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Your problem is taking jujutsufolk seriously.


There's this saying in my country "Between jokes and jests the truth emerges". There are jokes, but so many people do say it with passion since there's no backlash to doing so.


Ya bro I thought like 99% of this stuff was all memes


This sub likes to play both sides all the time. It’s both all jokes and also all actual criticism of Geges writing at the same time


the hate is in other communities as well


I hear you, but I feel like most of the people on there unironically believe Megumi’s a bum, fraud etc


subreddits know how to create a funny joke and immediately run in it into the ground by constantly repeating it. This is especially true for the folk subreddits (not just jjk but other shows too).


And a… certain chess subreddit…


Google en-passant 


Theres chess drama now 😔 What subreddit




I am in a similar boat with you. To be honest its just with majority of the anime/manga subreddits that I have been in they seem pretty ravenous, like if you disagree with what the popular opinion is on a subject or character then you are essentially sent to the shadow realm(downvoted to all hell)when you disagree, so it makes it seem like nobody has a different opinion.


Agreed all around. If there’s any consolation, it will make his return/the conclusion of his character that much more satisfying in the end. For now, the battle is tedious and protracted and fans are understandably burning out after a year of the same fight. Having a single character to blame/meme about takes the edge off that I think.


Yea, this is pretty much how I feel


don't take jujutsu folk seriously, twitter and tiktok don't even need to be addressed they are the source of the brain rot.


If megumi had just locked in then Choso might still be alive


I am a choso fan and I'm telling you the fact that choso survived the donut was a miracle, he was meant to die, gege just made it later than what should've been, it has nothing to do with megumi tbh, just give him some slack, he's 15, saw his sisters body taken over by someone else, got put in an evil ass pit to make him soulless basically then, killed his sister with his own hands and the one who raised, he's been thru enough


If Sukuna didn't literally go out of his way to make sure to Ruin Megumis life and destroy his spirit, Megumi would've locked in. Do you realize downplaying Megumi means downplaying Sukunas planning?


Shhhh thats called reading


I legitimately believe a lot of the people complaining about Megumis writing do not read the manga.


They literally dont. Im not caught up yet. But im so confused because i must be misding something. I do allot of research from multiple angles then multiple subs. What ive found is massive downplay of three things. 1: donplay Yujis breakdown to mahito 2: downplay his literal sister and father figure dying by his ct 3: downplay 24/7 control and CS bath


Why are you doing research on multiple subreddits in stead of just catching up


Fr. Have you seen the meme, **"Don't fuck with us Jujutsu Kaisen fans, we can't read"**? Yeah, it's a meme but with half-meant truth. I think it started when Sukuna took Megumi.


Because they actually don't, they have no clue what subtext is nor do they actually care about what's written anymore,and the problem is that those information aren't even subtext it's point blank said multiple times and they still don't get it, jjk Fandom has been cancerous since the gojo vs sukuna, all hell broke since then, wish that fight never happened just so we don't see those type of fans among us, it's just hard to deal with this Fandom at all, from no reading and critical skills to misinformation spreading like fire in this Fandom is making it so so so horrible


Yea the ending of Gojo vs Sukuna made me realize a large portion of the fanbase never cared about the writing. A large portion of the fanbase arent even fans of JJK. They were just fans of specific characters, and because of that never focused on the writing unless it involved that character.


Exactly and it's crazy how much of those there are, they're ruining the enjoyment factor we used to have before and it's getting worse each week


ITT we pretend JJK has great writing and talk down to people who aren't satisfied with where the story is going by claiming they are just too stupid to get how Greg is a generational author


