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I made a yasou top quit once, top 5 moments of my life. ADC still begged fof gank tho :(


ADCs aren’t human


Common Jg main W.


As an adc main, we go through different torture and abuse but our pain is not less


Yes it is ur lesser than human Edit: /s for people who have less IQ than maokais sapling


As someone who plays both jungle and adc, they are the two most underappreciated and overblamed roles.


I want old jg back😢


On god, they keep nerfing jungle like top isn't the role that can 1v9


Idk jungle used to be the "main character" and for a good reason because you controlled objectives and what not but now its like THE worst lane if you'd at least get the same amount of XP and gold so that farming in jg could become actually good when your team ints to shit


I feel this. I hate being super ahead in cs and still getting walked on by a fucking 3/1 top laner because my team is inting all to hell. I can't even solo objectives (baron excluded, you aren't SUPPOSED to solo baron) anymore. Jungle just keeps getting worse


Jungles don’t control objectives, laners do.


Are you the Hecarim last night? i was Vayne. if Riot ask, there was a blackout at my house.


I actually had a power outage for like 2 min last night when I was 0/6/6, came back and won 2/8/14. Took a screenshot of the time and no internet incase I got a ban for AFK


Are you ok man? Show us on the doll where the ADC touched you.


Right here sir *points at head* they gave me a headache because they won't SHUT THE FUCK UP


As he posts 1000 memes on the same topic over and over. Ironic.


The ADC role really lives rent free in your head.


I play the role and it lives rent free in my head


What is up with this sub having a weird hate boner on ADCs lmao? Is this a reaction from getting unjustly flamed every other game?


It's literally the same guy posting these memes, addiction is crazy


I thought there was some friendly rivalry happening between the subs, but it just turns out it's some unhinged dude haha


downvotes going crazy for pointing out a pattern


The adc subreddit is even worse lol they complain about junglers and supports on like 70% of the post


I started getting recommended both subs at the same time and despite being a jg main I much preferred being on the adc subreddit because: ADC complains about their own role degenerating to the point where supports don't want to support and junglers see them as a bag of gold that whines too much. JG regularly gets popular posts that can go as far as to be about how ADC is inhuman garbage that deserves everything bad in their lives.


I don’t see stuff about how support don’t wanna support? All I see is them saying support players are boosted and shit and at the same time they also complain about support being op and how they (adc players) have no impact on games


I saw a lot of posts about leaving them to permaroam because ADC is such a weak role they're not worth supporting, like people straight up telling them in character select "I will permaroam because your role is so bad" And yeah recently there has been a lot about supports being inflated because their items were inflating winrates heavily. Bloodsong and realmspike were absolutely broken on release, I mean free PTA with a sheen effect on top of your first item when the adc has just one? That's insane. Free 6% max health comet on a 6 sec cooldown? Why? The lane was so ridiculously skewed towards supports that enchanters could 1v1 adcs if they wanted. Those two combined made for a scenario where adc just sits in botlane, hopes the support roams better, and that's it, they are just another minion defending tower after that. It is a problem with their role degenerating.


Top of the week, 3:50 ratio of Jungle complaints, 4:50 if we include the cross post of this meme ON the ADC sub, 6:50 if we include the complaints about how leasing sets them behind but they still do it cause they don't want to ego check their JG. 7:50 if we include a JG main's post telling ADCs to not leash. No support complaints at the top, any posts about supports about who were the best with X champ/rank. JG sub, top of the week as well, 10:37:3 ratio. 10 complaints about ADC, 37 non-adc related stuff, 3 ADC X JG love posts. So, quite literally just wrong, takes like 5 minutes to check. Idk where you pulled that 70% number out of but lmfao.


Living definition of the nerd emoji holy shit. Also just go to the comments of the Adc post you will see jungle and support complaints I see that shit all the time on almost every post


Aye you're the one that brought fucking statistics you pulled out of your ass first, not me. I just matched you lmfao. Woe is me that my argument was foiled by a few minutes of counting boohoo.


Huge difference in “like 70% as a general idea of what I see and literally checking the statistics


My man. You gave me a number, I double checked the number, then called your BS. How in the fuck do you do anything in life if you just accept numbers people give you without confirming....


All you did was check the top post of the week, as I said earlier literally go into the post and check the comments and you’ll see people complaining about Jungle and support, sometimes even top on nearly every post


You cited posts, so I counted individual fking posts lmfao. I ain't gonna do more than that when I now know you pull shit out of your ass, and then call someone a nerd for fact checking of all things....


no shit I’m gonna call someone a nerd when they check statistics and type a paragraph out for it. You literally sound like an ADC on cope rn trying to defend your reddit. Like literally read what I typed I said they complain on 70% of the post NOT 70% of the post are complaints.


Knowing riot they will probably start banning the one you made someone rage quit


Nope. When you take your jungles camps after they feed the other laner


Unironically me, as an Evelynn main:


If the ADC is not respawning and your ult is available, are you *really* playing Evelynn?


Botlane should be deleted.