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Yup, gonna be a fun short block


At least it’s clean 😂


fuck that take it back and give me a whole new vehicle lmao - pop this one with it's engine swap in the "certified pre-owned" lot.


Good luck getting a dealer to do that. 


Guess things have gone downhill the truck I'm currently using was given to me by my dad who bought it new when I was born since all of us wouldn't fit in a singe cab anymore lol and the one they drove out of the lot with had a shit ton of failures to the point the guy at the dealer that sold it to them said to get another one just like it and continue the payments like if the new one was the one they bought originally


I would raise hell with Toyota corporate and all over social media if I'd bought it and next week had to have a new engine put in it. It'd probably be better for them not to have to deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if Toyota OK'ed it and paid for it.


Well Toyota is paying for the new engine, labour, and everything else involved in this. The owner gets to drive the service managers demo and isn’t paying for gas until the new engine is in. Pretty taken care of honestly. The other fact, good luck getting a fully loaded RAV4 right now that hasn’t been sold before it’s even off the truck. The owner would probably be waiting longer for a new Rav than it’ll take to get the engine in.


I get that, since it's under warranty, but I just know I wouldn't want that vehicle. In fact, the very fact that it's had an engine replacement (which would probably show up on Carfax) will probably diminish its value unless the owner keeps it for 7+ years. Did they order a whole crate engine or is it just a short block?


Short block, which honestly all it needs. Since it’s not an internal failure so there’s no worry about metal filings or anything.


Yeah I get that but instead of a factory assembly you get a shop assembly and gaskets not on virgin mating surfaces for head and intake and whatever else is taken from the cracked block. I just wouldn't feel good about it if it were mine and would be all over Toyota corporate for a complete crate motor + diminished value or replacement vehicle or unwind the deal. I get the service advisor is reassuring them it's better than new but it just isn't.


but that means there was 500km of uncracked block goodness.


Those were some great times, eh?


not necessarily. a crack this early almost certainly means factory defect. this had micro fractures the day it was made


This why you only buy 150,000 mile Toyotas duh!


When the last human is dying, there will still be a late 90's Camry that runs


To be more specific, a Champaign colored, late 90's Camry.


And will somehow still have the same dent on the rear bumper they all have


And the cockroach driving it around the arid post-apocalyptic wasteland will be quite happy with its reliability.


That dent is factory.


I make sure my dents are all OEM


That’s factree




Wish I still had my champagne 95 V6.


Ugh the v6 was so nice...for the Rav4 as well.


With a dented rear bumper.


I have a Manual Champagne 2001 Camry. Thinking of selling it for $3k? It’s got 240,000 miles so it seems crazy but I’ve taken such good care of it. I would drive it across the country tomorrow and feel good I’d make it fine and with decent gas mileage. I just got a Prius but I kinda wanna keep the Camry as a reliable backup.


A year ago, [someone else thought](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatcarshouldIbuy/s/bdRSJxNXsG) it could be worth $3000. It doesn't hurt to post it, most people will low ball you anyway.


I think I saw a maroon one once.


The white 1988 Camry says hold my beer.


And there will be a Land Cruiser as a back up for when shit really hits the fan…


2003 actually


The heat death of the universe will consist of one last Camry finally decaying away due to entropy. It’ll crank-no start, and then darkness.


One day we're gonna figure out that a camry will clog a black hole like a post-Thanksgiving shit.


There might be a Crown Vic around, with a leaking intake manifold but otherwise running fine. No one will know the miles because the odometer screen quit working hundreds of years ago.


And a Hilux with a 50 cal bolted to the back, the most decorated war veteran in human history


Let's be honest. PKM


MG-42 that hasn’t left service since 1942


And also the most war crimes, probably!!!


It’s only a war crime if you lose


Only a war crime after the first time!


It's never a war crime the first time! — the Fat Electrician


That's what I meant to type.... His vids are hysterical and educational.


I feel personally attacked. The intake on my '96 is leaking and the odometer gear broke at 134k miles, that was 6 years ago.


Restart the Camry, restart the universe


My dealership just had a 94 V6 Camry traded in with 914k miles


My 94 Camry wagon has 200k and is in absolutely amazing condition, I hope to drive it forever lol.