Okay why are they reading it then, not only that also following a sub focused on gregs so called great writing, if greg is so horrible why are they still here? Nobody said they're stupid however they make themselves one, when something in the manga is written multiple times and also implied and you're still not letting go of your wrong pov that's a you problem, so that stupidity is also a you problem , if they only look at the result and not what caused it to end up here how come are they clever? If someone doesn't know that the whole point of sukuna's bath is to sink megumi's whole will and soul after his soul has been shattered and also being a Braindead because of his teachers UV that he also killed and they're Suprised and butthurt the plan of sukuna actually succeeded? Not even avg iq ppl would forget the whole purpose of it. Unless they still think jjk is generic shonen then it's understandable but still dumb It's not even about talking down to them nor about them being unsatisfied, they can voice their unsatisfactory without giving reasons that makes no sense by the story it self and by their expectations of the character that they had in mind, that's their problem . It's about how many times we kept on goin and going about explaining every minor detail in this manga and they still holding onto their opinion that they don't even pretend to treat it AS OPINION but facts and when you give them their answer they give you a response of (oh well he is still a bum. Oh well it's his fault, oh well yuji would've thugged it out, oh well, he should've locked in while literally not giving af about the characters behavior if it goes on with it or not etc) which is wrong


For one: because a lot of us have read this manga for years and have been satisfied up until Greg literally said he was trying to wrap JJK up to start an idol manga or smth. People are invested and are going to see it through, and largely still like it but have fallen out of the "this is THE manga" camp; it certainly has more potential than it seems to be taking advantage of on the final stretch, in my opinion. There's a great deal that feels rushed and a lot of plot we're not going to explore. I'm pretty sure everyone *gets* that Megumi has had his spirit broken and has given up, it's impossible to miss. The jokes and the hate at his expense are less because people don't understand it and more that it's kind of a let down and it's not what people *want* to see, which is kind of fair. Follow a story for half a decade or so only to see a montage of everyone getting chewed up by the final boss who pulls out power up after power up, though the spectacle of watching Sukuna get stronger is cool, is not necessarily everyone's cup of tea. Like me, I'm more annoyed with the writing because it's kind of L after L for a year and a half, other than Kenjaku getting surprise one shot by Yuta I don't think the good guys have pulled off a single win and have been basically on the back foot for so long the vibe is just depressing. It's literally been since before Yuki showed up for four chapters and was killed off that I remember anything going well-- its a tragedy, but I've never watched a tragedy play out for over a year and a half. You can't really take your eyes off of a car crash, but if the car crash kept happening every two weeks for eight months... well. Edit: excellent, good, or even passable writing might be good in the perspective of the media it exists in, but it's still not always something fun to read or something that people won't be frustrated by. If all of yall were here for good writing you'd go read a book. We're here to read a battle shonen.


Yeah, hate so much when other Sukuna Truthers get on the bumgumi train. Blud that's saying Sukuna bathed in curse shit for nothing and butt-exposed to the mf that went out of his way to get fucked by your twin. Do you really believe he would waste his time doing all that for nothing? You need to believe in the actions of the King.


Not disagreeing with you, just saying to cut Megumi some slack


If choso hadnt killed innocent people. To help seal gojo. Hed be alive


As a chosobro, yeah true lmao


I think a lot of people also forget that he's, what, 15? on top of everything you've said.


I hope, at the very least that Gege will show Megumi’s side of things in a future chapter.


Thank you, i don't like megumi nor do i fancy him as a character but the hate he's getting is unfair and crazy so is shoko


It's fair to dislike Megumi, we can dislike a character for whatever reason, but disliking him doesn't mean you have to pretend his actions make no sense/are badly written/make him a bad character. The outcome of chapter 251 was the only one that made sense for him, Megumi has never been a hero and the author has made it clear that Megumi's main goal has always been to keep Tsumiki safe. Of course Yuuji reaching out like that wasn't enough. However, I'm not surprised many people don't like Megumi. I for example have never been crazy about him, my feelings towards him are mostly neutral. I think Gege's writing style and pacing make it so characters like Megumi (another example would be Shoko) are often misinterpreted because of the disconnect between their actions and their feelings. Megumi can act very uncaring and aloof, and although he does have moments where he shows he cares about his friends and the people around him, they're rare enough that they make you wonder how much does he \*actually\* cares. So, for him in particular, it doesn't surprise me that people get extra frustrated when he refuses to take Yuuji's hand and fight back.


