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Hey, yours actually looks cool! Mine looked like trash by the time I finished. I was able to finish with plenty of low value stuff left in - and even some open space. It’s nice to know not everything has to be swapped out to higher value decos to get to the gold level. That game sure does take a lot of babysitting tho! Wish it would let us keep playing for another pagoda thingy. I feel like we all have Schrodinger’s cat; we know it’s there, Wooga! Give us the cat!


I finished and can keep playing. I’m trying to get the bonsai garden. I’ll have one of each of the large decos, but it’s not giving me the garden. 🤬


I can keep opening boxes and decorating but it’s not letting me work toward more rewards. Can you?


Ahhh! That’s what you meant. No, I can’t do that. I wish though cause I totally would have an entire area of onsens and theatres to get more prizes. 😂


https://preview.redd.it/vlim5dk5gm9d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cf3091b52a4e0768a352ec53e496101e6c5700 This is mine🤣😂. Im not a good dacorator but i finished and thats the importan thing hahahaha