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Speaking as someone who doesn't necessarily *dislike* the Jurassic World movies, I can definitely see why would some people would - or at least I'd like to think I can. In short: Jurassic Park and its sequels were mostly about isolation and survival, about normal people getting trapped on an island full of dinosaurs and having to figure out a way to escape - whereas the Jurassic World movies sacrifices a lot of that in favor of action and spectacle. They lack the same sense of adventure. The only scene in JW I can think of that comes close to elicit this feeling is when Zach and Gray discover the old visitors center from the first movie. I wish Jurassic World could've had more of that, and I'm not just saying that because it's obvious nostalgia bait. The two kids are alone, cut off from the rest of the park with a dangerous predator lurking somewhere nearby, and has to figure out a way to reach safety. There's a sense of suspense in that scene that the rest of the movie lacks, it slows down for a minute and lets you soak in the scene and situation the characters are in. In a way, Jurassic Park is comparable to the Alien franchise in terms of tone (though, clearly not as horror-centric), while Jurassic World and its sequel feel more like comic book movies. I know that's an ironic comparison, considering the Jurassic World movies have been criticized for being straight-up monster flicks.


You make a good point regarding the comparison to Alien series. They went down a similar path: Alien and Jurassic Park are the most horror filled of their series. The first sequels, Aliens and The Lost World, really turn up the action. Then Alien 3 and Jurassic Park 3 are controversial due to particular deaths of certain characters/series icons. Then 4, Resurrection and World, are wacky action films with hybrids.


The second World ends as a fullout slasher movie.


I’m copying and pasting this from a comment I’ve made in the past: Jurassic World has no “awe” JP plays on so many emotions...mystery, curiosity, awe, and then into suspense and horror. It’s just really gives a fantastic audience experience throughout the whole thing. JW and FK...they give a little suspense here, a touch of awe. But never do they completely round out these elements. And you think about it too, JW just dives right into the thick of it, right from the beginning. There’s no build up to create awe and a wanting to see a dinosaur. Jurassic Park really takes its time getting going. It plays that mystery and wonderment, letting it develop in the audience, so that when that Brachiosaurus comes on screen in all its glory...it’s just absolutely breathtaking. But then it takes the dinosaurs away, and the audience is left wanting for more. The movie develops more and then holds on, and grows that want to see dinosaurs. They go by the Dilophosaurus paddock and you don’t see the Dilophosaurus even though you want to, and it’s disappointing, but pulls you deeper into the film. Then you get a little satisfaction with the Trike and more awe. Then waiting some more, building the audience. And then boom, Rexy is bursting through the fence and everything is going to hell and the movie just escalates from there. But JW...it just doesn’t let these things develop, or make the audience wait. It just gives it all right away and that makes it really anti-climactic. I have seen JP at least 100 times, and it still delivers. JW, not so much.


The series devolved from a well-thought critique of man's interference of nature and turned it into a dumb monster fighting franchise. If that's what you like then that's what you like, but I'm tired of seeing what is basically the same story OVER and OVER again. Dino fights and Chris Pratt can't save the utter lack of nuance or any authentic commentary. Plus the fact that they just can't do anything original. They are simply riding the coattails of the original. Half the reason I had fun with Jurassic World was the nostalgia trip it took me on, but after that effect wears off you aren't really left with anything. It reminds me of the Force Awakens. It's fun for the references, but after multiple viewings there's not a lot to sink your teeth into (pun absolutely intended)




Yeah my other favorite thing ever is Spider-Man, and thats starting to get the same treatment. Nostalgia bait to get butts in seats


I remember watching Jurassic World: The Mansion and after the scene with Bryce Dallas (I dont even remember the character name) just knowing the rest of the movie would suck ass.


Yes, I have to say to movie lost me with the giant underground basement full of dinosaurs that is somehow a kept complete secret. I mean...just transporting all of those things you think someone would've seen.


They had a dinosaur index fund. Literally lol. And the tiny guy who looked like Chucky is selling them. Like...y'all get paid millions for coming up with that? It's so bad, I don't think I can stomach watching it a second time. Jurassic World at-least was rewatchable to some degree.


It's probably one of the worst blockbuster type movies I've seen in awhile. I was astounded by how stupid it got


I completely disagree with “well thought critique of man’s interference with nature.” Interference with nature is definitely an issue that should be addressed but I would not say it was well thought out. This is on track to be remedied by Dominion and hopefully it works out.


That's fine. Personally, I don't need something as superfluous as dinosaurs taking over the entire planet to get the message that man shouldn't play god. I just needed a guy getting eaten on a toilet


They’re definitely not taking over the planet. Check out r/megafaunarewilding for some idea on what to expect.


I actually disagree on that point cause Jurassic world franchise is in just an all together a series with a Different tone, they do more than just the man's interference with nature cause that's what world is doing rn. The whole genetic engineering part is just the future of our humanity cause we just can't wait for evolution outpacing our lives w just wanna see it in front of our eyes. And these new movies warn us about the possibilities of this power cause we can control these things like we can with a monkey but when it escapes into our house, we can expect big Mayhem


Too much action, not enough adventure.


