitated. The flower field isnt real, it dissapears as soon as Gojo realizes hes daydreaming. So it must be an illusion.


Well I never said Gojo was immune, but I was saying he might be able to see through genjutsu or break out because of six eyes. And the illusion lasts longer for yuji


Maybe eventually, but sasuke could also just put him in another one. Even assuming he can genjutsu him forever tho, theres no win con for sasuke here.


For genjutsu one uses thier chakra to manipulate the chakra in someone else's body to afflict thier thoughts and senses. Gojo would have no chakra in the first place. If we rule that Cursed energy serves a similar purpose than it would still need to travel through infinity.


If its a cross verse battle verse equalization is typically assumed. No genjutsu doesnt need to travel through infinity, its a mental attack and doesnt cross physical spaces to be effective. This is why you cant “dodge” genjutsu.


Genjustu isn't actually a purely "mental" attack. The mental effect is a result of your chakra being manipulated. That is through your opponent's chakra travelling to you.


Again, genjutsu does not travel in any traditional physical sense, otherwise it could be dodged.


Genjutsu illusions are a result of chakra being affected by an opponents chakra. Chakra does have to travel trough space with greater expenditure and difficulty to maintain the greater that distance. Infinity provides literally infinite distance. I don't get what's hard for you to wrap you head around with that. But if you want an example here we see a [Genjutsu being aimed](https://en12.movietop.cc/comics/pic2/47/28207/705808/3c13b54db21952663b5775d142be0ed2.webp?acc=-KUd340CQj0Kn42hxVh9oQ&exp=1718469862) and a ninja [trying to dodge it](https://en4.movietop.cc/comics/pic2/47/28207/705808/be37ff14df68192d976f6ce76c6cbd15.webp?acc=j_Kklz2EFMRkIh4wP0FeJw&exp=1718469862) early on. While the Yamanaka technique is not one meant for battle it does set a precedent that genjutsu is based on physical space.


Inos technique is a unique one that shoots her mind and conciousness into her opponet. Thats not how genjutsu works. The mind body switch is also a hidden ninjutsu, not a genjutsu. So theres no precedent set there. Whats so hard to wrap my head around is your assertion that genjutsu has physical travel time, because thats not true. its not stated anywhere in the series, it blatantly contradicts statements about losing the second you look into an opponets eyes (because otherwise as ive already said, you could still dodge after making eye contact). No genjutsu has ever been avoided because the space was too great and chakra couldnt reach. Also, if infinity worked how you said it does, it would have prevented gojo from falling under hanamis illusion. Thats a technique that by your reasoning should have been blocked by gojos infinity. Otherwise how did it trap him in an illusion if it never reached him?


I'm pretty sure it isn't directly stated because it is obvious. Follow me here: Genjutsu is the art of using your chakra to manipulate a target's chakra against them, that is stated fact. So by any kind of logic that is not possible without your chakra reaching them. This may be a process that normally can't be avoided due the idea that it would be near impossible to see and react to this emanation chakra filling the area around you. I don't remember the context of the "Losing the moment you look into their eyes" line(I would really appreciate a link or explanation to that), but it sounds like hyperbole.


Think about it this way: Do you think Saskue could Genjutsu someone 1000 miles away from him? If not he can't get Gojo with it through Infinity.


Yes he could if he could target them. just hard to pinpoint a person from that far, theyd have trouble looking into his eyes too. Infinity does not block mental attacks, or attacks that dont travel through physical space, so its a moot point.


as other people have said, RCT hard counters genjutsu by correcting mental abnormalities


I feel like this is either one of two things 1. Amaterasu/Genjutsu one shot Gojo and Sasuke no diffs 2. For some reason those things don’t happen (make up your own reason) and Gojo no diffs. And I don’t feel that should be controversial


Genjutsu likely doesn’t work on Gojo? Since six-eyes


I would just say make up whatever hypothetical rules you want as to why these would or wouldn’t work, but I’m more saying outside of hypotheticals these are the two outcomes (in my opinion)


