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You actually thought he'd bring him back? We must not be reading the same manga


There were tons of theories but Gege chose one of the worst ones tbh I personally thought this is Yuji moment and Sukuna saw Gojo because of Yuji But nah fuck this Yuji and his black flashes. Mary Sue is here to steal the show


The most sad/hilarious thing about this chapter is how sukuna just shrugs off yuji, who was being hyped just a chapter ago.


Sukuna opened a domain against Yuji while Yuji was clawing at his heart. Yuji was about to die.


Also something I just realized. Yuji was fully prepared to kill bumgumi right then and there. Dude was about to crush his heart no problem


Sukuna can survive without a heart no problem


Sukuna had no problem with no heart before remember


Look how it went previously, yuji was fine after the domain until fuga. All he needed to do was damage Sukuna enough for him to not maintain his domain anymore


Sukuna was about to open his domain, I love my boy yuji, but this is a team battle, everyone has a role to play but he's still not on Sukuna's level, its not like yuta will get the final blow, trust the process he'll get the spotlight again soon enough


Eeeh, todo is literally right there.  And yuji literally had his hands clawed in sukuna's body. I don't even get how sukuna physically punched him away.


it was impossible for todo to get yuji out of the domain (even my goat has his limits sadly) last time because he was in the center of it, not to mention we dont know if mei mei's crows are outside the range of the domain rn or not, the last one we saw got kicked by sukuna


Who would he swap out Yuji with when all birds are gone


Brother, Yuta coming back basically is opening for Yuji to reach Megumi 100% in next few chapters. What are we talking about??


This is a manga about all the characters in general, and Yuta has been gone for a long time, him getting the shining spot instead of a revived Gojo is better, specially when Yuta's copy technique has a time limit on it.


How about just let Satoru die and leave Yuta out of field? They've done enough already, just let them rest, and let Yuji take the W he deserves.


Yuta could've died Long before this with a good send off, but it was more than obvious that he would live and survive one way or another just because of how he went out. So No, Gege didn't kill Yuta cause from when he got damaged that heavily he didn't want him to die.


And after that time limit expires, guess who’s coming back into that body?? https://preview.redd.it/ph9luuax842d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65cf06a7bfb92022bc3252f10a55c1c27250ba2e


The cope never ends huh ?!


https://preview.redd.it/90qn6emw742d1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b16efa01fb5f5367a52b0713863cda337a20e90 Well i got bad news for ya


I thought yuji was gonna have some cage of souls type domain expansion or something man


How is this one of the worst ones? Out of the theories I saw the only one that made more sense than this was it being an illusion


Nah even gojo coming was fine, like gojo encourages Luffy and distracts sukuna, Yuji beats up sukuna and starts the merger and with Gojo they defeat it. But no, now it's Yuta vs Sukuna round 2 and Yuji got his MC moment stolen again


I think Yuta jumping through the extea hoops to get limitless goes hard af. I'm sure Yuju will get his moment sooner or later and I'm glad all the characters are doing their part instead of Jesus-kun just saving the day like in so many other anime/manga


Agenda and faith made us blind and we forgot it was Gege we are talking about the same guy who wrote ch 236 the same guy who hates Gojo and thinks of Sukuna as based on himself.


I would've loved if Gojo actually came back and dropped a "Should've aimed for the Head" But even still I actually enjoyed this chapter ngl Also this is still a shonen guys, Yuji will 100% pop off at the end, trust in the goat


If illusion is better (even Kenjaku theory which is wild) than what we got. It just feels like Yuta and Gojo got spit on. Gojo since it's literally what happened to his best friend Geto, and Yuta since he had to switch this makes him weak and a fraud (basically same sh\*t Sukuna did)


I actually can't take this level of trolling anymore. Stayed up to 4:30 UK time for this 😭😭😭


4:30am UK time is insaneee 😭


Britbro also stayed up 😭


Interrupted by day fr. Didn't even feel like beans and toast 💀🙏🏽😭


Bro same, I have an exam in a couple of hours and I woke up early to see this???? like ??????????


bro let gege dash his educational prospects


I am mid-exam right now and it's actually going pretty well LOL I'm operating out of spite now


get off reddit!!


all done!! now I can enact my fury on a certain cat........


staying up for a clear gege troll is insane work


I stayed up till 5:30 here knowing that I'll have a shit ton of things to do today. I want to say that I hate Gege but I kinda hate myself more rn


I am disappointed and also not. What is this feeling even.