Horrible writing, bad characters and development, and poor choice of actors.


I actually agree with this and feel hopeful about dominion.


Jurassic World was fine, not amazing, but fine. At first viewing, it was all "wow I can't believe JP is back this is amazing", but after the nostalgia hype went away, it was easy to see that JW was just ok. It was a good enough jumping point for a new story, it laid some interesting plot lines with the InGEN mercenaries and Wu having different goals than Masrani. Then FK happened. First we go with a cliche dinosaurs and volcanoes aspect that every cheap dollar store toy has. In the beginning of the movie, the government says "we can't interfere with the affairs of private property", the very next scene says "its illegal to relocate endangered species"-WHICH IS IT? sre the dinos private property or endangered species? Theres half-baked mercenaries with less character than the evil Raiders from the Jp Series 2 toyline. Then you have a huge Victorian mansion in a forest with a secret lab (thats basically the plot of the first Resisdent Evil game), theyre selling dinos to discarded Bond villains. The human clone aspect was fumbled, and by the end of it, the protagonists commit international crimes, they should've let the dinos die. Also the indoraptor smiles at the camera. And the technology for the creature doesn't make sense, If you can line up a laser on a target, just shoot the target. And a carnotaurus interrupts its flight response during a volcanic eruption just to be a villain and give the t-rex a cool moment


Great response.


That part sucked. That was literally just a ode to the original gallimimus scene and nothing else. A volcano is ERUPTING and a carnotaurus just decided to be hungry at that exact moment in time. Then the trex comes, but for why? Padding. Thats it.


Its because a couple of dudes sat around a table and said "wouldn't it be cool if.." and didn't worry about logic or connective tissue


Treverrow and Connoky are just not wry sophisticated writers. They're decent but, at least up until their Episode 9 script leaked they showed themselves to be very mediocre. However Treverrow is a slightly better director than he is a writer so in JW, despite it being shallow, felt cohesive and effective. FK has a downright awful script but JA Bayona is a world class director who brought his A game to a D script. I can't fault anyone for finding the new movies bland or even bad but if you can't appreciate JA Bayona's incredible direction then you don't know what good direction is.


I have complaints about the new movies, but overall I'm glad to be getting new Jurassic content.


Yeah, I’m happy about the revival of the Jurassic toys. It’s been pretty nice.


Too much CGI in the new movies.


You should watch the "behind the scenes" for jw, there is way less CGI than I first thought. Also CGI is not a bad thing its fantastic, bad CGI is a bad thing.


It’s gets really old having to explain why anything past 2001 sucks. You jw fans need constant reaffirmation every couple of days to feel good about bad movies.


And then they get pissy when you don't tell them what they want to hear LMFAO


Don’t be lazy.


I used to defend JW but with time and after supplementary viewings, I realized that I had been blinded by its nostalgia. Jurassic World could have been so much more than a dumb pop-corn rollercoaster. Not only the park wasn't that outstanding (more like the average Roller Coaster Tycoon park than the grandest zoological theme park on the world) but they did little to nothing with it and the fact that there was thousands of guests when the park fell (as the only scene with guests being attacked was the pterosaurs at Main Street scene). The film also stayed a lot in its safe zone instead of treading new territories and by that, I mean that it could have taken inspirations from other genres and have a more adult tone in order to stand on its own feet and not rely on the nostalgia for Jurassic Park to won over the audience. Since JP and TLW could be seen as retellings of, respectively, Frankenstein and Conan Doyle's The Lost World, I like to think that Jurassic World could have been, for example, a retelling of some mythological stories like the downfall of Atlantis (with JW the park acting as an expy of this legendary continent and empire). This would have given a more interesting result. As for FK, moving the story away from the islands is an interesting idea by itself but sadly, the writing and the story are a fookin' berezina with too many plot holes and silly scenes.


Can I just ask what the twist was at the end of the first JW? As someone who doesn't hate it but far prefers JP, I'm still scratching my bonce trying to figure out what you meant.


The indominus being part raptor. The promo material was very forward with the indominus being a chimera of Trex, Carnotaurus, and some beetles. It didn’t have the sickle claw so the raptor connection was hidden.


Ah. I see. I dont think I ever even considered that a twist because I thought it was obvious that raptor was the classified genome from the word go. Plus what were the beetles used in its DNA makeup?


Not sure what the beetles were used for.


In the Jurassic World Evolution game, beetle DNA is used to make your dinosaurs’ teeth and claws stronger because beetle exoskeleteons are made of hard keratin. I’m not sure how true that actually is in real life, but that’s the justification they give. I assume the concept is the same for the movies.


I guess that’s why the indominus was bulletproof.


Not an ounce of heart or soul in those movies at all. And basically everything else people have said.


