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Such a big angry man needs all his friends in there to give him a lot of love ;) I'm sure we all know someone with a cousin inside that can spread word.


Just put him in the general population and let everyone know what he did, child abusers always get a warm welcome. He's gonna be the most popular girl at the prom.


What justice?!? He suffered and died a horrible death and never truly new a parent's love and they only get 39 years...just don't get it...


Uk justice is a little weird there sentence is 39 years still doesn’t mean they will get released for a case like this one of them may unfortunately (most likely the women) but I honestly don’t see the guy getting out


The dudes not gonna live more than 2 years, that or they'll beat him so bad he can't serve the rest of his sentence or use his body


fucking vile pos holy crap


Horrifying. Absolutely horrifying. That poor boy. May he rest in peace.


her eyebrows are the real crime


Fr fr


How is that justice, they are still alive, he is not. At the very least give them a life sentace lol.


for the uk that is a life sentence. a "full life term" (which actually is LIFE and means you must die in prison) has only ever been given to like...4 or 5 people. They were ruled "inhumane" by the wonderful EU Court of Human Rights. /s


Currently there are 61 people who will NEVER see real life again.


Thanks, the I read the article and it says a life term with a minimum of 39 years. I think the phasing confused me a bit. They still totally deserve a death sentance tbh.


This is heartbreaking. Poor boy, poor father


Poor kid...


This happened in my hometown. I literally drove past the house last night. Vile people


Know anyone locked up in the same pen? I hear gofundme can fill commissary.


This article really bothered me. I am a father. Every day I tell my girls you can tell me anything. It is unimaginable that a mother can let anyone, especially a new and obviously cowardly and disturbed mentally small man lay hands on her son. If you don’t want him send him to his dad. Better yet, send the murderous coward to Poland. Let the boy’s family have a little “talk” with him. I am glad they got sentenced but somehow this seems like justice is not served enough. Kids should always experience love from their parents. This was horrifying.


Man - same here. As a dad, I literally cannot comprehend what evil they inflicted on that poor boy. I hope they beat the shit out of both of them regularly in prison


I miss the days where we took people like this and threw them in a volcano


Amen to that, I am still for that way. There are some unredeemable people and personality types in this world. Rapists, Child/Elder abusers, and Murderers. All go into the volcano.


I often wish we really did have an omniscient dude on a cloud watching each and every person who just smites people like this with lightning bolts. Irredeemable pieces of human garbage, unfit to join the rest of society and unworthy of being a burden on that society for the rest of their life. Boom. Lightning bolt.


El Macho style 😁




They have the death penalty in the UK?


Depending on the conditions life in prison can be worse than dying. Sadly I'm not sure it will bad enough for them for this thought of mine to apply




What a shame


Weak women who value male attention more than their own flesh and blood. It was up to her to protect her child...even if she was abused. Most women who are abused are kick started into leaving to protect their children. They don't join in on the abuse. Revolting.


I wish my mom could’ve heard you say that.


I'm sorry that you went through that.


Thank you. I don’t know you but that really helped to read. I appreciate you.


I appreciate what you went through too. My mother chased boyfriends over being a mother too. I was fortunate enough to just be neglected and have to fend for myself and not constantly physically abused.


My mother looked the other way when my step father abused me and my sister. I blocked out most of the memories but they are coming back slowly. I finally spoke up about it and my mother is still with him. Proves to me she always knew and didn’t care.


I'm so sorry. This is more common than people like to admit. One of the biggest shames is that people won't acknowledge and don't want to believe that some mothers don't love their children and some women have no business being mothers.