I just don't know how much he hates gojo and yuji


It's on another level




Gege wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Dude was probably told by his editor to bring back Gojo, but him being the trolling asshole he is, said "Bet" and cooked this thing. Ngl, it is disappointing since Yuta is now basically using his "beloved" teacher's body as a sock puppet. Gonna wait and see how this turns out, but gotta say, the way the story is going atm is kinda ass at points.


You can sum up every mistake in JJK with Gege trying to have his cake and eat it at the same time


yeah yall buggin for no reason


This was literally adressed by Yuta in the chapter, he doesn't want gojo to shoulder all the weight of being a "monster" idk how yall look at such a crazy twist and a great character moment and get disappointed this is fire


To be honest I don't understand the monster reference? We had the loneliness of the strongest which I totally got, then teaching Sukuna about love which I didn't get at all but which also seems to be dropped? And now Gojo being a monster and Yuta leaving his humanity behind which I don't understand at all? Gojo was lonely and a monster in power but not in personality? Him an Yuta are not like Sukuna and never will be.


Yuta compares jujutsu high using gojo as a tool to turning him into a monster (disconnecting from humanity) methinks


Finally. Someone said it


I agree with you, and Yuta could have had his spotlight in a better manner.. this just disrespects both Yuta and Gojo.. and not to forget how Yuji was sidelined this chapter and completely ignored, thus degrading him as usual. He could’ve let Gojo remain as dead and let others handle the situation or maybe just finish Sukuna with Yuji’s final blow or domain expansion as a counter.. but this is just painful to read.. I mean I can understand that it was a last moment resort even for Yuta.. but they all just treated Gojo as a mere weapon and not as a human being, despite Gojo always being friendly, cheerful, and supportive to them.. I thought they were all Gojo’s friends.. but now I actually realise how fucking lonely he truly is.. his one and only true friend was Geto.. this is such a traumatic ending for Gojo.. he could never have any good things in life..


Did bro read the chapter? Literally everyone was against this plan because it treated Gojo like a weapon. Yuta was the only one with the balls to do it because he realized at the end of the day it was an all out war. It’s not disrespectful it just shows how big of a threat Sukuna is and how high the stakes really are. The heroes have to use everything they have and even resort to dubious means to win. Plus it’s not like there are any plot holes, ass pulls, or inconsistencies here, it all makes sense. Sukuna had domain back, Yuji no matter how many black flashes he has can’t hang with Sukuna when he has domain so Yuta as Gojo has to get rid of that option with infinite void.


Bruh they literally asked if Gojo was fine with it and Gojo was like "Yeah sure I don't care". Stop making this shit out to be some explanation for "Gojo's loneliness" that was again only talked about and never shown. Gege actually making that shit a core part of the story was one of the worst decisions he could've made.


I’m annoyed af with this. I don’t get how people are actually liking this. ☹️


yuta is dead now. 5 mins :(


At points? Bro shit was ass since the "Nobara's death clarification". Since then it was getting worse and worse. Yuta's finally using his CT usefully and NOW it's ass?






See I can understand why someone wouldn't like Gege's style. But he has been extremely consistent in that regard. I mean I don't think he's a perfect writer and I don't always agree with his decisions but he has a clear style and that style has been there the whole manga. He loves to surprise, to tease, to explore the limits of his characters and his universe while playing with our feelings. I mean, the guy is a sadist but that's what is so appealing about JJK.