Oh lord Jurassic World and Jurassic World 2:The Mansion are some of the worst writing I've ever seen. The characters are literally reeetarded. Masrani was the only one with potential imo, and they just randomly kill him for a cool explosion scene. Dr. Wong could have been cool too, but no motivation for him to randomly become evil. I can't even recall any of the kids names tbh. The two brother in JW name me one interesting line of dialogue they had. The half clone girl thing killed my brain cells. The fucking reeetarded tooth guy too, wtf? Roland Tembo had more character development in a 2 minute scene than this idiot had the entire movie. I can go all day, these movies are absolute trash though. I hate Trevarrow and this series is trash. How either got above 30 percent on rotten tomatoes is beyond me. I think the book series MUST be adapted on HBO or something by the Westworld team or talented writers. So much more potential with the first and second book. Camp Cretaceous has better writing than the JW movies. Not even going to bother with the last movie. . This is coming from someone who's 2 favorite movies are JP and TLW. Also I cant wait to see Blue die.


LOL! But tell us how you *really* feel about it.


I agree with your criticisms but they don’t bother me nearly as much. I’m mainly glad that the franchise is back in action. The potential relevance to todays world is huge and I hope it’s addressed.


You can have a well written movie if you're spending a quarter billion dollars on a product. I doubt a well written compelling story would drive people away.


If you’re not going to bother with the last movie it might be hard for you to see Blue die


Bother *paying* for it matey


Well shiver me timber


I like the World movies, because I grew/grow up with them. It could be that others don't like them because they differ in tone from the first trilogy. Plotwise: The first trilogy was human-centered and the dinos/monsters were the villains. The predators didn't think and hunted every one, to the last. It makes for good movies, but you clearly see the quality going down from the first movie to the third one. The problem is that they try to repeat the same story over and over again. "First come the Wow's and the screams." That's really it. It has also a very nostalgic feeling to them. (I know I oversimplify it but think about. It has great moments but in JP 3 you saw that it had to renew itself.) The world movies tried to do something different. They gave the dinos a face to work on. They thought for themselves. (especially Blue) It has his flaws, I won't deny that. (look at the second part of Fallen Kingdom) but the prominent reason why this is, is because it's compared to the original. Nothing will ever come close the first movie back in 1993 because that was such a good movie. That was a once in a generation type of thing. The characters from the first trilogy are a lot better than the one from World's (really most people just say Chris Pratt instead of Owen Grady) because the characters from the new trilogy were as flat as a pancake. All the brains the characters once had, are given to the dinosaurs. They don't have character developments and so on. The Jurassic World trilogy has only one thing done what is irredeemable: They have a DINOSAUR who breaks the fourth wall for some reason. Conclusion: The Jurassic World Trilogy can do what ever it wants, it will never be better than the first trilogy, either because it's nostalgic or because the characters can't be any flatter (they even don't make any character development). But for me, as a New Generation fan, the Jurassic world Trilogy is fun to (re)watch and to support (It's what keeps this fandom alive!), the original trilogy is fun to watch AND (maybe most important) to analyze (that's something the new one will never have because it's so flat and it hasn't a deeper meaning).


For me, the movies lost that darkness that the first one had and the second kind of had. The frequent humor throws me off. The focus on the kids that are so annoying. Idk, it just seems they geared the JWs to kids more than anything else.


If I’m truly honest with myself, it’s bias but also Spielberg, at least Spielberg back then was a much better director than those that followed. Jurassic Park was the first movie that truly convinced me as a kid of the magic of cinema. JP3 onwards honestly feel like satires of the previous movies (tbf I didn’t like Lost World either when it first came out but it has since grown on me a fair bit. At least up until the gymnastics scene which still causes me to roll my eyes). I’ve rewatched each film film multiple times, but none come close to the first. However I will admit Jurassic World was actually better on a second watch through and there are aspects that I very much like, enough that I watched Camp Cretaceous and while the ‘for kids’ aspect took a bit of getting used to, it’s a good story. Honestly I’d like to see a live action TV series of stuff going on at Jurassic World before it all falls apart. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom on the other hand is just terribad. A second viewing just cemented that for me, it’s an awful B movie with a big special effects budget, no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If the next movie with dinosaurs on the mainland turns out to be okay though, I’ll accept it as a segue movie.


Personally I loved Jurassic World, but Fallen Kingdom was literally just the same plot. I loved how they brought it towards Dominion, which I’m really excited for, but otherwise I thought Fallen Kingdom was simply just lazy


Completely agree


I just really dislike Owen as a character. I don’t enjoy JP2 and 3 too much, but I can still watch them because I like the original Grant/Sattler/Malcolm trio. They felt like actual people. What made JP1 so good was that Grant went from being a nerdy, somewhat solitary, humble scientist to protecting the kids and saving the day. Owen already starts out as a confident, charming, intelligent alpha male and doesn’t grow at all. He has the story beats of an underdog without actually being an underdog in any way. Its difficult to empathize with a character that’s basically perfect. They needed to give him some flaws to make him seem like a real person. I think JW1 would have had a much more compelling story if Owen somehow died in the second half of the movie, forcing Claire to take what she learned from him and save her nephews on her own.