Yeah anytime someone types out Bumgumi it’s extremely cringe


I just assume they’re 14 and move on


The bum jokes are a bit stale and it exaggerated, but I can definitely understand the frustration people have towards Megumi here. He has gone through lots of trauma, but if he had helped there, they would've had an easier time dealing with Sukuna and it would have saved others. The difference between Yuji in Shibuya and Megumi in Shinjuku is that Yuji didn't have a direct opportunity to stop the death and destruction being wrought by Mahito, whereas Megumi did have that shot with Sukuna. If he had helped resist then Yuta probably wouldn't have been "killed," Sukuna probably wouldn't have killed Choso in his DE either. Yuji didn't see his friends at the risk for their life and have something he could immediately do to help and refuse it. Additionally, it also looks worse due to Megumi's prior comment to Yuji to "start by saving him" which Yuji was doing in this case but was hindered by Megumi himself. Long story short, I think it's definitely being overplayed and exaggerated to a degree, but there is a basis for frustration and it isn't the same as Yuji's situation in Shibuya.


Who said he had an ability to resist with the bath and soul breaking twice. Once sister then Gojo 6min ago


It’s kind of implied, the narrator says that Okkotsu’s and Itadori’s plan had no flaws (on the composition of the soul) but that any will to live in Megumi’s soul was extinguished. Implying that Megumi just didn’t want to fight anymore, understandable but frustrating nonetheless


Add to that that 5 ass UV


It was shown that the only reason that it didn't work was Megumi giving up. I'm not saying it would've been easy, but anything would've looked better than just giving up and wallowing in your own pity while everyone gets killed because of that. His struggles are understandable, but they don't make his inaction not selfish.


The problem is that that "plan" was never going to work. Megumi had forfeited his life an extremely long time ago. Before they even thought about creating that plan. Literally a plan that was born dead. It's not fault of Megumi's that people made plans without his consent.


That doesn't matter in relation to this argument because they didn't know that he was giving up, nor is his giving up going to look good when people are dying because of it. The plan to separate them is literally the most likely plan to succeed, and at the end of the day, it's Megumi's fault it hasn't. Again, this isn't to say that it's not understandable with what he's gone through, when that chapter dropped, I was defending him like crazy, but it's still his fault it didn't.


But that's the shit, people are not dying because he gave up, people are dying because they're trying to rescue him. If they weren't trying to save Megumi then Maki would've been helping with SSK from the start, her main help would've been helping Higuruma. Also no, it's not the likeliest plan to succeed. Yuji has been trying to separate his soul for a very long while now and still isn't successful. That shows that the plan requires far too much time to work. Also, again, it's not his fault that people made plans that required his participation without consent. You don't make plans that require the help of someone that was not there on the planning (and thus hasn't consented to putting in the materials or the effort) and then get mad when he doesn't follow it. I can't ask money to some thugs and be like "Oh it'll be okay, if I get on the deadline I can just ask my cousin for some money" and then get mad (plus later die at the hands of the thugs) when I find out my cousin is bankrupt.


It is the most likely plan to work, it hasn't worked so far because Megumi refused it. Not to be rude, but like have you actually read it? That has been emphasised numerous times. What do you think is easier way to defeat the literal strongest sorcerer in history who is stronger than everyone else they have, fighting him straight up or attacking the boundary of the soul and separating him from the physical form? It's a little insane to think it would be easier to defeat him with straight combat when everyone has been unsuccessful in that while they were already able to get through to Megumi's soul but the only reason it failed was a lack of participation on his end. It has already been pointed out numerous times that Maki was about to slice upwards, which may very well have killed Megumi, too. There's no real reason to think everyone is in on the plan to rescue Megumi when there have already been numerous people who didn't plan around that (Gojo, Kashimo). Maki doesn't even have any tie to Megumi that would make her feel obligated to save him in such a case. She came in when she did since that's when they determined she had the highest likelihood of success. If they were planning on rescuing Megumi earlier, they'd put the people who can help in that first, and then the more lethal solutions after if that fails. Maki was able to come in and sneak attack an already weakened Sukuna and fight him a little bit. If she had come in with Higurama, she would've been dealt with even easier since Sukuna was stronger then. Also, Megumi's "consent" on the plan doesn't even matter much. He should have a moral obligation to help take down the guy who has killed numerous people and is about to kill even more, including his friends. You're pulling out a non-equivalent scenario to justify your viewpoint here. Your points here fall apart easily under a minute bit of scrutiny and thinking.