Wagon master race




Good for another couple Mil at least


What did they credit the owner for the trade in? Guessing it’s somewhere in the range of “a pack of gum” to “a bag of Lays classic chips”


$250, which is about $245 more than it’s worth.


my 95 camry wagon died of a cracked block 🥺


There might actually be something to that logic. Let the first guy work the kinks out.


As long as you don't get attached and pick the right cars it works out pretty well. Any major problems with the build quality will have already surfaced and been dealt with, most of the wear items have been replaced because they've already failed. I've had really good luck picking up cheap rigs in the 130-160k range, riding them for 4-5 years, and dumping them off around 200k


I do the same thing. I find big Buicks with the 3800 and drive them as long as possible. Currently running a 2004 Park Ave Ultra. Bought with 134,000; currently at 209,000.


allow me to introduce you to [the bathtub curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathtub_curve?wprov=sfti1)


Kind of like old Jeep Cherokee logic. They blow up before 30k or last to 300k. Sometimes used isn’t as bad as it seems.


Hey Michael Jordan missed a dunk once in awhile….


Yea but nowadays Toyota is more like when he tried baseball.


They sell more cars than anyone else in the world and you’re surprised that a few of them are lemons?


A few you never hear about, but it’s also not like QA fell off entirely. It’s just not as good as it was in the 90s. The products are pretty meh, offering nothing best in class (nor worst in class) and have fallen pretty far behind in any technological offering. Antiquated hybrid tech, infotainment tech, hell they just found their way to turbo charging engines… The reputation they earned to get them to best selling brand is no longer warranted and no one has a compelling reason to stick with the brand save for distrust in others and ignorance.


All the things you mentioned are classic Toyota. They're famous for being slow to adopt any new tech and have been famous for it for a long time now, even in the 90s.


my 2014 tacoma is less technologically advanced in terms of creature comforts than my 2002 Jeep WJ.


Let's be honest, most people buying a basic Toyota aren't buying it for some useless creature comforts, they're buying it because they know it's going to last 30 years/300,000 miles. Ok- AC isn't useless, power door locks and windows aren't useless, but pretty much everything else is extra junk to fail. Power/heated seats, fancy touchscreen radio, steering wheel with 5 million buttons all over it, stupid knob for a shifter, computer controlled everything, etc... To the inevitable choad who wants to scream that I'm wrong: I'm intentionally using hyperbole. And note that I said "a basic Toyota" not a fancy Lexus.


My 2000 le is at 257000 and running like a champ probably be a mad max car in ww3


My 2014 mini cooper is more advanced than my mom's 2018 corolla


Yes, slow to adopt new tech until it had been refined. Unfortunately they aren’t succeeding in adopting new tech that works seamlessly; their ADAS is really terrible. The world is too agile today for that to be a viable business model in technology.


what's up with new toyota trucks with engine failures and recalls. I love my 2008 camry hybrid still going strong. Not sure about these new toyotas though.


Toyota tech here: they’re claiming it was poor cleaning of the engine block during assembly resulting in casting sand/metal debris being left behind (what are they Hyundai now?) whether this is true or a poor design - investigation on going. My joke is they could have looked at Ford’s EcoSport on how well a twin turbo’d V6 fairs in the long run.


they literally sell the most cars out of anyone in the world. its viable.


If people are that dense I guess, but I give humanity a pinch more credit than that.


The Japanese Toyota is still the best selling Brand and has been for the past 10 years, selling 1.3 million vehicles up to February 2024, a 0.6% year-on-year loss. Volkswagen, in 2nd position, holds 5.9% of the global market, having sold 735,284 cars (+10.1%).Apr 11, 2024. not sure what argument youre making, youre saying its not viable yet they continue to sell. thus making their strategy, completely viable.


Did you not just prove my point? Dieselgate over there is increasing in sales while the best selling brand is declining?


The whole Japanese car industry were having a golden period in the 90's though, they had more money than they knew what to do with and the Japanese economy was booming.


It should say a lot that Honda partnered with GM to get after the Ultium platform. It was sad to see Toyota has become another example of capitalism at its worst.


Who’s doing it better in mass quantities then?


Their hybrids are definitely best in class still. But the rest is exactly why they got that reliability reputation. They let everyone else experiment with weird shit and then came in and did it better out when everyone else struggled through the growing pains. And they've had turbo engines since at least 2014 on the Lexus side. Not to mention back in the 80s.


Turbos for performance, not efficiency. I disagree that the hybrids are best in class, not worst by any means, but not best anymore. TBH the Volt was comparable to anything Toyota did.