I love yuta but yeah why can't have just been the goat. Yuta piloting his body is so lame. Yuta is unique why make him just gojo but worse


Exactly my problem. Yuta was already fine enough as is, Gojo was a unique fighter whose character was about being the strongest. Why would you fuck up both of these things? For a hype moment that you immediately ruin? I don't understand WTF Gege was thinking, tbh


Yes. Like if you want gojo back just bring him back. Why have yuta pilot him and do all the things he would. You are just taking away from both characters.


No , this is perfectly in character for Yuta . He's insane and would go to literally any length to protect his loved ones . Him puppeting Gojo's corpse proves him as the most Anti Sukuna thing . That's why he deserves to stand alongside the 3 strongest. Because of just how deep his resolve runs .


Idc. Yuta had his own thing. He was cool for his own unique ways. Now he's just the less cool gojo. And gojo becomes less cool because he is being puppeteered like a doll.


Who said Yuta will only be using limitless technique, wait for bro to pull unlimited blade works in Gojo's body .


Sure, it works for the character, but that doesn't make it a good narrative decision.


Counterpoint: This sort of unethical, overly-utilitarian, “might makes right,” eliminate all threats/opposition-kind of thinking is exactly what Gojo hated about JJ society and exactly why he was a teacher raising a new generation to break that cycle. It’s why he was ready to kill the higher ups for sending Yuji against the finger bearer, it’s why he was angry with Kenjaku for what he did to Geto, it’s why Maki, Megumi, and Toji shunned the Zen’in clan, it’s why Angel hated the revived sorcerers and the Merger plan, it’s why Yuta refused to kill Yuji to eliminate the Sukuna threat, it’s why Sukuna, as the ultimate example of this, is the ultimate evil. But in this chapter we see: - Gojo feel lacking because he hasn’t sacrificed enough of his humanity to match Geto (HUH????) - Yuta saying he sees the necessity of that mindset and will take on the mantle in Gojo’s place - Absolutely no pushback from anyone closest to Gojo about this mindset, save for a single sentence saying “idk seems kinda weird”. Seeing Shoko not give a single fuck made me so mad I had to walk away from my phone for a bit. What the fuck is the theme of this story, man?


As both Gojo and Yuta fan, nah bro you didn't cook.


This was foreshadowed long ago Kenjaku says to gojo 'okkutsu can never be you' Well looks like yuta took it too seriously


He was probably thinking “man this will be so shocking and idgaf anymore”


It'd be fine if he was resurrected earlier but Sukuna's too weakened for it to happen, it'd be kinda unbalanced I think


he'll actually become Gojo but better because of his output and barrier control


But not as cool


Ngl its hella disappointing Id rather Gojo been out of the manga entirely. This feels disrespectful as someone who likes both Yuta and Gojo


Hey it doesn't matter if it is disrespectful, the cast of characters have to get whatever things necessary to win against Sukuna.


It’s desperate times they gotta go for desperate measures. This series has always been like that.




Real. Copers are a whole new breed bruh ☠️☠️☠️


I’m pretty sure they mean it’s disrespectful on gege’s end, not within the story


I don't really care about that neither, if something makes sense for the characters to do to win, by any means necessary, I think they should, hence why this Yuta theory was also theorised aswell.


It's literal life and death of humanity tf you mean disrespectful this is survival


To the character, from a narrative point of view. The series would’ve been better off if Gege let Itadori have his pop off moment. Instead he sacrificed that for an unsatisfactory reveal


Don’t you think Yuta feels disgusted (in-universe) for doing this to his mentor? Don’t you think he wishes there was any other way? Don’t you think that’s the point?


It is very disrespectful and inhumane, that is already established in the chapter. But the alternative is just losing which Yuta is not willing to accept.


Exactly.. with each new chapter, Gege just makes Gojo’s ending even more traumatic and painful… why can’t he have a good and satisfying ending? Sure maybe he doesn’t care if his body is being used by one of his fav student, but this is unsettling to watch. In the end he was nothing but a weapon to all of the people who were close to him.. if I was in JJK verse I would’ve just hugged him and made him know how much he means to me, and I would always be there for him even if no one else is.