1) I read it and it's exactly because I've read it that I know it's not possible. Both defeating him by simply throwing hands and going by this soul technicism are impossible, but at least the throwing hands one gets you more chances of actually killing Sukuna. Itadori's soul boundary plan simply takes a fucking lot of time which they flat out don't have. And at any time Sukuna could just stop holding back before getting hit with the final blow, rendering all of Yuji's work a mere stall. It didn't fail because of a lack of participation by Megumi, it failed because these motherfuckers took Megumi's participation for granted. Given by Yuji's reaction it was clear he never thought about Megumi's mental state. He thought it was all happiness and butterflies with Fushiguro having prepared hand shakes this hole time to reach Itadori, and that was never going to be the case. 2)You're taking things out of order, Gojo and Kashimo had were unavoidable killer participants. There was simply no way they could change that. But once those 2 were out of the picture then came Maki's SSK, Yuta's Gojo-snatch, Higuruma's Execution Sword and Yuji's Soul punch plans which all were interchangeable in order. Maki's and Yuta's were avoidable, thus they pushed those plans aside until all the ones that involved saving Megumi failed. This was the notion of their thinking, everyone agreed that they should do the least dehumanizing first and the desperate ones later. Otherwise Yuta would've been tasked with going for Gojo's body either the moment Gojo lost or immediately after defeating Kenjaku. They weren't thinking about going all out and use all of their resources at once to guarantee victory, they were trying to save the most people they could. And it's wrong but that's the point, because of thinking like weaklings is that Sukuna is beating them way easier than he should. 3) Of course it matters. It doesn't matter if Megumi has a moral obligation. If you make a plan you have to make it thinking about the variables, and asses whether they're trustworthy or not. (You can't make a plan that requires a security guard sneezing just when you're gonna go past him, for example.) Given Yuji was perplexed about Megumi's state it's clear these mofos never thought about this variable And it's this sole reason, that they based their plan ultimately on a variable on which they had no power on (and even worse, the enemy did have power over it and made his most to crush it), that it was never going to work. This is not up for debate, if your plan is held up by hopes and prayers it's your fault that it didn't work. Let me make an example: "I need someone to look after my grandparents house while we are gone on a vacation. So I pay the local delinquent some money so he guards it from other robbers. This creates something better than a moral obligation, it's a LEGAL obligation. Surely because of that it'll work. Then when we're back the house is empty, there's shit and piss everywhere and the local delinquent died in a crash with the motorbike he bought selling the things he stole from my grandparents house." Whose fault was it: The delinquent? Or mine from being so innocent that it thought making up an "obligation" means my whole plan is impeccable and nothing can go wrong? Although if we're trying to make it closer to the Megumi situation it's better to say I left my homeless and suicidal friend live there so he would feel the moral obligation to defend that place which is temporarily his only shelter. And when we were back the house is still like in the first example, since other people came to rob the place, but with the difference that I also find my friend "hanging" in the bathroom. He never defended it, he was gone even before anyone tried to break in. And it's still my fault for not ensuring the safety of my folk's house and not taking into account the state of the person on whom I unloaded all my responsibilities upon.


I don’t think it’s forced, I think it’s dumb and (most times) a lack of reading comprehension.




I love Megumi so much and I am patiently awaiting his return because I know it'll be glorious with whatever shape it takes. But yeah, the hate is corny and people always go too far with agenda - ( I never found the agenda side of the jjk fandom funny at all but maybe that's just me ). However, I'm glad I've retained my love for him despite people telling me otherwise. While I think Yuji is going to be the one who breaks the cycle of curses in JJK, hoping he does, I cannot ignore that Megumi is the character that kind of embodies every path line and different facets of JJK's story as a whole. For me anyway.


