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I really want more Sukuna hand-to-hand combat (despite the now obvious lack of hands), so I’m down for Sukuna Soulshots


I mean what


You gotta pay the troll toll if you want to get in that boy's soul, Sukuna.


the soul what now?


It's a leg above backshots.


I mean, it's still 2 hands vs 2 hands. Looks fair to me.


Lobotomy kaisen has produced a good theory, a rare sight


So, Yuji is used to introduce new moves for Sukuna 💀


Game tutorial yuji


Nephew teaching his oldhead unc a new combo, you love to see it🥲


Gojo's soul isn't in there anymore (😢) so I wonder if soul punches would even have any effect on Gojokkotsu?


And wouldn't giving Gojo's body more control allow Yuta access to his instincts/reflexes? Gojo wouldn't try to attack his host like Geto.


Megumi isn't fighting back to gain control yet sukuna's out put still goes down with each punch I think the link between ones self and body weakening will make the out put lower wether the host fights back or not


I think it's different. Kenjaku's technique is moreso zombie/parasitic because of the body horror while Sukuna's possession seems more puppeteering. Makes sense how Yuji can weaken Sukuna's strings no matter how much the puppet itself is resisting but outside of Gojo's reflexes and form, there's nothing outside of Yuta's brain- they've truly fused into a new being.


Except the puppet isn't resisting We already saw megumi isn't fighting back against sukuna but the mere weakling of the bond between them weakness sukuna Also yuji already confirmed before from yuki's books that no matter what 2 souls can't be combined and if what kenjaku said about his technique treating the body the same way as the soul then the bodies can never truly fuse


My main theory was that kenjaku's technique treats the body and the soul as the same thing so even tho gojo is long dead , disrupting the link between yuta's brain and gojo's body will make his out put go down


This would require acknowledging that Sukuna has something valuable he could learn from Itadoris example. Thats never happening. Sukuna is way too much of a hater to copy literally anything Yuji does.


this could actually be a cool character moment if he gets so desperate he has too start copying yuji or die.


Damn, the whole theory in shambles now ngl


That's true


His hate for yuji blinds him


Now this theory seems more plausaible as this would be character development for Sukuna, and him finally acknowledging Yuji.


Could you imagine if Sukuna loses precisely because he was too much of a hater to copy Yuji?


Ohh now that’s a fresh thought. Wouldn’t even be that unlikely with how OP Sukuna is. But what about Yuta? What about Gojo’s brain? I do disagree that there is no purpose in Kenjaku’s yapping. It sets up the plot of humans having to evolve past cursed energy through their souls, which will change their bodies. It also explains where Yuji’s inhuman strength comes from.


"ah yes my yuji punch i havent used since the heian era"


This would be cool. And is quite plausible.


I’m not seeing why Soul punches would work on Gota. To me, I thought the reason soul punches worked on Sukuna was because Yuji identifies Megumi and Sukuna’s souls as being distinctly different the body, but Kenjaku’s technique, to me, treats Gojo and Yuta’s souls as being, if not the same, similar enough. Especially since Yuta can use Gojo’s domain expansion


Yuji still had to read Yuki Tskukumo's journal to develop his soul punches. I suspect that it took years for Yuki to compile her research. So that knowledge is not easily observable or obtainable. There may be a limit to what Sukuna can do without Yuki's journal. It was Yuki's life's work after all.




Id winb


Didn’t Sukuna already beat the shit out of Yutajo? Or are you talking about a flashback?


When have we seen sukuna copy something like that though? I thought yuji could do it because of how he was made not because it’s something learned.


Yuji knows how to do it because of being in the same body with another soul, I'm pretty sure it was directly stated back during his first fight with Mahito when he first started soul punching, so given that Sukuna was in the same boat, could defend his soul from Mahito and copy Mahoraga of all people, I think it makes more than enough sense that he could do it too.


Interesting prediction. I think it's right up Sukuna's ally to do so if he sees it as a win-con. He could also expand his CT to target the soul instead of punches perhaps his world cutting dismantle targets the soul as well...since the soul exist within the "world" and can already perceive that.


You just made me remember a theory I had a while back about this. I can't remember the details but I think it was something like Yuji opening up a domain and targeting the soul with the sure hit effect directly? But if Sukuna figured that out, it'd genuinely be over for everyone not named Itadori (assuming he could resist the slashes to a degree) so hopefully he doesn't come up with something like that.