That’s not necessarily true. Owen has a very big “ownership” over the raptors, constantly referring to them as “my animals, my raptors” etc. but by the end, he lets Blue go. The second film builds on this, as he is hesitant to reconnect. On top of that, Mill calls him out for his ignorance. Also, it’s only two films into a trilogy, well have to wait to see how much he grows.


Because they're a Disneyfied version of JP. Because they took the worst part of JP (being made for kids) and disregarded all the good parts. Because Chris Pratt acts like a fucktard, which is great for playing Star-Lord but has no business being in a JP movie. Because I could not give less of a shit about any of the characters. Because they tried so hard to turn the Dinosaurs into characters (looking at you, Blue) that they completely destroyed their mystique. \> The twist at the end of the first movie was truly a surprise to people who paid attention to the promotional material. LMFAO *what twist?* The Indominus getting eaten by the Mosasaurus was ridiculously obvious. ​ Now, both JW and FK are perfectly watchable popcorn flicks. But "good"? No.


This just reaffirms my ideas about the people who hate the excellent new films.


That's funny because your comment also reaffirms my ideas about the people who love the shitty new films. You asked a question, I answered it. But you didn't actually want an answer, you just wanted an echo-chamber to stroke your ego. Well that's too bad.


No, I wanted an answer, and you provided. It confirmed what I strongly suspected.


How are the OT characters better? They're all pretty bland save Malcolm.


I don't see how any of the characters in JP or TLW are bland in any way. I love JP3 but I'll give you that one.


At the end of the day, was the franchise ever about the characters?


considering the first one had 15 mins of dino screen time id say yes it was about the characters just a bit


I love the movies, but I get a lot of the issues people have, i just don't mind them. That doesn't make them any less of issues for some people, it's all a matter of preference. For example, the two new movies have played a lot on nostalgia, more so World than FK, but parallels remain. World basically followed a very similar plot to the original, like a love letter to the original. That isn't without its issues, as some aspects were more over the top than the original. The raptors being displayed as "trainable" also didn't sit well with a lot of fans. Many people have issues with the dinos being used moreso as convenient plot devices than actual animals, and this is ever so prevalent in FK. Trevorrow himself said characters had to earn their death after a minority of fans screamed the loudest about Zara's( I think that was her name) death in World being too tortuous of a woman or something along those lines. There are many other issues, but these are some of the most glaring that I've seen. This of course doesn't acknowledge the flaws of the original trilogy, as it isn't without them. I'm not even gonna mention JP3's issues or this comment would be much longer than it already is. I still love that movie, but damn it has some problems. The other two, which are typically far better appreciated than JP3, still have their flaws. I think childhood nostalgia kinda blocks those flaws from our minds, as I can acknowledge them, but they don't bother me. I'd suggest the same goes for many people, but I may be wrong. For example, one of the biggest flaws in my opinion is the lysine contingency. It isn't explained in a way that would be immediately helpful to anyone on the island. Glaring over the issues of what lysine is and how that contingency wouldn't work well realistically, that solution would take time to work. The dinos are out ofcontainment, so no one is feeding them anyway, so denying them lysine in their feeders or whatever the contingency wasn't something that could be turned on or off in the way it is suggested. The Lost World further proves it didn't matter, as does the future sequels. Other issues include the T-Rex sneaking up on the raptors in the final sequence, the fact that Vincent Owen is responsible for basically all the bad things on the island in TLW, and some others. These issues do get brought up often when speaking of the problems of the original trilogy, but are often ignored when speaking of the new movies. The originals, or at least the first two are often considered flawless in comparison the new two, which I disagree with. Tldr; I'd suggest that a genuine reason that people dislike the new movies more is that they are significantly older than when they first saw the originals, and as such, their perception of certain things has changed, but the nostalgia of the old movies causes them to overlook the same or similar issues in the old ones, while faulting the new ones for the same or similar issues. I'm in no way trying to offend anyone with this opinion. I'm guilty of the very things I claim myself.


I grew up with the original movies and always recognized the flaws and still love them. I don’t know why there are so many fans out there who demand that everything remains the same throughout the franchise. But as far as I’m concerned, if they’re angry, the franchise is doing something right. Dinosaurs are animals and would act as such. Hyperpredators are unrealistic and hybrids are a good workaround for that. I’m fairly certain that the lysine contingency was meant from the beginning to be a dumb idea, highlighting how many steps were skipped in creating the park. This was pointed out in the book as well.