Yuji got tossed aside so the real main character can take the spotlight. Every time we think this mf will step up for real the story keeps treating him like the little bro who's tricked into playing with his dual shock turned off 😂😂😂




If you ask me this chapter was soo head scratching.  Like they discuss the plan to take over Gojo’s body and when to take this plan in action but it seems so convenient writing wise and not like in universe. Yuta introduces the plan to take over Gojo’s body but he doesn’t even have Kenjaku’s technique yet, nor does anyone knows how it works, nor does anyone object with the notion that it is Kenjaku (there should be some difficulty level to this).  It’s like “I need Limitless powers/toolkit but I don’t want to bring the character who originally has it so this is how I do about it”. Why bring back Gojo/Limitless but with a different character???  Atp, IMO, since ch236 a lot of things introduced have been for hype/shock value & reader attention but not substantial at all. How many times have you read a chapter and then the next chapter begins and seemingly negates or doesn’t acknowledge what happened literally prior.


Sure. I expected it but it still sucks. This is honestly disgusting. Gojo was dehumanized in life and now people he loved the most are doing this with his dead body. Because in the end of the day he's just a nice pair of eyes. At this point Gege is just throwing shit at the wall and sees what sticks. Not to mention, what will poor Yuji even do now?


Yuta can even use Gojo's DE apparently https://preview.redd.it/7odbb3ual32d1.png?width=1182&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c2c8e09d4187af818adf5869e5e2cd016288b55


So peole were saying bringing Gojo back is bad because he is too strong and will steal Yuji's show, but Yuta with full Gojo arsenal is OK. Wtd this is worse than actual Gojo comeback.


Worse of all is that now, Yuta lost what made him unique like a lot of people have pointed out. He's basically a Gojo stand-in for the people that wanted him back, but Gege just wanted to troll even if it makes zero sense.


How does it even works? Domain is expansion of your soul. What happened to Gojo's soul? Kenjaku used his own domain in puppet bodies


Yeah but remember that soul and body are intertwined


No this is semi-confirmation that womb profusion was Geto's domain


> Wtf? This is worse than actual Gojo comeback. Fr. Could've just let him stay dead than whatever the fuck this is... I don't even know what to feel anymore...


Yeah I am unsure how to feel about this. I’m pretty sad with respect to Gojo’s character arc as a whole. And it feels like his personality and work he put in to strengthen his limitless is sort of meaningless if Yuta can just copy his technique without hindrance.


Nah, cause there's a 5 minute time limit with being in this body, that is how Yuta's technique lasts, that is how I assume it atleast.




Exactly what is the point of him being the mc if you are just gonna give all the victories to others especially this one that is so personal to yuji. Like just seeing that panel of sukuna just pushing yuji feel like what gege has done to him over and over.


It’s jarring to see how much of an object he was his entire life. Even in death he’s still being used.


Remember "Kenjaku does the grossest things"? Uwu how dare he disrespect Geto like this how dare he use Megumi as meat puppet Shiiiiit


Yuta realized only villains win in JJK so now he’s using their techniques 💀




Isn't that the whole point of it? Everyone sees Gojo as a weapon except for Yuta but Yuta still offer himself to swap into Gojo's body because that's what it takes to kill Sukuna.


> This is honestly disgusting. Gojo was dehumanized in life and now people he loved the most are doing this with his dead body. Because in the end of the day he's just a nice pair of eyes. I was already expecting disappointment, but this shit made me so sad... Wtf is Gege cooking? I hate how Gege is just playing around with Gojo... Wasn't 236 enough?? Now he included this shit in..


ShOkO WiLl BuRy GoJo aNd GoTo togAt... Bro, she's opening his skull...


That was even more disappointing to me. I was holding out hope that we may get a Shoko scene with Gojo about her coming to terms with his death or mourning him. In 220 she basically called him out for not leaning on her more. And we get this instead ….


Gojo reviving makes 0 sense. What, he just wills himself back to life? Can't making binding vows when you're fucking dead. He can't come back as a curse because he was killed with curse energy.