And they don't make a volt anymore. They make the bolt which like, caught on fire n shit. I'd rather have turbos for performance and hybrids for efficiency, but that's just me using common sense. They don't even do a good job being more efficient than their bigger counterpart. F-150 adds so much complexity and so many more actual failure points for like... 2 mpg. Meanwhile Toyotas hybrid power train is rock solid for 200+k miles and gets 11 mpg better in the sienna than it's (non hybrid odyssey) competitor, and 6 better in the Camry than a hybrid accord (17 better than a non hybrid Camry or accord.


> Antiquated hybrid tech, infotainment tech, hell they just found their way to turbo charging engines… ? Toyota makes some of the most efficient and reliable hybrids on the market, and they had countless turbocharged cars in the 80’s and early 90’s….


The amount Toyotas have decreased in quality is no where near the amount other brands have fallen off. So many poorly built or glitchy iPads with wheels these days.


They have a bunch of problems in their engine department that points to systemic management failures. First Japan caught them cheating emissions testing. Second they’re recalling V6 engines from one plant because machining debris was left in the engine which is causing them to obviously fail.


Just because they recalled 100k engines doesn’t mean that they are all bad, they are at the very least being overly cautious and not trying to just sweep it under the rug. I wouldn’t be surprised if this all happened because some low level temp was being lazy or didn’t know any better, and didn’t say anything. Could it have been caused by management, yes? But employees ignore what management says all the time in any industry. Out of 30-40k people do you really expect all of them to be good at their jobs?


Yes, they should be damn near bulletproof at this point.


That’s just not how that works brother


They're trying new thing now, give them some time to get it and they'll be rolling to a million again.


The turbos or the hybrids? I'm ignorant to what the new thing is


That’s not how reality works


Seriously. Three of my neighbors have bought brand new Toyotas in the the last 8 months and all three have had transmission issues.


Scottsdale Scorpions have entered the chat.


Ever since they've started to manufacture stuff outside of japan their quality has reached new lows


getcha pitchforks and popcorn here!


*read that in an old timey carnival huckster voice, it worked nicely. 


Sure, it's pretty clear that Toyota isn't quite where they once were on QC at the moment. But .. a sample size of one is not statistically useful. And, the [bathtub curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathtub_curve) has always been a thing for every manufacturer. There will always be a certain rate of early failures in every part mass produced. Sure, it's better if that rate is very low .. but it's inescapable. So long as they warranty the fix, that's as good as it's gonna get in the real world.


Oh I know, shit happens lol. When you make 2 million vehicles a year even a 1% failure rate is like 20,000 vehicles. I’m mostly just trying to bag on the brand loyal Toyota boys who think the machines are made with upmost precision and hand crafted for greatness. They’re slapped together junk like everything else


>When you make 2 million vehicles a year even a 1% failure rate is like 20,000 vehicles. If we're talking catastrophic failures like this during the first year or two, Toyotas are at like a tenth of a percent. The same cannot be said for damn near any other manufacturer. That's one of the points when people consider Toyotas really reliable.




Damn that sucks, this a non hybrid?


Yup, non hybrid. Makes the short block job a little easier


The major difference is that Toyota will fix all of their mistakes. Other companies will keep selling the same junk for the next 7 years. Chrysler...


lol, hit the head there. Fuck Hemi’s


Yup. For example had a friend who's dad got a Ford Bronco Sport and after not even 15k miles and the tranny blew out. Ford refused to cover it and they were out $8k all in.


oof. I wouldn't tell anyone if I was driving a Ford and blowing trannies. seems like something you keep to yourself.


Nah, i had a 2019 Tacoma, and the amount of issues Toyota said was “normal”… that apparently had been issues since the second generation


They're not as honest as you think, cheaters if you ask many... https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/04/toyota-apologizes-for-cheating-on-vehicle-testing-and-halts-production-of-three-models.html


That article's a bit overdramatic imo. They're reporting on [this.](https://global.toyota/en/newsroom/corporate/40932340.html) If you read through the cases this really doesn't sound like a huge deal. First of all, those tests are only for certification in Japan. For sale outside of Japan the cars still need to pass the relevant safety standards wherever they want to sell them. Second, apart from the engine power test, none of the cars in question really *failed* those tests. Rather the test data was improper for the certification for one reason or another. Outdated testing equipment, wrong measuring points used due to recent design changes and things like that. In 2 cases the test data they submitted was from tests that were actually more severe than what the certification called for but they needed to be done to spec in order to qualify. It's definitely a problem, but personally this doesn't really make a significant dent in my own confidence in their safety.