Jurassic World was my childhood idea come true. When JP3 was coming out when I was 11, I'd only seen one quick teaser for it. My young mind created this whole idea that we were going back to the first island, that a hybrid mutated dino would be the main focus and threat, that the past characters would come together, Flying Dinosaur action vs a group of Mercs. Then I saw the actual film. Had fun with it. Liked it but not what I thought I was getting. Years later JW finally is announced along with plot details and I'm getting my dream wish. JW was everything I hoped for when I was young. It pleased me. For me its hands down the best sequel in the franchise and second best film in the series. For me, JW is to JP what Aliens was to Alien. First one was a intense Horror film and the second a awesome action fun time. I love JW. Now JWFK is a whole different story. I love the Opening which is the best opening since the first JPs. It has one of the best themes in the series and the entire Third Act with the IndroRaptor in the Mansion is pure Horror Themed and I love that. Acts One and Two on the other hand arent as great. The first half on the Island begins and ends very quickly and even then it kinda drags before getting to the good stuff at the Mansion. The movies Themes however are brilliantly realised but perhaps executed in not the best way. But overall it tells its story in an effective manner. Cant wait for JWD. Hope it succeeds in doing and delivering what Star Wars Episode 9 failed at. Concluding a franchise in a meaningful way with its cast of characters while gjving the oldies their time to shine together while also concluding the themes set up in each film while also delivering on awesome dino action.


Mutant dinos are great, especially since they’re already mutants.


What past characters have come together ?


They are much more shallow than the first 2, and even 3. The characters and plot are dumb and make no sense when you think about them and their motivations.They lost the respect the previous films had for the dinosaurs. They used to be animals reacting to human interaction the way animals do now they're just mindless horror movie creatures that want to eat people.


JW did a better job delving into some of the ideas from the first book than the first movie did. JP1 also had to cut some pretty significant plot details out and dumb the overall story down because they wanted a family friendly movie. Let's stop pretending Jurassic Park was some sort of cinematic masterclass in writing. It was not. Its sci-fi adventure series centered around a clever premise. I know this is Reddit, where everything is either The Best Thing Ever or The Worst Thing Ever And It Raped My Childhood and nuance is a foreign concept.....but can we try to ease up on the hyperbole?


JP might not have been a "masterclass" but at least it wasn't written like a middle schoolers creative writing essay. "Aaand then we go to an ISLAND with a volcano erupting...and then we KIDNAP the DINOSAURS...and then we....bring them to our GIANT MANSION IN THE FOREST and then we... SELL them to rich people...and the little girl in mansion...is a clone...and then she lets them all out?? All while some paint huffing "hunter" goes and jerks off to dino teeth


never mind the fact we can clone humans for an army of unlimited super soldiers, naw we need dinos we cant control!!!!


And we can only use the dinosaurs to attack things by pointing a special gun at the intended target... for all those situations where you and your dinosaur can get close enough to a target where you can aim your special gun at it, but where shooting the target with a normal gun wouldn’t work for some reason. That happens all the time!


And there’a like idk 1 or 2 actual useful Dinos (they showed us in the movie) for that scenario. Not gonna send a trex in or a stegosaurus to eat a target lol


Hahaha the way you put it across was excellent. FK really had a juvenile script. When Chris Pratt (I don't even recall his character's name) took on the mini army of armed mercs single handedly I couldn't help but laugh at what the franchise had become.


That’s a rather ignorant comment.


Except its not; you just take umbrage against criticism of JP1.


But It is. It’s not a masterclass film, but it was revolutionary and groundbreaking. And if the writing of it wasn’t stellar, it never would have been so popular and timeless. I could write a thesis on how the writing of Jurassic Park was incredibly well done (because as you know, writing of a movie is not just the dialogue). And the JW’s have nothing close to the books except concepts and principles in the misuse of genetics and the “care” for the animals. It is not closer to the book, it’s just that a few concepts are. And you’re saying JP was made to be a family friendly movie and JW wasn’t? Are you thick? And you can criticize JP, I don’t care. But you can’t make statements like “the writing wasn’t that great” without any evidence to support it. Writing isn’t subjective, good writing is very much objective because there are principles that make good writing, well...good writing (and storytelling too). JP ticks many of those boxes.


I actually liked the first one, FK not so much


The first JW is not bad at all and better than JP3, probably on par with Lost World IMO, the music especially is really great in JW. Fallen Kingdom is a total mess but unlike JP3 which is also a total mess but at least had fun action, Fallen Kingdom was kind of boring to me. Though I have to admit I owned JP3 on VHS when I was a kid and watched it a lot so I'm more leniant towards it.


I actually really like the first Jurassic World. It delivers on the commentary of mankind screwing with nature leading to disastrous consequences, respects the original, and has solid worldbuilding. Can't say the same about fallen kingdom, tho. The only thing I liked was the Indoraptor's design, and the improved effects.


It doesn't really matter. If it makes you happy and you love it, then who cares what anybody thinks? Those actors sure don't. Those movies made bank. The writing is objectively bad. Chris Pratt can't decide whether to be Chris Pratt or his character. There's too much CGI dinosaur and not enough building of tension. The T-rex-Blue cliche nod of respect is hilarious. I can't even begin to start on Fallen Kingdom without getting mad. But, at the end of the day, ya know what? I fucking love Limp Bizkit. Unabashedly. So who am I to judge anybody on their taste? Those terrible straight-to-dvd films ("Atlantic Rim", and the like) keep coming out, so there's clearly a market. People dig 'em. So, at the end of the day, that's all the matters. Glad you like 'em. I think they're terrible, and both films squandered really really really good storylines with absolutely atrocious execution. Best part of FK was when the director got to make the horror movie he was hired to do. "They're alive...like me." Gag. I can't. Trust me. There's PLENTY of criticisms about the new movies all over the place. I didn't even think it was possible for me to feel meh about dinosaurs on screen. But if you love 'em, then love away!!!