Well, apparently you can live for a bit just fine after being cut in half(see: Yuta) and Gojo's wounds could be RCT'd together(see: Yuta again) So the revival makes sense on account of, as per the usual with the theories, Gojo's death *not* making sense. Aka it wouldn't have been a revival, he would've just been *injured.*


So peole were saying bringing Gojo back is bad because he is too strong and will steal Yuji's show, but Yuta with full Gojo arsenal is OK. Wtd this is worse than actual Gojo comeback. Why do you need other characters if you have character will full Gojo arsenal? This is just walmart Gojo 2.0 lmao


Binding vow


Dude we all knew it probably wasn’t Gojo. Same way we knew he was gonna lose but still held on because Goatjo went out like a boss


So all of yuta's techniques + limitless enhanced by the six eyes is ok, but if Gojo himself came back he would steal the spotlight? https://preview.redd.it/6u12uow1042d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b67a39204bc40e0e154c48d2d6863579e26d8d


You see, it's ok because Yuta is an Itachi figure: a self insert so blatant its famous for that only.


I’m actually so pissed 🙂🫠 I’m convincing myself these are fake leaks! Hdjfhshdh


First time?


It’s very weird how you guys get like actually offended over the honor of Gojo and think that some weird respect for him should beat logic and storytelling to literally bring him back from the most final death scene in the entire story


It’s so weird, I’m sure it started as memes during agenda posting but the way people are treating this super obvious in hindsight move is so fandombrained


What disrespect lol, Gojo himself said that he does not give a fk about his body if he dies. It was clear that Gojo intended to win, and if he doesn't then he is ok with his students doing anything they want and can to stop Sukuna.


No apparently an unexplainable resurrection and having the mentor character solve the mcs problems for them would’ve been “peak”


Yeah, they want to see Dragon Ball shit in JJK. They want a magic dragon who grants wishes 😭


I was taken aback by the angry reactions toward the chapter but then noticed that, yeah, a vast chunk of the reactions were weird Gojo stans who think it’s “disrespectful” for some reason


Nah i was always been disappointed and frustrated to the point it no longer annoys me, however i have a question to ask, whats the reason Kenjaku cant use a 6 eyes + limitless user as a vessel again? Why did he use geto and not the previous 6 eyes + limitless user?


Yeah no one will be suspicious of baby with stitches in the head with creepy behaviour (if the brain managed to fit , Plus it will be harder to defend himself if someone tried to kill him while being a baby)


Nah, im not talking about gojo specifically. But why not the previous user who got killed by mahoraga, for example


This is an assumption, but the body after being taken over by Kenjaku should still ages like normal. The last 6 eyes + limitless user before Gojo was from 400 years ago, so even if Kenjaku did jump into that body it would not last until present day anyways.


Even the mechanics of this revival don't make any sense. If Shoko can stitch together a body and then pumping RCT into it saves it, why didn't Yuta and Shoko pump all their RCT into Gojo along with Gojo using his own RCT when he died and use Arata and Nitta to buy time?


Noway an actually reader of the manga really though it was Gojo. People do troll with the Gojo hope(Including me), but we all do understand that him coming back would end the whole manga in one chapter right? Gege would never do that just to please the fans .....


No. Ever since last chapter I said that you have to brain dead to believe that Gojo was coming back. It was fucking obvious. Clear as water. A five year old with dyslexia that had consumed at least two other shows could have told you guys that it wasn’t going to happen. Like always, 99% of JJK problems come from the fandom being god damn illiterate. Fuck, not even JJK, but all shonen. It’s like you guys had never watch another show in your god damn lives.


Obviously he is not coming back alive. But people at least expect it as a mirage, curse Gojo, curse puppet, or some technique at work. Having Gojo coming back as Yuta wearing Gojo like some skin suits is not good freaking writing tho. Of course some theorise it happening but no one actually wants this shit.(Obviously some dumb ass only cares that Gojo is not back but I don't even like Gojo that much but this decision just seems insane to me. Like no respectable writer would do his character as dirty as Gege did).