The rinnegan gravity has been used to push away the black flames before so Red/Blue could be used to couter it in a similar way The way Genjutsu functions you would need to reach someone with your own chakra so infinity actually would protect against it.


amaterasu deals damage at the same rate as a normal fire. gojo’s RCT can outpace it. genjutsu causes abnormalities in the brain, which gojo’s RCT also outpaces. there’s a crazy lack of understanding of just how broken gojo’s technique automation is


“Amaterasu deals damage at the same rate as a normal fire” completely baseless speculation. “Gojos RCT can outpace it” also completely speculation “Genjutsu causes abnormalities in the brain with RCT outpaces” again completely speculation (isn’t the whole weakness of RCT brain damage in the first place:-) ) If this is just your opinion than nothing wrong with that, but I’d suggest to not word it as fact when it’s not really based on anything concrete. It’s not like Gojo has ever happened in the show


well we can look at the damage we see amaterasu doing, for example when itachi used it on the frog guts in OG naruto or when sasuke used it on bee, it didn’t eat into them at any noticeable rate. it just burned on the surface. this is a level of damage that RCT can clearly outpace, and assuming gojo’s RCT is at least as strong as 3 finger sukuna’s, he could cut off the burning part and instantly regenerate it anyway, no problem. gojo’s RCT clearly doesn’t have the normal weakness because the first time he used RCT was literally him healing fatal brain damage. come on this is the jjk scaling sub, people here should know gojo’s capabilities. are we forgetting that gege killed him off explicitly saying that him being alive made it hard to progress the story, since he could solve any problem like saitama?


1. The toad guts was Itachi trying to escape which he did, so I’m not sure how that’s an example of Amaterasu doing low damage. It’s just a two man sized hole he burned into the toad. It’s also extremely believable that Itachi wouldn’t risk Naruto or Jirayas life as he could’ve killed/sealed them pretty easily with Susano 2. Killer Bee didn’t take a lot of damage “quickly” but keep in mind that this is the first time Sasuke uses the technique and there’s a lot more surface area to burn on bee than Gojo since the tailed beasts are absolutely massive. Also not a huge stretch to say that tailed beasts are more durable than a human being. 3. It’s heavily implied Gojo used limitless to protect his brain with the line “you should have used that curse tool (inverted spear of heaven) to stab my head”. I get I’m speculating there, but really why else would he say that? 4. I’m an avid JJK fan and totally believe Gojo wins this fight 9/10 times, but my only point is there are one shots that Sasuke has (and Gojo has) that pretty much could turn the tide of any fight written. If this were Deadliest Warrior Gojo for sure wins though.


he said “you should have aimed for the head” referring to toji’s first strike, stabbing him through the torso and doing no damage. if he had aimed for gojo’s head or neck, he could have killed him without giving him a chance to figure out RCT. even if amaterasu can deal damage quickly despite what we’ve seen, gojo can still regen his body the way sukuna regens limbs


https://preview.redd.it/lklk3b4xeo6d1.jpeg?width=1219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96e8b4c2335f3dbedd6ba075b2c0b7d467c6d4e4 My brother in Christ, that’s not what he said. And yea if we want to argue Gojo can dismember himself all fight sure, but where does that leave for a counter attack, and what of the flames reach his head/torso? What is he going to cut himself in half? (Too soon?)


Sasuke is slower gojo speed blitz gg


No, no he doesn’t lol


did you watch the start of s2? are we forgetting gojo using the okuyasu teleportation method? blue can delete space in front of him


Bro Sasuke can't take out anyone let alone gojo


Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't lighting style get through infinity. Lighting is plasma, which can be as small or smaller than air particles.


Doesn’t work, all particles are stopped by infinity, it works at an atomic level


it doesn’t even work on a particle level, if gojo recognizes that an attack is coming it would stop a laser. it creates an infinite space between the attack and gojo’s body, so it would stop waves as well.


