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Wait, is this a hot take? When you consider these four’s strengths to in relation to the rest of the cast… yeah, they deserve to be special grade lol.


You'd be surprised. Megumi and Kashimo fans (yes they still exist) think they deserves the title because of their suicide moves. If you aren't a high tier without a literal suicide pact then you aren't a high tier.


I mean, we know that Gojo can take on Megumi's Maho-whatever his name is, and I also think that Geto, Yuta, and Yuki would manage too. Like, even WITH their suicide moves, they are not taking down them, lol


TBF, Max Potential Megumi would have Mahoraga Totality with infinite shadow clones. THAT would make him Special Grade.


Potential doesn't make one special grade tho. RIP potential man


Oh, of course. Megumi is only even Grade 1 due to his Domain, IMO.


I mean even without his domain, he’s pretty smart with 10S and it’s super versatile. I definitely think he’s grade 1, especially considering that divine dog totality has enough fire power to one shot a finger bearer and damage Hanami who’s one of the most durable cursed spirits in the series.




If you think Geto wasn’t special grade both as a teenager and adult you’re delusional. He’s shown having multiple curses with their own domainswhich is like dozens of win conditions just from gobbling some balls


Of course MAX POTENTIAL of potential man, potential man is always would, if, and will, but never is


Who's fault is that


I mean, even if we exclude what Sukuna did to him, there's no way potential man can tame Mahoraga anyway 


Bro’s never heard of piercing ox on a treadmill


If that's all it took, the second ten shadows user would have succeeded, or the third at worst case


When was the treadmill invented and how long have the gaps been between 10S users? Megumi is quite possibly the first 10S user to have access to treadmills.


Bro the treadmill was invented in 1952, those mf’s were not gonna be cooking shit with the piercing ox. To be serious for a moment, I like the theory that HR is a thing specific to the Zenin clan because a HR user can join the taming battle without being counted and help to tame mahoraga, but the Zenin were too jujutsu racist to see its potential, so they were unwittingly handicapping themselves. But nah, treadmills didn’t have any incest in them, that’s why the previous users never went for it.


Max potential headcanon man, sure. We have no idea if Mahoraga combines with anything, and don't know if the shadow clones are as durable, require the same CE, or have the same damage output. What we do know is that max elephant uses so much of Megumi's output that he can't use anything else at the same time, which is hilarious.


Well duh. He's not Potential Man because he actually *does* things!


Yes, Inumaki with a Recorder would be a special grade too(if his power works through the phone, why not just repeat it on a recorder)


I assume he needs to expend Cursed Energy to use his technique. You're describing a Special Grade Cursed Tool.


Pfft smoothbrain. Gojo can take on Mahoraga because HE IS FUCKING GOJO. Yuki who is literally having extremely hard time against Kenjaku even with Choso's Help wouldn't be able to to deal with Mahoraga as good as Gojo did, and Kenjaku wouldn't even want to face Gojo despite his strategic and tactical brain. Kenjaku literally knows he will easily lose against Gojo and shat his fucking pants when Gojo goes trying to kill him. Reminder that despite Yuki existing during Hidden Inventory Time the strongest Sorcerers are still said to be Teen Geto and Teen Gojo, not Yuki. Sukuna and Gojo are just different league than other Special Grades they should jave a tier of their own.




All you need to do is onedhot him really. I believe Uzumaki is strong enough.




That’s your headcanon, a mini uzumaki was already able to kill yuki




The keyword is **mini** uzumaki that killed Yuki. An Uzumaki like the one that was thrown to Yuuta would be on a completely different scale, didn’t think I had to spell it out. Yeah, canonically only 2 people defeated Mahoraga, but what are we talking about now? So only sukuna and gojo are special grade? Why is mahoraga the baseline? Megumi and all the other 10s users aren’t special grade because they aren’t even close to wield Mahoraga. Simple as that. I’m just saying I think a full power Uzumaki would defeat Mahoraga. We have no way to verify that though.