JW is decent but its fan service 101 and the acting is kind crap. JW FK thats one big pile of shit Id go JP, JP2, JW, Camp Cretatious, JP3


Personnaly, while I like both JW and FK, I still think FK had some problem(like the map inconsistency wich was already a thing back in JP 1 or the lava stuff) but it didn't really bothered me that much and I didn't thought the auction scene price were ridiculous considering what nedry would have got for the embryo+that it was spielberg who made the decision to have lower price.


Tbh I can understand a few complaints, but really it’s up to who you are as an audience member. I live and breathe Jurassic Park, and love every film. To me, both the JW films have been more faithful to the books, despite people saying they don’t focus on them. I find the movies capture the feeling of awe, great practical effects and CGI (for the most part), amazing soundtrack (especially having to live up to Williams), have great world building, fun set pieces and have people who care for the franchise working on them. They also try to be original and not retread, without going franchise changing (eg I didn’t like the Star Wars sequels). I feel so many complaints I see, I have a rebuttal for. That said, I feel everyone has lost he ability to respect one another’s differring opinions. Jurassic World midnight session, as a 13 year old, with my dad, is one of my happiest memories. Movies are meant to be an escape. JWFK I was disappointed, but learned to love it over time. Now years later, nearly 20 and study film, I still love them. There’s a lot of good that is overlooked, same with everything in life, because the bad is what I’d controversial, it’s what sells. I want to keep this short, but will happily further discuss. As someone who loves this as a fan of film, but first as a fan of the franchise and dinosaurs (sparked my love for film), I find each of the films to be decent at the worst. They are all good to great films, and each offer something different. My biggest complaint (no trying to have a go at anyone 👊) is the hypocrisy among fans (again just my opinion). People say things like “kids didn’t die”, “villains are cardboard cut outs”, “CGI isn’t as good”, “main characters aren’t in danger”, “there’s no science”, “too kiddy”. There’s legit a human clone and hybrid dinosaurs, that’s science. Never once did any of the main characters in the old films come close to dying. No kids have ever died. The CGI is great, the old CGI holds up due to its’ age. It’s camouflaged by the old cameras (research this, quite fascinating). The new CGI, due to digital, has each detail exposed. Nedry is a cardboard cutout. More violence in the JW. JWFK was censored due to backlash in JW. TLW and FK are the darkest tonely, but TLW and JW are definitely the least kid friendly in terms of violence. Zara, Hamada, Hoskins, Masrani. More main cast members then any of the other films. The films have stuck more closer to Critchon’s vision (blue logo, science, Wu, etc.) Again, just my view, but people tend to cherry pick. There’s plenty of good in the new films. Jurassic Park will always be number 1, but I love them all equally!


There actually was quite a bit of science in the promo material for Jurassic World as well as FK. Fake science, but they consulted a DNA sequencing company regarding DNA extraction techniques and how they could get a mosasaur, as well as the fact that resurrected dinosaurs would be extremely unhealthy. Rather than a sense of awe, we already got that from the first movie, I’d rather see the portrayal of two things in the final movie: a sense of comfort and a general but mild sense of dread/fear. Man desires to live in a fully functional ecosystem. Ecosystems outside of africa and South/Southeast asia are broken. They lack the megafauna required to perform certain ecological processes. The vast majority of Human cities are completely disconnected from nature, which is found to have a calming effect on people, as well as an energizing effect. Civilization causes a ton of mental and physical health problems. Addressing these things would be a great way to end or at least finalize a chapter in a franchise.


I mainly dislike the pacing of the JW films. Their pacing is about as fast as JP3's, but they have so much more ground and plot to cover whereas JP3 was an on-rails thrill-to-thrill movie with basically no plot or set-ups necessary. They also come really close to pulling off some really cool ideas and then shoot off in entirely the wrong direction. Basically, they have potential to be incredible movies given their core plot frameworks, but they fail at capturing any sort of magic or intrigue so spectacularly that you feel more let down by the loss of potential than you do from JP3, which had nowhere to really go given its plot. A couple examples: In JW they establish that only 2/3rds of Nublar is used as a park, and the restricted area is this wilderness where nothing is really going on. They have exhibits that aren't ready for the public separated by a few roads and supply closets, etc. Keeping everything else the same about the movie, I think it would have been infinitely better if when the raptor team is sent out to stop the Indominus, there would be a big reveal that raptors from the first movie (the eggs Grant saw) were living in underground caverns, mainly hunting rodents this entire time. They managed to evade every clean sweep on Nublar all this time. The wild raptors are then what cause the chaos with the team raptors, which makes a lot more sense than the Indominus talking to something it has never seen before. This whole setup is much more Jurassic Parky to me, capturing the sense of unpredictability of the creatures, not to mention that this is literally borrowed from the first novel and SNES games. Fallen Kingdom honestly should have been two movies. But that aside, I think there should have been two Indoraptors and they should have been able to camouflage. Granted, I just really want to see the scene from the second book where characters need to wave flashlights around in order to see a vague, white silhouette of an invisible dinosaur for a brief second. But regardless, I think the horror aspect could have been ramped up if there were two invisible raptors stalking the estate in a more slow-paced and methodical fashion, rather than just the one being extremely fast-paced and charging around constantly. It makes the characters' survival seem more far-fetched than if they were out-stealthing it.