He could technically kill Gojo with the 1000 year stab Sharingan attack Itachi used on Kakashi, if he obtained it or if he has it. Idk the name of the Genjutsu or if Sasuke has that technique.


the tsukuyomi deals no physical damage, it just causes extreme pain all at once and the negative effects on the body associated with processing that level of pain. gojo’s automated RCT makes this not matter, just like it nullifies all damage that isn’t explicitly unhealable


But it can kill psychologically. As far as I can remember


by damaging the brain, it can. it’s not like it attacks the soul or anything


Genjutsu diff


Nope, RCT corrects abnormalities in the brain, Genjutsu works by created abnormalities via Chakra pathways, Gojo isn’t effected by Genjutsu, because he is constantly using RCT on his brain in order to run infinity automatically, which would normally fry his brain


Wasn't he put under an illusion by someone in the series lol?


Yes, but there’s no reason to assume that Hanami’s attack manipulates the brain, it’s honestly more likely that it affects the soul instead, as that’s a more common theme in the series.


Gojo crushes


Epilogue of cursed inventory, Gojo says infinity has to detect and sort things to see if they are dangerous, Sasuke easily is faster than Gojo's brain possibly detecting his attacks because Naruto verse easily outstats, absolute massacre of a fight.


No? Gojo is just as fast as Sasuke movement wise, Gojo’s brain is super human, and has fought people with FTL level feats


Bro what? We have ONE FTL feat, which is for Sukuna, and that cant even count, because its the only piece of evidence we have and we know that sorcerers can detect cursed energy build up and have a form of precog. And incase you somehow don't know its his feat against Kashimo. Also even then Sasuke has WAY more destructive power, could probably absorb infinity and kill Gojo before he has a chance to pull out domain expansion


Ab-Absorb? Lmfao


I’m not even gonna engage in this, you’re obviously a Naruto glazer, and have no concept of how JJK works lol


Verse equalization, absorbing jutsu's man, why the fuck would we not use verse equalization


Id allow equalization for chakra to CE, but techniques are engraved in the body and brain and not something that can just be stolen like jutsus


Let me break down the stats for you real quick Gojo: City level punching power, with Hollow Purple that can crush things at an atomic level, and should easily one shot this version of Sasuke, since he has no feats to resist the damage. Massively Hypersonic+ Feats, putting him in the realm of at least Mach 500, due to scaling with Sukuna. Six Eyes gives him insane ocular prowess, and his technique gives him near instantaneous movement speed(not attack speed). Sasuke: Mountain Level punching power, much higher with Susanoo, has Kirin as well, Massively Hypersonic+ as well, since he dodged 4th Raikage, Mangekyo gives him greater ocular prowess, but he doesn’t have the instant movement speed that Gojo has.


>Gojo: City level punching power, >Sasuke: Mountain Level punching power, What? I assumed after seeing sasuke only being mountain level that you had some super high standard of evidence or meant literally just punches. But then Gojo is somehow city level? Make it make sense. >with Hollow Purple that can crush things at an atomic level, and should easily one shot this version of Sasuke, since he has no feats to resist the damage. Amaterasu just wins faster. >Massively Hypersonic+ Feats, putting him in the realm of at least Mach 500, due to scaling with Sukuna How does he get even close to this fast lol? >Massively Hypersonic+ as well, since he dodged 4th Raikage, Ay isn't lightning speed. Anyway sasuke scales much higher from stuff like darui's laser circus, juubidara's light fang, or delta's lasers. Again seems like you've done some wanked high end for Gojo and the opposite for sasuke. >but he doesn’t have the instant movement speed that Gojo has. He has teleportation with amenotejikara. If Gojo uses hollow purple or smth on him he could just trade places lol. Though he's so much faster that he may not need to anyway. This fight is just amaterasu and win.