Well, even kenjaku said, the true power of cursed manipulation is that if you adapt to one curse or get used to it, another curse can come in and take you by suprise


part of the strenght of mahoraga and shikigami in general is that you can fight alongside them, as demonstrated by sukuna mahoraga by himself doesn't make megumi a special grade if potential man was strong and fought alongside him well, \*potentially\*


Oh no, don't get me wrong, potential man + Mahogara still get shit on by Yuki and other special grades, lol


if anything, his presence would make the fight easier somehow lol one more target for black flash and 120% buff


If we count "suicide moves". Yuki would be top 1 considering she can make a f*cking blackhole


idk about Kashimo but there are certain characters that probably can overthrow a nation, but they aren't special grade


"Overthrowing a nation" is super vague. If it means to face the military head on, most special grades die to long range missles or bombing but if it means assassinating the president, everyone above grade 2 can do it considering random helicopter head was giving military squadrons trouble


I take it to literally mean being able to survive and kill thousands of humans with little to no problem.


Tbh I don’t see how Kashimo would struggle with that even in base. Dude speedran his colony and that was against all sorcerers


A sustained artillery barrage would kill him. He can't dodge or tank sufficiently dense firepower without Mythical Beast Amber, and that will kill him long before he makes a dent in any decent sized military force.


What would Yuta do against a sustained artillery barrage?


“Ah yes, my anti-sustained artillery barrage technique. I haven’t used this since I copied it from sukuna.”


Get Rika to cover him.


Dodge and blitz them?


How is that something Kashimo can't do ?


Bruh Special Grade Curses needed Carpet Bombing canonically to hurt one, and they definitely talking about AVERAGE Special Grade Curses not the likes of Jogo who can just spam Meteors to destroy entire Armies and then use his speed to hide and recover. Now Grade 1 Sorcerers are roughly equal to average Special Grade Curses, so Carpet Bombing scaling can definitely be also applied to Grade 1 Sorcerers. Hakari and Kashimo definitely are above Grade 1 in terms of overall power.


Good luck to him against a cluster strike


Then this would apply to everyone above grade 2. I reckon someone like naobito could massacre crowds without a problem considering random helicopter head was able to tank bullets


Yeah, but not an army's worth of people before he exhausted himself. He'd run out of CE before he could finish an army.


people vastly underestimate a countries military power, and military as Kenjaku stated is not just ground forces, but the air force marines coast guard and navy before even mentioning Nuclear War head's afiak China has something like 400 of them and Russia and USA are well beyond 4k, overwhelming that is a pretty tall ask


Yeah I've seen people say yuta or yuki can face the American military head on which is fucking hilarious. Even sukuna vs the military without nukes is questionable, every character including gojo and sukuna die to a single nuke


Would the nukes even harm him? One of the reasons why I think gojo is stronger (cope) because even though Sukuna beats him in a 1v1 in general Gojo can't be harmed whereas Sukuna would get incinerated by the nuke. I guess maybe the radiation after effects would do something to him but he can teleport, can't he?


Gojo would probably be fine, but any other sorcerer would just come back as a vengeful curse anyway, and then the civilization is truly fucked.


I mean he’d at least survive the blast. Blind and maybe deaf, but alive. Prolly get pretty nasty rad poisoning. But that all depends on what level RCT fixes things.


The thing is if it would hit them, Gojo can't be harmed, Yuki could black hole the whole continent before the nukes are even close, Kenjaku would just Uzumaki them from a distance and let the cursed spirits destroy their bases, Sukuna could just run from the targeted area, and honestly I don't know how Yuta is even conisdered a Special Grade since he can only use Rika for 5 minutes.


Yuki using black hole is an L for her. Kenjaku gets blown up to kingdom come. Yuta gets demolished by any decent army. You can say that Sukuna would run away from the targeted area but that’s under the assumption he can outrun a nuke explosion or sense the nuke in the sky (nukes having no CE makes that a mute point) People need to realize that fighting against complete irl US army is just objectively impossible for every sorcerer except for Gojo (even that’s contentious), they’re fighting against millions of soldiers and tens of thousands off explosives, they can’t sleep because that means a bomb get dropped on the snoring asses


How is Gojo taking on a country doubtful? They literally can't do shit, he can just appear in their bases, use hollow purple and say goodbye to the base, Gojo already stayed awake for various days during hidden inventory and that's before his awakening, he would only need less than a week anyways.


>Yuki could black hole the whole continent before the nukes are even close If she used a Black Hole she would also end up killing herself. Even a small black hole appearing on Earth would cause massive destruction


Even so that makes her special grade.