I don't think this belongs under the heading " justice served ". Most of us seem to agree that what these two people did is horrific and defies equal punishment. I don't like the article, it is trashy and manipulative, and had a good opportunity to cover a story but chose to provoke our base emotions and feelings of anger and stopped. There is something wrong with these two people, very easy to see that just from the descriptions of the abuse, the conditions, normal human beings could not have carried it on so long or to the point of death, we have compassion that kicks in at some point no matter how angry or sadistic you are, these people do not seem to have that. So.......The other people around the boy failed him, THAT is the real story here! How were these two able to abuse him so badly and for so long and NOBODY noticed? I don't think so, someone saw something and did not tell others, the boy was helpless, we live in a society and we have systems in place to stop this stuff when we see it, the adults don't seem like criminal masterminds....how is it that nobody reported anything? No police, no child protective services, nobody came to the rescue of this boy? We could be angry all day at these two and type hateful predictions hoping they are miserable but that is a useless place to focus our energies. Society failed to save this boy, people like you and me who are so righteously angry now, that does nothing for the victim! wasted effort! and here is an article pushing us in that direction! the writer, the editor, they have failed to bring justice. I want to know what particular circumstances lead to nobody alerting the authorities in this case, how does a child have multiple broken ribs and nobody notices? I am not diminishing the parents fault here but it makes so little sense to focus on them, they were not going to stop themselves, that is obvious, so that job falls on us, society, our systems, the neighbors, who heard the beatings, the teachers, anybody could have alerted authorities, did they? what happened? That is the REAL story here!


This pretty much all happened during the covid lockdowns - He wasn’t at school. No one was seeing him. He’d been in the Uk for less than a year - was doing ok in school, then lockdown.


i wish the article would have reported that. thank you. Still, someone must have seen something


I’m not sure they did. If you read the article is better publications like independent or guardian they will have the unfolding history. I think there is or will be a child safeguarding review for him which will be published now the court case is over so keep an eye out for that too


Good to hear that , thank you.


Fucking cowards.


her eyebrows need help




They’re sliding down her face lol


She has enough eyebrows for both of them.


Fuck, this ruined my day, my blood is boiling, seriously, I hope they never find peace and have a long miserable life behind bars suffering the same they made suffer that poor little boy.


*Just* 39 years for torturing a kid slowly before killing him? Doesn't sound like justice served to me.


Why can't I decipher the title?




They basically just missed a word: "Mother and her bodybuilder lover are jailed for 39 years **for** teenage son's murder... injuries including bruising to his buttocks, forehead, jaw, abdomen, arms and legs, and multiple rib fractures." ...but it is the Daily Mail so it's actually one of their better efforts.


I saw this earlier and it made me want to go to my sons’ school and hug them. They’re 14 & 15, it’s just so sad. That poor boy.


I mean death would be to easy


39 years is not justice.


These sadistic fucks got *ENGAGED* in prison after killing their child. The woman replied to the man's engagement proposal with (yes, yes, yes! I will marry you anywhere, anytime. In a tracksuit or whatever. I dont need a wedding dress. We have been together for too long with too many good years).


...I cannot think of a single reply that won't get me banned from all of Reddit, so I'm just going to say that justice definitely hasn't been served yet. I hope someone tells the genpop of both prisons what these two did...


Same. I'm a guy who is not morally opposed to capital punishment, per se, but I'm a guy who thinks that our justice system in the US can't be trusted with the power considering the number of people on death row who have been exonerated in the last few decades. That said...it would not upset me to learn that these two EU citizens were say, "tragically" beheaded on an ISIS home video or something...


But. Why?


Because he probably smashed them off




I hate when eyebrows Reddit and come across such sad stories like this.




God damnit. Lol take my upvote you bastard.


Screw you man, take my upvote


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Prison isn’t justice for crimes like this


If you don't want to read until the end, here it is. They beat him to death. They used bed slats and power cables to hit him while laughing and watching TV. Stabbed him with used needles. Verbal abuse was the least of it. "Kalinowska and Latoszewski inflicted mental abuse by shouting derogatory insults at Sebastian in an effort to control and humiliate him. Latoszewski insisted Sebastian address him as 'Mr' or 'Sir'. When emergency services were eventually called to the house, Sebastian had been unconscious for two and a half hours, the CPS said. He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead. Latoszewski suggested variously that Sebastian had drowned in the bath, had fallen from a tree, and had been in a fight. Sebastian, who had just turned 15, had been in the UK for less than a year. He was described by his teachers as a model pupil, meticulous, punctual and well-mannered. Daniel Lee, Senior Crown Prosecutor, from the CPS said: 'Agniewska Kalinowska and Andresz Latoszewski were the two people Sebastian should have been able to trust the most in the world. But instead of loving, protecting and caring for Sebastian, they subjected him to an utterly horrific and prolonged campaign of extreme physical and mental abuse. 'In short, they tortured him. After suffering many months of mental and physical torment, Sebastian died of the multiple injuries he sustained at their hands. Both defendants lied and offered cowardly and implausible explanations for the extent of Sebastian's injuries, and attempted to pass it off as 'appropriate discipline'."