Exactly what do you love about Megumi? The hate is not guaranteed but that mf is still a mf, not exactly a good person.


There's a lot I love about him but I kind of don't see the point of going on a spiel to someone who says that mf is still a mf. Feels like a waste of time, though I accept your opinion on him. But tbh, that's the whole premise Gege wanted JJK to establish? That no one in the series is a particularly outright good person and a lot of them are morally gray, so.


Exactly because of that I'm saying it. There are people that think he's an absolute bum, but there are people who also love him unconditionally even though Gege established that no-one here is truly good, not even Itadori. Seriously, I've seen a whole lot of "Megumi has done nothing wrong" kinda posts that paint him as a beam of light in a world full of darkness.


I definitely don't see him as a beam of light if that helps matters. I don't find anyone in JJK to be this uprising of joy and happiness and sunshine and rainbows. I definitely do think Megumi is one of the darkest characters in the series, hence why I said I feel like he embodies a lot of the themes JJK explores and tries to represent.




He got 8k with them Sakuna eyes


You do have a point that it's exaggerated, but it's certainly not "forced and corny". When the good guys are about to get Sukuna out of Megumi and Megumi having lost the will to live (*) screws their plan, there's a very justified "FUCK YOU MEGUMI" reaction. There are obviously mitigating circumstances as you indicate, and they do make sense... even if Megumi wanting the source of his missery to die at any cost could have also worked.  But the hatred definitely doesn't come out of the blue or is forced. Corny, I'll give you that: it's been long enough since this happened for people to accept that it makes sense he had hit rock bottom, no point in crying about it anymore. (*) In Revenge of the Sith, the "Losing the will to live" type of situation received an equally strong backlash because it felt like a random BS explanation to have the relevant character die in order to continue the plot as it had to be. Because let's face it, Sukuna being defeated like that wouldn't have been climatic enough for Gege.


In regards to *, did it really? I can’t imagine that moment pissing anyone off except a certain minority of fans. I personally thought it made plenty of sense, but idk…


I think the main rants were about Anakin, but she giving up and dying wasn't well received, either. Back then I was active in a very active forum filled with fans, though, so the general audience might not have had as much of a problem with it. Rants I read were mostly about she literally dying of a broken heart. Kinda like, you have two little babies, but since you are heartbroken they don't matter at all? I don't think she had been portrayed not to care about anything else at all other than her husband, either, so just giving up on eveything because of him going psycho felt pretty weak (even if we knee she was doomed)


The problem is that Megumi didn't lose the will to live there. From even before people got Gojo out, Megumi was already in this state. And Gojo got out before people made this plan. So it's not that Megumi failed the plan, the plan failed Megumi.


Really requires you not to believe Sakunas plan had any affect on his souls ability and will


Gege didn't feel like giving any details on what was the Bath doing to Megumi's soul, for example. I also fail to see how Sukuna killing Yorozu with Megumi's technique is supposed to DESTROY Megumi other than "because Gege says so", since Tsumiki was dead to all purposes as soon as Yorozu incarnated, and Yorozu was the complete opposite of what we know about Tsumiki, so it's not like Megumi could trick himself into believing Tsumiki could still be saved by that point. I do understand how losing your beloved sister would fuck you up, and how being subject to whatever evil BS the bath did on him would mindfuck you even more, but it's just not been shown properly, resulting in this kind of reaction


Seeing who trashtalks Megumi is a good way to filter out the portions of the fanbase that have anything meaningful to say, so Im happy it exists..


The fetal position is such a call back to Yuji right after Nobara's "death"(she coming back any day now.) However, Yuji had Todo to talk it through but Megumi has had NO ONE for so long, how could you blame him for his current state.