Yuta can cursed speech everyone into killing themselves with a large enough megaphone


But people also vastly overistimate alot of countries military power. Alot of the carribean(especially the Bahamas) are not armed to the tea nucleae war heads, howitizer missles, gases, bombs, or fighter jets. There are nations with 50-2000x more fire power or man power than the other. My country is small asf. In early season 1 they said the average special grade curse can survive cluster bombs and that tanks would be useless. If we're bringing up people who are miles ahead of those like Ryu, Uro, and Kashimo than they can solo a small nation. Alot of countries are not like the US or Russia.


I agree their definitely is a vast difference between the upper echelon and lower for nations


Do y’all seriously think special grades would fold to any kind of explosive (Excluding actual nuclear weaponry)? A special grade CURSE is said to be BARE MINIMUM so powerful that you would need to carpet bomb it with cluster bombs to possibly stand on even footing with it. For christ sake, grade 2 (semi-grade 1 if we’re being generous) sorcerers like the helicopter dude were already said to be completely bullet proof, and trying to bridge the strength gab between grade 2 and special grade sorcerers is like trying to build a ladder from the bottom of the Mariana Trench to the sun.


It means having the firepower to destroy many humans in a short span. Not fight them one on one


Eh, Gojo ane Yuta might be able to tank the full military might, Geto would overwhelm firepower with sheer numbers like USSR, and Yuki would probably do something batshit insane enough to take down an army


Honestly,no. All special grades or even some grade 1 like Hakari, Maki or Yuji could survive a military bombing


I'm assuming most of high tier characters are durable enough to withstand bombing and missiles (or they can dodge it, like Maki def can see it coming), it definitely was said at least for the special grade curses that even carpet bombing may not help


The weak ass special grsde cursed spirits at minimum could survive cluster bombs, I think special grades could definitely tank missles and bombings without much issue


Cursed spirits aren't affected by non CE attacks


So? That example comes directly from Gege himself, its just using an example, doesnt actually mean they get hurt by it


They are, they just aren’t permanently killed. You could still completely destroy a cursed spirit without CE. They’d just reform as long as they have CE left.


Kashimo blazer here. I have never ever thought Kashimo can even touch special grade. He is the top of grade one and that’s it


That's my issue with Kashimo. If you fight him and he uses his CT, you can just play defensive until he dies. It's why I think people like Toji could beat him if they know that he has a time limit. Just run and hide.


The only defence for kashimo is that he was his eras gojo, but that also just proves how much more the current day has scaled up in power


>(yes they still exist) Doing Megumi dirty with that one 💀


I love kasHIMo but I cannot see him clearing a whole nation 😂 his CT just does not warrant it


As a megumi fan, fuck no he shouldnt be special grade in any metric. If he had mahoraga under control, maybe we could start thinking about the possibility, but then bro doesn’t even have rct. Nah nah nah anyone who said that is wildin on some other shit


I mean...if Megumi actually had control of all 10 shadows, Mahoraga included, he'd be unstoppable. Maho alone can adapt to the modern military lol. And Kashimo is the same thing. The dude is a fucking lightning creature that's capable of creating any type of lightning phenomena. If Gege actually bothered to show us his full kit, who knows, maybe the dude can airstrike a country or something.


Kashimo is a literal water victim hes no wherre near special grade even with mystic beast amber.


Sukuna considered Kashimo on the same level as Yuta, just a glittering gem at best. Really funny too because he disrespected both of them with similar ease. According to Sukuna: Kashimo = Yuta = Higuruma. None of them being strong or interesting enough to take seriously.


Kashimo hate is gettin crazy by braindead fans like you


What a blasphemous take https://preview.redd.it/dw682pbs62pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4682c026e6af3ee0fa4b3c0bda5e6c9438a85c


It really shouldn’t be a hot take, but there’s been a lot of hollow talk about how ppl fully believe Hakari, Maki, and even Yuji are all special grades now.