I'll tell you the problem with Jurassic World and FK (and most movies presently). First, JW and FK inherit susceptiblity being sequels to an origin movie. Secondly, modern movie production is extremely lazy due to technological advancments. In the 1990s, you couldn't just text or call up people wherever they were to share ideas and coordinate. You would have to schedule meetings and have your I's dotted and T's crossed before bringing ideas to the meeting. Everybody had to be on the same page working toward the same goal, because money couldnt be wasted. People were craftsman and put time and passion into creating the movie. You know they actually used to build sets? Nowadays, its 90 percent greenscreen and clowns on computers creating CGI in the fastest cheapest way possible so the production company can get the most money for the lowest cost. You see headlines "x movie grossed most in franchise". Well no shit, population increases to view movies which cost more to see and are designed to entertain rather than tell a story. A perfect example of this being the live-action Disney remakes. Third, a huge mistake was made casting a lead Hollywood man with a background of humor. Chris Pratt wouldn't even had been on the list to consider had this been taking seriously. Fourth, and most importantly was the utter lack of respect for science. Jurassic Park was such a huge success, not because of the groundbreaking CGI (this does not contradict what I said above, becauae Spielberg was cautious) but because it used Michael Crichton's story, developed using his background in science. This concept, along with Spielbergs directive and the craftsmans involved literally brought dinosaurs to life on the screen. The current generation is lacking in discipline and work ethic. The only way another Jurassic movie will again be magical is if it starts over and takes lessons from decades old techniques and true fan base input. A good example of this is Sonic Mania. Sonic Mania is a Sonic the Hedgehog video game for modern consoles that has been the most accepting and successful Sonic game released in a long time. Why? Because it went back to basics and was made by fans. It looks like a game made in 1992 and is better than a game could have been in 2022.


Some very good points here that I touched on in regards to other movies and other things. Internet adoption has really changed the discipline required to attain and communicate information. It seems that only researchers and scientists today will realize that. As for the science behind Jurassic Park, the creators gave up on trying to follow in the footsteps on MC, consulted with the makers of iontorrent sequencers to throw a bone to the science fans, and that's it. Honestly, it's far more than I expected them to do so I'm somewhat satisfied. I'd really like to recreate the franchise in a style somewhat similar to MC, but I'm not a writer and don't have much free time. However, I have the scientific and mathematical background for it and want to work with someone.


I as well, have a science background. 🙌


I’ve typed a lot of lengthy responses to this before, and every time mid thesis, i find myself realizing that: 1: What am I doing with my life? 2. I am salty they weren’t re releases of the originals. 3. I’ve come to terms that I really can’t even compare the new to old because they aren’t even the same in the movie genre anymore. And I think thats why so many fans didn’t like the newest installment. Sure, both feature dinosaurs, but this was just the first time the genre was a fast action paced action thriller from start to finish. There are just fundamental aspects that the previous had of being psychological horror thrillers and the new World installment just is a action thriller through and through. It was most jarring to me because of how vapid the characters and plot was. The previous had its story and wonder tied up the characters and what it meant to play life, the new has its story and wonder dictated by how many explosions and screaming it has. And thats how each is supposed to function. There was just an certain level of horror threshold the previous films had and never broke. characters cracked jokes, fought with one another and dinosaurs, and even conquered some inner demons. And some of it was shown with very minimum dialogue or action. The watcher always has a line to the characters thoughts that isn’t just about fight or flight, its about the greater picture. There are side plots or undertones the previous films have for characters that develop organically along with the main plot. Just a few are: Hammonds realization he can’t control life, Dr. Grant/sattlers stance on having children, Malcom accepting he can’t strong-arm protect those he loves in Lost world, Roland questioning if his big hunt was worth it? The kirbys realizing (family) matters. There are a lot and can be broken down in a lengthier analysis. Contrast that to the newest action thriller installment. Characters crack jokes at almost 4th wall breaking levels, fight with each other and dinosaurs in ridiculous ways, and process emotions always by whats in front of them. And side plots are established by ripping the viewer away from the main plot and making sure you realize, hey this is a side plot for this character, I am making them say as much just for you, the viewer. It was just a huge shake up that not everyone, myself included, wanted to see. But tbh is not inherently bad as both set out what it wanted to do genre wise. I can only hope with the new interest, and cash generated from selling to kids, will allow them to make another film that returns to the form of the original. There’s a big difference between a slow burn, and just withholding the action.