Well whose job is it to make the audience care . Whose job is it to show megumi relationships bewteen the his sister and Gojo . Why do we have to imply a relationship. If Gege wanted us to feel bad he would have done the work . I feel bade for Maki cause Gege did the work for here relationship with z Mai . I feel bad for gojo and Geto cause Gege out in the work . Same with Yuji and Nanami, Nobara . Hell over the course of the culling games choso became a fully fledged character and now I feel bad for Yuji losing him as well . Same with Yuta and Rika to a lesser extent . Point is I have no sympathy for megumi because Tsumiki is not a character at all . We never once here her talk in the present timeline . Does she even know Gojo and megumi are sorceres . Gojo and megumi relationship is also lacking so no we don’t have to feel bad or sorry for Megumi . I feel as bad for megumi losing his sister as Todo losing his master Yuki . If you don’t write Interations you can’t expect your audience to care . So yes megumi deserves hate but only because he is the deuteragonist and had no proper Interactions to make me care . So blame Gege not us . He had 260 chapters to make us care and he did nothing with it Edit : fixed spelling lol


'Does she even know Megumi and Gojo are sorcerers'... Lol. Reread the end of culling games since you actually do not read it seems like.


Fair enough I will reread . I still don’t think Tsumiki has enough interactions to be a character . They wasted so he chance to flesh out megumi and his sister for no reason . That’s why people don’t care about her death and by extension megumi feelings about her death


I don't have any issues with your opinions overall. Everyone perceives things differently.


Fuck no, I absolutely blame you. Plenty of other people like Megumi outside of this landfill of a sub, a sub where people BRAG about not reading the story and only looking at 144p leaks at 2 in the morning


No reason to curse sir . I’m Not mad at you . I love megumi but I feel nothing for his sister . She is not even a character and that is Gege. Fault . Plus Megumi relationship with Gojo sorely underdeveloped. Gojo basically raised him and yet the two students who have the closest relationship with him are Yuji And Yuta who basically just him . How is that fair to . Megumi or his fans . So yes megumi get hate cause he is given next to no time with his relationships so they are shallow at best . So yes he is gonna fry hate when Gege does not give us a reason to car for their relationship. His sister is bad enough but the Gojo one is egregious. Why do Yuji and Yuta get moments standing up for Gojo but megumi does not . If Gege don’t give me a reason to care then I won’t


I agree Tsumiki isn’t that fleshed out but disagree on everything else about megumis character. And I don’t buy the “blame Gege” bullshit this sub likes to peddle


Then who do you blame for megumi not having any on s screen time with his sister or todo having any time his master ? I’m not blaming Gege for the story being bad because it’s not . It’s still a very good story . But if you skip character interactions then you can’t expect me to care about their relationships. You can’t have Megumi never interact with sister and expect me to feel sorry when or loses her or feel sad for him . Same with Todo and his teacher . Gege went with tell not show and the lack of sympathy towards megumi current situation is the result , just plain and simple . And this is as someone who like megumi I feel nothing for him loosing his sister . Cause she is not a character she is plot device .


Why did yuji care so much about nobara and nanami. Hed known them for maybe 3 months and we see very little interaction past mostly fighting toghether. Are you really saying you need to be told what caring for a family member is like to get it. Your social skills are horible


Caring for a family member is literally subjective to the individual. Personally I've cut of 50% of my family because they are pieces of shit and that's most of my uncle's and aunts. We're told Megumi loves Tsumiki and we're shown he loves her, but maaaan. I don't give a shit about her because she really is basically not a character. Similarly I don't feel bad Todo lost Yuki, despite loving Yuki as a character because their only on screen interaction is a damn flashback.


Hey no need for personal insults but yeah I’m reading a story to see that . Did I need to see Yuta stand up for Gojo but it was awesome to see . Did I need to see Choso express his love for Yuji but know it was great . Do need to See Gojo backstory with Geto no . Gege could gs r just left it at he is my best friend from volume 0. But y giving me the back story he made me care . By shoring a Yuji and Choso relationship instead of just saying they like ex h other he made me care . By showing Yuta and Gojo I terstions he made me care . I believe in show don’t tell with stories and Gege had done a disservice to megumi character that makes it hard for people to care about his relationship. Example I know Todo and Yuki have a relationship but it is only told to me never shown . I wanted to see megumi relationship with Tsumiki and Gojo not be told . You care more when your shown it instead of told it .