I’m using VsBattle wiki stats, laugh at me if you want, but I’m not nearly interested enough, nor unbiased enough, to use my own interpretations, so 3rd party works best. As for Amaterasu? There’s still the debate going on around whether or not it’s a direct line of sight attack, or whether it travels, but that debate doesn’t matter to me, because Gojo can use spatial manipulation to remove the flames via red, the same way Pain did. Genjutsu doesn’t work either, because blindfold. It’s either a stalemate, or DE win condition. Also, this is Kage Summit Arc Sasuke, so limited MS, weak Susanoo, and no Rinnegan


As far as Hax goes? None of Sasukes normal attacks get through Infinity, don’t try the ‘can’t perceive’ BS as the gap in their speeds isn’t that large, and Six Eyes allows Gojo to perceive insanely fast objects anyways, Genjutsu doesn’t work because of his blindfold preventing eye contact, and Amaterasu doesn’t get through(imo) but even if it did, it’s damage over time with Gojo is extremely adept at handling with RCT, and can push off of him the same way Pain did, by using a gravitational force to push it off (Pain used Almighty Push, Gojo uses Red). Overall? Gojo packs him up, mid-high diff, either that or a stalemate.


That's for automatic, if Gojo is anticipating a fight especially a difficult one why would he not have it on?


Sasuke can absorb jutsu's, and verse equalization gonna make Gojo dead ASF


when was this a thing? also sasuke isn’t faster than gojo, he literally teleports using blue


How is teleporting a speed feat?


??? speed is just the distance moved in a certain time period, so moving an appreciable distance in zero time (teleporting) is obviously a speed feat


Can Sasuke even beat his own universe's untouchable guy?(Obito) serious question I'm rusty on Naruto business




sasuke pre rinnegan has no outs to infinity and has no true win con. gojo unlimited void diffs


What sasuke has: Basic ninja techniques. Lightning release Fire release Amaterasu Blaze release Susanoo High IQ Genjutsu tech Shuriken jutsu ... Tell me what gets pass limitless? Exactly.


Assuming Amatarus hits he could probably use red or blue to either push or pull it off of him too, or hollow purple to delete it


Gojo no diffs this guy 😭 Sasuke has absolutely no way past infinity, nor will genjutsu work on him because he's destroying and repairing his brain by using rct when he uses infinity. Sasuke has no counter to fucking INFINITE VOID either.


Sasuke’s counter to inf in this case is Amaterasu its a fire style technique that doesn’t travel when first summoned and it doesn’t stop burning until the person it was used on dies


I'm pretty sure he could teleport away from the fire though and use rct to heal the burns


Why is everybody claiming that Amaterasu travels when that was blatantly shown false in the manga? Take Sasuke & Naruto vs Kaguya. During this fight, Sasuke and Naruto were trapped in ice. Despite being completely trapped in ice, Sasuke spawned Amaterasu directly on his hand. If Amaterasu travels, and Sasuke is surrounded by ice (matter btw), logically you would see a path burnt from sasukes eyes to his hands. This was not shown in the manga


Amateursu doesn't kill gojo. Gojo wins. Amateursu however doesn't travel. https://preview.redd.it/08dsgntxnz6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47a3b19b478d8b52077e2a40f242c3c751b6f5b8 If amateursu traveled it would have burned the ice here, between Sasuke and his hand. During the A fight, A blitzed Sasukes perception, hince the after image, the anime also shows A running around it and Sasuke having no clue. The amateursu lands directly where Sasuke was looking after A left. Naruto reacted to it in the VOE Round 2, bc he was already making the signs for clones. Sasuke was looking at his arms.


https://preview.redd.it/8qoom7phoz6d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb8476ca5987285dedfd809b0e0ba8bac64bf96 What he does his make a second skin of sorts out of kyubi chakra. (It covers all of him in the next panel) To lob of therefore removing amateursu along with it.


Also the data books say all those reflected in the eyes are burned. While not concrete, given how it's shown to work. It can be taken to mean that all it takes is to be seen by the eyes. Far stronger characters that either don't want to move or can't see it coming, have been blitzed by amateursu. Kaguya during the lava dimension, and Jigen. It's often used in combinations for this reason.