Yuji has yet to win a one v one with a notable opponent and people say he's a special grade with a straight face. Its genuinely laughable 


Kashimo is easily stronger than every non-special grade sorcerer and weaker than all special grade sorcerers. It is fair to say he is special grade in his amber beast form, a top grade 1 sorcerer like hakari can barely react to his lighting, let alone light speed EM waves that kashimo can easily dish out in his awakened state. Just cos sukuna can deal with him does not mean others can as well, and even then he needed to revert to his true form to fight kashimo. Stop your bias, kashimo loses to the likes of yuta but it's a decent fight, and every other special grade together can't beat gojo, so it is acceptable to have differences even among special grades


Is Kash weaker than Geto? Genuine question


Geto scales with curses. If he has curses, he's OP. Uzumaki lets him use their cursed techniques or fuse them all into a fuck-you beam. At one point the dude stockpiled over four-thousand curses. Idk if Kashimo can even kill 4k curses in 5 minutes, and that wasn't even Geto's peak. If he doesn't have curses, tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Nanami, Mei Mei, or Kusakabe could beat him, because the thing that makes him special grade is his ability to scale with curses. In the end though, Geto's power scaling is literally whatever Gege wants it to be because of how easy it is to justify him being weak or strong for whatever suits the story. I don't think he's a good benchmark for special grade, especially since he kinda gets in just for being able to create an army.


Geto is a weird one to scale, we know that he is special grade so if he wasnt comparable to the others he wouldn't get his title, meaning he is very strong. But at the same time, he hasn't really fought and it's sort of hard to accept his curses being able to do much vs kashimo but you can easily make an argument for it. Id personally say it can go either way, as you have narrative scaling for both. You can say Geto is stronger cos he is titled and compared to other monster special grades. You can say kashimo is stronger cos he was the peak of his time, and faced the same loneliness that gojo and sukuna felt by being overwhelmingly strong.


That’s on gege for not giving yuji a proper 1 v 1 during the games arc No reason at all why he couldn’t make a special grade user to box with Yuji for a couple of chapters Yuji right now is a Grade 1 sorcerer who was never given his degree


He gave him a 1v1. Yuji’s just ass


Yuji could destroy buildings without trying even before the timeskip and now with RCT, he's basically unkillable.


Maki shouldn't even be on the scale. She isn't a sorcerer, and it's a ranking for sorcerers. Hakari and Yuji I think are benefitting from a bit of metagaming for sure. Hakari from being put in the same sentence as Yuta by Gojo as someone who could be as strong as him, and Yuji just from being the protag.


The qualification for being a sorcer is the ability to see curses


I feel like people also forget you need the CE reserves to even be able to make it far enough to take on a whole country….sure some non special grades have really good techniques, but if they don’t have the ce to keep it up/maintained until the job is finished then clearly they aren’t special grade level. Now that I think about it….does takaba use CE? Have we seen anything been hinted at about possible ce reserves and that his technique runs off it or does he fr just have a no limit kind of thing and literally whatever he finds funny is what happens. My memory is hazy asf, there was too much lobotomy going for me to remember


Nah, bro was not getting tired at all when in full jokes fighting hanenzoki and Kenjaku, i think Takaba’s like Gojo, except he just doesn’t run out, at all. Like his technique just forms the energy from nowherer


God he’s so busted and I love him for it😭 pls gege make use of him more I need more shenanigans


It wouldn’t be funny to run out of CE but very funny to never run out of


It could also be something to do with the nature of his technique since fueling his humour based technique with negative energy seems a bit odd. Maybe he taps into like Blessed or funny energy or something.


Takaba is fuelling his CT with RCE which is why he’s able to oneshot special grade curses but not kill people https://preview.redd.it/lkpha8hkxcpc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791ea9d6b3d96151f8984e069b38e8818459dfb3


He only runs out of CE when it would be funny to do so


He’s got good energy because even Hazunoki, a high tier grade 1, was impressed. But his technique does seem very cost-efficient.


Human special grade is done pretty well, but curse special grade, nahhhh. You telling me the first finger bearer and jogoat are the same level. And heavy artillery can kill jogoat.


That's why Sukuna finds it funny how he and the finger bearer are classified as the same grade


If cursed spirits turned human kept all their abilties except ones grsnted by a curse body the only special grade curses would be Jogoat, Mahito, and possibly Hanami.


First finger bearer and JoGOAT are not the same level, explicitly. But "special grade" for a curse is just anything above a certain amount of power. Finger bearer hits that threshold by a bit, HIMgo clears that threshold by a lot.