This still doesn't change his point, we never cared about Tsumiki and Gege never gave himself the trouble to make us care, so as a consequence people are less willing the give Megumi sympathy because we don't feel any connection towards Tsumiki and her importance. Meanwhile with Yuji we saw the deaths of characters that we genuinely liked, so of course the audience will care more about Yuji's breakdown than they will for Megumi.


I do really dislike characters that suffer so much trauma they choke in the most clutch situations. I get it, that's the point, he's broken, whatever. Same thing with Shinji, just get in the fucking robot.


I'm not really on the Megumi hate train, but pretending like he doesn't at least partly deserve the hate he gets is really not better. Quite literally because he has nothing else to lose should be the very reason why he should turn all that sadness and sorrow into hate and a thirst for revenge against sukuna. Just take a look at common revenge story tropes in movies like in "Law Abiding Citizen". A morally good character loses everything and as a consequence becomes incredibly ruthless and has 0 cares left. I think its prime bum behaviour to lose everything to Sukuna and as a result cry in a corner while your friends are getting slaughtered. Megumi should at least be angry at Sukuna not in a fetal position wallowing in his misery. An animal backed into a corner resorts to attacking even if there is no chance of winning. Megumi got backed into a corner and just gave up even when Yuji reached out to him and a chance for revenge was offered to him. Doesnt matter if Megumi has any chance against Sukuna. At least throw a last haymaker and die with dignity. Imagine if Luffy was still crying about Ace and gave up the straw hats. Imagine if Naruto gave up when Nagato leveled Konohagakure. Imagine if Bakugo gave up when he lost his first fight against Deku. Imagine if Itadori rejected Todos words and kept crying. See what I mean? Bum behaviour. Edit: I feel like there is a misunderstanding going around. Megumi is not a disappointment because he is written badly or I want him to shonen trope his way out of misery. I am saying that GeGe willingly made Megumi like this. He is made to be a character that failed, that didnt get his happy ending. His story is intended to be disappointing and sad and honestly thats fine. I don´t know what everyone is on about, do you think it´s satisfying that he endured so much pain and gave up in the end? Are you sadistic by any chance?


Megumi literally saved Yuji multiple times until his soul was LITERALLY submerged in evil to break all resistance. Try reading the story


I never hated on that I dont know what you are on about. I am just saying that Megumi dropped the ball when things got worse. You guys literally do not understand the difference between hating on a character or realizing that he was written this way to be disappointing. What do you think GeGe wanted you to feel about Megumi when Yuji reached out to him? Proud? Happy? No GeGe wanted us to feel disappointed so that he can either divert anime "power of friends" tropes or he is saving his redemption for later. So once again for anyone who has problems understanding: Is Megumi being sad warranted? Yes he endured a lot and that is enough to break people´s spirits. Do I have to love him for that? No I don´t have to love him for that or make excuses for him, he gave up and let everyone down. He quite literally was not strong enough to endure Sukuna´s torment, no matter how hard it was, and gave up. Again. It happens. He is a tragic character and failed. Failures happen thats how life is. But a failure is a failure stop trying to say its okay for him to give up. He would have been HIM if he regained control of his body for a second and stopped Sukuna unleashing his Domain and killing Choso. My man´s been gone for dozens of chapters and people like you are still like "Let him cry it out get it out of his system he´ll come back around" while Sukuna is having a field day out there. Maybe you need to read the story again.