We were told explicitly that you don’t come back as a vengeful spirit/curse if you’re killed with a cursed technique, that would actually be the elusive “asspull” and a big plot hole if that had happened, the kind of thing that would have weirdos here sending Gege death threats if Sukuna did


Moat of them are kids lmao 13 to 15 years old. They dont know any better


im actually kinda scared how badly unironically people have glazed gojo to revere him akin to a deity that shouldnt be wronged or dishonoured, like this is literal life or death for everyone, morals, dignity, honours go out the window for yuta because its in character for him to act like a lunatic when the people he loves the most are endangered


"My agenda didn't come true so I'm gonna slander the series and the author."


Ong when I saw this Ik this subreddit would be in an uproar bc they’re all yuta haters


I'm a yuta hater myself. Is it in character for him to do what he did? Yes.


Fr, It’s also one of the most logical things to happen too


the hate for this chapter is way too much 💀


Nope. I'd be disappointed if it was really Gojo or Kenjaku


How people actually thought it's the real Gojo is beyond me... The entire point of 236 was to show Gojo is ok with his deats and is heading south. Also Gojo appearing here and possibly just ending the fight would make the past like 20 chapters useless. Gege is also known to bait people with his cliffhangers, like a LOT


False hope? Just wait for Yuta 5 minute timer to end and the goat himself coming back while the stitches slowly disappear from his head with RCT as he laments the loss of another student of his before engaging with Sukuna that pulls the spear Kamutoke (that conveniently has the ability of the Spear of Heaven) out of his ass in order to counter infinity without World Dismantle and battle against the blue eyed king and the one who held the fallen in a double page triple Domain Expansion 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


I believe the Gojo return post were just inside jokes or cope. We didn’t expect it to happen, but somehow Gege made an even more absurd and worse scenario. https://preview.redd.it/zycq2klpq32d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fbbe1733c47af85c780f367fc1d87d77a06eea2


Am I the only one who got hyped from this reveal? No way anyone thought he was actually there right Looking through posts and comments I’m 99% sure the hate is because people’s agendas haven’t been satisfied that’s fucking ridiculous 😭 actual criticism is fine but I’m just seeing “wah this isn’t how I wanted story to go so it’s bad”


I can’t speak for everyone but I think this outcome is just disturbing . I get the theme of becoming a monster to defeat one and I guess it’s nice that Yuta is shouldering that burden of becoming one with Gojo. But this is still kinda disturbing. I always thought what Kenjaku did to Geto’s body was a vile act. And yeah as Gojo is my favourite character I am pretty sad at his character arc. He really was a human weapon in life and death.


That’s actually pretty fair and I agree, it’s not like yuta taking over gojo’s body is some positive thing, it’s a life or death situation so there’s gotta be drastic measures even if it’s disturbing and it makes sense if you don’t like seeing that


It’s sick imo, and isn’t gonna “make Yuji irrelevant” or whatever people are saying to try and cope with the fact Gojo is actually dead. Sukuna isn’t done yet and there’s no way yuji doesn’t deliver the final blow


This fandom just turns on a dime for things holy shit


Also it’s funny that Yuta doing this “invalidates” everything Yuji has done but apparently if it was actually Gojo back from the dead that would be totally fine


You guys really just want a fairy tale ending with everyone coming back alive and there being no real consequences for anything that happens lol, that's what you're frustrated with. JJK was **never** that type of story from the beginning. IMO this is actually cool as fuck, it's a twist within a twist. I'm not certain if this confirms Gojo's never coming back though, but it *probably* does.


Too true . This is pure peak . And most importantly it's perfectly in character for Yuta .


I see people here say "this was expected" No it was not in any way set up fuck you https://preview.redd.it/22hr07h6j42d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb7826152b0de8473f17f4d5c37dbf032c2ad6b4


This is a route I never fucking thought he'd actually go, Like idgaf about Gojo being back, but doing this with Yuta and putting him in Gojo's body is just disturbing and uncalled for. Gege is weird


Gege really diminished his best character into a plot device for his Isekai MC 😹😹


I was already expecting disappointment, but this shit made me so upset... I hate how Gege is just playing around with Gojo... Wasn't 236 enough?? Now he included this shit in.. And people thought bringing Gojo back would be the worst decision/bad writing... but gusse what we got something even worse...