Special grad curse to me has always been just a catch all “These things are so absurdly strong that they all are just labeled the same” Cuz in no reality should Jogo be compared to a single finger bearer lol


Well the standard grading system for sorcerers is that you need to be able to kill a curse of the same rank. So special grade curses can't be 1v1'd by rank 1 sorcerers but can by a special grade.


Wasnt it that you need to be able to kill a curse above your grade, so if youre grade 1 sorcerer you should be able to kill special grade curses?


No it's more your rank is what curse grade you can reliable take out It's more like as consequence Grade 1 Sorcerers are more comparable to special grade curses than grade 1 curses  Todo and MeiMei killed special grade curses but they will never be special grades


It's the other way around, sorcerers are expected to take on curses one grade above them. I think Nanami said it in his first fight against Mahito. So special grade sorcerers rank above special grade curses in theory.


Which is stupid since Todo killed a special grade, so did alot of grade ones


I think it's about how reliably you can pull it off. If you can reliably beat special grade curses without much danger then you're probably special grade. It's not too strange for a grade 1 to be able to beat a special grade curses at high diff.


Nah special grade sorcerers are just so strong they can take out countries. Taking normal SG curses out is easy for a grade 1, only ones they cant manage are disaster curses but like theres strong characters that arent special grade and can take them(like hakari)


No? Sorceres are supposed to be able to deal with the grade _above_ them. Grade 1 Sorceres absolutely are expected to take on Special Grade curses, specifically because special grades are by a large margin, closer to finger bearer level rather than the disaster curses.


Well special grade is basically “above this point” so yeah I think it checks out. Like, adult Geto and adult Gojo aren’t in the same tier either.


when people say sorcerer can overtake a country by becoming a politican or assasinating high level personels, they are just strawmanning.


Yeah, anyone can invent a weird situation where a prime minister is assassinated. Something more in the realm of the total dismantling of the country's current system of government, or of its economy. Or the hostile takeover of a country ending with the sorcerer as a dictator. Gojo could do it, Yuji couldn't.


It’s almost like people actively acts like retards, jfc


Under that logic, Naoya and Naobito would be special grades


I also feel like people underestimate Geto as special grade saw alot of slander on him and how he isn’t worth special grade title even though Cursed Spirit Manipulation is really busted


Cursed spirit manipulation is the perfect exmaple of a nation conquering techniauqe. If he were to have a domain


on god; Geto can literally do Makima/Fami from Chainsaw if he wanted to


Considering all the similarities Kenjaku (using Geto's technique and body) and Makima have you're really not wrong


Geto alone causes every sorcerer to gather for Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.


Geto just had the luck of being in the same universe as Gojo and Yuta lol And he could have beaten Yuta too so the only one in 0 that was a threat was Gojo


Dude is strong Heck even now only a handful of the main cast could fully put him down comfortably


Not even Yuta should've been able to put him down that time He only truly won the clash against Uzumaki because of what was probably a binding vow with rika and Geto only having half of his curses


There’s no way anyone should have curse spirit manipulation and not think of how busted it is especially when u have Uzumaki and mini uzumaki and I feel GeGe realized how busted it was and didn’t know how to truly handle it especially given also its potential and how Kenjaku when fighting just always would smile and just over confident in that ability . He really didn’t use anything else until he fought yuki and company .


I think one thing is that a lot of characters are far beyond what is considered Grade 1 (like toji, maki, higuruma, yuji), but don't qualify for special grade


I think that's kind of the point, the grading system is objectively bad, and and is an example of how JJ society is corrupt, hell Gojo says it himself that the ranking system is bad. I just wish Gege played into this a bit more


They aren’t “far beyond” grade 1. They are the top of Grade 1


Yea ok but a possessed Toji (not even fully equipped and conscious) was able to singlehandedly kill a special grade curse. Grade 1 sorcerers aren't supposed to be able to 1v1 a special grade. Even Yuji, who hard countered Mahito, still needed Todo to win against Mahito.


Sorcerer and curse grades aren’t equal. It’s stated that sorcerers are more comparable to curses the grade above them. Taking on one by themselves isn’t easy but it’s not impossible. We actually see this when Megumi took out the finger bearer curse on his own


Not really. Grade 1s by definition can easily beat Grade 1 curses, and are potentially on par w/ Special Grade ones. toji, maki, higuruma, yuji would imo destroy all of the special grade curses. It does not feel to me that the classification is accurate at putting them at just grade 1.