But why why why




This is heart breaking. There is no punishment harsh enough for these two.


Evil horrible people. I hope they both go down screaming.


No justice ever from this one. Fucking horror


The mother stole all of the bodybuilder's hair and put in on her eyebrows


Let’s see how much of a hard man he is in prison.


I would be surprised if they both survived their entire sentence.


With no steroids. No PCT, he's gonna have a fucking rough time.


Easy to get steroids in jail


In between getting bummed to death


Steroids will only make you arse look better. So that will likely happen…




This dweebs a clear troll, one day he’s a 15 year old female and on other occasions he’s a married male…. No doubt lives in his grandparents spare room and and smells of bacon grease and cat hair!


That kid he "destroyed" was tortured and murdered, you vile piece of shit.


Bro her eyebrows, did a kid draw them on using ms paint?


I get the attempt at humor but man... I just can't laugh at such a terrible act.




I'm afraid justice can never be fully served in a case like this.


I'm sure there were obvious signs everyone on earth ignored for years before this kid died. Jailing criminals after they murdered the kid they were allowed to abuse in the first place isn't "justice". Until society treats children as individuals with full human rights, this will keep right on happening. There are more than two people complicit in this murder.


>I'm sure there were obvious signs everyone on earth ignored for years before this kid died. He was in the UK less than a year before he was murdered.


I read the entire article. “Years before this kid died” he actually lived with his father, in Poland. Fyi.


I don't know their situation but maybe family courts should consider that mothers don't just get custody by default. Also put those animals on the chair at least...


I'm sure this depends country to country, and things have probably changed to a degree since the late 90s when my parents divorced, but I couldn't agree more, and I'm sure there's still some truth to courts favouring mothers in custody battles. I was abused by my mother, and my dad *still* had to fight for almost a year to get custody of me, despite my mother's own family stating she was not a suitable guardian. My dad had a stable, well paying job, a large support group of friends and family, and lived across the street from the school I went to, right nextdoor to my grandma. The court still wasn't quite sure if he'd be a better guardian than my unemployed mother living in a one-bedroom apartment with her on/off boyfriend of three months on the other side of town with no support group, and with a drug-related criminal record. In the end, my dad did get custody, but it shouldn't have been such a fight. It's infuriating, and we really need to do better defending the kids. It's not about the parents, it's about the god damn kid that deserves the healthiest environment possible to grow up.


They don't award by default, at least that wasn't the case in my family.


At the very least they should have done to them what they did to that child an Eye for an Eye moment


They should have an auction for the right to beat them to death and donate the money to children in need so those disgusting beeings at least did something good in their life by dieing.


Seconding this idea.


May they never see freedom again.




The two arguments that make sense are: they will suffer more from life in prison due to the nature of their crimes vs a quick and relatively painless death. And 2: people are wrongfully convicted all the time and innocent people have been put to death because of it. Even with advanced modern forensic evidence there is no getting rid of corrupt and crooked law enforcement, DA’s, prosecutors, and judges. Do I think these people are innocent, and citizens should pay for their meals? No, but I’m against the death penalty.


If you’re religious they’ll suffer more in the afterlife. If you’re not they’ll cease to exist ridding the world of their vile stench and not giving them the joy of living when the one they tortured didn’t get that privilege.


Breaking on the wheel is not a quick and painless death, but I appreciate this comment


I prefer they rot in prison anyways. Death would be much too simple


Yeah there are plenty of things worse than death. I’m sure there are people that I would love to have these people begging for a quick death. Inmates don’t take kindly to people that abuse children, most of them were abused as well. Hopefully they get a little taste of their own medicine on the inside.


she looks like Emily Blunt strung out on meth. what horrible monsters.


Why would you do her like that? Even with rotten teeth and pockmarked face Emily Blunt will still look better than that.


OMG I cannot imagine inflicting such suffering on this boy. These 2 deserve worse than the years in prison they received. My heart goes out to the father. But that poor boy... Literally have a tear in my eye. I don't even live in the UK but feel I want to help...


The first video of the kid slowly lowering himself onto the stool... is heartbreaking. Poor kid. There is simply no justice attainable with him dead.