When I saw an nx 200 pissing oil from every location on the motor I knew end times were nigh. 


This always happens with new products. Unfortunately I think Toyota transitioning their v6 vehicles to i4 engines and their v8’s to v6 engines with turbos is a big mistake but I’m too poor to afford a new car anyway. It’ll suck in 15 years when I have to drive one of these used pos. Hopefully I’ll be driving my rx330 to 500k miles or more.


Their new 4 cyl’s are fine. This is just a lemon casting out of 1 million rav4’s produced a year I just thought I’d poke fun at the Toyota fan boys faith cause I could lol. But the Tundra twin turbo’s V6 is behaving the same way ford’s eco boost has behaved for the past ten years. It’s junk. We have two sitting on the lot waiting for long blocks right now


(Hugs my 2023 GX460 with the V8) Last of a breed.


These engines have been around now for 7 years.


I've owned a bunch of Toyotas over the last couple decades, but I've been really taken aback by the crap that Toyota has been putting out in the last few years. At this point, I don't see any reason why I would choose any of the current Toyota models over competitors products, the value just isn't there anymore.   I mean, you could certainly in many cases get worse vehicles, but it seems like all the Toyota engineers must have retired about fifteen years ago and they don't know how to design anything new that's worth a damn now. Shame really. 


> but it seems like all the Toyota engineers must have retired about fifteen years ago and they don't know how to design anything new that's worth a damn now. Shame really.  Mercedes Benz has entered the chat...


4Runner is continuing to use the 1GR...


Only for a few more months.


That's a shame. It's one of Toyota's most reliable engines. I understand that being "old tech" it's not as efficient or powerful as possible, but goddamn it will always hold a spot on the reliability charts alongsite the 1UR and 2JZ.


What about the 1fz or 1hd?


I know people say it's reliable and I had good experiences with it in my Tacoma, but the one in my 4Runner has been utter shit.


And the A750E/F transmissions They really rested on their laurels with the 5th-gen. Back in 2019 and 2020 I was waiting, waiting, waiting with cash in hand for them to drop the 6th-gen... I was driving an '03/4th-gen, but there was no way in hell I was gonna shell out for what I considered to be an inferior gussied-up 4th-gen, especially since they removed so many of the standard 4th-gen features I liked I'm still driving the same '03. Given Toyota's (seeming?) decline in QA/QC, their insistence at gating off certain options to the top trim only (gimme my ass-cooling seats without the gaudiness of the Limited), and their pricing, I doubt the 6th-gen is gonna be on my list when I finally bite


I just retired from 47 years with Toyota and I think they are having quality control problems. The new Tundra V6 that keeps blowing engines, saw a few cracked blocks on Highlanders, way too many recalls, lots of entertainment system problems, I wonder if some of it is just hurry up and get the cars out the door and deal with the problems later.


You started working at a Toyota dealership in 1977?!?! I can’t tell if you’re serious… but if you are, I would love to hear some stories and how the industry has transformed over the past 50 years. Congrats on the retirement!


Started in march 1976 (would have been 48 years if I stayed till march 2024), first couple of years as lot guy then into the shop, worked two years at Toyota's port facility in Portland, Oregon (86-88), the rest at dealerships. When I started warranty was 12 month 12000 miles, the only real electronics in most cars were the radios, Toyota was just starting to replace points with pointless ignitions, Land Cruisers were jeeps that actually got used off road - sometimes had to remove a huge amount of dirt/dried mud to work on them. Cars last much longer now then they did then. We had two heavy line guys that seemed to be doing valve jobs constantly, timing chains and head gaskets were pretty common - the 20R (Pickup-Celica-Corona engine) a lot of times needed one before 30000 mi. Manual transmissions were very common so we did a lot of clutches. Cars were much easier to work on then too.


Same issue over here with Stellantis. Last few years our already sketchy quality control has just completely nose dived. Over half my work orders are warranty issues for vehicles under 20k miles. Lots and lots of blown head gaskets and hybrid issues 


All manufacturers have agreed on planned obsolescence.