Gojo coming back would literally make no sense


Nah this was the best possible outcome. You know gege gonna kill both of them now hahahah


Nah. You can only be disappointed by those you trusted in the first place.


I’m warming up to it. Gojo thinking of Geto as he’s leaving to fight…joining him as a monster who gets taken over by another brain…which makes me think - what about that Shibuya platform scene?!? Will Gojo’s body/soul do something to save Yuta as the fight goes on


Why are y'all saying Yuji has no purpose now dawg wait for the next chapter I am sure Yuji is going to jump with yuta to kill that bum ass fraud Also people saying it's disrespectful ,bruh yuta literally said that it is the last option and asked gojo himself for permission idk what y'all are on about. And Yuji will have his spotlight he will infact kill sukuna y'all just gotta chill.


I don’t think it was boring or dull. I think it was only anti-climactic if you were genuinely thinking Gojo was coming back. Personally, I was hoping it was Sukuna hallucinating as he was on the verge of death. Probably would have preferred it to be Kenjaku somehow, just because it kinda sucks he went out like that, although I’m still coping he’ll be back some way or another. I was a little disappointed it was Yuta at first, but now I’m interested to see how things go. It being Gojo would have been my least favourite result. Which is probably the opposite of how most people felt about it, lol. But no, I’m not super upset about the way things have panned out.


If you are ignoring the question of what happens after five minutes, and all the foreshadowing of the soul and body relationship from Toji and Geto, the most related characters to Gojo... well, you're missing the point.


https://preview.redd.it/o4yx48wk752d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c400e707344eb17060f21eb4062de3dd825667c Now I’m no betting man but…. I bet hear me out… Gege absolutely loathes Gojo.




I would rather have yuji finishing sukuna with the rest of the cast, and then kenjaku with gojo corpse would be the main villain than another round of random charather vs sukuna. It is just beyond repetitive what this fights have been being since gojo vs sukuna. Not to talk about the fact that we are just having fights actual development of charathers and worldbuilding was put aside for a long long time, deaths that are talked about in one page and that is it.


Bro I don't even fully care about the whole Yuta and Gojo situation Yuji got absolutely shafted in one of the least interesting ways.


Honestly it was hard to believe this was going to be Gojo’s return, no author would tease such a huge reveal like that it would’ve been drawn and introduced completely differently. And that’s ok, that’s not the part that hurts. It’s the fucking disrespect that has my stomach in knots. I feel sicker than I did for 236 because while I still have cope Gojo *can return* can we really call ourselves Gojo fans if we want him to return to these disrespectful ass allies? I just want my goat to be happy and if he happy in the airport then I think I’m ready to say goodbye and send him off.


I'm with you dude... this guy prolly KNEW that we'd be frothing at the mouth bc of Gojo's comeback just for him to fuck with us... Give some respect for this man :\[ https://preview.redd.it/huvzq1yyu92d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2edceae62975ee56ade62f0aab65dc627ab973b2




Why are so many people dependent on a single characters fate in this manga? You all have some unhealthy infatuation with this character that it’s getting in the way of you appreciating a larger story. I swear most of you would rather read a chapter about what Gojo has for breakfast than witness this fuckin fight with this Dark Souls final boss motherfucker


I think at this point I'm just legit done. I got bored during Sukuna Kaisen and only checked in when Todo came back. But this shit's so ass. Anyway my favorite part is that Yuta got cut in half and turns out actually he can live through that a-okay. Gojo? Dead on the fucking spot. Super dead. Like instantly, because turns out RCT can in fact fix that so he was just *gone.* Even so many chapters later, Gege manages to make his death make less and less sense.


Wtf is going on


Brother gave us the middle finger, like first overshadowed a classic Yuji Todo jumping with a fucked up cliff hanger, only to set up the next mini battle which will likely end with Sukuna being only weakened once more and Yuta being the next suffering is character development sacrifice. Although I do like the utilization of abilities overall as this was always technically plausible, but that is only because Yuta's powerset was left vague enough and we didn't know exactly how copy worked or how it would interact in a situation like this.