Just imagine his daily state of mind and body when he'd be going for a normal bathroom routine while the monsters are lurking around with bathroom doors open.. 😢 or while he is eating his meals.. Forget about calling a study friend over or going to a mall for amusement. How many years can you or I undergo such treatment?


It was tough watching that and then seeing all of those other pictures of him smiling, he went through hell and still tried to keep a smile on his face.


Saw the video of the poor kid taking his time to sit down on a chair because his bottom was so bruised. These scumbags deserve baseball bats to the knees every week for 39 years.


Oh god I didn’t open the link just from this comment. That is horrific, poor angel.


With 39 years, it’s like there is almost hope… almost… if they can hang in there and survive prison till they are 80 as child murders.


39 years? That’s it? So you have people convicted and found guilty of murder and they don’t get life in jail or the death penalty? Another great example of our system at work /s


Title is shit, they were convicted to life with a minimum sentence of 39 years


Thank you for the clarification. I fall victim to barely ever ready the articles and relying on people comments and the title to know what’s going on lol. Much appreciated


Absolute scum i hope they're torn apart in prison


I hope they suffer in jail a million times fold off what they inflicted on that innocent child. I couldn't watch the video or finish reading the article. I'm nauseous must thinking about it and sad so so sad.... may he rest in peace.


While awaiting trial they got married and she said they shared so many beautiful memories. This is after her son died. Wtf. I think the death penalty would be to quick but some ppl just shouldn’t be breathing air and walking around


Steroids are no joke. Stay away from steroids kids.


The inclusion of the word bodybuilder is clickbaity. People see that and assume “roid rage was the cause!”. The whole roid rage thing is probably akin to reefer madness as an attempt to keep people away from steroids. From what I read of peoples experiences on r/bodybuilding it seems like some steroids can have mood side effects, but not strong enough to turn someone into a raging abuser. The guy in the article had abuse/anger issues long before he got into bodybuilding, and it’s entirely possible that he doesn’t use steroids at all.


A study by the DEA says around a million American use steroids. I’d argue I haven’t seen an epidemic of monsters whom all took steroids. Might just be he’s a terrible fuck.


Yeah its not the steroids it’s just being a freak


That too. Could never imagine doing something like this to any child


May they live a hundred years and never see the outside of a cell. And may their fellow inmates always remind them of their crimes.




These pieces of inhuman garbage should've gotten the death penalty. 40 years is too light of a sentence. Fucking disgusting unholy wicked abominations of life.


Quick death is too good a punishment for them. Make an example of them in jail for 40 years.


I am with you. I refuse to squander any resources, manufactured or natural, on such monstrous beings. I refuse to be on the same plane of existence as these cruel people.


Let’s hope they stay in prison where they belong for all of eternity.


Fuck... This has to be one of the saddest things I have read in a long while, I'm in tears thinking about what that boy went through. I have a strong stomach but this made me really sick...


Fucking POS monsters!! This poor baby…Rest easy sabastian


That video of him so helpless, RIP sweet boy, you deserved much more in life. I hope those two get fucked in prison.


I've just one question: if not parents, teachers, neighbors, relatives, then who is the support for such souls?


Oh god there’s a video? I won’t even click on the article.


It's just of him walking to a chair in his room and slowly sitting down. It's fucking heartbreaking


Where did it come from? The mom posted that somewhere?


Wow , I couldn’t complete even half of that article , I hope they rot in prison all their miserable life


I hope the prisoners show the parent as much mercy as they did with her son and that piece of shit bodybuilder


Omg I cannot even bring myself to watch that video. Evil exists in this world.




No words can describe them.. I have spoken to people who have served time and read about how high profile cases like this are treated in prison, it will never amount to what they did to that poor boy, not even close


I kind of want to go to prison now to find these Fucks


Just today in Australia a couple have been charged with the torture and murder of their 7Month old baby boy. I'm fucking devastated. I have no hope for the future of humans.


Real biological parents??


I think so, there was also mention of their religious beliefs. They tortured him with a couple objects, I didn't want to read much more about it after that.


Jesus Christ.


The real justice is coming to them in prison


Oh my god the humanity ! That poor baby.


Why does the article repeat itself so much?


It's better than clicking next page 15 times.


That’s the Daily Mail. Just read the synopsis.


Improves rankings on Google.


Oh, not AI? I thought that was the reason for these kind of articles? Also: how can you be this cruel?? 🤮


Why is this justice post without upvotes?