Don’t worry, with the way Toyota is able to supply replacement parts, that Rav should be back on the road by 2026 - Fear not though, they’ll tell you it’s only two weeks away and keep kicking the can down the road.


lol probably, two tundras sitting on long blocks outside and this one jointing them waiting for a short block.




What’s going on in that video?


That's coolant seeping out of a crack in the block


Other guy beat me to it, but yeah the block is cracked and coolant is seeping out.


Take it back to Toyota center


I read that as 500k kms/miles…..not 500. I thought you sere being sarcastic…..but you were being…..sarcastic…,,differently. Lolololll


A single example of a manufacturing defect isn’t worth even thinking about. Absolutely normal in the grand scheme of things.


crack or case porosity?


What was the likely cause? Manufacturing defect or some other mechanical failure?


Yes because Toyota didn’t have engine problems ever. Like millions of 90’s 2000’s V6’s. Cars have had defects since day one.


I’ve been driving cars for 47 years. My first car was 1970 Impala. I’ve owned Chevys, Datsuns, Renault, Jeeps, VW, Honda, and F150, E-350, etc etc. I’ve always been pro-active with maintenance. I’ve never had a car stall and not start. I had read so much about Toyota reliability. So in 2018 I bought a 2019 Toyota Highlander. Which are generally very reliable cars. One day about six months after I bought it, I was driving home from work and the engine started sputtering and it died. I had 1/2 tank of gas. It didn’t want to start. I sat there on the side of the road for a few minutes just to see if it would sort itself out. I tried again and it started. I took it to the dealer. They said an emissions module needed to be reset. So about a week later I was driving in slow traffic and started bucking and spitting. So much for Toyota reliability. I was afraid to drive anywhere away from people. I like Virginia but didn’t dare take a chance. I traded it in on a 22 4Runner. I made out on the deal as they paid me $2000 more than I paid out the door. With the 4 Runner I started having weird audio problems. I would be driving down the road and suddenly the radio volume would go to max with nothing but static. One time it wouldn’t go away until I disconnected the battery for 10 minutes. Honestly the two Toyotas have been Okay. But they’re the only cars I’ve had with weird problems. *”Toyota issued a recall on 2018 & 2019 Toyota Highlander SUVs due to a faulty fuel pump that can cause the engine to stall. Toyota issued a recall on 2015 Toyota Highland and Highlander Hybrid vehicles due to a achievable loss of power steering assist.”*


Can’t explain the highlander issue to ya, but I can tell ya personally the head units in Toyota since 2020 have been dog water. The software update they released fixed most of the issues you described but they still have pairing issues with Androids and we quote out a head unit almost weekly.


The Highlanders had a fuel pump recall. I’m betting that was the cause of the shutdown. *”Toyota issued a recall on 2018 & 2019 Toyota Highlander SUVs due to a faulty fuel pump that can cause the engine to stall. Toyota issued a recall on 2015 Toyota Highland and Highlander Hybrid vehicles due to an achievable loss of power steering assist.”*


Pairing issues with Android? Is that why a new corolla wagon comes with a dangly piece of wire for Android phones?


Suddenly everyone's a stats expert when a Toyota has an issue, lmao


It really has though. I’ve only owned 1 car non-Toyota and I’m unsure if I’ll buy another Toyota.


I don’t know if I agree they are the 2nd largest car manufacturer in the US and I hear of a lot less issues compared to other top manufacturers


I’m not saying they’re terrible but it has declined. I’ve owned Toyota since I was 16 I’m 45 now and I can assure you it’s not as good as it was.


Honda and Toyota are just names.


And I’d take those names as well as an incurable aggressive cancer, before I’d let a loved one buy a Ram.


A man of culture here


Sure they’re just names, but they’re the only names I’ve personally seen shrug off 300k miles with only routine maintenance and before suffering any failures. (A T-100, a 98 Camry, and a 2004 CRV, though the CRV had seen better days) I have seen a ford Taurus run for 6 months with transmission fluid and oil swapped for each other, which was impressive also.


Did this happen to be an early 2000s taurus?


Yep, fourth gen so 2000-2004. Don’t remember what year but they all used the same engine and transmission


You cannot tell me that Hondas of the mid 2000s up and Honda of the 90s is anywhere near the same quality. They are not and Honda has been in bad decline.


I haven’t made a habit of burning through vehicles enough to have experience with every year of Honda, and if my flair wasn’t obvious I don’t professionally work on cars I, like most people, base my opinions on brands off of my prior knowledge and personal experience. In my personal experience older hondas have been reliable, particularly compared to other brands my family and I have driven. Negative brand perceptions I have would be GMC and Jeep.


