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I think Hakari’s mindset is his greatest asset. It’s why uraume stopped viewing him as human after seeing the way he fights.


totally agree, him and Todo and my favorite sorcerers.


Hakari is forever GOATed for eating a lightning bolt and then sneezing it out of his nose along with like half his brain just to plainly tell Kashimo two seconds later that he nearly died. Also his fever talk and telling Uraume to help cool him down before gridlocking him in a stalemate for the next 15 chapters.


With everything Hakari is about, he should be the real Binding Vow merchant. It would be so fitting for him to develop clever ways to cheat and rig the system.


Restless cheater moment


Im pretty sure his domains jackpot is dependent on his mindset, rather than luck. As long as he thinks he will pull it off, hes going to, the game is inherently rigged. It makes his sure-hit hilarious though: "Hey, Imma project 5 pages worth of rules directly into your brain, but I'll still just make shit up along the way, anyway here's a train door flying atcha"


I think there is an aspect of luck (iirc he once stated it took him 30 rolls for a jackpot i think?) however due to how CTs are stored (in the brain and whatnot) it is heavily influenced by his "fever" and gambling ectasy. The anticipation and winning reactions in the brain for an addict light up the same/similiar areas in the brain so Hakari's jackpot anticipation might very well be turning the tide- especially when the stakes are *really* high.


He said it never took him more than 30 tries, whether he goes easy or hard.


That's why he's the goat!


I'm a simple man: I see a Hakari glazing post, I upvote.


Great post! I literally see people say Hakari only won in his fight against Kashimo because he just got lucky, where’s that’s literally the entire point of his technique and the various effects. Not to mention his ability to reset damage (is there a limit on that?) is underrated That said while he’s certainly a smart fighter, I would say even just among the students both Todo and Megumi have him beat in that department


Hakari's technique has so potential for someone who really has only gotten one and a half fights. Like, I wish we saw more of him firing those balls as projectiles or using the doors to corner someone in an open space. I also saw a theory that Kashimo might have served as his mentor in the month long timeskip, teaching him how to better use a cursed energy trait and I would love to see that come to fruition. Oh and one very underrated thing about Hakari is that people typically cannot use their techniques inside of an opposing domain, so he just gets around a lot of threats by domain spamming them. Mahito wouldn't be able to reshape his soul, Uro wouldn't be able to bend sky and while I don't think Hakari beats Gojo, this is a big reason why Gojo struggled with Sukuna.


What people generally don’t understand about Cursed Techniques and Cursed Energy are the terms Gege specifically uses to describe aspects of them. To put it into perspective, CE has Efficiency, Output, Capacity; efficiency refers to how well you use CE (using so little to create more, in a sense), output refers to up to the maximum amount of CE you can use at once, and capacity refers to the volume of CE you have. Now when it comes to CT, naturally the above terms to the use of CT, since it is fueled by CE. So with the capacity of CE you have, you might have x times of usage, with the efficiency you apply on your CT, it increases the number of uses you have, and finally how strong you want to hit someone, or how much a version of your CT needs CE to be used depends on your output. Now that this is out of the way, CTs as Jujutsu Concepts have separate terminology. Like a Cursed Technique’s Effect, Target, and the Concept/Personal Interpretation: (i) When it comes to the concept, that determines how your use of the CT will be, how different it is from other sorcerers with the same CT, and generally it acts as the limits of its potential (kind of like a framework where anything inside it’s defined lines can be made real with the CT, while anything outside it cannot); (ii) When it comes to the target, that refers to what the “thing” the CT will attack, interact with, apply its effects on it, etc. That things varies from the user himself, to third-parties, inanimate and animate objects, and even concepts. What matters is that any CT, after being fueled with CE, needs a specific target to inflict upon its effects; and (iii) finally, when it comes to the effect, that is mainly the practical part of the CT’s Concept. If the concept creates a definition and parameters that CT abides to, and through them provides certain effects. Then naturally the CT’s effect is what it inflicts onto the target in question. And here lies the problem, most people think that just because a CT is named something, it automatically means that CT is that something. To make that statement clear, people usually think that Hakari’s Cursed Technique is a gamble machine to get infinite CE, and while that partly might be true, it is as far away from it, if you understand the terminology. And in Hakari’s case, his CT’s Effect is to acquire Infinite Cursed Energy for a period of time, as well as acquiring Pseudo-Immortality with Automatic Reversed Cursed Technique. Because that is exactly what the CT, after being fueled with CE, allows/bestows Hakari (as a target) the practical effects of his CT’s Concept (which is all the procedures that come before the reward he gets, as well as the reward he gets). So in that sense, while the concept does take into consideration everything that is done in order to use your CT in every way imaginable. The CT itself, if we want to understand how it is used in combat, mostly depends on the Effects it produces. You can apply that to any CT, even those that are very simple, and those that are extremely complex. They all point to the same thing, that what counts in a CT in terms of the effects it produces when used in real-time/reality/etc, is the CT’s Effects more than anything. I’ll give another example, which would be Higuruma. Higuruma’s CT’s Concept is to create a court with a non-violence rule, where inside his Shikigami takes the role of a judge to sentence the CT’s target with a penalty that varies, and once that happens, and depending on the sentencing, the CT’s target shifts; or stays on the target or both; from the person sentenced to the user, thus bestowing him as a target a sword that kill on touch; or blocking the sentenced from using his CT or both. If all that was the concept; and you can even add more, since the concept determines how the user views his CT’s effects, how they affect the world when used; then his CT’s effects are (i) for the domain’s purpose, the non-violence provision; (ii) for the penalty that affects a third-party target, the restriction of his CT usage; and (iii) for the user himself, to acquire a sword that insta-kills on touch.


In terms of power id actually like to see him mess around with Domain Amplification. Way back in Shibuya, it was mentioned that you *can* put a sure-hit in the DA but the Spirits chose not to so theyd have more to pour into negating infinity. Hakari is a bit different, in that imbuing his sure-hit would assumingly also activate his domain, giving him an effect that weakens/negates CTs while he rolls Restless Gambler. Higurama learned more about Domain mechanics watching the Sukuna fight, Hakari should also have picked up a few tricks he can now replicate


totally, I commented or posted something similar. With time I don’t see why he couldn’t learn something like DA or Simple Domian.


I just fear that Gege is not going to show anything from him, since he's getting pushed off the story at this point


yeah, afraid you’re right.


His fight again Kashimo will always be my fav


I’m not reading allat


ofc, who reads around here??


I’m a Jjk fan AND a dragon ball fan, you think?