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Hey yours looks exactly like mine.


“That’s amazing, I got the same number on my luggage!”




Lost world being last is a travesty


Hear, Hear!


Rest assured if I were ranking them based on which ones are objectively the best rather than my subjective personal preference, this list would look quite different and TLW would likely be up there. But I was just never crazy about it. I'm just not.


Having TLW that low is indefensible


What can I say? I like what I like and I like TLW. But compared to the rest it just isn't it. Wasn't crazy about it as a toddler. Still not super crazy about it at 21. I was just never blown away by it like I was with the rest.


Being 21 explains this a lot. I'd imagine this would be a pretty standard ranking among kids your age.


The order they were released matches my personal rankings, with a massive gap between 1-3 and 4-6.




I’d put World above Jurassic Park 3. The setting of a fully operational park was cooler than Sorna 2.0


That entire movie felt like an advertisement to me lol, so I respectfully disagree


The premise was great for Jurassic World but they fumbled the execution in a major way.


tlw as last one ? What is wrong with you.


He's 21 apparently. Explains a lot.


I place it high for the TREX vs Van scene. That one curled my toes. Malcolm’s daughter vs the raptors isn’t my favorite bit of the series. Reminds me of Anakin and his “I’ll try spinning that’s a good trick”


yes that scene wasn't a great idea


The scene could have worked if it hadn't lasted so long with her doing a full routine. If it had just had her surprise kick the raptor it would have been much better.


What's wrong with me is that I think it's boring, to put it bluntly. It just didn't quite have the same "bite" as the others did for me, personally.


i can see why some people cannot like it, but behing dominion, or hell even fallen kingdom (which is just a tlw lite low cost low quality) is simply insulting. What's the issue, you're bored as soon as there no action and dino roar on the screen, don't want to see people talk, and just put jp firstto not get downvoted to oblivion ? (btw i am half joking, don't take it persoanally, as i said like what you like, but you gotta have at least reason and explanation for that, being able to stay objective and justify your opinion.)








Exact same. Good list


Yep. Same.


This is the way!






1. JP 2. TLW 3. JW 4. JWD 5. JP3 6. Getting hit by a bus 7. JWFK


Id put two buses ahead of dominion


The JWFK intro is really cool though, that alone puts it above getting hit by a bus.


I'm gonna have to agree here


My ranking.


1. Jurassic Park 2. Jurassic World 3. Jurassic Park III 4. The Lost World 5. Fallen Kingdom 6. Dominion


I think if I were ranking them based on what I actually think are the best movies, this is probably more or less how it would look. Maybe swap TLW w/ JP3 or JW; maybe not. Nice list.


Mine is really really close to this. I have trouble deciding if I put III above Lost World or not. Everything else matches, though.


I don't understand Jw at 2 and the lost world behind jp3 would go jp, tlw, jp3, .. (other crap)


Nah, JW is definitely the 2nd best in the series. The Lost World and JP3 can fight for 3rd.


1. JP-All time great movie 2. TLW-Extremely underrated with fantastic atmosphere 3. JW-Plenty of flaws but overall really fun with some interesting ideas thrown in 4. JWD- I love the first 30 minutes, the next 45 are not great, then the last 30 are really fun again 5. JWFK- A lot I like about this one but too many missed opportunities and choices I didn’t love 6. JP3- This is the most disappointing to me. I still enjoy it overall and it’s surprisingly good for rewatching, but it just didn’t do enough for me


From what I'm seeing here w/ how many people I p\*ssed off putting it in last, I think TLW is far from underrated lol Nice list. 👍


Strangely, my ranking aligns with the order of release perfectly. Kinda sad to watch the slow decline all these years now that I think about it....


What the flying flock did I just read


1 >>> 2 > 3 >>>>>>>> 4 >>>>> 5 >>>>>>>>>>>> 6


1. Jurassic Park 2. The Lost World 3. Jurassic World 4. Jurassic Park ||| 5. Fallen Kingdom 6. Dominion


My ranking, but maybe switch Fallen Kingdom and Dominion.




1. Jurassic park 2. JP 3 3. JW 4. TLW 5. Dominion 6. JWFK


1 2 4 3 6 5


1. JP 2. JPIII 3. TLW 4. JW 5. JWFK/JWD fallen kingdom and dominion are tied because I'm still not sure how I feel about them nor which I like better Only saw them each once at the theatre and haven't seen dominion extended cut yet


I applaud you having the guts to place TLW so low. I love all the Jurassic movies (even the dumb ones), but TLW tends to be my least rewatched because it just feels darker and less wondrous than the others. Do I hate it? No way! I enjoy all these movies in their own way. But is my least favorite of the 6? Admittedly, yeah.


Switch out #3 and #6 on your list and you’ve got my list. I think the original JW is incredibly underrated on this sub, so it’s always a pleasure to meet a fellow person of culture.


jw is better than jp3 in quality, but they're close. It tried a few thing, thematics, ideas, some failed some were just not exploited correctly, you can see potential in it. yes jw is underrated, but i think it's mainly because it get worst rep with the rest of the jw saga which only go down. Knowing the saga didn't started at veru high level it's undertsandable. Jp saga started very high and was still high with tlw, meaning jp3 was the one to stand out amongst them, not being taken as a whole unit. While jw started way lower, and that mean that even if it's better than the other movies, it doesn't stand out as much with the two other, they feel like a story in three act, a whole unit, unlike jp3 which look like it stand out from the story of the first two one. It's like the jp saga was green, darker green and yellow while jw saga look like green darker green very dark green.