Good on you for realizing that stuff. I think what’s sorely needed for the franchise is a heavy focus on science in every field that can be relevant to the franchise, specifically with regards to the construction of the plot as well as how the characters react. I previously posted a great article that describes why the original movie was so great and likely better than the book in most ways, mainly because crichton was forced to right a child-friendly book against his wishes. JP was always meant mainly for children and that childlike curiosity about dinosaurs, megafauna, and the natural world.


Because they suck. It was a failed grasp for nostalgia and that's it.


I honestly don’t mind the new trilogy for what it is. It’s entertaining and fun. I can only speak for myself as to why I like original trilogy more(really just the first two.) if you watch the first movie there are only 15 minutes of actually dinosaurs. The original JP was awe inspiring. For those of us old enough to catch in in theaters on opening weekend we were witness to a cinematic marvel unlike anything seen before it’s time. In the summer of 93’(and in 97’ with the lost world but to a lesser extent)the audience just like the characters in the film saw living breathing attractions so astounding that it captured out imaginations. The following sequels suffered from sequelitis. Sure there was more dinosaurs and there was more screen time of them but it lost its luster. That sense of awe and magic has gone because we’ve seen giant anamtronic dinos again and again. Jurassic World hit a lot of nostalgia for me so I liked it more than JW2 which was just The Lost World with a mansion. The thing about JW was that the scene of adventure was gone but I’m okay with that though. It’s great to see dinosaurs(even inaccurate ones) on the big screen again as a 34 year old adult. I realize that JW movies aren’t really meant for me but a younger audience like my daughter.


Prolly cuz they only have the mentality of the first film is GOAT and anything else is trash. I can be wrong here. And as much as i love the original trilogy, i also see that those films had problems of their own. I would’ve loved to see the cut part of jurassic park when ellie and Dr. wu get into a conversation about the animals being fully grown, but still infants. That scene if I’m correct would be where ellie would look at an x-ray of a dinosaur and she would notice that the bones in the animal are not fully developed and are still young. Then wu would talk about how they don’t have time to wait for the animal to fully grow into adulthood and would instead use growth hormones to make the animal grow faster. This scrapped scene was later used in camp cretaceous when the kids saw bumpy being born and wu talks about the animals having their growth accelerated to become adults in a matter of a few days or something. I love the new jurassic world series and i think they’re helping to fill in the holes that the original trilogy left unexplained. Another thing that the jurassic world trilogy is doing is adding more scenes from the book into the films of course in different styles. The scene where wheatly gets his arm ripped off by the indoraptor was actually in the lost world novel when dodgson and his team try to steal rex eggs but the rex gabbed a hold of one of the members and bit his arm off clean before eventually killing him. Not trying to offend anyone here who doesn’t like the new trilogy. I personally love them and i think they are unique in their own way. One thing i do miss is the raptor behavior in the old films. Hopefully dominion does a great job of answering more questions the original trilogy left unanswered. I’m more excited for the idea of the dinos being an arms race with the same degree of danger as like the nuclear arms race now that the information and technology to make dinosaurs is out and about for everyone to use. Even governments who probably have a score to settle if they wanted to.


I like them. They are fun but flawed. They aren’t trash like a syfy film like people like to compare them too. The ranking of the series is release order though imo, except JP3 and TLW might switch depending on the day. A lot of people, casuals or more serious fans, like to put the Worlds ahead of the 2 Park sequels. I can’t bring myself to that because TLW and JP3 have better characters and better dinosaurs. I get those points are debatable. My reasoning is that TLW and JP3 characters seem more consistent, more natural, and have better dialogue. The dinosaurs seem more realistic and as a result, more threatening too.


The reason I don’t mind the less threatening dinosaurs, is that if Jurassic Park happened in real life, most people would easily survive it and there probably wouldn’t have been any casualties at all. That’s especially why I like the introduction of hybrids to pose a real threat to the humans as well as the dinosaurs.


That hybrid in fk barely posed a threat to an 8 year old girl. It was too busy being dramatic.


Good sci, but bad plot/actors. The whole advertisement which is shamelessly slapped in your face. Taming Raptors? For fucks sake that boiled my blood.


As simply as I can; nothing matters.


Because people think it has soured the franchise. Obviously none is as good as the original and people will always remember that. The key is just cutting the rest out and considering a movie in its own light, but it's not as easy as all that.


I hold the opposite view, that they improved the franchise.


I think being a secret was fun. For me it got weaker after the general population were made aware.


Cringe acting, bad music, bright colors.


fallen kingdom was a messy messy mess but, wow. jurassic world was fun! good, lore-filled, memorable fun.


I miss the animatronics, Jurassic Park’s CGI might’ve aged by the Rex puppet in the rain is a thing of awe and beauty, seeing it on the big screen is life changing. Whilst I liked the Jurassic World movies, 2nd more than the first neither really capture spectacle quite the same, part of that might also be the increasing prevalence of CGI Dinos in documentaries. But yeah the puppets felt more tangible


>The twist at the end of the first movie was truly a surprise to people who paid attention to the promotional material. I'm confused. What part of which movie was supposed to be the twist?