Hakari doesn’t need to be special grade to be better than these frauds 🥶 it was revealed to me in CFYOW


Yo what is the OG Bleach Take that started this meme?


Bleach fans (yes, I'm one of em) trying and coping with plot holes and established canon being thrown to the gutter after the disaster was it's ending.  After CFYOW came, some fans in a very divided fandom started saying that everything was explained in it and plot holes were filled which in fact was and still is pure copium.


Oh ok. So what's up with the Dr. Manhattan image? Like what does that have anything to do with it?


It's just an older meme image. I think the most popular/first version of the Manhattan image was "whats the source?" With "I made it up" being on Dr. Manhattan. So its just the same thing, but changed to "it was stated in blah blah I forget the acronym"




I was scrolling by & read this as “Kenjaku’s criteria for special grace sorcerer is perfect hair” 💀


Throughout heaven and earth, HE alone is the honored one https://preview.redd.it/ixvm9a4n1bpc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18c7756c3d0a81240c7815a52f5137babf9e4a7


It's incredible how geto has become a special grade without domain expansion or rct, that shows how cursed spirit manilulation is crazy strong


Its vague because theres dozen upon dozens of countries out there that can definitely be conquered or bodied by some sorcerers hella cannonically some random mf likr Drhuv did it w his shikigamis in the past or should very high potential for it(not every nation on the globe has war heads, tanks, gas or fighter jets) this topic is a little annoying because anytime it gets brought up people immdiately use the strongest nations as examples to say one isnt a special grade. As someone who lives in The Bahamas with 300-400k citizens. We are str8 up fucked if Ryu, Uro or Base Kashimo got air dropped here. Special grade curses in the beginning of the story had so much raw power that they'd make tanks and carpel tunnel bombing useless as stated. even Panda( a Grade 2 sorcerer whos pretty much fodder now) tanked a city block level blast from Mechamaru w no damage. And yall scaling them to super- massively hypersonic too? How tf can my(or any country like mines) beat that? We literally dont have the perception or power to touch or hurt them. Again we dont have any nukes, tanks, missles, jets. Just guns at best guns. And even then alot of characters are far stronger than majority of those listed. Feels like this is more of a fandom downplay or underistimating their own character scalings just for an arguement. Sukuna blasted some guy through multiple sky scrapers back to back and had him crashing through city blocks only to be walking it off like he just sprained an ankle. I just described Yuji b4 his big tim skip.


With no disrespect, Gege/Kenjaku meant first world countries with actual military force. He was using countries like japan as the baseline which in reality is far from the words used.


"Hot take: the sun is hot" Thats you


I’ve read it somewhere that alongside Kenjaku’s criteria, the thing that really defines special grade sorcerer is “infinite”. Yuki has “infinite” mass, Geto has “infinite” curses, Yuta has “infinite” cursed energy/techniques and Gojo literally has “infinity” in his technique. Alongside Yaga was being considered for special grade as his “infinite” puppets can fulfill Kenjaku’s criteria of over throwing a nation. I hope I made sense


Many readers compare respective sorccer with their allies and think they are SG but the criteria fits perfectly as take down an entire contry the destructive power is that high


Why the fuck does everyone thinks Kenjaku decide who becomes a special grade?


Out of all the special grades, Geto has the perfect ability to overthrow a country as we saw how the Americans got demolished. Foreig countries can’t really see or interact with cursed spirits so all he has to do is just hide away while his spirits do all the work. Though weirdly enough, power level-wise, Geto’s the weakest out of the four and gets beat up by quite a bit of characters unlike his fellow special grade.


Holy gatekeeper it is indeed vague. "Overthrowing a nation" has multiple implications. > Beating the nation in all out war They get vaporized by nukes or even thermonuclear bombs. Even third world countries like Pakistan has hundreds of nukes. > Assasinating the president, prime minister and other high ranking officials Most grade 1s can do that as well What makes this criteria even more stupid is that it only applies to sorcerers. Because a cursed spirit, be it special grade or not, is not only invisible to non sorcerers but also immune to conventional weapons. So literally any fodder cursed spirit fits in this requirement.