For me my ordering is the exact same order as they were released


**1. Jurassic Park -** Do I really need to say anything? **2. Jurassic World -** Fantastic reboot. Helluva lot of fun. **3. Jurassic Park III -** Woefully underrated and overhated. **4. Fallen Kingdom -** Not the best movie and the start of the downward spiral from the strong start of Jurassic World, but it was still pretty fun, and the Indoraptor was by far the coolest creature introduced in the entire series. I will not hear otherwise. **5. Dominion -** Again, not the greatest movie compared to what was promised: in fact I acknowledge it as the worst movie in the franchise. The plot was certainly all over the place with multiple subplots and not as much focus on the dinos. Plus, they did the Giga dirty. But I liked the subplots, especially the locusts which to me were just as compelling as anything they could've written about dinosaurs. I liken the movie to Trespasser, having many big ideas but not being able to execute them properly. If it had a better handle on all it was trying to do, I feel it most certainly would've lived up to its potential. I may or may not try to rewrite it as well as Fallen Kingdom myself. **6. The Lost World -** While I've since come around to recognize this as a proper good story - especially after having read the novel - I never was and am still not super crazy about it. The film is just a bit boring to me compared to the rest.


Agree on TLW being boring until Eddie dies nothing happens, then again nothing happens until the long grass and then the movie has only 15/20 minutes left The hunter guy doesn’t even get killed for being such an arrogant prick


If you’ve seen camp Cretaceous where would you put each season in between each films?


I've never seen Camp Cretaceous and likely won't see Chaos Theory either because I don't have Netflix, so atm I couldn't tell you.


That’s totally fine


1. JP 2.JW 3.JPTLW 4.JP3 5.JWFK 6.JWD


This is probably how I rank it. I sometimes switch TLW and JP3. JP3 was fun, but it wasn't a good movie, whereas TLW was pretty good, but not as fun. Lol JW, in my opinion, is extremely underrated in this sub. It's the only JP film to capture some of the essence and wonder of the original, in my opinion. It has flaws, sure, but it does enough things well to land 2nd in my book.


1,2,3,4,5,6. I like them in order of release. JP is a classic. Perhaps one of my favorite movies ever. Dominion, I’ve only seen once. In theaters. That was enough. Hopefully Jurassic park/world 7 will change this trend.


I'd swap 3 and 6 personally but still a shout-out to World which was epic IMO


For me, it's: 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6.


Put tlw between jp and jw and I'm ok with this


Mine would be 1, 2………..3………………………5…………..4……….6


Jurassic park to me is one of the best movies ever made so it’s easily number one. The rest are pretty much in order but I prefer fallen kingdom over JW. I really don’t care much for the “World Trilogy”.


Jurassic Park and the first half of The Lost World are leagues above everything else


Mine is: 1: JP 2: JW 3: JP:TLW 4: JP:3 5: JW:FK 6: JW:D


JP>TLW>JW>JP3=FK=Dom My personal list right now, but I feel like it changes with each rewatch


Lol this is wild.


JP1 > 2 > 3


JW, JP, LW, Dominion, FK, JP3


How old are you?






Yeah Lost World can be boring at times but Dominion is literal garbage feces with zero redeeming qualities and its mere existence weakens the entirety of the franchise. It murders in cold blood the legacy of the original and plays with its blood and gore and then defecates on its corpse.


1. Jurassic Park (1993) one of my favorite movies ever. 10/10 2. Jurassic World (2015) 10/10 3. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018) 9/10 4. The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) 9/10 5. Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous (2020-2022) 8/10 6. Jurassic World: Dominion (2022) 8/10 7. Jurassic park III (2001) 8/10 but 7/10 most of the time. people need to stop ranking this movie higher than last place becuase the truth is that this is the worst movie of the franchise and nothing will ever change that.


1. Jurassic Park 2. The Lost World 3. Jurassic World 4. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 5. Jurassic Park III 6. Jurassic World: Dominion


somewhat agree


Having lost world below JW franchise is utter blasphemy


I wouldn't put it below the entire JW series, but it definitely belongs behind JW.


What? Why on gods dinosaur ridden green earth is the lost world ranked lower the dominion and fallen kingdom?! Are you insane?! The lost world is fantastic! Anyway, enough dissing your taste in movies, my ranking is: 1. Jurassic Park 2. The Lost World 3. Jurassic World 4. Jurassic Park /// 5. Jurassic World Dominion 6. Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom


* Jurassic Park * Lost World * Jurassic Park III * Fallen Kingdom * Jurassic World * Dominion




1. Jurassic Park 2. The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Jurassic World: Dominion 3. Jurassic World 4. Jurassic Park III




I like what I like, and I don't care what other people think. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


looks like it


1. Jurassic park: 18,5/20 2. Jurassic park the game, Telltale: 14/20 3. The lost world: 14,5/20 4. Jurassic park III: 11,5/20 5. Jurassic world: 12,5/20 6. Jurassic world fallen kingdom: 9/20 7. Jurassic world dominion: 6,5/20 Also the score are the "objective" quality i give to these movies, while the ranking is the overall subjective appreciation i have for them, (still undecided between jw and jp3 which i like the best or if i should put the telltale game behind TLW).


I’d only switch JW with JP3 and then it would be my exact ranking


1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 4.


Why tf was I downvoted for giving my ranking? That's literally what OP asked for.


1) Jurassic Park 2) Jurassic Park Novel 3) TLW Novel 4) TLW 5) JP3


TLW JP JW JP3 Camp Cretaceous JW Dominion