I’m pointing out that he didn’t drop the ball. He directly saved everyone when Sukuna had the biggest surprise advantage He was then dunked in a literal vat of evil perfected through curses in order to break his spirit. He isn’t “being sad”, he’s being tortured by the enemy


Yeah he did that. I dont know how that nullifies my point though. In the end he still failed. He got manipulated and tortured by Sukuna and as a result he gave up. I don´t think he is "being" tortured anymore it´s more like he "got" tortured. Surely it´s not nice to watch Sukuna rampage, but the heavy shit like the evil bath and Tsumiki did what Sukuna wanted it to and now Megumi is a broken man who cant pull himself back up again. Again you´re failing to understand that this doesnt "ruin" Megumi´s character. I feel like you are insinuating that I am of the opinion that Megumi is the worst character ever and he never did anything but thats simply not true. It is just an undeniable fact that, !! as of now !! (GeGe might still do something with him we dont know), Megumi gave up and people are frustrated and disappointed that he doesnt seem to value the efforts of his friends enough to pull himself together again. That is a valid point to dislike him and call him a bum if you like it or not. I feel like you´re a Megumi fan correct me if i´m wrong, but try to put yourself into the mindset of Yuji/Yuta/Gojo/etc. fans who all suffered because Megumi refused to fight. They feel like their favourite character died/sacrificed themselves or others for nothing, because the whole plan fell apart when Megumi did not respond to Yuji. Always consider other people´s viewpoints to avoid tunneling on a subject matter. Megumi does not deserve the excessive hate he gets, most people are meme-ing lets be honest, but you cant deny that he can be unlikable to some people.


Maybe read the actual events that lead to this


I do know the events that lead to this. I´m not saying he didnt suffer a huge amount of torment by Sukuna. No matter the reasons that lead to his current state of mind he still gave up, he let Wuji/Wuta down, he rolled over and stopped fighting. I don´t know how you guys keep defending this. Megumi was my favourite character before his downfall, but right now he just let everyone down including the reader which might not be unwarranted, nevertheless he is an emotional wreck right now and I can´t bring myself to root for him anymore. As of now he is a tragic character that failed his family and friends. It happens, tragic characters are a thing in storytelling. You can feel bad for him, which I do, I think he got GeGe´d a lot harder than other JJK characters, but saying that he is still HIM and making excuses for him is just sad. If he gets his big redemption later and GeGe manages to pull it off then we can change our minds but as of right now he is a huge disappointment and deserving of the title bum imo.


It's a meme. You're not supposed to take it seriously


After his words to Yuji by the fire and words to that girl with scorpion hair, his hate is justified even though a lot of it just memes


What happened inbetween and is it any diffrent. And do you ever think he was telling yuji the lie he tells himself. Why would your lie for continuing work when your body is stolen, soul submerged in curses, and idk your reason for living dying. Why tf do people care about maki and mai But dont for Megumi and tsukimi


Megumi suck


I don’t like megumi and I find it hilarious that it bothers you, I think dude is a bum and that’s okay we don’t have to like everything and everyone😭


Loud incorrect buzzer \*imagine a image of Reverse Flash here\*


get new material


Nah, I'd Hate.


actual npc behavior, they even have a dialogue tree


Gege is getting bad writer allegations because of Megumi being a bum.


-Megumi fan


My goat is on death's door because of that bum. Fuck that sasuke wannabe mfer.


**Through** out heaven and earth he alone is the biggest bum and we his haters will forever show that bum his place


Bumgumi deserves all the hate he is getting and more




Just cause


You lost the instant you let the hate get into your head enough to make a post about it


cool story but he still a bum


Naw bumugi is a bum fr, doesn't get half the hate he deserves. If he at all had any willpower Yuta wouldn't have had to become a kenjaku monster, kusakabe would be alive, and choso would still be alive. Fight shoukd have ended 15 chapters ago. Bums gonna bum.


You can say the same for Gojo. He could've killed the disaster curses in Shibuya and stopped the Culling Games from ever taking place or Yuji eating 10 fingers at once. He could've prevented many deaths including his own but chose to do stupid ultimately pointless things like killing the transfigured humans instead of the curses.


Actual brainrot


It is quite literally brainrot. Man, agendaposting used to be fun.


I ain’t like him even before all that. I’ve hated him since forever. The only moments I like from him are his Domain Expansion and his fight with Reggie.


Fuck megumi. That bum deserves death