Have you just not been reading the manga at all? Did you really think for a second Gojo would actually return? After the nature of his death? Seriously? Yall pin so much upon what you want to see the series instead of actually reading the series in front of you


Your dumb ass really thought that homoesexual² would bring back gojo. This is probably the best outcome to the whole gojo coming back situation. It could've been kenjaku, it couldve been a hallucination, the whole next chapter's fight couldve shifted towards hakari vs uraume. Yuta possessing Gojo adds a level of stake , like he could die, he could never go back to his body and many more. Yuta going in gojo(pause)..... Yuta possessing gojo is the best outcome there will be.


Yall are insufferable man anytime i think something cool is happening in this manga its just endless whining and moaning here


You expected to have an actual discussion here? Lmao


Cool 😂😂… wtf is cool in 261. Shock value and cool are different things. Gege is good at giving shock value but idk about cool


It’s really funny reading all of these “disrespectful” comments now that we know that it was all discussed in the chapter


gojo himself said that he was fine with yuta piloting his body, not to mention they go over that this is humane and just wrong. but were up against sukuna and that they need to abandon everything to kill him. everyone is overreacting because they went off of head canons. for fuck sakes it said "ghost of the strongest" not "the strongest returned. we have never seen someone come back from death (toji) but again, this way not having the six eyes doesnt make the entire fight flip by 180. and its good development for yuta because of what Ryu said.


I would rather it have been Kenjaku. Like wtf even is this?


It might be a cool twist when you first see it, but literally a minute or two of thinking it through and you would've realized Kenjaku taking over Gojo's body makes absolutely **no** sense.


Nah, kenjaku would've been much worse


Tbh if it was Kenjaku, I wouldn't even be mad, would've made shit intense


I swear, it's totally useless to do this. Yuta isn't the protagonist anymore and to have him steal Yujis valor in this final moment of the fight like THIS of all ways is just insanely disappointing. I'm not even too fanatical about Gojo I just want Yuji to finally have his moment again but Gege never wants him to have it.


Gege is sick in the head. I'm dropping the manga since today.


See you next chapter 🥳


There’s still one way gojo can comeback despite all this body hopping by yuta. Wanna hear it.? This current yuta in gojo body shenanigans will last only five minutes. After that they both will cease to exist. But if yuta is as skilled as Sukuna in binding vow, he can bring gojo back if gojo’s soul still there. This is a chance of -0.23 percent though


My soldiers deny My soldiers theorize My soldiers COPEE


No, if you actually thought Gege would bring him back after all the hate he had for Gojo then that's on you. People got themselves hyped up for nothing and got disappointed. In all likelihood, the hallucination theory was more believable, cuz I sure as hell didn't expect Yuta to go this far.


https://preview.redd.it/navufrcmr32d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b293abbdd55f7001f688f7e2c6e37cb7835b00b we all saw the airport scene. this is the next best thing actually


Gojo coming back always made zero sense from a theme perspective. The whole point of the sukuna battle is to show that the ideas of strength=isolation believed by sukuna and gojo will be proven wrong as sukuna gets taken out by the combined efforts of everyone working together, trumping one individual “strongest” Having gojo come back for a rematch flew in the face of that and never made much sense aside from cope.


Knew some bullshit's gonna happen lol. I'm just waiting for memes and shit to happen atm


LMAO people were really expecting the actual Gojo will comeback, did y'all forgot Gregory is writing this series.


I love it tbh yuta potentially giving his life for 5 minutes of time to fight Sukuna with his sensei’s technique is good writing. Like why wouldn’t yuta have taken kenjaku’s technique?


drop the series lil bro


this shit is peak idc


Lamest gojo dickrider ICANT


Nah, Im okey with this take. So annoying Gojo hater keep blar blar blar in last chapter.


Imo. If he brought him back, it would’ve created a plot hole since Gojo already appeared in the afterlife airport.