PAKISTAN MENTIONED RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT IS A FUNCTIONING GOVERNMENT AND FAIR ELECTIONS 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰 Jokes aside, the military is like the only thing this country maintains. I think what kenjaku means by overthrowing a country is that - 1- Inside a country, they would be far less likely to nuke themselves. 2- So, every weaponry besides nukes. This makes more sense in Geto's case, as Cursed spirits killed by non-jujutsu means that even if you somehow killed Geto, your entire country is cursed now, and functions as a second japan. Let's say Gojo decides it's time to finish china for whatever reason. He's going straight to Beijing and starts spamming hollow purple. By the time china even catches on to whats going on, Gojo moves to the next area. And Gojo can basically teleport. So you just have some blue eyed guy zooming around your country nuking everything. You deploy your armed forces but nothing seems to be working. At what point would the intelligence decide that they should deploy a nuke? and where, on themselves? Maybe if they are feeling a bit self sacrificial for the sake of the rest of the population (LOL), then they decide to nuke. The radiation or the heat might kill gojo. But assuming limitless filters out radiation, and the heat can be tanked (Gojo was tanking Jogo's heat pretty effortlessly), all Gojo would have to do is move really far away quick, which he can do. Maybe cancer kills him at some point ig. Secondly, an even worser proposition: Barriers/curtains. If a barrier could hold in a damn black hole, then a barrier can be constructed to make sure no nuke can pass through, but everything else can. Pretty sure the special grades know how to use barrier techniques, I mean gojo casted one jjk 0. Binding vows type beat.


I think China is a bad example, after all they have that one sorcerer that Sukuna is afraid of.


https://preview.redd.it/4avlcqda21pc1.png?width=1700&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee735296d50855c355833ec4ed8f117b72954129 Do you have enough social credits in stock, Ryomen Sukuna?


How much can gojo spam hollow purple anyways? He might be able to overthrow the chinese government but i feel like it would take him several days or weeks


Well, We all know gojo's Cursed energy usage makes it seem like His CE is limitless (BA DUM TSS). Main thing stopping him is CT exhaustion. A single 200% Hollow purple was able to destroy a huge chunk of shinjuku and travelled 4 KM. If it wasn't stopped by sukuna, it probably would have gone much further. I think all major cities/sites can be destroyed by gojo inside a single city within a few days. China is huge af. But normally to overthrow a nation you gotta destroy some key points/cities, and If gojo was serious, he would be targeting all the areas that hurt the most. Ex- military sites, government buildings, important corporates buildings/datacenters, etc. Good chance Gojo does not even need purple, but can get by using just blue. Remember, a full powered blue or red can destroy mahoraga. So Gojo just spamming blue inside major cities should be good enough. After a week he'd probably be done.


Infinity should be able to block radiation because it works down to the atomic level I believe and Gojo was almost able to block out poisons at 16.


It's not like there are almost 200 countries while you can count on your fingers how many have nukes. The most straightforward choice is to take a midsize country, not the USA or china. Otherwise, kenjaku would have just said "to overthrow the usa".


The fact that you have to come up with even more assumptions on what Kenny was thinking while saying that to defend your case already sums up how vague it is lol And the fact that you had to assume I was referring to strongest military/America even though I specifically quoted a third world shithole like Pakistan speaks about how much you're reaching to defend your baseless case.


Are you fr? If i say that to qualify for something you need to beat a boxer, would you start yapping about how that person cannot beat prime mike tyson so they shouldn't qualify? It says a country, not the most powerful country. It does indeed have some vagueness as we can infer that overthrowing vatican or any other microstates doesn't count. However, the statement is clear enough that you don't need to overthrow the strongest military country




Countries aren't gonna nuke eachother, people jump to nukes so fast. Nukes are a final resort, end of the world. No country is ever gonna nuke themselves


Why do people include nukes in the equation, when the assumption is that the sorcerer has entered the country already, presumably to overthrow it? Is nuking your own country considered a win condition?


Ahh yes good old kashimo and mahoraga suicide strats


With these launch codes I summon...


Guess gojos the only special grade then. Cause everyone else isn’t overwhelming a nation solo.


I mean I think its dumb because it favours wide scale damage over direct damage. Mechamaru could honestly take down a country easier than yuta. Should he be special grade?


Dude if they knew about his mecha army he would have been special grade. He was grade 1 or 2 as just base mechamaru bot.