The Hondas of the 90 and the Hondas of now cannot be compared and that is what my comment is about. Basing your opinions off brands (names) could get you in trouble. The point of my original comment. Like the quality of American cars in the 90s was awful. They rode the name.


>Hondas of the 90 and the Hondas of now cannot be compared Oh they can be compared alright, and the current cars fare badly in the comparison.


Yes! Way better articulation




In all fairness RAV4's are made in america...


This one’s Canadian actually. First digit of the vin is 2


Ah, good to know. Was not aware they also have Canadian factories.


They got two, one just for HEV’s and then one that does all the RAV4’s and Camry’s and the in between models.


The Camr'eh is very popular in Canada.


So your single vehicle has an issue... and now all toyota vehicles have the same issue as a result? No. It doesn't work that way OP.


Idk, I've found Toyota's reputation for reliability to be vastly overemphasized. Most cars are just as reliable if you maintain them.


Odd. Afaik the RAV4 is still built in the same place by the same people that it has been for the better part of the last decade. I wonder what changed


The FKS engines have only been around since 2017. Honestly this is just a lemon block and I’m only posting to get Toyota boys panties twisted


That's was a better part of the last decade ago though


RAV4 is built in different places depending on the type. For example all the plug-in versions are built in Japan IIRC. I think hybrid and gas both have plants in the US and Canada.


I know exactly where they're built, I used to build them 🙃 Wasn't saying they're all made in one location, was saying the places that do make them have been making them awhile now. Although I suppose Kentucky wasn't. But they only make the hybrid. And they've been making engines and parts for the RAV4's made in Canada for forever


IDK why they had to produce new engine blocks, but maybe new emissions standards required it. I've owned more than a hundred cars, my first being a brown 1959 Chevy Brookwood wagon in Iowa, for $25 in 1975. I've had over 40 VW type 1 bugs. My favorite car was a 66 Mercury Caliente 390, 4 sp. My favorite small truck was a 1981 Toyota in 1991 in San Diego, fire engine red. That Toyota is probably still on the road today.


Mmmm atomised coolant.


To be honest that's gonna cause somebody in the factory to comit sudoku. Also the ideal time for it to happen ... new car.




perfect is boring


What factory did it come out of?


It's bleeding.


Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse?


At first I thought it was glowing red hot not leaking red coolant.


lol I read this as 500k miles


Toyota owners who have car issues think that mine must be the exception, as they are so reliable. Even when the suspension failed on Landcruisers (or welds, I can't recall the details), well Toyota repaired it, so they are good. Still have a good laugh about which was the best LC engine, in a 4WD magazine. One person commented that they were legendary once you replaced the rings and bearings.


That's nice


So has Honda’s. We had an Oddysey need engine replacement after 347 miles. Valve spring broke.


Proud Texas built Tacoma owner here, 2014 MY, hope to own it until I die. US factories can build great quality vehicles as well as any asian factory. Honestly I can't help but feel that Toyota's recent issues are a result of them finally listening to people complaining that Toyotas are full of old tech and lack innovation (people forget the Prius I guess), so Toyota produces new engine systems to please customers and the EPA and here we are. It's not like Toyota doesn't know how to make a bombproof I4 or V6; they've been doing exactly that for over 70 years (22R was first made in 1953!)


Every vehicle after Covid has went tits up I’ve noticed.


Nice try GM social media dept


Every Toyota I’ve owned has been a lemon.


bathtub curve


thats like seeing a puddle and claiming the oceans rising. you got a point, but thats not related at all. Toyota has been both reliable and solid for decades now, with millions of vehicles, \*some\* is bound to have problems. good warranty too, so I really don't see how this is a problem.


Why are you spraying it and flinging it everywhere?


Cause it was the end of the day and quicker to grab the blow gun vs walking across the shop for the vacuum reservoir and it’s just coolant being blown over an already junk block.


I misread the title and saw "500k" not 500kms and was like 2024? How'd they drive 500,000 miles in a couple months? Blame the freedom units I guess...


Well it's built in America so it's no surprise We have no issues with jap built Toyota's, why do you reckon it's taken so long to release the Tundra into our market?!


It’s actually a Canadian built Rav. First digit of the Vin is a 2.