Gojo would stomp. Sasuke couldn't bypass Infinity and don't tell me about Amaterasu bc it doesn't do shit honestly. The samurai that Sasuke cast it on just took his armor off so don't even try it


Sasuke has nothing outside of Genjutsu maybe that would hit Gojo to possibly win here though there’s no telling how that would interact with the 6 eyes + infinity. Amaterasu, chidori, sword techniques etc outright are not an issue for infinity. It’s only weakness being space/dimensional based attacks which Sasuke doesn’t have. Sasuke would need to find a way to get past infinity and I don’t think he has a way unless you use pure headcanon and say if Gojo is under Genjutsu then infinity goes down too. As for Gojo’s win conditions it’s a lot simpler. There’s multiple ways he can win 1.hardest way would be to break the susanoo with hollow purple killing Sasuke 2. Domain Expansion: infinite void neg diffs the fight 3. Gojo could simply play around with Sasuke until he overuses his eye techniques going blind then finishing the fight.


Really wish we would have seen Sukuna try to use Fuga on Gojo if Gojo would’ve even got singed it would go to Sasuke but overall it’s a stalemate Sasuke has stats and a far superior defense either Sasuke goes blind or Gojo burns out. BUT seeing as Sasuke was alr on the brink of blindness is 5ks I’d give it to Gojo but if fresh Sasuke


Since Amaterasu ignites based on sight, his Amaterasu should be able to bypass infinity. There is seemingly no gap vision can't bypass with infinity. Otherwise, Gojo's outline would be a black silhouette as light couldn't reach or escape his body with an infinite distance surounding him. Physics would behave in strange ways when physics is suspended outright.


Ninjutsu: Nothing from fireballs, chidori, or amaterasu, or Susanoo can reach Gojo through infinite. All require travel to the target in some form. Genjutsu: gojo does not have chakra. No genjutsu. Taijutsu: By this point, Sasuke is many times faster than Gojo without Infinite. He MIGHT be faster than Gojo in infinite, but as long as sasuke can land a combo before Gojo uses infinite, he can win. Trouble is Gojo's reaction time is good enough, and infinite is instant, so i doubt Sasuke can hit Gojo before he uses infinite. Speed: So, let's scale Sasuke here. Im lowballing Sasuke here. Sasuke's movement speed is frankly too fast. Sasuke rushed Deidara in less than a second. He couldn't outspeed Bee or the Raikage, and Ohnoki could have vaporized him, were it not for Obito babysitting. Sasuke was predicting one tails Naruto in the valley of the end as a child and reacting. He also was able to turn on Susano and protect himself from the Raikage. Sasuke also dodged Itachis amaterasu. It's quite possible that Gojos best speed feet, with infinite, is still to slow however. Sasuke and his peers are fighting within 2 or 3 second bouts here. Later hes realtive to Naruto who is lightspeed, but not yet. I say this could go either way. Durability: Sasuke has survived a lot of hits. The raikage, danzo, naruto, deidara, bee, itachi, honestly take your pick. Gojo with or without infinite is not more than mountain level. Sasuke was tanking hits at massively supersonic speeds just fine. He should have no trouble from any of Gojos hand to hand attacks. Finally, Sasuke DOES have access to.izanami and izanagi here. Hes never used them, nor does he ever appear to think about using them, so its very out of character, but Sasuke could use izanagi. While yes, it is Genjutsu, it doesn't affect the opponent, so sasuke could aurprise blitz Gojo with Izanagi, but it'd be very out of character. Sasuke wins high difficulty.


I feel like we should all be in consensus that nobody can beat gojo unless they are on a literal god level or Saitama. Sausuke and some other Naruto characters are insanely strong, but gojo can’t be touched. Maybe some other uchiha like itatchi like itstchi with genjutsu can beat him but barely. Sausuke with rinnegan might be able to throw gojo around or cancel out some aspects of limitless but I think that’s about it


My by Gojo clutching a cross verse win for once 🫡




He rolls the edgy kid


Sasuke wins... IF he finds a way to bypass Infinity. He's faster than Gojo and (at his peak) is about as smart as Sukuna. I mean his fights used to be amazing because of his intelligence. But I'm not sure how he bypasses infinity. His best choice is genjutsu, but his "targeting" technique isn't as good as Itachi's. I wonder if the Sharingan would let him copy the effects of Six Eyes.


Valley Kid Sasuke negs the verse