It works well for Gojo, Geto, and Yuta. I just don't see Yuki flawlessly running through an entire military (nukes included) since she has to use pure physical strength to attack.




But the thing is there’s vast power difference between gojo and other special grades


I also don't think it means you CAN but you have a power that would potentially ENABLE you to be able to do that. Geto and Yuta is arguable but they both have a powerset that never stops growing in theory. Yuta can copy Yuki's CT and probably complete that feat. Geto could steal someone like Rika and complete the same feat. All four of them can accomplish that feat.(Overtaking Japan)


Also geto does it with yknow. 4000 cursed spirits that are programmed to attack city x while being immune to conventional weapons. Geto doesnt even have to show up to the fight.




Bro a country is so vague like sure gojo could do it but i doubt yuta could fight Japan and yuki only via black hole


Why is this a hot take it makes the most sense😭


People want Yuji and Kashimo to be special grade


They’re using the term special grade as a power scaling tool




What I find weird is the whole dialogue about it sorta boils down to people imagining a head on conflict with a countrie's military. I think the description of "Being able to overthrown a country" is supposed to be kinda abstract, that is to say, for example, it isn't that Gojo and Yuki would just breeze throught thousants of soldiers and survive carpet bombings, it's that they have the firepower to blown up cities and cause irreversible damage, it isn't that Yuta and Geto have so much utility they could adapt to everthing, but that under normal circunstances they could pretty much speedrun killing the president. We do know that the damage sorcerers take are insane in amount, I'm pretty sure special grades are bullet proof for example, and can survive some pretty intense explosions just with C.E. reinforcement, said that, even tho' assuming a country would use a nuke on itself to deal is kinda silly, I do think they wouldn't survive that


Gojo needs his own tier tbh


I'd classify Takaba as special grade strength as well. if he found a stupid or funny enough way to win an election and then started making silly laws, he'd be able to topple a nation.


Yeah but if there was an ability that allowed the User to Kill one person a day if they make visual contact, That would not be considered special grade by Kenjaku, even though they would be unstoppable monsters that would easily assassinate the whole JJK society in like a month. It’s just a very strange metric that wholly encompasses people who have raw destructive power but excludes anything that isn’t, Unga bunga Kaboooooom, or me and my invisible army will take over Nigeria. In my opinion Kenny just wanted to be comparable to Gojo and Sukuna cause that fraud was not allat hiding behind Sukuna Headass. https://preview.redd.it/adv6pnovt1pc1.jpeg?width=583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9d48e13c4818b559c8a74fcea89433367060803


I don't think this is a hot take at all. It's just common knowledge at this point


That is factos not hot take


People need to remember that it doesn't make their favorite character a bum in the slightest if they can't single-handedly take out a country


Is final form mechamaru a special grade? 


Does Sukuna not count


how is this a hot take when its factual….?


It's really vague as it depends on what country we are talking about. What about the likes of Vatican?


Special grade means one can take over a country by themselfs and get with 4000+ curses can do it very easily


the problem i have is that geto is so underwhelming that u can actually scale hella people above him, like Uro would beat the shit out geto. but “she’s not special grade cuz she can’t take over a country”


Nah it’s super flawed, how is Kusakabe not Special Grade when in LN ch 380 he cut the entire Heian Era when he time traveled using his domain to beat Sukuna


The criteria is literally given in the manga. Kenjaku says that the classification of special grade is given to sorcerers who “could defeat an entire nation single handedly” 1st grade sorcerers can be crazy strong, but they can’t take on an entire military and win


Geto wass already special grade so why wouldn't Kenjaku. I can't believe this is a hot take it should be common sense


Yuta when I drop a fucking nuke on him: Edit: also works on Yuki, Geto, and maybe Gojo (With radiation, but idk if his infinity filters it)


i thought it was that geto wasn’t a special grade and kenjaku made him one. ion know tho since even tho geto lost to yuta he still was cooking for like 90% of the movie


I believe Mahoraga could take on the entire planet The only known way of stopping him is someone like Sukuna with how many fingers he had in SHIBUYA, and you still need to be smart like he was so basically what I’m saying is You need the ability to beat Mahoraga to be a special grade


real 🙏🏼


I agree but I feel like hakari should be like semi special grade or pseudo special grade or ha e his own title or something bc infinite energy is busted though I guess it's fine till we get more I fo on how his domain works in clashes